2016.01.07 Discovery Docs Batch 3 - Crime Scene Images included

I think they were sleeping in separate bedrooms - only one side of the bed is unmade and I can't see someone making only one side, but I could be wrong.

I think TS slept on the right side (of the bed) - the side with the table/desk.

It's a Dream Journal. I can't remember at this moment how I determined that because it was several days ago (argh, memory issue), but I'll try and do it again.

I noticed the same thing that items in the bedroom were moved while taking pictures. We don't know timing, I assume it's documented somewhere why things were moved.

We here have allergies up the wazoo and have tissue boxes in every room and by each side of our bed, but certain drugs also make runny noses... TS had an inhaler in her purse, asthma and allergies often go hand-in-hand. *yep, my experience*

Yes, I thought the same thing, FelicityLemon - a Dream journal. And, I also can vouch for the allergies in SW Florida. My husband had what we called "hayfever" back home where he would get really bad in the fall, and he also had some other allergies in the spring time. Down here, he has allergies all the time! Yes, tissues in every room!

And, that is definitely TS's dream journal - typical doctor (lol) - can't read the handwriting.
Yes, yours is the post I was thinking of, howonkee. Thanks for bringing it forward. Sorry I was too lazy to go look for it.

I needed to find what investigators learned that caused them to say the prying of the door was "obviously staged" in the reports. I'm finally satisfied after seeing the door frame fractures around the deadbolt receiver. And now we have an idea of why CWW and JRR bought a lock pick set at Walmart.

Who knew Walmart even sold lock picks?

Well they might now sell lock picks per se but you can use small allen wrenches as picks (I had bad teen company) :)
I think they were sleeping in separate bedrooms - only one side of the bed is unmade and I can't see someone making only one side, but I could be wrong.

I think TS slept on the right side (of the bed) - the side with the table/desk.

It's a Dream Journal. I can't remember at this moment how I determined that because it was several days ago (argh, memory issue), but I'll try and do it again.

I noticed the same thing that items in the bedroom were moved while taking pictures. We don't know timing, I assume it's documented somewhere why things were moved.

We here have allergies up the wazoo and have tissue boxes in every room and by each side of our bed, but certain drugs also make runny noses... TS had an inhaler in her purse, asthma and allergies often go hand-in-hand. *yep, my experience*

Maybe the cover?

Has anyone been able to decipher her writings in the Dream journal? I can't make out enough to determine if there's anything of interest there.

I can figure out a word here and there but no complete thoughts. I noticed she uses the c with a line over it for "with," as many doctors do, so that might help if anyone else is trying to read it.
Has anyone been able to decipher her writings in the Dream journal? I can't make out enough to determine if there's anything of interest there.

I can figure out a word here and there but no complete thoughts. I noticed she uses the c with a line over it for "with," as many doctors do, so that might help if anyone else is trying to read it.

Here's what I have so far besides 1 or 2 words here and there:

1st page second paragraph middle: "This lifetime I need to..." ?

2nd page tippy top: "magic 3 girl in action"

2nd page first paragraph: "I am here to help with ...."?
End of that paragraph: "I help others know true power"?

Last paragraph: "Do a group meditation"?

Here's what I have so far besides 1 or 2 words here and there:

1st page second paragraph middle: "This lifetime I need to..." ?

2nd page tippy top: "magic 3 girl in action"

2nd page first paragraph: "I am here to help with ...."?
End of that paragraph: "I help others know true power"?

Last paragraph: "Do a group meditation"?

View attachment 87992

Adding to last paragraph:
Do a group meditation psych. Do hyper realms. Develop as the pre test- we reference for what to do.
1 & 2nd. Full paragraph
Does it impart life if it's an "unthinker" often intervals his lifetime. I need to energize by color and light.
Literature work I read a time or where I write.
I get more people who don't speaks regarding- to (do)so deeper.
Best guess from a pediatric OT who reads a lot of poor handwriting.

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Here's what I have so far besides 1 or 2 words here and there:

1st page second paragraph middle: "This lifetime I need to..." ?

2nd page tippy top: "magic 3 girl in action"

2nd page first paragraph: "I am here to help with ...."?
End of that paragraph: "I help others know true power"?

Last paragraph: "Do a group meditation"?

View attachment 87992

Left page: "I get more people who (don't?)"

"Do hyper reality" it's usually spelled as a single word (I googled) and learned some interesting stuff! :)

Google hyperreality medicine - lots of things that relate to her philosophy of modern medicine and healing.


I originally thought it was a Dream journal for two reasons, what and how was written and the fact that it was pretty hard to read in conjunction with the cover title Dream and then that made sense. When I tried to write down dreams just after waking (or forcing myself to wake to write it) my writing is similar to hers. Sometimes, I couldn't decipher my own writing. Frustrating because I knew at the times I wrote, it was important for me to remember but later couldn't read it, lol.

BUT, maybe it's a regular journal that just says "Dream" like a prompt to not forget to dream? Busy people often forget to dream as in daydream because they're so caught up in day to day reality :(
Adding to last paragraph:
Do a group meditation psych. Do hyper realms. Develop as the pre test- we reference for what to do.
2nd. Full paragraph-
Literature work I read a time or where I write.
I get more people who don't speaks regarding- to (do)so deeper.
Best guess from a pediatric OT who reads a lot of poor handwriting.

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So you're saying, then, that I shouldn't reject any potential interpretations of her handwriting just because they make no damn sense at all? :) No disrespect to Dr. TS. I'm just not in tune with this kind of thinking.
So you're saying, then, that I shouldn't reject any potential interpretations of her handwriting just because they make no damn sense at all? :) No disrespect to Dr. TS. I'm just not in tune with this kind of thinking.

I think she may be writing in fragments to herself. It's just for herself as a reference so it's sloppy, fragmented thoughts with abbreviations. Because of the angles, that's all I could make out. I have been reading and interpreting disgraphic handwriting for 20 years!! But it's the best I can do. [emoji3]

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1st full paragraph page 2-
I am free to help with (ascenier). Get playful aspect where they can handle it. If healing inside out because the more they are- I help others know true power.
Hope this helps decipher her thoughts a little.
I think this journal is full of her aspirations and plans- dreams. Not like the dreams she has at night. JMHO

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I think she may be writing in fragments to herself. It's just for herself as a reference so it's sloppy, fragmented thoughts with abbreviations. Because of the angles, that's all I could make out. I have been reading and interpreting disgraphic handwriting for 20 years!! But it's the best I can do. [emoji3]

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I agree. It could be notes from books she was reading at the time. I know for complex books I am trying to digest, especially books about my job, I write random notes to myself. Just random facts or passages, with no thought to grammar or sentence structure. If someone else tried to read them, they would probably make NO sense.
I can vouch for the fact that Teresa's handwriting is barely legible and always has been. I recognized Teresa's handwriting right away on some of the checks pictured in earlier discovery. Even her signature was barely decipherable. As I have mentioned before, Teresa could laugh heartily at herself with others. It was one of her many endearing qualities and one I particularly loved. Under different circumstances I think she would have laughed at the frustration one could experience trying to figure out what she was writing.

I also want to say that as a visitor to Teresa's homes in Florida I can vouch for the fact that the crime scene photos do not portray Teresa's style of living. Teresa loved light and air and openness. I can only suspect that the home was closed up tight for the trip and the pictures were taken before anyone opened up blinds or curtains etc... Mark was the builder of fences both literally and figuratively. Teresa also loved order in her surroundings both at home and at work. However, Mark was responsible for the home and I suspect she simply tired of chasing his lazy a$$ to get things done.

I have read many comments about the writings of JS, Teresa's oldest daughter. I am not trying to upset anyone, but I don't think it is appropriate to comment on what the children wrote in any capacity. They are children. Teresa loved her girls and would be devastated to know they were on such display and under such analysis. Please remember that just as Teresa was in a hyper-manipulated environment, so too are the girls. Thanks in advance to anyone that reads this and understands that I, like all of you, want to see the girls protected - they will certainly have enough to deal with in life due to the monstrosities of their father.
Snipped from CS's post: "Generally speaking, assets are divided "equitably" by a judge who considers the length of the marriage, the amount earned or earning potential of each, assets, whether or not that spouse supports children as the custodial parent."

Thx very much for your analysis ^ re judicial div of prop in FL dissolution of marriage.

Would a judge make a decision wrt div of assets only when there is no pre-nup?
IOW, if MS & TS had a pre-nup & ea had own counsel for pre-nup, w terms addressing div of prop on dis/marriage, is it likely, iyo, that a judge would override it or substitute his/her judgment for the pre-nup's terms?

Would that also hold true for issue of perm or rehab spousal support, that a judge would not be likely to override/nullify terms of pre-nup, if pre-nup addresses issue?

If they had pre-nup, is it poss the pre-nup's terms re spousal support and/or div of assets changes drastically after a specified number of yrs of marriage, e.g., 10 yrs? 12? 15? I don't recall how long MS & TS had bn married.

Thx in adv.

If TS & MS had a valid prenup, I don't see why the court wouldn't enforce the agreement according to its terms. FWIW I doubt TS and MS had a prenup, but to answer your question regarding length of a marriage, a prenup may have benchmarks. For example, if husband and wife divorce after 5 years wife gets 100k, 10 years 200k, etc. The parties provide for this in the agreement, not the court. IMO, not enough assets at the time of the marriage to warrant a prenup.
Yes, I am very familiar with the alienation and manipulations game where children are concerned also. It is never a good thing. Why don't kids deserve to be loved by every single person who wants to love them?
I absolutely and totally agree.
KateB, can we have a separate thread on this...maybe named "Impact on Children."
I ask only because it is such a heavy topic, not only for me, but for many others and sometimes detracts from the case

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I absolutely and totally agree.
KateB, can we have a separate thread on this...maybe named "Impact on Children."
I ask only because it is such a heavy topic, not only for me, but for many others and sometimes detracts from the case

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Not a good idea.

NIN I agree the children need left out as much as possible


Nope. We are in not going to highlight or have any topical thread on the children. Not even in a general sense. No chance.

We need the new set of docs released. Like tomorrow. :gaah:

Nope. We are in not going to highlight or have any topical thread on the children. Not even in a general sense. No chance.
We need the new set of docs released. Like tomorrow. :gaah:

Yep, I hear you, beach..give me that can..:kickcan:


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