2011.07.19 HLN & FOX News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

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Agree LambChop, which is why I think Baez already has this carefully orchestrated. There is no way he is willing to let a few clever pazzorotti take those big bucks away from him....just IMO of course.
On Dr. Drew or Joy or Showbiz Tonight last night - they had a few agents on talking about this possible quarter of a million for that FIRST SHOT of her. They talked about how big celebs will "set up" with a pap and then SPLIT the money. I'm thinking that might be going on here and they (FCA & JB) can't find one willing. Its tough to set-up a "candid" shot and you have to be sure the deal is in place. The photo belongs to the pap and he doesn't have to pay up. So, if she does find one willing to divy up the money, she can't be sure he will - so, at the last minute she could be changing plans so no one gets the shot. KWIM?

I think we'll have a pic and know where by Friday or so. She can't hide for long.
I appreciated the reporter going to the recovery site (also some of our posters here and the citizens, etc.), I think it was on NG where she showed and commented on how foul the conditions were in that place, even after a partial cleanup, where Caylee's body had been thrown out like trash. I also appreciate seeing people's love for Caylee expressed even amidst that horrible backdrop. IMO, it serves to show the contrast between evil and good.

Now, I hope that some investigative reporters, experienced trekkers through that kind of environment (also some medical backup, should someone get bit by a snake, or something) give us a tour through there and show where the other entry and exit points, paths, etc. are relative to the surrounding properties, before any covering up is done.
I only have two words regarding what Casey is doing or will do..

"Who Cares"
The only thing that is important is Justice for Caylee..that's when I will watch something..
Yes I'm tired of the "Where's The Casey" OBSESSION by HLN and others. I mean come on who cares. I'm sure she'll be back in the news sooner then later and probably for something not good. Like O.J. her time WILL come.

I had a dream about OJ last night. The night before it was a dream about KC. :sick:
I also don't think the woman running to the plane with her ponytail swinging in he breeze would have been KC. If she were trying to hide the last thing we would see is that hair in a pony. Now if you wanted someone to think she was getting on a plane that is on it's way to California I could see someone using a decoy and a long ponytail would be identifiable as KC. Does not sound as if they were trying to hide her very well if that was KC. jmo
I'm done with HLN for now, except for Vinnie P. I still enjoy watching him, but JVM has gone round the bend on this and Nancy was waaaaaaaaaay too much for me last night. I work 2nd shift so I DVR most of the shows and last night I FF through more than I watched.

I do have a question though...Is NG still in Orlando? What is the point of that, she isn't going anywhere there, doing any actual reporting, she is in front of blue background while someone else reports from the memorial site.
I'm just amazed that in this day and age no one has sold her out. Which makes me think she's at Baez' house or someone in that camp. A hotel would have had someone who wanted to make a dollar or two by now ratting her out.
I also don't think the woman running to the plane with her ponytail swinging in he breeze would have been KC. If she were trying to hide the last thing we would see is that hair in a pony. Now if you wanted someone to think she was getting on a plane that is on it's way to California I could see someone using a decoy and a long ponytail would be identifiable as KC. Does not sound as if they were trying to hide her very well if that was KC. jmo

Yeah, well, I just figured she would use her saunter to go anywhere; however, wasn't she a runner before Caylee was found dead?
In the past I've read about reality tv personalities and D-List celebrities alleged to have arranged for their friends/bodyguards to take pics of them for the purpose of selling them to outfits like Splash News, INF Daily, etc. and splitting the proceeds.
That's why I think she is simply holed up somewhere with JB .
She must be scared to a degree and JB is gonna make sure she's really scared so she doesn't go anywhere
I have a sense of Karma already at work.

The media, if they REALLY wanted to find her would do so in pretty short order. (sheesh I'll bet Murdoch is already checking her text messages).

Lets be honest, the papparazi would be falling over themselves to take and sell that pic of her on a sunlounger somewhere. It's just not happening. I'm asking myself why?

JB courted the media for the biggest part of 3 years, then BLAMED them for his every woe (and his clients). Then JB berated everyone who made money in this case whilst gleefully spending his own ill gotten gains.

Now he NEEDS the media (more precisely their $$$'s) and they are pretty much ignoring him.

Yes the cable channels are milking the last dregs out of the story, but I'm not buying the 'afraid of backlash' theory.

ABC/Disney have not been hurt by paying 200k to JB and FCA for photos (interviews).

The media had no problem treating jurors to Disney Vacays.

No problem allowing the fringe of the DT to spout their 'be nice' PR message.

This may well be a huge middle finger to JB and FCA. I hope they enjoy.
That's why I think she is simply holed up somewhere with JB .
She must be scared to a degree and JB is gonna make sure she's really scared so she doesn't go anywhere

All 7 faxed and emailed threats in hand to shove in her face every time she wants to go out to eat, shop, party, dance...

But no bullet proof vest. :crazy:
I'm convinced that Casey is hiding in Geraldo's mustache.
Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? Hmm.. San Diego. That might be where Casey is hiding out ;)

This article from People's Magazine makes a lot of sense. If Casey was flown in a jet owned by Todd Macaluso to John Wayne Airport in Orange County, CA - Costa Mesa, it's about 40 - 45 miles down the coast to the city of Carlsbad, where Todd Macaluso lives. I'm sure he's got all sorts of resources locally and could find temporary private accommodations for Casey.

the statement 'where is kc' hits a raw nerve inside of me. It reminds me too much of the justified, legitimate, heart-wrenching, desperate search of 'Where is Caylee" and LDB's opening statement that when spoken over and over again Day 1 "Where is Caylee," Day 2 "Where is Caylee," Day 3 "Where is Caylee..." Day 4, 5, 6, 7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27, 28,29,30, 31......up to December 11, 2008. Gawwww it's like a hammer hitting an anvil over and over in my heart. It's like comparing someone legitimate with something illegitimate, someone sacred with something common, someone precious with something worthless, someone priceless with something cheap...need I go on? WE NEED TO STOP THE MADNESS OF THIS MISPLACED VALUE. KC made her bed and we need to STOP obsessing over her. She is NOT WORTH all of our attention and affection and worship. Because I tell you the truth that is exactly what we are doing. How much of our time, our efforts, our energy, our thoughts, is spent on 'her' speaks to where our devotion is. It's bordering on sickness.
MY husband called me and said someone has offered her ONe Mill $$$$$$ to take a
POLY lol i guess that aint gonna happen lol
On the video of GA/CA at the Home Depot, they are sporting a new blood red car.
I was wondering if maybe that was really bought for KC since she wouldn't want her old white car any more.
I wish one of these reporters would go and see if they still have their two black SUVs.
She is NOT WORTH all of our attention and affection and worship. QUOTE]

Who is giving her affection and worship?

My definition of worship is the thing that is focused on the most in life. It could be anything...It could be self, job, family, friends, God, food, exercise. It seems like FCA has taken on the form of some star, idol, god in the minds the media, etc.
No disrespect intended to anyone and of course MOO, but I just got sent over the edge hearing 'where is kc?' I'm done.
Exactly - unless she has already sold her story and had it filmed - she can't afford to stay out of the news.

I'm not concerned because I believe Baez is still playing the public. I believe he already knows when CFCA will be sighted and has probably filmed it and has that release date solidly in his sights.

This is just a money game to Baez - why are we pretending it is anything different?

Good point logicalgirl. Just like Howard Stern did with Anna Nicole Smith. And there's another one that got away too.
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