24 June 2010 - Update: Is this a Cold Case?

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Oh I didn't know SAPD thinks he doesn't exist. They would know. HG just wasn't making sense as part of the story, much like the laundromat sightings that were suspected to be false. It's clear LE just doesn't have much to work with. Like I said in an earlier post I think it's going to come down to someone recognizing Gabriel. Babies change so much the first 2 years, hopefully an age progression photo will come out sometime soon.
Oh I didn't know SAPD thinks he doesn't exist. They would know. HG just wasn't making sense as part of the story, much like the laundromat sightings that were suspected to be false. It's clear LE just doesn't have much to work with. Like I said in an earlier post I think it's going to come down to someone recognizing Gabriel. Babies change so much the first 2 years, hopefully an age progression photo will come out sometime soon.

KG thought EJ had a male companion from the day she arrived in SA. It's hard to believe that he could think that based on one sighting of a lone desk clerk.

EJ went somewhere important enough to hire a sitter for and her last pizza order suggests more than one person was eating. Whether it was HG or a couple, it seems that she had contact with people in SA that has not been explained. Did LE ever follow up with the second delivery guy? I never heard anything more about that.
I can't get the video to open u[...could someone just give me the gist of the California mention.

"San Antonio Police now say they're stumped"
Sgt Chris Benavidas: "We've been working with other law enforcement agencies, California and Arizona, following up any leads, and witnesses, and potential witnesses, any potential suspects, but like I said, nothing has really panned out for us."
"San Antonio Police now say they're stumped"
Sgt Chris Benavidas: "We've been working with other law enforcement agencies, California and Arizona, following up any leads, and witnesses, and potential witnesses, any potential suspects, but like I said, nothing has really panned out for us."

Kiss...thank you so much for that information...i don't know why I could not get the video up....what did H's dad say in regards to TPS and Jackie Cool....H.......CA was not in my radar....honestly..and Mr.Benavidas....find a better script writer...because to me JMO...you have given up...That I will not do...
I don't get it? How are they stumped? Elizabeth knows what happened to her son. Why doesn't LE get her some much needed counseling and get to the truth of the matter. She has been in jail for six months and you would think she would be ready to talk.
I don't get it? How are they stumped? Elizabeth knows what happened to her son. Why doesn't LE get her some much needed counseling and get to the truth of the matter. She has been in jail for six months and you would think she would be ready to talk.

:Welcome-12-june: :wave: Hi nnrpece, welcome!

LE is providing psychiatric treatment for EJ now since she was found incompetent to stand trial. I'm really hoping EJ responds to treatment as well. I think about that alot-is today the day the meds will kick in? Will a psychiatrist make a break through with her in session and will EJ begin to talk? She really does hold the key of what actually happened but some believe she may not know where Gabriel is or who she gave him to and may not be able to prove who the 3rd party connection is. I personally think she knows more than what she has provided to LE and just doesn't want Gabriel found.
No doubt! They were so gung-ho for the search in the first place. Oh wait, no they weren't. They only did it since it was funded by someone else! Ever get the feeling that LE just wanted it all to go away? Maybe if they had issued the Amber Alert as requested, this would be a whole different investigation!
I'm frustrated, but the part of the article that still gives me hope is that both JJ and Ken believe Gabriel is still alive. He deserves LE to do ALL they can for him. He's just a baby.

Makes me wonder as an SA resident just what are my taxes being used for? I know not the potholes on Bandera Rd...just sayin
Makes me wonder as an SA resident just what are my taxes being used for? I know not the potholes on Bandera Rd...just sayin

Aren't your taxes used for dying the river green for Patty's Day? :crazy:
Gabriel's picture is STILL not on the SAPD missing person page. Why?? He is missing.. I realize the odds of finding him off that page are slim to none but its irritating, LE should be using all resources.


Disheartening for sure. And it is still beyond me that we can't get a plain yes/no answer as to whether the FBI is currently involved. Now if it has been confirned and I missed it, I do apologize...I dunno....
It's been 9 months now and still no Gabriel. My heart's still so sad. But, something I got in my mailbox yesterday gave me a little perk me up. I always get what I call "Junk" mail on Tuesdays...sale flyers, coupon flyers and such. Well when I went through my coupon flyer on the very back page there was a 1X7 ad with Gabriel's picture! It was advertised as "Thank you for caring about Kids......RedPlum and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children". Gave me a little glimmer of hope....
It's been 9 months now and still no Gabriel. My heart's still so sad. But, something I got in my mailbox yesterday gave me a little perk me up. I always get what I call "Junk" mail on Tuesdays...sale flyers, coupon flyers and such. Well when I went through my coupon flyer on the very back page there was a 1X7 ad with Gabriel's picture! It was advertised as "Thank you for caring about Kids......RedPlum and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children". Gave me a little glimmer of hope....

There were a few people I know that got the same thing in the mail. Mine didn't have him in it and um..well I live in San Antonio!
Well at least NG bought up little buddy's case somewhat...that makes a little bit more visibility to the case....the particular case she is referring to happens to be a little 10 month old in my hometown...I know I am O/T...please forgive me...
Well at least NG bought up little buddy's case somewhat...that makes a little bit more visibility to the case....the particular case she is referring to happens to be a little 10 month old in my hometown...I know I am O/T...please forgive me...

I am thankful every time someone mentions him in the media, no matter how little. Maybe enough people will request an update on NG that she'll do one? What great timing too with the setting of trial date coming up.
Thanks for letting me know to tune into NG so I could catch Gabe's story. So sad about that little girl. :(
I am thankful every time someone mentions him in the media, no matter how little. Maybe enough people will request an update on NG that she'll do one? What great timing too with the setting of trial date coming up.
Thanks for letting me know to tune into NG so I could catch Gabe's story. So sad about that little girl. :(

Maybe we should all send her a request!

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