2017.05.26 Sievers' Home on Jarvis Road Burglarized

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DNA Solves
My guess is everyone knows it's vacant so people/kids/long lost family coming to take what they want.
Those are exactly the reasons NOT TO BURGLARIZE A HOUSE. A house that is vacant, on that street, with all the scrutiny is probably the least salient house to burgle.!! Go figure.
Hey, the neighbors have cameras, security and probably on speed dial to LE, too. I would also assume since it has been more than 2 years since the death of beautiful Teresa....any credit cards, bank account information, checks, jewelry, guns, medictions etc....Have already been inventoried, closed or stored in a safe/safe place. So, I kept asking myself, AND I ASK YOU, TOO....
"If I was on trial for murder, and wanted to besmirch/destroy/and humiliate the memory of the victim, what would I do? Obviously a judge would have ruled any "photos or paraphernalia" as irrelevant and having NO EVIDENTIARY VALUE. And nothing more than items of character assassination." (This is tough, because you really have to go to a mentally dark place to realize what just occurred. IMO) What could I do to ruin the reputation or cast suggestion of other possible motives (other than being a greedy, soulless husband) for her death?
So, how can this be accomplished? Oh, I have an idea.....how about putting ALL THE INCRIMINATING EVIDENCE (like nude photos and DNA laced sex toys in a box. Set it right on the kitchen counter and put MS's name on the top of the box.) Throw a few other odds & ends into the mix so as not to make it too obvious. Oh yeah, put a few of my kid's things in for good measure and some old videos, too!! Yep, that's my plan. Now I can say, "My house was robbed and they stole the EMBARRASSING NUDE PHOTOS OF MY WIFE, etc" Pictorial evidence IN FLAGRANTE DELICTO = not only was my victim not as virtuous as presented, but also to suggest motive of others who might wish to harm her!! (Think Robert Blake's defense....nude photos of Bonnie Lee Blakely....and how they were used to suggest another possible motive?) But, I digress. So guess what COINCIDENTAL THING JUST HAPPENED??? Oh yeah, the little PANDORA BOX with Mark Sievers name on the top (GO FIGURE !) with embarrassing photos just got booked into evidence as part of a robbery!!!
And the police didn't even have to get a search warrant, because it was sitting in plain view!!! (Go figure?)
I live in SoCal and nude photos being "leaked online" generates more interest and interviews than paying for an ad in Variety stating "unemployed & talented actress needs a job." SoCal/Hollywood are so bored & blase` when it comes to getting "feigned/unwanted attention." DUI, entering rehab, having an affair with the nanny or a popular sports figure will not get you past the ennui voiced secretary of a PR firm. But, SAY YOU'VE GOT NUDE PHOTOS (stolen of course!)....and you are guaranteed a headline or 2 and maybe even the launch of a good defense or career.
Since MS transferred the title of the home solely into his name, within a month of his wife's death, and he has not been convicted of any crime.....I would think ANYONE HIRED TO DO WORK ON THE PROPERTY HAD TO BE APPROVED BY HIM or HIS DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE?
And worse still, the hired "maintenance worker" makes an illegal right hand turn....right in front of a police officer(!!!), and because they are acting "suspicious and anxious" the officer looks in the back seat of the vehicle with the name of MARK SIEVERS right on top of the box!!! Wow, MS just can't catch a break, can he?:blushing:
(... blackmail would be fruitless.... throw that theory out. And, what value would "used sex toys" have on the open market.....clue... NONE!)
Can't find link to story yet on Kindle. Robert John Salyers, 29, of Cape Coral was arrested 2 days ago, when deputies found a box belonging to Mark Sievers in his car. From what I understand so far, this suspect was supposedly working on the Sievers lanai? Here is my attempt to link to mugshot:


This story was on NBC2.

LOL, more idiots. Driving around with a box labeled with the name and address of the house you burgled. Add to that, making a stupid traffic violation so that you get pulled over. Box sitting in plain view on back seat with label.

OMG, another chapter for the book of Idiot Criminals involved in this case.
LOL, more idiots. Driving around with a box labeled with the name and address of the house you burgled. Add to that, making a stupid traffic violation so that you get pulled over. Box sitting in plain view on back seat with label.

OMG, another chapter for the book of Idiot Criminals involved in this case.

Hmmm FeliciyLemon bbm, You make some great points....
1) Driving around with a box labeled with the name and address 2) traffic violation so that you get pulled over 3) Box sitting in plain view
4) another chapter
5) book of Idiot Criminals
Or maybe, "not so idiotic" if one has a suspicious mind, like me. Who had control over the house (at that time) and hired RJS? I personally feel it was "set up" to get items into evidence that a judge would not normally find relevant to the murder case. When you think about it, what 29 year old men would be interested in home photos and a TS plaque taken off a wall? A couple of young guys in "swinging Florida" could surely have more excitement stopping to buy some risque magazines or viewing cable. Why would they want nude photos of a 40+ year old Mother of two? Why would they drive around with them in a car for 10 days? I think the "chapter of victim blaming and shaming" is still being written. If these guys had robbed a bank, do you think they would have left the cash in the back seat with the name of the bank written on the box? If they had stolen clothes from a store, do you think they would still have them in their car with the labels on them? Oh well, more oddness, wright? (I kind of chuckled to myself, I wouldn't even be able to identify a sex toy if I saw one! ... there are a few things I just refuse to google. lol.) It just doesn't make sense.
bbm MCKAZPM I had to search back for your post. I thought about you when I saw the arrest on the latest break-in. When will this ever end for you & the neighbors? (I hope no one takes that as an insensitive statement. But this crime scene is becoming multiple crime scenes)
If it were me, I would give up on trying to talk to anyone who drove up to that house for now. I'd just take a picture with my cell phone and write it down in a log book. I'm thinking you guys should do the same....
Wish I could, serve ya'll strong coffee (strike that), serve ya'll some large pitchers of margaritas!

That is exactly what we are doing IQ! I was able to send photos with dates to LE after the first burglary...just in case. There were people there that weren't recognized loading up a pickup truck. It is my understanding that the most recent burglary were guys that were there maintaining the pool and they decided to break in. I could be wrong, but that is what some were told.

Now...about those margaritas!!!!!! :loveyou:
Hmmm FeliciyLemon bbm, You make some great points....
1) Driving around with a box labeled with the name and address 2) traffic violation so that you get pulled over 3) Box sitting in plain view
4) another chapter
5) book of Idiot Criminals
Or maybe, "not so idiotic" if one has a suspicious mind, like me. Who had control over the house (at that time) and hired RJS? I personally feel it was "set up" to get items into evidence that a judge would not normally find relevant to the murder case. When you think about it, what 29 year old men would be interested in home photos and a TS plaque taken off a wall? A couple of young guys in "swinging Florida" could surely have more excitement stopping to buy some risque magazines or viewing cable. Why would they want nude photos of a 40+ year old Mother of two? Why would they drive around with them in a car for 10 days? I think the "chapter of victim blaming and shaming" is still being written. If these guys had robbed a bank, do you think they would have left the cash in the back seat with the name of the bank written on the box? If they had stolen clothes from a store, do you think they would still have them in their car with the labels on them? Oh well, more oddness, wright? (I kind of chuckled to myself, I wouldn't even be able to identify a sex toy if I saw one! ... there are a few things I just refuse to google. lol.) It just doesn't make sense.

It's a good thing you're not a criminal, IQ! You're so clever you'd never get caught!
Wow, IQuestion, I like your logi. I havent been keeping up with the case and did not know what was in the box. Very suspicious indeed.

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It's a good thing you're not a criminal, IQ! You're so clever you'd never get caught!
Oh COASTAL, you are such a card, lol! I would never want to be a criminal. Victims need our advocacy and their families need our support. LIFE IS PRECIOUS.... I find it diabolicallly ironic that criminals, when faced with prosecution, EXPECT and DEMAND from us the same humanity they denied their victims.

Thank you to Alice253 for always being an advocate
Hi friends. Let's keep the FACTS in this case at the forefront. Let's make sure manufactured break ins don't allow for doubts. Flood the 48 Hours Facebook Page, Instagram and Twitter with the FACTS so people know the real story as they watch the 48 Hours show tonight - where none of the victim's family cooperated so that the integrity of the case wasn't compromised. Thank you!
Hi friends. Let's keep the FACTS in this case at the forefront. Let's make sure manufactured break ins don't allow for doubts. Flood the 48 Hours Facebook Page, Instagram and Twitter with the FACTS so people know the real story as they watch the 48 Hours show tonight - where none of the victim's family cooperated so that the integrity of the case wasn't compromised. Thank you!

I am so sick of reading on the net that she was murdered because she was a doctor for alternatives.
Hi friends. Let's keep the FACTS in this case at the forefront. Let's make sure manufactured break ins don't allow for doubts. Flood the 48 Hours Facebook Page, Instagram and Twitter with the FACTS so people know the real story as they watch the 48 Hours show tonight - where none of the victim's family cooperated so that the integrity of the case wasn't compromised. Thank you!

The reporter doesn't like me. Go figure. When they first aired the episode I spoke up and sent tons ofemails. I was told I was too biased. Whatever to that response.
The reporter doesn't like me. Go figure. When they first aired the episode I spoke up and sent tons ofemails. I was told I was too biased. Whatever to that response.

Ya know, Oregonmama, the MSM knows EVERYTHING and we, the people, are stupid, know nothing nor can figure anything out. I sat & watched Katie Couric state on tv that she would "explain the news so people could understand it"... WTH! Glad you slammed Moriarity with emails. They make me so mad.
Report the FACTS

Hi friends. Let's keep the FACTS in this case at the forefront. Let's make sure manufactured break ins don't allow for doubts. Flood the 48 Hours Facebook Page, Instagram and Twitter with the FACTS so people know the real story as they watch the 48 Hours show tonight - where none of the victim's family cooperated so that the integrity of the case wasn't compromised. Thank you!

AZ, hope all is well.

The biggest mistake MS did IMO was throwing out computer peripherals at the office on the day of his wife's and their children's beloved mother's funeral instead of being with his children and family comforting each other. Something was more important - not!

Not sure if and what LE found in connection with the computer stuff, but that would wipe away any doubts in my mind.

AZ, hope all is well.

The biggest mistake MS did IMO was throwing out computer peripherals at the office on the day of his wife's and their children's beloved mother's funeral instead of being with his children and family comforting each other. Something was more important - not!

Not sure if and what LE found in connection with the computer stuff, but that would wipe away any doubts in my mind.


Not to mention his sick idea to invite family and friends over to the house at jarvis for a swim after the funeral. Who does that..?

Not to mention his sick idea to invite family and friends over to the house at jarvis for a swim after the funeral. Who does that..?


Not just any friend. The friend who is the admitted killer of your wife. Nin the truth is out there - let's just hope the antics of 48 Hours and other less than thorough media outlets don't derail the truth being highlighted.
Some have been asking about the Sievers' home. According to the following link, the property is in PRE-foreclose. The original loan balance is presented as 450,700. It has been on this site for 56 days, and counting:


The following link, however, states that the property is valued at 388,412 with ownership belonging to Sievers Mark at a P.O.Box in Saint Peters, MO. Can't tell when the info on this site was entered. Also included is voters' info, stating Mark's gender as"undeclared".

Some have been asking about the Sievers' home. According to the following link, the property is in PRE-foreclose. The original loan balance is presented as 450,700. It has been on this site for 56 days, and counting:


The following link, however, states that the property is valued at 388,412 with ownership belonging to Sievers Mark at a P.O.Box in Saint Peters, MO. Can't tell when the info on this site was entered. Also included is voters' info, stating Mark's gender as"undeclared".


MS have any relatives in MO still? I thought his brother moved to a different state. Thanks
Thanks, Josie, for pointing me in the right direction. It appears that, yes, the brother is still living in MO (Saint Peters). He is most likely involved with the sale of the house, as he is pretty savvy in the real estate arena.
Thanks, Josie, for pointing me in the right direction. It appears that, yes, the brother is still living in MO (Saint Peters). He is most likely involved with the sale of the house, as he is pretty savvy in the real estate arena.

You are welcome, Arachne. I remember MS had a brother, but I thought he moved out of MO. He is a lawyer, or was studying to be one.

Not understanding foreclosure totally, since the bank is foreclosing, does the bank still need an owners signature on any sale? Also, if in foreclosure which means the bank owns the house, why is anyone still gaining access to the house? Only bank officials or LE should be allowed in. Why is any family members still gaining access? One would think everything would have been taken out and put in storage ASAP since they knew they were losing the house. IMO MS is still running the show.

Any realtor or banker out there explain the above?

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