2011.07.17 Casey Released From Jail

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I think she steals when she needs money

I couldn't agree LESS
She stole because she felt like it
She didn't steal because she had no food or her power was getting shut off .
She stole to go buy clothes, sunglasses and beer .
She didn;t make car payments or pay rent or grocery shop . All her needs were taken care of by mommy and daddy . Heck she didn't even buy diapers for her own little girl
She bought - Clothes , sunglasses and beer .
OMG I could never stop loving one of my children. Never. I would want them to accept personal responsibility, be punished, whatever, but I would never stop loving them. It might be necessary to tell them that I wanted to break all ties (although I can't imagine) but I would always love them.

Yep, we do not have a toggle switch for turning love on and off. Also your heart would not be broken if you just could turn the love off.:D
Oh wait my bad
Don't forget the tattoos !
She stole because she could get away with it..not because she needed anything .
First of all, she didn't even attempt, in three years, to obtain her GED. You have to have some sort of diploma completing High School before you can even think of going into a higher level of education. The fact that she sat on her butt for three years and didn't use the resources available to every inmate (for free) should already tell you about the kind of drive one Miss Casey Anthony has to this day. She does not feel she needs to do anything to get what she wants.

Casey has no concept of money... at all! She has never had to pay rent, pay utilities, pay car notes, pay cell phone bills, pay insurance, pay taxes (yeah, they're coming for that money, Casey), etc... She has no clue at all. She has no survival skills other than to steal and manipulate to get what she wants. She will be absolutely broke in a year or two with no where to turn.

She will not be able to turn to her parents for financial support because they will also be broke. They also have no concept of money and live outside their means.

Jose and Cheney will turn their backs on Casey soon. They have their own lives to live and that doesn't include Casey Anthony in the long run. They will leave Casey once the money dries up.

They can not live off Caylee forever. None of them has any kind of staying power. They are not Beth Holloway or Mark Klass. They are not victims. They have no real cause. They are neither sympathetic or empathetic characters. No one feels sorry for them and no one can relate to them. The media, television, etc... business will eat them alive and spit them back out. That is how it works.

It's just a matter of time. Unfortunately, Casey will kill again, this I am pretty sure of. She has no control over how evil she really is and she can not hide from who she is and what she is. Someone is going to do her wrong and she is going to go after them with a vengeance. I just hope it is not another baby.

Yep, I'm in Beth Holloway's community. We had friends whose child went on that trip to Aruba. A week before the trip, they told us their concerns...but it was about letting the little birds leaving the nest. I understand, I left the nest a month after I turned 18 (I ran from the dysfunctional nest).
I love how we are crying free speech right now and so many are so upset over our Constitutional right to a fair trial and what happened with Casey and they want new laws so jurors cant make money and all the other stuff that has come with the verdict!

I think there is a difference between free speech and a jury that I feel did not do their jobs correctly.
First of a

It's just a matter of time. Unfortunately, Casey will kill again, this I am pretty sure of. She has no control over how evil she really is and she can not hide from who she is and what she is. Someone is going to do her wrong and she is going to go after them with a vengeance. I just hope it is not another baby.

Snipped for space

I never believed FCA wanted another baby - she didn't want the beautiful baby she had. :(

That was a bunch of hogwash to convince her jail buddy that she really missed that little girl, which she didn't.

Interesting that GR didn't get JB's first IB. BW did. Maybe the money he makes on this case will help him get his home out of foreclosure. Wonder how much he made for the BW IV.
Interesting that GR didn't get JB's first IB. BW did. Maybe the money he makes on this case will help him get his home out of foreclosure. Wonder how much he made for the BW IV.

The foreclosure article was from last year. And really, you can lease a new BMW for 520 a month.
bobkealing bob kealing
Geraldo talking with #Josebaez tonight. #CaseyAnthony.
4 minutes ago Favorite

I know lots of people do not like either man, but I will be interested to hear what JB has to sell..er say tonight.

I will watch it and mute when they are talking and just get the names of the advertisers and then let them know about supporting these two people.
He graduated in 2009. He changed the graduation date on twitter after I called him out on it.

So he graduated HS in 09, and went straight into the service. So we can safely assume that he does not have 5 million bucks to back up that check for 'Banthony.'
Baez with GR tonight? Oh Gad...the other story! Good Grief. I imagine this is all about how KKC should now be treated. Gag me with a spoon. People were getting over it and now he has to come on and drilll up some notierity...will he tell us how she is and how much she thanks those for their kind thoughts and how she knows their are good people out there. IOW, it will be a KKC interview w/o the witch herself.

I bet KC is with them too.
Really ? Why was she shaking her head "no" in court when GA was denying the allegations under oath ? And how could Baez throw that out in front of the jury if it didn't come from FCA ?

Because JB failed to prove the allegations it appears now it was not the truth. If you can believe MLittman. jmo
bobkealing bob kealing

Geraldo talking with #Josebaez tonight. #CaseyAnthony

OF course! Spliting the Media Blood Money on Baby Caylee! OMG can you guys believe posters on this board knew this was going happen? Good job guys! Geraldo abc an JB duped CA into a life of infamy and the rest of the Anthonys jumped on the Bus.

This parade of injustice and gluttony makes me ill.
The foreclosure article was from last year. And really, you can lease a new BMW for 520 a month.
Normally there is public record of a court paper dismissing the lis pendens which initiates the foreclosure process. There is no dismissal to be found ...
I think watching Geraldo and JB would be boring. Geraldo will spend most of the time telling JB how amazing he is and JB will agree. Geraldo will go into his usual schpil about what a nice person KC is and how the only thing the public knows is what the unethical reporters have told them.

No thanks, I'll pass. What ever happened to "fair and BALANCED?"
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