2011.07.21 HLN & FOX News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

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What did Ms. Lohan do now?

She had a court date because the judge wanted to see that she was 'on track' to finish up the court ordered 'homework.' She was supposed to do a certain amount of volunteer hours AND she has to do some one on one counseling before her next court date. So her lawyer started making excuses about her not having any insurance anymore and so she wanted to go to low cost group therapy. The judge said NO. That was not adequate.

Lohan just bought a 2 million dollar home on the beach in Venice and was wearing 1200 dollar shoes in court. I think she can swing it. imoo
This is the video of Geraldo from this morning on Fox & Friends

In this video he makes a comment along the lines of "the reason we hate Casey because of the possibility she used chloroform on Caylee and then suffocated her" (paraphrased). First he needs to stop telling me and the rest of the world that we hate Casey and why we hate Casey. The only pulse he is reading is JB's and I imagine it's running kinda fast right now.
Geraldo, I didn't hate Casey but now I do because you like her. (sarcasm in play)
Nancy's Five Pieces of Evidence that could have nailed Tot Mom:

The Jailhouse collapse on Dec 11th
Adoption of Caylee
The Jailhouse Letters - where she states she used chloroform
The Diary - happiest she had ever been in a long time
Jesse Grund's interview - explains the fight
Everyone involved (DT/FCA Media/Press) have numerous obsticles (FCA & Public) with a FCA Interview.

I will believe it when i see it.


AT also said that KC has been watching JVM and others, thats how she knew about the 1 million dollar offer.

Good, I hope she was watching Joy Behar the other night when ex fiance Jessie Grund shunned her :)
I'm glad other cases are starting to be covered even by HLH. It's time. ICA loves the attention and the less paid to her by the media the better. The news barely mentions her anymore either and she sometimes gets a minute on the entertainment shows but that's it now.

One thing that irks me is that last night I happened to turn on HLN when Showbiz Tonight was on and FCA was the first story!! She is no freaking celebrity! I'm sure she thinks she is though.. Grrr...
Nancy's Five Pieces of Evidence that could have nailed Tot Mom:

The Jailhouse collapse on Dec 11th
Adoption of Caylee
The Jailhouse Letters - where she states she used chloroform
The Diary - happiest she had ever been in a long time
Jesse Grund's interview - explains the fight

I never understood why the journal entry wasn't used.. or they didn't attempt to bring the fight into evidence. That would have tied up the motive they were lacking IMO
I never understood why the journal entry wasn't used.. or they didn't attempt to bring the fight into evidence. That would have tied up the motive they were lacking IMO

Because it only said a date, no year, IIRC and also I am not sure she had it with her during that period. Personally I think she is referring to her mom finding out she was pregnant, which would have been in June 05...
I never understood why the journal entry wasn't used.. or they didn't attempt to bring the fight into evidence. That would have tied up the motive they were lacking IMO
In the corner of one of the pages, it appeared CFCA had written '08. The defense claimed it was actually '03. The FBI researched the diary and submitted documentation that the diary was printed in 2004. I guess the SA found it to be more trouble than it was worth. And I believe the fight wasn't brought into evidence because it would have been hearsay. :twocents:

Recently released evidence documents show FBI testing was done on Casey Anthony's diary to determine when entries were written. While the diary has a date of 2003, the test revealed the diary itself was only sold in 2004.The writing in question says, "I have no regrets.""It's completely speculative," said Baez.Perry told Baez to file a motion to exclude.
I never understood why the journal entry wasn't used.. or they didn't attempt to bring the fight into evidence. That would have tied up the motive they were lacking IMO

The fight played up the family dysfunction which wasn't the narrative the SA wanted. Bigger problem, NONE of the Anthony's would admit it happened. The fight and talk about adoption play more towards helping the defense to me. Certainly makes them all look like liars.

Noticed Nancy didnt mention why the fight was kept out. She really wants to sanctify Cindy no matter what, doesn't she?
I never understood why the journal entry wasn't used.. or they didn't attempt to bring the fight into evidence. That would have tied up the motive they were lacking IMO

IIRC, it couldn't be proven when the journal entry was made. As to the fight, CA portrayed an entirely different version of that evening when she testified, so there wouldn't have been anything to support the allegations. Also, it appears CA wouldn't have admitted to it had it been asked.

The fight played up the family dysfunction which wasn't the narrative the SA wanted. Bigger problem, NONE of the Anthony's would admit it happened. The fight and talk about adoption play more towards helping the defense to me. Certainly makes them all look like liars.

Noticed Nancy didnt mention why the fight was kept out. She really wants to sanctify Cindy no matter what, doesn't she?

Yes and Nancy also ignored it when the woman said that Cindy would not allow Casey to give up Caylee for adoption...
Wow NG had CA was on last...Thank goodness. I'll be extremely happy when she doesn't cover her at all.
In the corner of one of the pages, it appeared CFCA had written '08. The defense claimed it was actually '03. The FBI researched the diary and submitted documentation that the diary was printed in 2004. I guess the SA found it to be more trouble than it was worth. And I believe the fight wasn't brought into evidence because it would have been hearsay. :twocents:

I remember reading about that now that you mention it. I also remember JA's post trial interview when he said CA never admitted to that fight. CA is great at denial, that's for sure.. Certainly understandable that the SA would want to leave out anything that could be disputed and possibly lead to an appeal HAD there been a conviction
I just get this odd feeling every time NG talks about CA and GA. It seems insincere to me, like she is buttering them up. Were CA, GA, LA or JB ever on her show?tks
I just get this odd feeling every time NG talks about CA and GA. It seems insincere to me, like she is buttering them up. Were CA, GA, LA or JB ever on her show?tks

I get the same feeling! No, none of them ever were. But she may be hoping!

Now that I think about it, maybe they were? God, it's been so long. Does anyone else know for sure because now I'm curious.
I am 99% positive the fight was the cause/lead in to Caylee's death and the fact they couldnt bring this in is why we didn't get a conviction of any kind. The fight was a particular incident which the state lacked. Either Casey killed Caylee to get back at Cindy or there was somie kind of accident, perhaps Casey was so angry she wanted me time but wasnt about to ask Cindy to babysit so she did... something.

All this played into the crazy history of dysfunction massively. introducing evidence that the whole family were liars would have gotten a nice thank you note from Jose.
George and Cindy may talk soon. Hmmmm... Wonder what they will say. Nothing surprises me with the A's anymore..


George and Cindy Anthony are starting to move on from their daughter Casey's trial.

Attorney Mark Lippman said the family is looking at trying to heal, though neither George nor Cindy have talked to their daughter yet. Lippman said when that will happen is unclear. They also don't know where she is, though they know she is safe.

What he does know is the couple may soon talk about the ordeal.

"It's part of the healing process," Lippman said, "so I figure they'll start talking about things sooner rather than later."

Lippman also said the couple was looking at going on a trip, with the help of supporters. The tip was not paid for by any media organization. They will also stay in Orlando.

Lippman is also talking to them about a potential lawsuit against John Bradley, the software engineer who testified that someone had search for chloroform 84 times on the Anthony home computer.

"He should have vetted the evidence and corrected it before he ever submitted it," Lippman said.

OMG now George and Cindy are talking to their lawyer about sueing the guy who testified about the chloroform searches? Your lying daughter has her attorney tell people you molested her and covered up a murder and you leave her alone and go after the computer guy? WTH is wrong with these people and their greed? They need to just go away. No one remembers the chloroform searches, they remember how disfunctional the family is based on information from your DAUGHTER and the accusations made my JB throughout the trial. If they are going to sue anyone, sue their daughter with a wrongful death suit! they all just need to go crawl back under their rock. How horrible. The whole lot of them are disgusting!
So.. they want to sue the software guy? That makes no sense to me. I am not sure it legally can happen, regardless. How very odd.
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