2011.07.17 Casey Released From Jail

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what was it with him and the daisy chain? i had never heard that expression.
and what's up with that toothpick/

I don't know what the toothpick is about. In my family, we were taught that it's vulgar to pick your teeth in public. My mom would have ripped me a new one if I went on TV with a toothpick hanging out of my mouth. She also would not tolerate a man wearing a hat indoors, it's disrespectful. Don't ask me why.
ITA, like this lovely specimen:

Tim Allen, 24, stood there with a large sign reading, "Casey Will You Marry Me." He held a similar sign outside the courthouse when she was sentenced. He says he is serious about wanting to hook up with Anthony. "Hopefully, she will just be able to see my sign," Allen said. "Find me on Facebook. She can find out how to contact me." Allen says he works at an Orlando pizzeria. Asked why he has an interest in Casey, Allen said, "She's beautiful. She has very unique features. She is pretty. She has a nice body. That's what young guys like and I'm a young guy" Such attributes, Allen explained, are the types of things a young man like himself is looking for in a woman. "She deserves a new family, one that's not dysfunctional and I can give her a better family," he said.

Better look him up quick FCA, before someone else snaps him up LOL.

Is he the guy with the missing teeth?
that's my take as well. They released her just after midnight; that is also not normal outprocessing time. There was no secret back door, just, "it's the 17th, bye".

i think it might be normal outprocessing time in florida. several years ago my bf's son got out of county jail in florida and he was released just after midnight on his release date. jmo.
ITA, like this lovely specimen:

Tim Allen, 24, stood there with a large sign reading, "Casey Will You Marry Me." He held a similar sign outside the courthouse when she was sentenced. He says he is serious about wanting to hook up with Anthony. "Hopefully, she will just be able to see my sign," Allen said. "Find me on Facebook. She can find out how to contact me." Allen says he works at an Orlando pizzeria. Asked why he has an interest in Casey, Allen said, "She's beautiful. She has very unique features. She is pretty. She has a nice body. That's what young guys like and I'm a young guy" Such attributes, Allen explained, are the types of things a young man like himself is looking for in a woman. "She deserves a new family, one that's not dysfunctional and I can give her a better family," he said.

Better look him up quick FCA, before someone else snaps him up LOL.


Bottom row - center - birds of a feather ...
ITA, I remember hearing about Homolka, I cannot believe she only got 12 years in jail.. I didn't know she moved to the Caribbean though, thought she was still in Canada?

Well, the Crown's case against Bernardo depended on Homolka's evidence, so they made a plea bargain.
Is he the guy with the missing teeth?
No. He was the pizza man interviewed by Jim Lichtenstein last night if you were watching his ustream feed. I think he was also standing outside of the courthouse with a sign on the day of her sentencing.
Is KC on probation for lying to police or is she just done with time served? If she is on probation she couldn't leave Orange County without special permission which would be in the records.
In short, Casey would have to become Mother Teresa on the slum streets of Calcutta in order to be redeemed in my eyes.

But really, I don't care. She's an adult who screwed over thousands of people. I think of all the people who took time away from THEIR families for her.

I don't care about Cindy-she threw Caylee's soul away when she lied for Casey.

Caylee is the one we should honor-however we choose to. I'm going to honor her by not giving Jose, Cheny, Dorothy, Cindy, George and Casey any more of my time or money. Whatever they do, use, show up on, endorse, care about, defend-I won't spend my money or time on.
Is KC on probation for lying to police or is she just done with time served? If she is on probation she couldn't leave Orange County without special permission which would be in the records.
No probation.
So you would hire her as a babysitter? You would recommend her as a baby sitter to your family and friends ? You would have her live in your home?

How are these questions even relevant?

I don't know her except for TV so I highly doubt I would hire her as a baby sitter.

And, given the circumstances, I don't expect anyone actually would.

It doesn't mean they (or I) can't hire her for something else.
Yeah, living in a home where they were in denial she was pregnant, and believed her paychecks went to direct deposit. They allowed the lies and Casey will probably thrive getting away from her toxic family. Had she been given away at birth and given to a family who wasn't so messed up she probably could have been anything she wanted.

If this had been Caylee she would still be alive today!
I’ll be honest, I tried sympathy and empathy for KC.

I live in Florida and I followed this case pretty closely. Not as closely as some on here, but I read the police documents and watched the trial when I could. I believed that the jury would return a guilty verdict on murder charges, condemning KC to live the rest of her days in prison, or maybe even send her to her death.

Then, not guilty, even of manslaughter. Like a slap in the face.

Confronted with the reality that KC would soon be leaving jail, I examined my feelings. I didn’t want to simply join a “lynch mob” or further the irrational hatred of a person. So I tried to sympathize with her, to see how that felt. I really did. At some point, she too was a little girl like Caylee. She played with her friends and had crushes on boys and dreamed of a life of her own. She definitely made her parents smile when she was little, brought joy to her grandparents, was liked by people, and so on. There are no indications her childhood was, say, Dahmer-esque.

I tried. But sympathy was nowhere to be seen. I thought of all those searchers, wasting their time. I thought of all those people sending money or even just prayers. And KC sitting there, knowing her daughter was dead the whole time. Although those lies are cruel, they are not pure evil, they are not worthy of declaring someone unforgiveable. (That threshold is an individual decision, of course). No, a pile of lies is not murder. A pile of lies is demolished by a single utterance of truth, and the damage of those lies undone if the liar embraces the truth, permanently.

So I wasn’t ready to write her off as truly irredeemable. Forever is a long time, and some power far greater than I decided to give her a life outside of prison. I read her jailhouse letters. I looked for a flicker of something with some tiny little inkling of humanity, of truth, of love. Was the innocent little girl, the girl that KC surely once was, still alive? Could the adult KC reconnect with her?

Snipped for length.

I think if Casey Anthony had shown even the slightest amount of sympathy for Caylee at some point, it might have made a difference. I can't imagine the death of a toddler having no impact on a mother or even a human being.

The fact that she doesn't seem to care is what has made her evil to many.
Ha ahahahaa..his phone does not work.

Baez is such a LIAR. Geraldo goes on Judge J's show to tease his own show and says the following:
" Casey did not even hear anything the crowd was yelling at her." Judge J asks 'how could that be? the crowd was really loud." and geraldo says this:

" I just talked to Jose on the phone and that is what he told me. "

Fast forward to the opening of GR's show.:

"Mr Baez, as you and your client were leaving the jail, did she hear what the crowd was yelling at her? "

" I am sorry Geraldo, but that is client/attorney privileged, so I cannot say anything about what she heard or didn't."

So Baez tells GR this juicy morsel that GR can open his show with, then DENIES ever saying it when asked. LOL

OH AND GR knows EXACTLY where Baez and his girl are hiding out. When Baez's bat cell was not working, what did GR say? " Walk over by the window, Jose, so we can hear you."

Can barely understand anything Baez is trying to say. he is hemming and hawing and throwing out the consitution and she was acquitted and she has the same rights as everyone else. [ Does acquitted = innocent?]

He sounds really garbled, but he denied there were any million dollar deals negotiated.
he sounded annoyed actually about the subject. Said something about al taylor but I cannot make it out. Something about we have not talked but we might ...

Now GR is trying to do rehab on Casey too. He is doing a segment on 'Second Chances'
and how some people resurrect themselves. Michael Vick, Tim Comedian guy,what a joke.
....having a hard time keeping up.
Thanks to everyone for their vigilance. :)
I take it no one has figured out where she is yet?

Legals, am I right in assuming she can't leave the country due to pending lawsuits?
Sorry if this has already been asked.
Ha ahahahaa..his phone does not work.

Baez is such a LIAR. Geraldo goes on Judge J's show to tease his own show and says the following:
" Casey did not even hear anything the crowd was yelling at her." Judge J asks 'how could that be? the crowd was really loud." and geraldo says this:

" I just talked to Jose on the phone and that is what he told me. "

Fast forward to the opening of GR's show.:

"Mr Baez, as you and your client were leaving the jail, did she hear what the crowd was yelling at her? "

" I am sorry Geraldo, but that is client/attorney privileged, so I cannot say anything about what she heard or didn't."

So Baez tells GR this juicy morsel that GR can open his show with, then DENIES ever saying it when asked. LOL

GR knows EXACTLY where Baez and his girl are hiding out. When Baez's bat cell was not working, what did GR say? " Walk over by the window, Jose, so we can hear you."

Can barely understand anything Baez is trying to say. he is hemming and hawing and throwing out the consitution and she was acquitted and she has the same rights as everyone else. [ Does acquitted = innocent?]

He sounds really garbled, but he denied there were any million dollar deals negotiated.
he sounded annoyed actually about the subject. Said something about al taylor but I cannot make it out. Something about we have not talked but we might ...

Now GR is trying to do rehab on Casey too. He is doing a segment on 'Second Chances'
and how some people resurrect themselves. Michael Vick, Tim Comedian guy,what a joke.

bbm, not defending Geraldo or Baez, but ime, when you talk cell to cell, it can be more difficult than land line to cell, and I tell my sweetie to go near a window, jmo. IMO Geraldo knows where they are. No reason to disclose that imo

Acquitted does = innocent.

Under US law one is "innocent until proven guilty". Unfortunately KC way not proven guilty. :(
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