2011.07.22 George & Cindy Board Private Jet for Nassau Vacation

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Cindy made a very very good salary for Gentiva. It would not surprise me if she is getting a disability pension. She certainly is making a good enough salary to afford Boats, cars, jewelry, wardrobe and a full-time family attorney to make them appear almost likeable...who deflects for them and defends them if an TH dare say anything.

I wonder if GA got a disability pension or regular pension from working LE. I don't know but these people can spend and waste way more money than the average Joe.

If they are not receiving pensions, they are making loads of money from donations, grants and funding...all tax exempt.
Cindy made a very very good salary for Gentiva. It would not surprise me if she is getting a disability pension. She certainly is making a good enough salary to afford Boats, cars, jewelry, wardrobe and a full-time family attorney to make them appear almost likeable...who deflects for them and defends them if an TH dare say anything.

I wonder if GA got a disability pension or regular pension from working LE. I don't know but these people can spend and waste way more money than the average Joe.

If they are not receiving pensions, they are making loads of money from donations, grants and funding...all tax exempt.

Also they are somehow connected to that Kid Finders bunch which evidently has become highly suspect since the early days of the Duckett case. NOT good news.
This is probably not going to be a popular opinion but whatever. I'm so sick of seeing people flip back and forth on Cindy and George. One minute everyone hates them, the next there is a support thread and people feel bad for them and then at the drop of a hat it's back to hating them again.

There are many things they have done that I don't agree with (The foundations are one example) but even though I don't like some of the things they do and have done they have been though more in 3 years then most people go through in their life.

I agree with the poster who said they think people are misdirecting their anger. They did not ask to be brought into all of this. To me (before caylee died) it seems they were trying their best to get by despite all the problems Casey brought them.

I don't doubt for a second that they loved Caylee. The emotion we all feel from Caylee's death, a sweet little girl none of us even knew has to be incomparable to what they feel. Add the fact that it was caused by your own daughter? I can't even imagine how that would feel.

I honestly feel for George. It was clear to me from the beginning that he was always the pushover in the house and nothing from him since then has made me feel different. He does as Cindy tells him, it's what he's always done. Then he gets thrown under the bus by Casey when he already seemed so broken. Most of us here know that what was said about George isn't true, but I've talked to people who watched the trial but haven't followed it from the beginning and thought that the defense theory about George was possible. Even the Jury said it was in their mind.

First George has to live as the lady of the house, constantly told to stay out of it. Then he loses his granddaughter. Then after believing his daughters nonsense kidnapping story even going as far as getting a gun to try to get info about Caylee he gets accused by his own daughter of not only molesting her, but also being a part of Caylee's death. All the while your every move being recorded by media. How much more can a person take? IMO George needs a vacation, I sure would.

I never flip flopped on Cindy and George. I disliked them from the beginning, and felt NO pity whatsoever when they "cried" on the stand. If anything, I like them less with each passing day and every move they make. Grieving grandparents, indeed; I like KC better than I like them.
Accessory after the fact of what crime? If I recall correctly, the State of Florida had the opportunity to prove Casey Anthony committed a crime and failed in that attempt.

Being an accessory after the fact (i.e. vacuuming and febreezing) pays well.

The Anthonys are not the only grieving grandparents on this earth. There are many grandparents and parents who have had to deal with the loss of a grandchild, grandchildren or child, through illness, an accident or murder.

The Anthonys wanted to be front and center when Caylee was missing. Maybe for the first 24 hours it was about Caylee, but when they realized Casey was responsible, all that changed. They went on every media outlet to defend Casey. They lied, they covered up, they were rude to the people that were trying to help them find Caylee. They didn't want to find Caylee, they wanted to protect Casey.

I don't have any more sympathy for the Anthonys when there are so many other people that are dealing with pain and grief, yet they aren't receiving free vacations or thinking of making millions of dollars off of their deceased grandchild. Most grieving grandparents and parents have to go on with their lives, they have to go to work and pay their bills, they don't live off of their deceased grandchild or child.

My sympathy will always be for Caylee.
I've re-written what I wanted to say several times. I think I'm unable to form the right words because I can't fathom how these two operate :( It doesn't matter how much of a vacation they need; their decision to jet set off to the Bahamas demonstrates poor judgement - once again. And yet, why am I not surprised? :banghead:

The Anthony's are masters at deception. Therefore I don't believe anything they have to say whether from their own mouths or through the mouth of their lawyer.
If they don't want people saying things about them why in the world would they have a limo pull up to their house...in front of the neighbors who dislike them as it is? Why not have Lee drive them to the airport...to the private jet that was flying them away to a nice vacation spot? Why not ask their attorney to stay off the tv shows and stop talking about them and Casey? Stop drawing attention to themselves if they don't want attention and want to be left alone. It all just proves to me that they love being in the limelight regardless of the reason. As far as I'm concerned the public ended up loving Caylee and trying to get justice for that baby while her grandparents got all of the blood money that they could get and are still going for it.

My hubby used to travel alot for his work and he took the airport limo to TIA so he wouldnt have to drive car, leave it there, etc. Cost about $18/
Maybe Im wrong but I get the feeling CA is very pretentious......she would love having private limo pull up in front of her house and get whisked off to Bahamas, theyre probably staying in some luxury hotel, etc. I dont think they were doing this before. They were taking trips to local beaches like Coco Bch.
And I bet it wont be long before she has that above ground pool ripped out and has inground one put in. With all the notes she took during the trial, we can count on big book deal?
:banghead: We will see more trips, etcI bet.
Ok, how did I miss this? I had no idea about her being on SSDI???

I do suppose if I had a hunch that one of my children were involved in something such as this that I too would end up with a stress illness, but I had no idea that a person could receive SSDI for that? Also I thought if you were on SSDI that you could not have an income over a certain amount or they would cut your benefit???

I had a few people tell me their benefits would be cut if they made over $12,000 a year.

This is what I'm not understanding too. I didn't think you could have it both ways, either be on SSDI and be limited in what amount of income you get, or not be on that and make as much as you want. And pay income taxes on whatever you make. Something stinks out loud here, like money laundering or something like that. :confused:
I maybe incorrect here, but it is my understanding, unless you live in Orange County or Orlando, Florida, your tax dollars were not used to pay for anything Casey Anthony. Florida dies not have a state income tax. The money for local jurisdictions comes from mostly property taxes. There is no "Pay the cost of the Anthony trial" tax.

And as pointed out in other threads (I'll find the link if neccessary) the entire spectacle generated more income for Orlando than it cost the taxpayers. In a way, Orlando profitted from Caylees death; should we boycott Orlando now?

I'm a Floridian. I and 18 million of my co-residents spent a good bit of money on KC's defense. I don't mind the money spent jailing her because she is a convicted felon and I will happily pay my taxes to jail convicted felons. However, these people were only to quick to take public money when it suited them. She claimed she was indigent. OK. Though, dear KC, if you were half as creative at work as you were inventing jobs you don't have, you could have probably made a decent living.

They've further set up foundations. That's their right, but whereas I work and pay taxes, they decided to create a structure that is tax-advantaged.
Given their track record of money mismanagement (online gambling scams, and in KCs case massive theft of any negotiable instrument she could get her hands on) there is a nontrivial probability that they will misappropriate public funds, deceive tax collectors, or some combination thereof. If sunlight is the best disinfectant, then let's keep an eye on their financial dealings.

Those paragraphs above are my issues as a Florida and US taxpayer.

My other issues center around right and wrong. It is wrong for these people to profit off of a dead child. If the death was an accident, then profiting off of it is hideous. If the child was murdered, then it is stone cold evil to profit off of it, and I will oppose this always.
Again, it's not that exravagant. It may sound so, but, please do the research before you accuse me of not living on Earth. Based on a quote of yours upthread, it may seem that way to you.

And, by the way, so what if it is extravagant? Are you paying for it?

I'm not so sure extravagant is such an improper adjective for a lil getaway by two people who have had no gainful employment since the day they discovered media would pay for pictures of their dead granddaughter.

I find definition #3 to be particularly fitting for anyone whose attorney issued the following statement THREE days ago:

"The Anthonys plan to be the nonprofit’s officers and draw salaries because they are unable to work."



1. spending much more than is necessary or wise; wasteful: an extravagant shopper.

2. excessively high: extravagant expenses; extravagant prices.

3. exceeding the bounds of reason, as actions, demands, opinions, or passions.


I'm betting the company holding the mortgage on their Hopespring Drive home would agree with me.
I'll bet Cindy and George would rather have Caylee's sweet face back more than they want hand over fist money. Cindy loved that little girl and knew the only way to keep her in her life was to enable Casey so she wouldn't take Caylee away from her. The Anthony''s bought and built Caylees play house, a place for her to be when she wantd to just be. Casey didn't lift a finger to help them.

The Anthony's would drop it all to have Caylee back again. They have to live their lives. I wish people would ease up.

I am sure you are right that they would drop it all to have Caylee back.

However, I think that the Anthony's insulted a lot of people who were worried about their granddaughter. People who searched, worked, prayed, reported, or just followed the story out of concern. I can understand why folks are disgusted with the Anthonys. (I personally don't understand "hate" but I optimistically think it is just a poor word choice.)
I think they deserve and need this, they have been through hell over the last three years. I'm sure that they probably still have moments where they wished Caylee could be there. It is just so sad. Even though they are away I'm sure they're not having the time of their life. I think it will be many years before they have fun again. It will be interesting to see how the public treats them. This may be one last attempt to see if George and Cindy can make their relationship work.
Lippman was on NG/JVM last week stating that the new foundation the ANT’s are starting will be for Grandparent’s Rights & that they plan to DRAw a SALARY from the foundation BECAUSE they can’t work! The reality is, George has hardly worked in years! Lippman has become an embarassing mouthpiece for Cindy & they're NUTS to think they can obstruct justice & lie for their murdering daughter & EXPECT the public to donate to their latest scam to pay their salary, imo. They have absolutely no shame! Lippman promoting this during his interviews imo, makes him look like an idiot, not an attorney. He will soon tire of working for free

imo, Cindy had great plans to do a MEDIA Blitz because she didn’t expect KC to get off, NOw Cindy is going to watch KC & Baez make the money off Caylee.

Read the information about the foundation. (Google it.) Cindy and George took 80% of the money for themselves. A VERY troubling issue is the fact Cindy uses Caylee to manipulate situations. Cindy Anthony was using manipulation to raise money for the foundation declaring Caylee is deceased yet in an attempt to help Casey, she was claiming in court & in letters that Caylee is still alive.

I find these people despicable!
The entire trip is being paid for by a donor; not them. Their ability to find work is completely irrelevant.

As far as the mortgage on the Hopespring house, it is my understanding it's completely current.

I'm not so sure extravagant is such an improper adjective for a lil getaway by two people who have had no gainful employment since the day they discovered media would pay for pictures of their dead granddaughter.

I find definition #3 to be particularly fitting for anyone whose attorney issued the following statement THREE days ago:

"The Anthonys plan to be the nonprofit’s officers and draw salaries because they are unable to work."

I'm betting the company holding the mortgage on their Hopespring Drive home would agree with me.
It should be current. They got special tx and had it saved from foreclosure. Their current payment is only about $200. They received special treatment and got bounced ahead of people who were on the list for years for relief.

As far as Foundations go...I still say they are getting funding with government monies. I will continue to research but don't think I can pin it down. I did find that with the right wording the can get a grant to finance their non-profit.

Cynical me sees a need for Lippman to make this happen.
The entire trip is being paid for by a donor; not them. Their ability to find work is completely irrelevant.

As far as the mortgage on the Hopespring house, it is my understanding it's completely current.

Yes, I read where Attorney Lippman said a donor was picking up the tab but, then again, isn't he the one that said this on one day (July 19):

"The Anthony's attorney said George and Cindy will not benefit financially from the fund. "I never want anyone to speculate that they are going to profit off of Caylee's death. They won't be paid from the foundation.""


and THIS the next day (July 20)?

"The Anthonys plan to be the nonprofit’s officers and draw salaries because they are unable to work."


I think I'll reserve belief in his information for the time being.
Sitting here reading all the comments about the Anthony's this morning, to be honest I am not sure how I feel about them.

They could have made a lot of money had they chose to hit the airways right after the verdict and appeared on every show that would have them just as the defense team did, as well as Jeff Ashton....I am thinking Jeff made more money in one week than he would have made in one year being a prosecutor, and for that I am happy for him he certainly deserved it.

Possibly they are not speaking because of wanting to save what they have to say for their book, who knows for sure.

Whoever donated this trip certainly has a lot of compassion for them, and at the same time they will just write it off as an expense and will not be costing them near what people are thinking.

So many people live from paycheck to paycheck so it is no wonder folks wonder how the Anthony's have managed to live 3 years without working, it boggles my mind for sure.
There is money coming from somewhere.

The media will make sure we know every move the Anthony's make, let's just hope they move on without making money off their beloved grandchild and take the high road, if not they will forever be scorned by the public for profiting and living off the blood money of precious Caylee.
It should be current. They got special tx and had it saved from foreclosure. Their current payment is only about $200. They received special treatment and got bounced ahead of people who were on the list for years for relief.

As far as Foundations go...I still say they are getting funding with government monies. I will continue to research but don't think I can pin it down. I did find that with the right wording the can get a grant to finance their non-profit.

Cynical me sees a need for Lippman to make this happen.

If they do get grants I want copies! I want to use them in a class that I'd like to teach. titled How to Secure Funding When You Have No Viable Mission
Anyone figure out why Lee still requires an attorney? Think of all the attorneys this family has employed....sheesh! How many did FCA have? This is one sue-happy family. They will turn you in and file a suit on you as faster than a cart going downhill.

Just when any one tries to give them the benefit of the doubt, they pull another money making scheme. So about the same time that cindy finally accepted Caylee is dead (according to her, six weeks prior to trial), she decides to open a new non-profit. Her wheels are always turning...and waiting to run you over.
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