2016.03.01 Discovery Documents - Batch # 5

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
A few days ago I mentioned that the Orlando thing intrigued me. I was wondering if in his own mind he thought that if he got rid of the wife and scored a huge insurance settlement he could move away and start up a new life with this Orlando flame, whoever that is, and wind up the hero. I have no idea if this far fetched but we all guess, speculate and sometimes come up with strange scenarios but it seems stranger and stranger things come up every day in this case.

Such a soap opera......hard to stay above water with one husband and my kids with their activities sometimes, but for him to have multiple woman, keeping up the lie in regards to his own marriage, keeping all his lies straight from his fantasy fables.....

His whole life was a sham.......
Was thinking about the account today..that was absolutely fine with it being set up even knowing there was 4.43 MILLION in life insurance that he THOUGHT he was going to receive by sending NEWS ARTICLES about her murder. GREED..GREED WITH A SIDE OF GREEDY...Glad The 3 are behind bars and Mr. GREED is away from those precious girls. :jail:

You bet he was fine with it. Of course he knew that it may take some time to get his millions from the Life Insurance Co's. and may need a dime or 2 before then (for living/or bail) (while he had several thousands of dollars in the safe). LS set it up, what?-2 days after TS was murdered? For the "financial burdens" he was going to experience? Apparently she wasn't aware of his millions in Life Insurance. Amazing how much homeschooling can cost these days (insert sarcasm). I'm thinking once he and/or LS realized how most were responding to it as a "greed thing" and the confusion of where the money was to go (kids, Good Shep Ministries or where ever they decided depending on the day and the post) it began to look "fishy" so they may have then decided to allow her family administer it since at that time TS's family was in support of him.
Thanks. Wondering how they felt when Mark was finally arrested.

Do you think MiP and MP trusted and liked Mark as much as they loved Teresa?
If there was not a "please don't quit law school" conversation with MS then there will be no love lost with them. I personally feel that was a shady excuse. Maybe there was a real conversation, but I don't think that was it.
Who was CK talking about? That was odd. Like a starting a new family thing.
I am going to piggy back on your who was who thing. Thanks for getting that clarified about Ms. Orlando. So who was this Henry that she mentioned near the very end. I felt like I might of missed someone along the way.
If there was not a "please don't quit law school" conversation with MS then there will be no love lost with them. I personally feel that was a shady excuse. Maybe there was a real conversation, but I don't think that was it.

We haven't seen the MiP interview yet, correct?
I am going to piggy back on your who was who thing. Thanks for getting that clarified about Ms. Orlando. So who was this Henry that she mentioned near the very end. I felt like I might of missed someone along the way.

IIRC, CK stated that Henry is Mark's uncle. I recall her saying she liked him. :)
Oh dear, I feel like giving my own opinion again.

LS may have been right about only one thing concerning Mark. She said something to the effect, "He was driving her, Teresa, crazy."

Mark said something to CK about Teresa not having reason to have an affair with another man because she had no reason to. I guess he thinks he provided good sex, but a smart, sensitive woman needs more than that from her husband. He was lacking in so many ways, IMO.

It's just too bad some foolish woman with more money didn't steal Mark away before he devised his ultimate selfish, greedy plans. But what could he really offer another woman other than a play date? No surprise, no takers, he was such a liability.
Funny. Gotta love her up-do's.

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I love me some NG. I have been watching her forever and remember when she started with CourtTV. I miss CourtTV.

I wish she would fire her make-up and hair stylist though. jmo

In reference to the cell phones and other small electronics being wrapped in aluminum foil by local LE to prevent erasing and hacking, I found this site...http://www.ramayes.com/rf_shielded_forensics_enclosure.htm
I think it's neat-o-torpedo.
Possibly this one:



I am wondering, if there was another picture/painting hanging there before, or if the wall was always blank.

Nin, sorry, I missed something. Can you elaborate?

In the CK interview it transpired, that MS had won/purchased a commissioned painting of his daughters in an auction. According to CK, MS indicated, that TS did not live to see the painting. So it was put up after her death.

In the CK interview it transpired, that MS had won/purchased a commissioned painting of his daughters in an auction. According to CK, MS indicated, that TS did not live to see the painting. So it was put up after her death.


So in the few days between TS murder and CKs visit the painting arrived, and in the _ hours since he had been allowed back in the house, he hung the painting?
So in the few days between TS murder and CKs visit the painting arrived, and in the _ hours since he had been allowed back in the house, he hung the painting?

Well, we do not know, when the painting arrived or had been picked up (?), but it looks like he found the time to hang it, yes. Isn't that weird or what..

Well, we do not know, when the painting arrived or had been picked up (?), but it looks like he found the time to hang it, yes. Isn't that weird or what..


Guessing a family photo had been there. Is there a view among all the crime scene photos?
It looks like the same painting is hanging on the wall in Batch #3 pdf 31 photo # 29578. Sorry but I don't know how to attach the pic..lol

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The painting CH described seeing cannot be the painting from the crime scene. Oh boy, my slip here. We cannot have possibly seen it..:blushing:

And yet, he did hang some commissioned picture/painting from that auction, that CK mentioned, it is just not that one. Unless....someone else hung it up that wall.

It looks like the same painting is hanging on the wall in Batch #3 pdf 31 photo # 29578. Sorry but I don't know how to attach the pic..lol

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I notice that also. Perhaps that is not the painting "won" at the auction or clearly TS would have seen it.

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