2011.07.17 Casey Released From Jail

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FCA is more of a chameleon than a total party girl. Remember when she was with JG she did family devotions and prayed with the family. When she started hanging out with Tone she partied and fit in with them. When sitting at the defense table she became a paralegal. While in her cell she was considered to be a very good inmate.

I expect that she will blend in with whatever her new environment is and we will only hear about her if it is a bad environment or if she is expected to get an education or a job she is not interested in and she will look for something more interesting.

I understand that to an extent from a girl in her teens/20's. You're trying out boyfriends, lifestyles, etc. to see what fits. Of course, we don't kill our children when we find a lifestyle that seems to fit...
But MediaTakeOut.com EXCLUSIVELY does. According to one of out ROCK SOLID SNITCHES, Casey is now in COLUMBUS, OHIO. And this is not rumor - this is 100% FACT!!
She left Florida as soon as she was released from prison. Casey boarded a private airplane at 1:04 A.M. and arrived at Columbus Ohio at 2:51 A.M. MediaTakeOut.com's snitch tells us that her attorneys put her on a Lear Jet because she could not take a commercial flight due to death threats

I really do not think she is a real threat to the average person, I would not fear for my life, but she is a scammer, and a user!! She will lie cheat steel anything in order not to work, and really she will have a hard time finding any job, she might have to work the streets.

I think she is diabolical and is therefore a potential threat to ANYONE, young or old, that crosses her path. If she lived in my area I would take extreme caution to avoid her.

But MediaTakeOut.com EXCLUSIVELY does. According to one of out ROCK SOLID SNITCHES, Casey is now in COLUMBUS, OHIO. And this is not rumor - this is 100% FACT!!
She left Florida as soon as she was released from prison. Casey boarded a private airplane at 1:04 A.M. and arrived at Columbus Ohio at 2:51 A.M. MediaTakeOut.com's snitch tells us that her attorneys put her on a Lear Jet because she could not take a commercial flight due to death threats

Are you absolutely sure? Because the link you provided says she may not be in Ohio....
I just saw Lippman saying that Baez called him yesterday---and he wanted the Anthony's to be decoys for them after her release. Lippman said they refused.

How much of the above is true? O, I bet Baez did call and ask that. We did not see them being decoys. But did Lippman just say that to make us believe they are not with FCA now?

I dont believe any of it...show me the text.. JB ..Lippman ..the Ants..none are believable ..they all lie.

As granpa always said..You lay down with dogs you will getup with fleas. These folks are covered in fleas.
The only place I am seeing this coverage is here at Websleuths, cannot bring myself to watch the TV coverage anymore. I suppose it still counts as coverage if it's posted here, but I am not on 24/7 and certainly not saturated in talking heads. I will remain angry for a long, long time, 4 days ain't gonna cut it.

Ahhh, I didn't want to agree, but ... well ... I agree.

I don't have television service in my home, but I certainly don't stop being upset.

That said, I am not someone so crazed by hate that I would put my own self in jail by committing a crime over this. That would, in no way, be justice for Caylee.
I couldn't agree with you more. Thanks for the post.

I think people who go out of their way to make her chance at a life impossible ... well, it says a lot about them as individuals. It tells me that they drastically want her to fail to satisfy their anger. They want vengeance on her, not justice.

I think she should be left alone (within her personal life at least--not the pending lawsuits of which some have merit) to have the chance to become a productive member of society. I am willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. Her life is now in her hands, and frankly, people should leave her alone (i.e. quit stalking her, taking out ads about her, printing t-shirts calling her a murderer, etc.). JMOO.

What if your name was Caylee Anthony how would you feel? Just thinking.
I really understand where you are coming from and I was just saying that there is a lot more evil in this world then a person acquitted of being a murderer. We should all be aware of the dark that lurks.

I think we must fight the evil when and where we believe it has happened. We cant say one issue isn't important and another issue is. It is left up to the individual person what issues they wont to protest and be voiceful about. That is just the American way.

We do this when it comes to our government and now we are doing it when it comes to our judicial system. Both are important imo.

We cant dismiss things like this just because we have other problems in our country.

Frankly, I hope that something good comes from this injustice. I hope it has made potential jurors astutely aware they MUST follow the law, instructions and uphold their oaths. I hope because this case has been exposed nationally so much that they will learn more about being a juror before a mistake is made that cant be rectified.

I hope now they know they cant use openings and closings as evidence. That CE evidence IS evidence and carries great weight. That they cant by law overburden the state. That speculation cant be used to decide their verdict. That is what I hope for.... that somewhere all over this nation potential jurors are reading the errors made by this jury and will fully uphold their oaths when they are called for jury duty.

Why would she be in a predominately black neighborhood? Doesn't make sense.
Here's my fantasy thought for today.

Leonard Padilla and his posse hunt down FCA, find her, trick her into taking numerous photos... then LP sells them to ABC, NBC, etc. for millions... and then he donates ALL the money to Missing and Abused charitable organizations! Wouldn't that burn Baez and FCA? lol :)

Aaw well, a girl can dream can't she?

Your thought reminds me of an episode of Leverage!!!

Wouldn't it be great?

Someone does need to punk the Anthony gravy train!!!
Are you absolutely sure? Because the link you provided says she may not be in Ohio....

Check the comments section under the TMZ article. And then check the second link I posted.
I think that folks with the FCA personality disorder have live around all of us at one time. I would have never thought of the evil that they possess. This case has been eye opening to myself and many many others..I do believe there will be good coming from this. Maybe granmas that take custody of little ones while their daughters or sons go live a life of partying. I refuse to think that Precious Caylees death will be in vain.

It was in vain, although we'd prefer to believe otherwise

' They possess evil ' -- ' Evil possesses them' re: those with KC syndrome

When evil isn't possessing them, they're like empty vessels, doodling away on Facebook - plagiarising and passing things off as their own - lying and self-aggrandisement

They're not 'normal'. KC is not normal. People object to suggestions KC suffers from mental problems. Ok -- let's call it 'spiritual problems', 'soul problems', 'soul emptiness'

We're allowing someone who is not fully human, to obsess us

She should be studied, as should all the others who've filled the news. Only when we understand why they are as they are, will we be able to determine what's to be done about and with them

I'm as guilty as anyone else. Yes, they trouble and enrage us because they're able to get away with all the things we refuse to allow ourselves to do. They're a law unto themselves and they laugh at our rules and laws and values. But at the same time, we vote a lot of these creatures into power, don't we ?

Anyway, I'm going to get some sleep ...
MediaTakeOut.com is reporting she is most certainly in Ohio. I am not familiar with that source so who knows if it is true?

I do recall a statement by someone from her defense team that she would be staying with a distant relative out of state. But that could have been disinformation or misinformation.
That doesn't sound credible to me. They say they are an urban website and surprise they report she is in an urban environment. Wouldn't she stand out more in a black neighborhood?
I dont think the small planes have to file a flight plan!

That is correct, but most pilots are very safety conscience and like the odds on their side unless .... you are running drugs or transporting FCA.
That doesn't sound credible to me. They say they are an urban website and surprise they report she is in an urban environment. Wouldn't she stand out more in a black neighborhood?

I guess it's a good way to draw recognition to your site.
No, they're not. This is how rumors spread.

It says, "Casey Anthony may be in Columbus, OH this AM, and if she is ... she can get police protection, but it's going to cost her."

Why in the world would she go to Columbus? This rumor started because one of the planes at Executive airport was registered to a plane rental company in Columbus. Even if FCA was on that plane, doesn't mean she went to Columbus on it.

Personally I think she is still in Orlando...probably watching everyone looking for her and laughing her head off.
In my opinion, Casey Anthony has served her time for the crimes for which she was convicted. Like anyone else who has done that, she has earned and deserves a second chance and a fresh start at life. I don't know how she's going to manage that, given the level of hatred for her and the venom being spewed about her, but I hope she figures out a way.

Watching her release unfold over this weekend has been very telling. Reading the truly awful things that people are saying about her all over the internet showed the down side of human nature, but there was an amusing element to it, too. At one point she was apparently in at least 6 different states and Puerto Rico at the same time. :lol:

You are upset at human nature based on people saying negative things online about a convicted liar and thief, but you aren't disgusted or upset about someone dumping her daughter in the woods and leaving her there to decay (assuming if you think she is innocent, this is the least she did), and lying to police and taking valuable resources away from kids and victims who really needed it? Casey's disgusting behavior deserves a second chance and sympathy, but not the same disgust you feel at people voicing their opinions (however negative they may be) online?
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