2015.08.27 Curtis Wayne Wright: Charged with Murder in the 2nd Degree

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Great article Oregonmama There was some interesting info at the end of the article:
Here’s where things stand for each convict:
  • Mark Sievers is in prison awaiting a death sentence, with many appeals expected. (More Hallmark cards "perused" by JW?)
  • Jimmy Rodgers is serving a life sentence in South Bay Prison (No mention of any appeals.)
  • Curtis Wright is expected to be sentenced to 25 years Monday afternoon. (How guilty does one have to be to think 25 years in prison is a good deal? geez lahweez)

JRR's Appeal:

JRR Appeal1.pdf

I know it seems bad, but without him, Mark would be free. And were it not for Mark, Teresa would be alive. He'll still be an old man when he gets out... IF he lasts that long. I honestly think JRR is more dangerous than CWW.

And "Snitches Get Stitches". Most likely he'll end up in solitary confinement, for his own protection, right?
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JRR's Appeal:

JRR Appeal1.pdf

Thanks NIN ;);) So the "appeal is on" for JRR or is it just a "request for a hearing" so that valid/substantial evidence can be presented for a new trial? And/or the evidence presented would somehow :)mad::mad::mad:) give JRR less time in prison?
(Did I confuse everyone with that question?) Maybe we should move this info over to the JRR thread....but I don't think/feel there is enough evidence for a new trial. The more time passes, the more I think he is right where he needs to be for the safety of neighbors and ex.
I agree.
I know it seems bad, but without him, Mark would be free. And were it not for Mark, Teresa would be alive. He'll still be an old man when he gets out... IF he lasts that long. I honestly think JRR is more dangerous than CWW.
I think JRR is more dangerous than CWW. Wish they could all get the same sentence for taking a life. SO SELFISH.
As my first post, I want to thank you members for your informing posts. I was saddened by the senseless and brutal murder of Dr. Teresa Sievers, and outraged at the cold arrogance of her perpetrators. As a guest, I read your posts every day, and they had me covered.

I am so impressed with your "Responsible diligence." And your diverse points of view challenged and taught me. There were moments when I hoped for LE or the prosecution to watch this forum to learn a thing or two.

I thank you! :)
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As my first post, I want to thank you members for your informing posts. I was saddened by the senseless and brutal murder of Dr. Teresa Sievers, and outraged at the cold arrogance of her perpetrators. As a guest, I read your posts every day, and they had me covered.

I am so impressed with your "Responsible diligence." And your diverse points of view challenged and taught me. There were moments when I hoped for LE or the prosecution to watch this forum to learn a thing or two.

I thank you! :)
Welcome ro Websleuths. SleuthBee! Thank you for such a nice post! I agree with every word you wrote. Please make yourself comfortable! I hope you will look around here for another case that interests you to follow. I learn something new every day in these threads, and am always lifted by the great compassion I see here.

Dr. Teresa's murder was indeed terrible. May she rest in peace knowing she is well loved, still.
I know others might not agree but I think it was the first real human action that CWW took when he apologized. Is it enough? No, never could be. But, considering his two co-defendants have not taken one bit of responsibility, CWW is able to give some words of remorse to this family.

You know, he appears so mousey and shrunken. It is hard to square this behavior with the kind of brutal man he was known to be to others and what he confessed to in killing Teresa.

I hope his words can help Teresa's mother and family begin to heal. Her mom has her grandchildren and they are part of her daughter. It is not and never will be the same but I hope she gets to a point of a new normal with some joy for her own sake and her surviving children/grandchildren's sake.

Healing thoughts to her and all who have been affected by these monsters. It is kind of nice to know we don't have to listen to him again and he can fade into the abyss of prison.

Thanks, again, Oregonmama, for this unedited close-up video. It shows Ms.Parker counseling CWW, before the sentencing. I'm sure she's telling him what to say and how to behave. His apology did not appear authentic to me. To me, CWW looks like he's quite satisfied and proud of himself; he looks like he's savoring the pain he inflicted on Teresa's family. After the sentencing, it was Judge Kyle who expressed to Teresa's mother that he was sorry for her loss. CWW didn't give it a second thought. He didn't turn around. He just kept on walking. I wish the law would allow additional years to be tacked on to his sentence for the pain and suffering and therapy that Teresa's family and friends will face throughout their lives.

Now that this hideous demon is behind bars, I hope people in MO will feel safer about coming forward with information, regarding the other souls that have gone missing in their community.
I know others might not agree but I think it was the first real human action that CWW took when he apologized. Is it enough? No, never could be. But, considering his two co-defendants have not taken one bit of responsibility, CWW is able to give some words of remorse to this family.

You know, he appears so mousey and shrunken. It is hard to square this behavior with the kind of brutal man he was known to be to others and what he confessed to in killing Teresa.

I hope his words can help Teresa's mother and family begin to heal. Her mom has her grandchildren and they are part of her daughter. It is not and never will be the same but I hope she gets to a point of a new normal with some joy for her own sake and her surviving children/grandchildren's sake.

Healing thoughts to her and all who have been affected by these monsters. It is kind of nice to know we don't have to listen to him again and he can fade into the abyss of prison.


CWW expressing remorse and apologizing ... I believe he was damned if he did, and damned if he didn't ... a natural consequence for his actions. But, I believe it is better that he did.

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