2011.07.22 George & Cindy Board Private Jet for Nassau Vacation

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Bold by me... I rest my case! I can't tell someone what they "should" be doing, where they "should" be going, to ignore hecklers. How about the hecklers leave them alone? Are the hecklers right, and the A's wrong?

When you make yourself a public figure you have to accept that the people who disagree with your stand or cause will speak out. I do not believe in violence. I do believe in the right to free speech.

It is similar to politics. A person who may be the Golden Boy in Congress, had done much for the people in his district, suddenly falls from grace because he accepts money from a not so above board source. Or he has an extra marital affair. They fall from grace quickly. Because people feel the need to put their faith and support in people that feel have morals and ethics.

We all know none of us is perfect and have made mistakes. But we also atone for our errors and don't pretend to be something we are not. We fly under the radar and move on in productive ways.

If you are going to place yourself in a position in the public eye, you cannot expect to fly under the radar. YOU put yourself there. It is a double edged sword.

That is why most people who feel they have a platform for good cause, who have skeletons in their closet, will admit to their past problems be it legal, ethically, or otherwise. We are a forgiving people for the most part. But first we want to know that those we support are telling us the truth and not hiding behind a wall of deception.

If the Anthony family wants to be left alone, then they need to fade away.

My feeling is if this foundation they are forming has merit, they first have to admit to their errors, which made them in the eyes of a good segment of people, fall from grace. No they didn't ask that their granddaughter die.

But their actions for the last 3 years is open for some serious question IMO. If they aren't ready to stand up to the critics, then they need to fly under the radar.

Because this in your face mentality, just makes people angry. Their attorney is doing them an injustice IMO. He needs to shut up.
Hmmm. "The right way, or the smart way, to handle a heckler, so as to avoid hate and criticism".

It seems we should be criticizing the heckler here, not the heckled.

to avoid a confrontation that will make it to the media.
But we are talking about CA and GA being left alone, not KC.There is a difference between KC and her parents, imo

There is, you could have fooled me because last I remember Jose Baez was accusing the Anthonys of covering up Caylees death. Cindy left the ladder down and George hid the body.
Again Casey never said a word to the reporters or hecklers, and her house was surrounded by tv trucks and bystanders. A lot of people care. It happens all the time when a child is murdered. Look at what happened to the Ramsey. It has nothing to do with being smart, it's just the mob mentality.

Again, I am talking about the parents, not KC and I am talking about how to calm things down now.
It should be current. They got special tx and had it saved from foreclosure. Their current payment is only about $200. They received special treatment and got bounced ahead of people who were on the list for years for relief.

As far as Foundations go...I still say they are getting funding with government monies. I will continue to research but don't think I can pin it down. I did find that with the right wording the can get a grant to finance their non-profit.

Cynical me sees a need for Lippman to make this happen.

You're right about the grant. I remember when the Milsteads were trying to set up their "House of Purpose" for young wayward girls. They had a running list of monies needed, naturally the biggest expense was to be their salaries but they were also expecting a very large gov't grant. I don't remember the amount and the website is no longer available, it might be in the way back machine archives.
No the hecklers are not right. But I think it's a question of being smart. If they had ignored the heckler and just gotten in the car, what would show up on tv. Just a video and voice of a heckler. Who would care?

Was this the video that was shot by a news crew in the Home Depot parking lot? If so, they were not hecklers and they were very polite to the A's from what I could hear. All the A's needed to do if they had no comment was to get into their car. At some point the news people will get the message. GA, however, made it a point to walk over to one of the cars, said something to them and then returned to their Jeep. Does GA think that the news crew thought this behavior was threatening? I doubt it but someone else who may be a heckler may not be so lucky if confronted by GA.

CA is coming out with a book but does not want to talk to the media unless they have cash in hand and will not cover anything involving the gray and dark areas. Why do I feel CA is in for a big surprise if this book is being written by a ghost writer. It could end up having little to do with what CA actually wrote down. You heard CA say it to TM..."don't mess with the Anthony's." lol jmo
When you make yourself a public figure you have to accept that the people who disagree with your stand or cause will speak out. I do not believe in violence. I do believe in the right to free speech.

It is similar to politics. A person who may be the Golden Boy in Congress, had done much for the people in his district, suddenly falls from grace because he accepts money from a not so above board source. Or he has an extra marital affair. They fall from grace quickly. Because people feel the need to put their faith and support in people that feel have morals and ethics.

We all know none of us is perfect and have made mistakes. But we also atone for our errors and don't pretend to be something we are not. We fly under the radar and move on in productive ways.

If you are going to place yourself in a position in the public eye, you cannot expect to fly under the radar. YOU put yourself there. It is a double edged sword.

That is why most people who feel they have a platform for good cause, who have skeletons in their closet, will admit to their past problems be it legal, ethically, or otherwise. We are a forgiving people for the most part. But first we want to know that those we support are telling us the truth and not hiding behind a wall of deception.

If the Anthony family wants to be left alone, then they need to fade away.

My feeling is if this foundation they are forming has merit, they first have to admit to their errors, which made them in the eyes of a good segment of people, fall from grace. No they didn't ask that their granddaughter die.

But their actions for the last 3 years is open for some serious question IMO. If they aren't ready to stand up to the critics, then they need to fly under the radar.

Because this in your face mentality, just makes people angry. Their attorney is doing them an injustice IMO. He needs to shut up.

I don't agree that the A's have made themselves public figures. I know your argument is that they've started the foundation so they're now public figures. I don't see it that way. The A's were thrust into the spotlight. How they act in the spotlight.. we've seen them push and tug at protestors, scream and yell, answer questions from reporters that others may have ignored. Well, that's what they choose to do. I don't see how it's appropriate for anyone to suggest what they should be doing, where they should be going. Let them live.

What "in your face" mentality are you referring to?
to avoid a confrontation that will make it to the media.

So if something makes it into the media, confrontation or otherwise, it's the A's fault? They're doing it wrong? It's not the heckler who's the villian, it's the A's?
When that verdict was read you know it was a gasp heard round the world. It was unbelievable. Even the defense couldn't believe it. All the motions they filed. They were not expecting to get a 'not guilty'. They knew she was guilty as hell, and I think this is what upsets me the most, I am sure it was exactly the fantasy ending Casey had concocted. jmo

And that is why I am so angry and having so much trouble getting over this....
I really thought for the first time in her life she was going to pay the piper, and nope she got away with it....she got the last laugh :banghead:
Bold by me... I rest my case! I can't tell someone what they "should" be doing, where they "should" be going, to ignore hecklers. How about the hecklers leave them alone? Are the hecklers right, and the A's wrong?

Are you talking about the incident in the Home Depot parking lot? There was no heckling, the girl asking the questions was extremely polite and respectful. The man with the camera (looked like a reporter to me with the huge zoom lens) was also polite. It was George who came at them in a threatening manner. Have you seen the video?
Was this the video that was shot by a news crew in the Home Depot parking lot? If so, they were not hecklers and they were very polite to the A's from what I could hear. All the A's needed to do if they had no comment was to get into their car. At some point the news people will get the message. GA, however, made it a point to walk over to one of the cars, said something to them and then returned to their Jeep. Does GA think that the news crew thought this behavior was threatening? I doubt it but someone else who may be a heckler may not be so lucky if confronted by GA.

CA is coming out with a book but does not want to talk to the media unless they have cash in hand and will not cover anything involving the gray and dark areas. Why do I feel CA is in for a big surprise if this book is being written by a ghost writer. It could end up having little to do with what CA actually wrote down. You heard CA say it to TM..."don't mess with the Anthony's." lol jmo

Thank you Lambchop for clarifying that. Everytime I saw it I could not hear or tell who was with the camera. It looked like it was just a heckler, but what you said makes more sense than what I thought was happening.
Well they are out of the country right now so lets see if they are left alone when they get back.

They don't want to be left alone! When they get back you will see them on all of the morning shows peddling the new foundation. Just wait.
I don't agree that the A's have made themselves public figures. I know your argument is that they've started the foundation so they're now public figures. I don't see it that way. The A's were thrust into the spotlight. How they act in the spotlight.. we've seen them push and tug at protestors, scream and yell, answer questions from reporters that others may have ignored. Well, that's what they choose to do. I don't see how it's appropriate for anyone to suggest what they should be doing, where they should be going. Let them live.

What "in your face" mentality are you referring to?

I would like to add something if you don't mind, when Casey was first arrested and she was in jail , George said that he wanted everyone including Casey and Caylee to get involved with missing children. This is when they thought Caylee was coming home. He said Lee was good with making the t-shirts and they would all help out. I guess he saw them like an Elizabeth Smart success story.
Are you talking about the incident in the Home Depot parking lot? There was no heckling, the girl asking the questions was extremely polite and respectful. The man with the camera (looked like a reporter to me with the huge zoom lens) was also polite. It was George who came at them in a threatening manner. Have you seen the video?

As I stated earlier, if this is the "red jeep incident", I have not seen it. I am not following every move of the A's, because it's none of my business. I did see 2-3 seconds of GA and CA walking with a big box on GA's shoulder.

I didn't use the word heckling to describe any situation... another poster did.
They don't want to be left alone! When they get back you will see them on all of the morning shows peddling the new foundation. Just wait.

I think there's a difference between appearing on talk shows when people want to know your story, and being spotlight grabbers. Is Jaycee Dugard a spotlight grabber as well? Her mother? How about the parents of Elizabeth Smart? How would their appearances on the talk shows be any different than the A's?
What would happen if the media stopped giving CA attention? She'd find a way to get that attention back. How many talk shows has ML been on??? "JB wanted them to act as decoys." Why even mention this? What is the point after the fact?

They wanted to get away for a quiet, peaceful vacation....but their attorney announces they are doing so. They can't have it both ways.

CA's coming out with a book, the media attention is essential. Stop feeling sorry for them....they know what they're doing. They actually seem to be enjoying themselves. jmo
As I stated earlier, if this is the "red jeep incident", I have not seen it. I am not following every move of the A's, because it's none of my business. I did see 2-3 seconds of GA and CA walking with a big box on GA's shoulder.

I didn't use the word heckling to describe any situation... another poster did.

Nat you did the same thing to me yesterday said I said something that I truly did not say.
I think there's a difference between appearing on talk shows when people want to know your story, and being spotlight grabbers. Is Jaycee Dugard a spotlight grabber as well? Her mother? How about the parents of Elizabeth Smart? How would their appearances on the talk shows be any different than the A's?

I would never compare <modsnip> with Jaycee.
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