2016.03.01 Discovery Documents - Batch # 5

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
IQuestion...now that I know the meaning of a word that I can't begin to spell - I agree. Karma, it's a $itch. And MS will likely never reap what he has sown. Or the old sayin, "what goes around, comes around". Cause, IMO, sitting in jail/prison, won't make up for what was perpetrated on Dr. Teresa Ann Grace Sievers.
CPEACOCK, First congrats on being nominated for post of the day!!
Yep a lot of "big words for simple things"...Karma is a $itch! Let me help you pronounce the word, for the fear of the number 13. Triska-deck-a-phobia
Triska rhymes with Spiska if you need some help in trying to figure out the pronunciation, go figure. Every time I use that name, my weird meter spikes ....don't know if it needs to be re-calibrated or she really is the world's worst intuologist. (Not sure how to spell intuologist 'cuz my spell check keeps inserting a totally different word. I love the poster who always reminds us, "Fiction has to make sense"....reality doesn't.)
CPEACOCK, First congrats on being nominated for post of the day!!
Yep a lot of "big words for simple things"...Karma is a $itch! Let me help you pronounce the word, for the fear of the number 13. Triska-deck-a-phobia
Triska rhymes with Spiska if you need some help in trying to figure out the pronunciation, go figure. Every time I use that name, my weird meter spikes ....don't know if it needs to be re-calibrated or she really is the world's worst intuologist. (Not sure how to spell intuologist 'cuz my spell check keeps inserting a totally different word. I love the poster who always reminds us, "Fiction has to make sense"....reality doesn't.)

Well IQuestion, I really, really LOVE reading your comments. And I get to read this one twice, yippee! (Post #781 and 782).
... reading that the phones "were wrapped in tinfoil when AW & CWW were picked up." The wording could have been a little better, because it caused a lot of confusion. I immediately interpreted it to mean AW/CWW wrapped them up to avoid their "pings" being tracked by police.
(Hey, made perfect sense to me, based on my kitchen forensic experiments!)

IQuestion -
Not sure if you are saying you experimented by wrapping cell phone in alum foil.

I wrapped one cell in alum foil, then w other cell in next room dialed the wrapped phone #, waited ~ 20 sec.
Guess what. No rings from alum-foil-wrapped phone.
After unwrapping, I checked it for 'missed calls' and it did not display any.

NB: did not use iphone, smart phone or androids. Just a 5 y/o very dumb cell.

Hmm, not sure what this means or if it would happen w any or all other cell phones.
Makes me sick when her sister said TS got her clothes at goodwill.

Some of us can afford to buy new but I love getting stuff at garage sales. I do not shop Goodwill. Just like going to the home where I can see the condition. It is a treasure hunt. Fun and recycling.
Now that's too funny!

In the meantime...our "wise-men" are thinking their plan wentless wellthan anticipated (all three in some kind of a Don Martin pose..):

CWW: I am clueless

JW: I am worthless

MS: I am scared sh...less


And all three are less than z.e.r.0.

Makes me sick when her sister said TS got her clothes at goodwill.

I actually like shopping at Goodwill even though I don't need to. Garage sales too. There's just something about the hunt that I enjoy? *shrug*
SCOUT Yes, yes, yes...I read and watch a lot of this late at night. I DISTINCTLY REMEMBERED reading that the phones "were wrapped in tinfoil when AW & CWW were picked up." The wording could have been a little better, because it caused a lot of confusion. I immediately interpreted it to mean AW/CWW wrapped them up to avoid their "pings" being tracked by police.
(Hey, made perfect sense to me, based on my kitchen forensic experiments!)
But others, interpreted it to mean "the police wrapped them in tin foil AFTER they picked up AW/CWW to preserve evidence."
At the time, I thought you were disagreeing (target on my back, lol) with everything I read....Of course now, (insert "I should have known" icon) the very same information could have been interpreted totally different, go figure!
Regardless, this shines the "WTF SPOTLIGHT" (whiskey tango foxtrot for those of you who prefer military lingo) on this band of miscreants. Now? Really?....CWW, genius computer tech, figures out how to block tracking their movements by wrapping the phones and GPS in tinfoil? (Wrong time to close the barn door, again.)

Tin foil on phones... I'm confused about this---I first read a post that they were found wrapped so I thought the poster read that in the docs. THEN I read thru a doc listing evidence where LE wrapped the phones BUT now I'm seeing more recent posts here referring to the phones being found wrapped. Not sure but think what I read in that doc was correct.... anyone wanna comment? My head is spinning, so much 'incoming' info.

IF Larry & Curly really did not wrap those phones, my vision of them in 'tin hats' is destroyed.
I actually like shopping at Goodwill even though I don't need to. Garage sales too. There's just something about the hunt that I enjoy? *shrug*

Seriously! Who doesn't like getting more bang for their buck? Where I live, you can get designer clothing in excellent condition for super cheap. I don't do designer status "stuff", but I do enjoy (greatly!) getting better quality used rather than brand new, fall apart clothing. Garage and estate sales - wheee!

I doubt she did it because she thought she couldn't afford it ($7+ on 2 bottles of water), but because it was good sense and it's fun to find a deal.
Dhaaang SCOUT...brilliant!!! I the calendar you created is not only bordering on genius, but it sort of "confirms" the feeling I got about MS already thinking of himself as the "free spending Big Kahuna." On February 13th, he sends/texts CWW the Jarvis Rd address (the place he wants his wife killed) and exactly ONE WEEK later, again on a Friday....Friday the 20th on your calendar...He BEGINS BIDDING ON EXPENSIVE ITEMS at OMH Charity auction fundraiser!!! Wow, pretty darned sick...IMO spending unwisely, freely and prematurely. As I stated earlier, I had a gut feeling about "the new suit"...after all, his wife was resigning her position at the non-profit and he wasn't going to be getting a job that required a new suit, any time soon. Hmmm, so why suddenly a new custom suit?? (We are the type of family that only purchases "fancy duds" for upcoming events.)

"the new suit" bugs me too. Though a minor aspect in this case VS the more prominent characteristics of MS 'killer' personality, it shows his frame of mind which screams volumes to me AND we all know LE looks at that stuff too. Reading thru the CK interview with LE, as soon as I read her "suit" comment while at the funeral.... a red flag for me. I immediately pictured him going in for the hearing with DCF for the kids (but think he was casual there), then a picture of him with TS at an event---may have not been that suit but I remember seeing him SOMEWHERE lookin' 'sharp' in what he wore. NOW.... being he didn't need to 'dress for success' when he was office manager, he very well may have already had 1 or 2 suits for church or other event type things he & TS might attend here & there---that wouldn't be necessary unusual. But... CK would probably know the difference in such attire MS would wear to 'dress' for an occasion VS what she saw at the funeral. We here have only seen him online in pictures or thru MSM on TV----still a nice expensive crisp suit stands out.
"the new suit" bugs me too. Though a minor aspect in this case VS the more prominent characteristics of MS 'killer' personality, it shows his frame of mind which screams volumes to me AND we all know LE looks at that stuff too. Reading thru the CK interview with LE, as soon as I read her "suit" comment while at the funeral.... a red flag for me. I immediately pictured him going in for the hearing with DCF for the kids (but think he was casual there), then a picture of him with TS at an event---may have not been that suit but I remember seeing him SOMEWHERE lookin' 'sharp' in what he wore. NOW.... being he didn't need to 'dress for success' when he was office manager, he very well may have already had 1 or 2 suits for church or other event type things he & TS might attend here & there---that wouldn't be necessary unusual. But... CK would probably know the difference in such attire MS would wear to 'dress' for an occasion VS what she saw at the funeral. We here have only seen him online in pictures or thru MSM on TV----still a nice expensive crisp suit stands out.

"Cause every girl crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man..."

Widowed tragically
+ Small children, intelligent and well-behaved girls
+ Sharp Dresser
+ Fat Wallet

= Chick Magnet (Legend in his own mind)
"Cause every girl crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man..."

Widowed tragically
+ Small children, intelligent and well-behaved girls
+ Sharp Dresser
+ Fat Wallet

= Chick Magnet (Legend in his own mind)

Too bad Mr. Legend in His Own Mind has put one few lbs... since seeing him in that ill-fitted 'suicide' Disco dress (green is definitely NOT his color), I bet that 'sharp' suit would be a bit tight these days. Cryin' shame if it really was purchased as we may suspect.
Too bad Mr. Legend in His Own Mind has put one few lbs... since seeing him in that ill-fitted 'suicide' Disco dress (green is definitely NOT his color), I bet that 'sharp' suit would be a bit tight these days. Cryin' shame if it really was purchased as we may suspect.

Hopefully his cell mates will give him some good exercise
Tin foil on phones... I'm confused about this---I first read a post that they were found wrapped so I thought the poster read that in the docs. THEN I read thru a doc listing evidence where LE wrapped the phones BUT now I'm seeing more recent posts here referring to the phones being found wrapped. Not sure but think what I read in that doc was correct.... anyone wanna comment? My head is spinning, so much 'incoming' info.

IF Larry & Curly really did not wrap those phones, my vision of them in 'tin hats' is destroyed.

I don't recall reading where it states that LE wrapped the phones. The information most of us have seen leads one to believe that the phones were wrapped that way prior to being found by LE. I listed the bates #s in an earlier post in this thread. A news clip a member posted also claims the phones were wrapped prior to LE confiscating them. The news clip is in this thread if you look back. BUT I think in most of our opinions it would make more sense if LE wrapped them. If you have a bates # or link that you saw it was LE please share :)
I don't recall reading where it states that LE wrapped the phones. The information most of us have seen leads one to believe that the phones were wrapped that way prior to being found by LE. I listed the bates #s in an earlier post in this thread. A news clip a member posted also claims the phones were wrapped prior to LE confiscating them. The news clip is in this thread if you look back. BUT I think in most of our opinions it would make more sense if LE wrapped them. If you have a bates # or link that you saw it was LE please share :)

I was under the impression that when LE pulled the Wrights over "in their car" to arrest CWW, both his and Angie's phones were wrapped in aluminum foil. AS they were trying to keep their "whereabouts" unknown.
The missing documents have been requested. Beach is on top of things.

I come bearing gifts!!! :loveyou::happydance::loveyou:

FINALLY! The missing pages from Batch 5 were emailed to me late yesterday.

I haven't even had a chance to read them myself yet. I briefly scanned and can tell y'all that there are at least 3 sworn statements including Teresa's aunt/godmother, her hairdresser and a friend of Kathy Moran's.

I saved them in the Siever's Case Google Drive --> Discovery Docs --> Batch 5 --> Batch 5 supp. Bates 30096-30162.

Oh man. In the interview with Rose Grunert, Angela's son has accused CWW of touchingly him inappropriatly, and that's the reason he no longer lives with AW/CWW.
Oh man. In the interview with Rose Grunert, Angela's son has accused CWW of touchingly him inappropriatly, and that's the reason he no longer lives with AW/CWW.

... and Angela says that he is lying.

She is exactly who I suspected she was. Her denial runs deep- she's the woman that puts a man, even a dangerous one, above her own children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.

I was disgusted when I learned the little 6 year old boy was in bed with the two of them when the police raided the trailer. I have exactly no sympathy for her- not one ounce- I've been placed in harms way exactly the same way.

She's as culpable (if not more so) in my book then the men she allows in to harm her children. MOO
I find it interesting that godmother mentioned the alarm and how only certain ppl can access it with special codes and she stated at the end that she hope the girls are safe. Those two things jumped out at me as being unique
the 6 year old was severely traumatized with waking up to M16's in his face and armoured SWAT. He has been in therapy since for both his mothers untimely death and all the goings on since his mothers passing
the 6 year old was severely traumatized with waking up to M16's in his face and armoured SWAT. He has been in therapy since for both his mothers untimely death and all the goings on since his mothers passing

I am so sorry for this, he is a completely innocent victim and so young.
I am wondering- do you blame LE for this or the man that bludgeoned an innocent woman to death and allegedly disappeared an innocent man many years ago that happened to be married to his great grandmother and in her bed?

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