2012.02.10 - Dateline tonight

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I did hear it, but after thinking on it I have some doubts about it. His sister, Alina, seemed to know how to get to the house. There was a conversation she had at some point with her other brother that he was at work, but had JP's address at home, when they were worried about the emails they were getting. So it sounds to me that he spent a little more time there than just for the children's visits. But it was a very interesting statement, I thought. it could be that he was spending time in both places.

Do we know when he first started renting it? I guess it probably doesn't matter now. Just more proof how outright deceitful he was - to make it appear that he was doing everything in his power to get his boys back when really it was more of an act than any effort to make a change. I wonder if he actually went out and bought furniture for rented home or if he just took furniture from SP's home since he was so tight with money anyway...it is possible that his siblings may have helped him move, thus knowing where the house is without necessarily knowing the street address.

The other part of the interview that really got to me was when Josh's sister Jennifer pointed out if he was able to commit such a horrendous act upon his children that he proclaimed to love, imagine what he could have done to Susan who he had stopped loving a while ago. Exactly.
can someone please tell me again when was the last hearing to when he did the murders?
was it a week?

IIRC February 1 was the last hearing. He killed the boys and himself on the 5th.

If I'm wrong someone will come along to tell us.
Yes, that was said and then nothing more on it. No wonder the neighbors thought the house was empty.

I heard in early reports that the neighbors thought the house was empty. Sorry no link. I am too sad and drianed to search for one.


I watched the Dateline show. After seeing it I feel that all of this began with SP. I think he molested JP for years and it started so early that it totally screwed his mind up. I am not in ANY way defending JP, not at all. But I think his father messed him up so bad that he never had a chance. It's just a horrible nightmare for all involved. I am so sorry to Susan, her boys and the Cox's. Keeping them all in my prayers. I really hope SP gets his just punishment. I think he was/is up to his neck in this mess.
Forgive me if I am wrong - I had to take a benadryl for a sinus infection halfway through flipping between the 2 shows & it is possible that I misunderstood - but I could have sworn that I heard that JP's rented house was a stage house in attempts to get the kids back and that he was really still living in SP's home. Did anybody else hear that?

The interviews were tough to watch. My heartaches for so many people, but seeing those booster seats and then hearing the Grandmother talk about how she had to sell the idea of visiting Daddy to the boys in order to avoid causing any visitation problems killed me. God Bless all of them.

That's the way I heard it, and my understanding of it was they meant what they said.
Do we know when he first started renting it? I guess it probably doesn't matter now. Just more proof how outright deceitful he was - to make it appear that he was doing everything in his power to get his boys back when really it was more of an act than any effort to make a change. I wonder if he actually went out and bought furniture for rented home or if he just took furniture from SP's home since he was so tight with money anyway...it is possible that his siblings may have helped him move, thus knowing where the house is without necessarily knowing the street address.

The other part of the interview that really got to me was when Josh's sister Jennifer pointed out if he was able to commit such a horrendous act upon his children that he proclaimed to love, imagine what he could have done to Susan who he had stopped loving a while ago. Exactly.

I read an interview with JP's minister and IIRC he said he helped JP move in (stage) the house in Oct. Poor man didn't know what kind of person he was helping.

Also, somewhere I read that DCHS visited the home before approving the homje visits.

Sorry no links today everyone. I am running on empty. So consider this all MOO.

Do we know when he first started renting it? I guess it probably doesn't matter now. Just more proof how outright deceitful he was - to make it appear that he was doing everything in his power to get his boys back when really it was more of an act than any effort to make a change. I wonder if he actually went out and bought furniture for rented home or if he just took furniture from SP's home since he was so tight with money anyway...it is possible that his siblings may have helped him move, thus knowing where the house is without necessarily knowing the street address.

The other part of the interview that really got to me was when Josh's sister Jennifer pointed out if he was able to commit such a horrendous act upon his children that he proclaimed to love, imagine what he could have done to Susan who he had stopped loving a while ago. Exactly.

I love Jennifer, she got very choked up when she said this. There is a lot of talk about the way these Powell kids were raised and we see the problems with the ones still in Stevens home and Jennifer is proof that you can get away from all that, you dont have to be a product of your upbringing.
I have not watched this case very closely the last 3 yrs,I have heard bits and pieces..can someone tell me if Jennifer ever wrote a book telling her story?
Nope, Jennifer hasn't written a book yet.

I believe Josh started renting the house in October? It was in the Fall. To prove he wasn't living at his father's house.

I thought I heard that too but thought it meant he staged it to look as though he cared for Susan, with all the pics that were supposed to be around. That way he could bluff anyone to think he was missing his wife, even the child visitation supervisor who brought the boys there in the past for visits with their dad. JP was a narcissistic sociopath master!

I think this house was rented away from others and in this location for a reason.
Much the same way that one keeps a weapon "just in case" they ever need to use it.

Josh had this house ready to go "just in case" he ever needed to blow one up. Because of course, he couldn't blow up his Daddy's house.

Having it set up with pictures of Susan and stuff was just a bonus. The point was to have it where it could be blown up.

Then, when he realized it was time to blow things up... he didn't have to worry about finding a location to do it. :twocents:
I agree MsF. Do you recall awhile back when JP threw a hissy fit about not wanting the Coxes to have his new address? Or am I misremembering?

I also still feel awful for Steven Koecher's family and friends. It is bad enough that they do not know what happened to Steven or where he is. But to have SP & JP attempt to link Susan's disappearance to Steven's disappearance has had to have made it so much more difficult for them as well. Not to mention the impact it has likely had on the search for Steven. I am sure that all of this must be rough for them as well. Perhaps a small silver lining can be that there may be renewed interest in what has happened to Steven Koecher. I hope that his family can get some answers soon.
Nope, Jennifer hasn't written a book yet.

I believe Josh started renting the house in October? It was in the Fall. To prove he wasn't living at his father's house.

I think this house was rented away from others and in this location for a reason.
Much the same way that one keeps a weapon "just in case" they ever need to use it.

Josh had this house ready to go "just in case" he ever needed to blow one up. Because of course, he couldn't blow up his Daddy's house.

Having it set up with pictures of Susan and stuff was just a bonus. The point was to have it where it could be blown up.

Then, when he realized it was time to blow things up... he didn't have to worry about finding a location to do it. :twocents:

Do you think he picked a home on a cul-du-sac for a reason, such as only one way in and out?
Hello All,

Im new here. Just wanted to post my thoughts on this

Theory #1 Suicide
1) Read somewhere that he had some anxiety and taking medication for it. (Please correct me if Im wrong)
2) He was single, broke, and without a job at the worst possible time (Christmas Holidays)
3) He was a devout mormon, loved his family and to him not knowing where he is, is better than knowing that he ended his life.
4) The lyrics he wrote to song felt like this, depressing. He could have written this song at a time when depression began, and perhaps it just got worse.
5) He was proud. He would not cash his grandma's check, or use money family put in his bank account. He may have been embarrassed that he didnt have a job, he didnt have a girlfriend, etc He was behind on rent, holidays are near, and this is supposed to be a happy time, but you barely have money to feed your self. so he would probably go into a very secluded area, like the desert, mountains, a place he's hiked before & end it, not wanting anyone to ever know what he did.
6)Why leave his car at Sun city if he committed suicide? To throw us off. He obviously had some cash on him so maybe he got a ride somewhere, or he walked. He checked his voicemail right before he walked away to the mountains or desert, or left his phone far from where he planned to end it.
7)And maybe suicide was in the back of his mind, at one point he thought it all the way through, he obviously talked himself out of it trying to be optimistic gift shopping, going to Sun City for job opportunity but maybe it was no longer available, and it was ALL just too much.
8) At the very beginning of his disappearance his very own mother's first thought was suicide. Of course she took it back for the sake of the family and for the sake of her own sanity. I would.

Theory #2 Ran into wrong people at wrong time via craiglist or another outlet: At first I thought this theory was crazy but then the mcstays happened.
1) Went to Sun City Anthem due to a job opportunity, but like many have posted before he saw something he wasnt supposed to see, or whatever.
Then the pings happened about 1650(nearly five hours after surveillance sighting) on a tower near Arroyo Grande Boulevard and American Pacific Drive, miles to the north of where his car was abandoned.
Then 12/13/2009 about 1850 (about 2 hours later) cell phone ping picked up on a tower in Whitney Ranch, a Henderson subdivision near Sunset Drive and Stephanie Street.

I like the following theory the best because it gives us hope that he may be alive: Theory #3 Lost.
1)Read somewhere that he would be in a middle of a sentence then just stop and stare, or take an unusual long pause. Perhaps he had an undiagnosed seizure disorder, or perhaps an AVM(anterior venous malformation) of the brain, or other neuro disorder. Usually patients start a seizure by staring, then seizure gradually gets worse. If it was a ruptured AVM depending on the severity he would of died instantly(but SK's on NAMUS so he would have been identified already).

Or after the ruptured AVM some patients have to learn everything again, walk, eat, talk, etc. And sometimes their long term memory is completely wiped out. So maybe he's a John Doe somewhere.

2) or maybe he was in some type of accident, a car ran him over while walking etc, and he's a John Doe somewhere. I Think I read somewhere that he left his identification behind. If not maybe he got mugged, and beaten thats why he didnt have ID on him.

Theory #4 Walked away on his own& lives underground or is homeless.
1)maybe he had a severe panic attack and didnt want to be a part of this society & went underground or is homeless somewhere. If someone never wants to be found being homeless is the way to go d/t no paper trail(banks, ss#'s, etc)

Been hanging around websleuth for some time and those are my theories. Have to start an intense Masters degree online program and this is something I had to do before I was all consumed with homework for the next 2 years. Of course I hope SK is alive. To Steven Koecher's family: There are total strangers that hope & pray that Steven is alive and well. God bless everyone here for the wonderful information and theories.

P.S. sorry for typos, have missing keys, lol.
Hello All,

Im new here. Just wanted to post my thoughts on this

Theory #1 Suicide
1) Read somewhere that he had some anxiety and taking medication for it. (Please correct me if Im wrong)
2) He was single, broke, and without a job at the worst possible time (Christmas Holidays)
3) He was a devout mormon, loved his family and to him not knowing where he is, is better than knowing that he ended his life.
4) The lyrics he wrote to song felt like this, depressing. He could have written this song at a time when depression began, and perhaps it just got worse.
5) He was proud. He would not cash his grandma's check, or use money family put in his bank account. He may have been embarrassed that he didnt have a job, he didnt have a girlfriend, etc He was behind on rent, holidays are near, and this is supposed to be a happy time, but you barely have money to feed your self. so he would probably go into a very secluded area, like the desert, mountains, a place he's hiked before & end it, not wanting anyone to ever know what he did.
6)Why leave his car at Sun city if he committed suicide? To throw us off. He obviously had some cash on him so maybe he got a ride somewhere, or he walked. He checked his voicemail right before he walked away to the mountains or desert, or left his phone far from where he planned to end it.
7)And maybe suicide was in the back of his mind, at one point he thought it all the way through, he obviously talked himself out of it trying to be optimistic gift shopping, going to Sun City for job opportunity but maybe it was no longer available, and it was ALL just too much.
8) At the very beginning of his disappearance his very own mother's first thought was suicide. Of course she took it back for the sake of the family and for the sake of her own sanity. I would.

Theory #2 Ran into wrong people at wrong time via craiglist or another outlet: At first I thought this theory was crazy but then the mcstays happened.
1) Went to Sun City Anthem due to a job opportunity, but like many have posted before he saw something he wasnt supposed to see, or whatever.
Then the pings happened about 1650(nearly five hours after surveillance sighting) on a tower near Arroyo Grande Boulevard and American Pacific Drive, miles to the north of where his car was abandoned.
Then 12/13/2009 about 1850 (about 2 hours later) cell phone ping picked up on a tower in Whitney Ranch, a Henderson subdivision near Sunset Drive and Stephanie Street.

I like the following theory the best because it gives us hope that he may be alive: Theory #3 Lost.
1)Read somewhere that he would be in a middle of a sentence then just stop and stare, or take an unusual long pause. Perhaps he had an undiagnosed seizure disorder, or perhaps an AVM(anterior venous malformation) of the brain, or other neuro disorder. Usually patients start a seizure by staring, then seizure gradually gets worse. If it was a ruptured AVM depending on the severity he would of died instantly(but SK's on NAMUS so he would have been identified already).

Or after the ruptured AVM some patients have to learn everything again, walk, eat, talk, etc. And sometimes their long term memory is completely wiped out. So maybe he's a John Doe somewhere.

2) or maybe he was in some type of accident, a car ran him over while walking etc, and he's a John Doe somewhere. I Think I read somewhere that he left his identification behind. If not maybe he got mugged, and beaten thats why he didnt have ID on him.

Theory #4 Walked away on his own& lives underground or is homeless.
1)maybe he had a severe panic attack and didnt want to be a part of this society & went underground or is homeless somewhere. If someone never wants to be found being homeless is the way to go d/t no paper trail(banks, ss#'s, etc)

Been hanging around websleuth for some time and those are my theories. Have to start an intense Masters degree online program and this is something I had to do before I was all consumed with homework for the next 2 years. Of course I hope SK is alive. To Steven Koecher's family: There are total strangers that hope & pray that Steven is alive and well. God bless everyone here for the wonderful information and theories.

P.S. sorry for typos, have missing keys, lol.

Hi TexasPI! Welcome--we are glad to have you here. It looks to me like your post is talking about Steven Koecher, but this is the Susan Powell page. I know the Powells tried to say Susan and Steven ran away together, but I don't think anybody really believes that--not even the Powells. Did you post these excellent thoughts over at the Steven Koecher page?
Hi TexasPI! Welcome--we are glad to have you here. It looks to me like your post is talking about Steven Koecher, but this is the Susan Powell page. I know the Powells tried to say Susan and Steven ran away together, but I don't think anybody really believes that--not even the Powells. Did you post these excellent thoughts over at the Steven Koecher page?

Thank you and yes I think I figured it out

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