2015.11.30 IRS Tax Lien Form 1040 for the year ending 2013

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Jul 22, 2015
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Not sure where to post this but a federal tax lien was recorded on 11/30/15. The document itself is not viewable on the Lee County Clerk's site. However, it appears there are financial difficulties which would be expected since the primary source of income ceased to exist.

Instrument # PreviousPrev 2015000255699 NextNext
Document Type: (LI) Lien
Modified Date: 11/30/2015 1:04:47 PM
Record Date : 11/30/2015 1:04:41 PM
Book Type: O
# of Pages: 1
Ref# 610681

Whoa...the IRS don't mess around.

Thanks for the info Riversinthedesert.
It takes a while for the irs to lien your property or accounts. It takes months of not paying nothing nor working out a payment plan.

So maybe this was part of the financial ruins that were building before TS was killed. And it was suppose to be paid with the life insurance policy.

So maybe he had financial motives to have her killed in order to keep living the lifestyle and without her finding out that he was robbing her finances blind. Idk.
Whoa...the IRS don't mess around.

Thanks for the info Riversinthedesert.

Yes, this is a big deal. What a mess. I can't imagine that TS knew that their taxes hadn't been paid. MS must have kept her in the dark. Once the letter demanding payment arrives and is ignored, a lien is automatic in ten days, so I imagine that letter arrived after TS was killed. The IRS says it will work with you if you can't pay your taxes, so it would appear that MS made no effort to get a plan going with IRS.

Basically with a lien the IRS has a claim against all his property, including any acquired after this notice is filed. Eventually they could file a levy and take the property. In the meantime, this affects his credit rating (the least of his worries I guess). I had to google all this because I know nothing about NOT paying taxes. I can't imagine just ignoring them, or at the very least, not contacting the IRS to work something out. Yikes!

If you do not pay your tax in full when you file your tax return, you will receive a bill for the amount you owe. This bill starts the collection process, which continues until your account is satisfied or until the IRS may no longer legally collect the tax; for example, when the time or period for collection has expired.
The first notice you receive will be a letter that explains the balance due and demands payment in full. It will include the amount of the tax, plus any penalties and interest accrued on your unpaid balance from the date the tax was due.

It is important to contact us and make arrangements to pay the tax due voluntarily. If you do not contact us, we may take action to collect the taxes including:
  1. Filing a Notice of Federal Tax Lien
  2. Serving a Notice of Levy, or
  3. Offsetting a refund to which you are entitled
A federal tax lien is a legal claim to your property, including property that you acquire after the lien arises. The federal tax lien arises automatically when you fail to pay in full the taxes you owe within ten days after we make an assessment of the tax and send the first notice of taxes owed and demand for payment. The government may also file a Notice of Federal Tax Lien in the public records, which publicly notifies your creditors that the IRS has a claim against all your property, including property acquired by you after the filing of the Notice of Federal Tax Lien. The filing of a Notice of Federal Tax Lien may appear on your credit report and may harm your credit rating. Once a lien arises, the IRS generally cannot release the lien until the tax, penalty, interest, and recording fees are paid in full or until the IRS may no longer legally collect the tax.


More information at this link.
It takes a while for the irs to lien your property or accounts. It takes months of not paying nothing nor working out a payment plan.

So maybe this was part of the financial ruins that were building before TS was killed. And it was suppose to be paid with the life insurance policy.

So maybe he had financial motives to have her killed in order to keep living the lifestyle and without her finding out that he was robbing her finances blind. Idk.

I think you're onto something Dex. Such a betrayal on so many levels if this is what happened.
Not sure where to post this but a federal tax lien was recorded on 11/30/15. The document itself is not viewable on the Lee County Clerk's site. However, it appears there are financial difficulties which would be expected since the primary source of income ceased to exist.

Instrument # PreviousPrev 2015000255699 NextNext
Document Type: (LI) Lien
Modified Date: 11/30/2015 1:04:47 PM
Record Date : 11/30/2015 1:04:41 PM
Book Type: O
# of Pages: 1
Ref# 610681

is that on their house or business address?
Not sure where to post this but a federal tax lien was recorded on 11/30/15. The document itself is not viewable on the Lee County Clerk's site. However, it appears there are financial difficulties which would be expected since the primary source of income ceased to exist.

Instrument # PreviousPrev 2015000255699 NextNext
Document Type: (LI) Lien
Modified Date: 11/30/2015 1:04:47 PM
Record Date : 11/30/2015 1:04:41 PM
Book Type: O
# of Pages: 1
Ref# 610681

What a find! I think you've split the case wide open! It's much worse than i even dreamed!
I seem to remember a case where the husband had a business but the wife managed finances, the exact opposite of this situation. They had a really nice lifestyle also, but the husband was under the assumption that the wife was paying the taxes. She wasn't and the IRS kept trying to make arrangements. Finally they demanded to speak to the husband and just before the meeting was to take place, she killed him, thinking this would end the collection efforts. She was wrong, of course.

IMO it all makes sense for me now. But can it be proven in a court of law?
is that on their house or business address?

My understanding of the info I posted earlier is that it's on everything they own, including anything purchased from now on too. But I'm not a tax lien expert. I just google. :)
Yes, this is a big deal. What a mess. I can't imagine that TS knew that their taxes hadn't been paid. MS must have kept her in the dark. Once the letter demanding payment arrives and is ignored, a lien is automatic in ten days, so I imagine that letter arrived after TS was killed. The IRS says it will work with you if you can't pay your taxes, so it would appear that MS made no effort to get a plan going with IRS.

Basically with a lien the IRS has a claim against all his property, including any acquired after this notice is filed. Eventually they could file a levy and take the property. In the meantime, this affects his credit rating (the least of his worries I guess). I had to google all this because I know nothing about NOT paying taxes. I can't imagine just ignoring them, or at the very least, not contacting the IRS to work something out. Yikes!


More information at this link.

That is definitely 1 way to steal from the business. You tell the wife that you are withdrawing the 20k to pay the irs for the business and personal taxes owed. But then you pocket the money with the intent on paying it back. Then you throw the irs kibbles and bits throughout the year on a minor payment plan; But you turn around and do the 20k withdrawal again for this year tax scam. Now you are still about 40k in debt to the irs after interest and late fees. Plus you will soon have to face the music with your wife, since you basically stole her money plus leaving her in a 40k or so debt with the irs at the same time.

I wonder if her sister should get a copy of Teresa's credit report; Just to see how the finances were looking. And to see if debtors are on there for things that Teresa would have never authorized or gotten. Jmo
My understanding of the info I posted earlier is that it's on everything they own, including anything purchased from now on too. But I'm not a tax lien expert. I just google. :)

I'm sure all private doctors with business and home and hubby and kids; Will always go long form when filing taxes for the year. Which means some type of accountant will at least help them fill out the forms which need to be filed.

So I would think that their accountant would know something. Or Mark also tried to be her personal tax accountant as well as the office manager along with being the at home money manager who doesn't like to use all the money for the bills that it was intended for. Idk
is that on their house or business address?

When the IRS is involved, it's taxes on the business that is owed.

So, IMO this is all about the business & yes, the IRS doesn't play. They can seize all assets including real estate.
That is definitely 1 way to steal from the business. You tell the wife that you are withdrawing the 20k to pay the irs for the business and personal taxes owed. But then you pocket the money with the intent on paying it back. Then you throw the irs kibbles and bits throughout the year on a minor payment plan; But you turn around and do the 20k withdrawal again for this year tax scam. Now you are still about 40k in debt to the irs after interest and late fees. Plus you will soon have to face the music with your wife, since you basically stole her money plus leaving her in a 40k or so debt with the irs at the same time.

I wonder if her sister should get a copy of Teresa's credit report; Just to see how the finances were looking. And to see if debtors are on there for things that Teresa would have never authorized or gotten. Jmo

I'm afraid to ask how you know all this stuff Dex! :eek: I guess I'm just naive. :dunno: After all, my tutu biz isn't that profitable since you're my only customer. :)

I wouldn't be surprised if LE has a copy of Teresa's credit report. And I imagine LE saw this lien coming a mile off.
I'm sure all private doctors with business and home and hubby and kids; Will always go long form when filing taxes for the year. Which means some type of accountant will at least help them fill out the forms which need to be filed.

So I would think that their accountant would know something. Or Mark also tried to be her personal tax accountant as well as the office manager along with being the at home money manager who doesn't like to use all the money for the bills that it was intended for. Idk

Maybe CWW was his "accountant." Or MS's stint as a dealer at a casino made him feel qualified. :D
So the question remains:

Was he simply hiding their glib financial situation from TS so he wouldn't have to get a 9 to 5 job somewhere?

Or was there something more nefarious going on?
is that on their house or business address?

My understanding of the info I posted earlier is that it's on everything they own, including anything purchased from now on too. But I'm not a tax lien expert. I just google. :)

When the IRS is involved, it's taxes on the business that is owed.

So, IMO this is all about the business & yes, the IRS doesn't play. They can seize all assets including real estate.

Just to clarify, I meant that the lien is on everything they own, including the house, but yes, the taxes owed were for the business.
I'm afraid to ask how you know all this stuff Dex! :eek: I guess I'm just naive. :dunno: After all, my tutu biz isn't that profitable since you're my only customer. :)

I wouldn't be surprised if LE has a copy of Teresa's credit report. And I imagine LE saw this lien coming a mile off.

No worries my friend. Let's just say that I have the irs on speed dial and this is reminding me to give them a call. Lol. But they keep you on hold for 2hrs and then the person who answers always accidentally drops the call; Which leaves you having to call back and be on hold for another 2hrs. Lol.

Btw. Don't cash that last check that I sent to you for my tutu order. Lol. It may not clear and my chihuahuas and meerkats may have to freeze a little while longer.

Chuckle Emoji.
Not sure where to post this but a federal tax lien was recorded on 11/30/15. The document itself is not viewable on the Lee County Clerk's site. However, it appears there are financial difficulties which would be expected since the primary source of income ceased to exist.

Instrument # PreviousPrev 2015000255699 NextNext
Document Type: (LI) Lien
Modified Date: 11/30/2015 1:04:47 PM
Record Date : 11/30/2015 1:04:41 PM
Book Type: O
# of Pages: 1
Ref# 610681

RIVERSINTHEDESERT It doesn't matter where you post info like this! You are a Super Duper Sleuther more to come for 2012, 2013? Wonder if it was due to 1)non-filing 2)failed audit 3) URP (under reporter program) 4) Filed, but not paid 5) Defaulting on an existing payment plan 6) Or even worse...can there be worse? OH YEAH...withholding money out of an employee's paycheck (for example: Social Security, Medicare, Federal Taxes) and not forwarding it to the Feds. It takes a couple of years to get to this point...just sayin'.
HOWEVER, sometimes people simply don't report their capital gains transactions correctly and it snow balls into a horrible situation....and they stick their head in the sand because it is so difficult to get help resolving their issues. (Yes, I CAN BE IMPARTIAL, even dismiss this as a normal IRS issue and not assume it means anything sinister.:blushing:) A certified correspondence arriving from that beloved agency is always disconcerting :noooo: and can elevate your blood pressure.
It takes a while for the irs to lien your property or accounts. It takes months of not paying nothing nor working out a payment plan.

So maybe this was part of the financial ruins that were building before TS was killed. And it was suppose to be paid with the life insurance policy.

So maybe he had financial motives to have her killed in order to keep living the lifestyle and without her finding out that he was robbing her finances blind. Idk.

DEXTER...You share knowledge, and life experiences with an amusing edge. I giggled when you wrote you have the IRS on speed dial. (Perhaps they have you on speed dial, too?) I am very familiar with the case you wrote about above....think he had a successful roofing company and an IRS agent had an appointment that afternoon with the wife/bookkeeper. The amount was pretty high (as I recall) two million+. So the wife killed her husband in the morning, thinking the debt would "go away." Absolute tragedy....every situation can be worked out...murdering an innocent spouse is NEVER AN OPTION!! Lots of people have tax problems, and they don't kill their spouses. (Hmmm, Lee County Sheriff's Dept in Florida, the FBI, Jefferson County Sheriff's Dept in Missouri, The ATF, The IRS.... The list of alphabet agencies keeps getting longer. I can think of two others that might be weighing in soon. But I'll let my fellow sleuths add to that list.)
I have to admit the timing is odd...because these issues don't happen "over night."

Nite DEX... Good night fellow sleuths.
Not sure where to post this but a federal tax lien was recorded on 11/30/15. The document itself is not viewable on the Lee County Clerk's site. However, it appears there are financial difficulties which would be expected since the primary source of income ceased to exist.

Instrument # PreviousPrev 2015000255699 NextNext
Document Type: (LI) Lien
Modified Date: 11/30/2015 1:04:47 PM
Record Date : 11/30/2015 1:04:41 PM
Book Type: O
# of Pages: 1
Ref# 610681

Good find!

1040 Tax period ending 12/31/13
Date of Assessment 12/01/2014
32,833.23 $


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