31 days...

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I still think that Casey was staging her and Caylees kidnapping - if Caylee died by accident, she buries or dumps the body somewhere, goes on with her own life coming up with some excuse - then she comes up with the kidnapping, the choloform which is used in all the movies, she abandons the car with her purse in it - to stage the whole thing - she has money she stole from Amy - then it all comes down on her when Cindy tracks her down

Then she had to come up with another story

I agree here, that Casey was setting up for a kidnapping / carjacking with both Casey and Caylee missing. I think Casey planned to take off for California never to be seen again. I also think that is why she wanted "one more day" from her mother. She was going to disappear and lay a guilt trip on her parents. JMOO.
I still cant help but wonder if her original plan, as far back as those March Google searches, was to kill her parents...instead of Caylee. Remember her comment about how she would soon be living in that house all by herself, and that her friend (cant remember which) had PLANS to move in with her there? Thats just odd...what was KC going to do when her friend showed up with a U-Haul? "Oh yah, my parents live here. Sorry, forgot to mention that."

I tend to believe that while there was some grizzly act in the works that related to the neck breaking, homemade weapons, self defense, inhalation and death...it had to do with someone other than Caylee. I can't imagine that you'd need to make a weapon or know self defense to kill a 2-year old.

I agree with you. Casey WAS counting days. And there is something weird about her saying 31 days. But maybe it's because she knew it was exactly a month - so said 31 days not thinking about June only being 30 days long.

On the 24th she posted on facebook that she hadn't been staying at the house in 9 days.

Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote
at 2:40pm on June 24th, 2008
she still has yet to move into the house. hell, in the past 9 days, i haven't even been living at the house. DRAMMMMMA. i'll fill ya in later on.
miss ya, yo.

I think this is significant in that Casey counted the days of independence from Cindy (9 days as mentioned in the text message.) Since the 15th was the last day she was under Cindy's control, it is probable that 31 days is the longest she had managed to live "on her own." For this reason it would be significant, and the easiest way for her to extrapolate back to approximate date of Caylee's death.
I think this is significant in that Casey counted the days of independence from Cindy (9 days as mentioned in the text message.) Since the 15th was the last day she was under Cindy's control, it is probable that 31 days is the longest she had managed to live "on her own." For this reason it would be significant, and the easiest way for her to extrapolate back to approximate date of Caylee's death.

That text brings me right back to my previous question of the gas can incident, which according to GA happened that same day...the 24th. :waitasec:
That text brings me right back to my previous question of the gas can incident, which according to GA happened that same day...the 24th. :waitasec:

I think the whole family talks in terms of control. When the A's say they hadn't "seen" their daughter in a month . . . I think they are talking about control--they haven't been able to control their daughter for a month.

The counting of days is significant because there is evidence that Casey counted her days of independence. That means Caylee's death was not as significant as her own independence from Cindy.

As for the smell in the trunk on the 24 . . . not sure if GA got close enough.
That 31 days would have turned into 6 months now if Cindy and George lived in another state and just called Casey once in awhile to say hello. Casey still wouldnt of told anyone all this time she is missing, IMO. I think she would of went on saying shes with this one or that one. Can someone maybe answer this question for me: Has Lees house been searched and his yard? anyone have any clue about this? I havent seen anyone else ask this on any thread, or I missed it but I think somewhere along the line , his place should of been looked at.
It means George and Casey were lying. There was no Zanny, and I don't believe George saw Caylee on the morning of the 16th. IMHO, Casey did know exactly how many days Caylee had been gone because she was with her when she drew her last breath on June 15th.

Maybe I'm counting wrong, but 31 days prior to July 15th is June 14th. We know Caylee wasn't missing then so obviously Casey's 31 days is baloney. Casey originally said Caylee disappeared on the 9th. She wasn't keeping track of the days, she was just happy to have Caylee out of the way.
I agree with you. Casey WAS counting days. And there is something weird about her saying 31 days. But maybe it's because she knew it was exactly a month - so said 31 days not thinking about June only being 30 days long.

On the 24th she posted on facebook that she hadn't been staying at the house in 9 days.
Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote
at 2:40pm on June 24th, 2008
she still has yet to move into the house. hell, in the past 9 days, i haven't even been living at the house. DRAMMMMMA. i'll fill ya in later on.
miss ya, yo.

bolded by me......Good Lord......there's a clue sitting right there all along. Good Catch!!!!
IMO, GA was lying or mistaking the day he last saw them, CA lied about tucking them into bed,KC lies on everything so I will go with the info from the experts..........and that sure is NOT the ant family
Maybe I'm counting wrong, but 31 days prior to July 15th is June 14th. We know Caylee wasn't missing then so obviously Casey's 31 days is baloney. Casey originally said Caylee disappeared on the 9th. She wasn't keeping track of the days, she was just happy to have Caylee out of the way.

And there's another clue..........right there all along. She didn't know how long she had been missing, she could have cared less.
And there's another clue..........right there all along. She didn't know how long she had been missing, she could have cared less.

I think Casey came up with 31 days out of nowhere because she had to say something when asked when was the last time she saw her daughter. It would sound horrible to say, "Oh, about a month or so ago," so she pulled a precise number of days out of thin air. It does not pay to put to much stock in what Casey says. Ever.
I think Casey came up with 31 days out of nowhere because she had to say something when asked when was the last time she saw her daughter. It would sound horrible to say, "Oh, about a month or so ago," so she pulled a precise number of days out of thin air. It does pay to put to much stock in what Casey says. Ever.
I think she was keeping track but not of the dates. if she last saw her the 16th and you count that date, 31 days would be on the 16th of July pretty close to the 15th imo and I think it is actually very telling.
I think she was keeping track but not of the dates. if she last saw her the 16th and you count that date, 31 days would be on the 16th of July pretty close to the 15th imo and I think it is actually very telling.

I agree, JBean. I think she knew how many days to the DAY she killed Caylee, and I think it was the night of June 15th or early morning of the 16th (George is just not believable in his story about seeing them the morning of the 16th) - so July 15th, the day she was busted by Cindy, would be 31 days.
bolded by me......Good Lord......there's a clue sitting right there all along. Good Catch!!!!

I agree with you. Casey WAS counting days. And there is something weird about her saying 31 days. But maybe it's because she knew it was exactly a month - so said 31 days not thinking about June only being 30 days long.

On the 24th she posted on facebook that she hadn't been staying at the house in 9 days.

Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote
at 2:40pm on June 24th, 2008
she still has yet to move into the house. hell, in the past 9 days, i haven't even been living at the house. DRAMMMMMA. i'll fill ya in later on.
miss ya, yo.

My bold. This is so significant that her nine day count is noted on the 24th. Count backwards from the 24th of June and you land on the 15th if you include the 9th. She is counting the days that she has not been "living at the house." She's counting her own independence from Cindy's control. This goes to motive.

When I count back 31 days from July 15th (the date of the 911 call) and I include July 15th in the count, that lands me right on June 15th--the argument with Cindy.
This was my main beef when the case first broke. There was a lot of discussion about it in the early threads if you want to take a look.

I could not understand why during the July 16th phone call from the jail KC never asked "Have you heard anything? Did anyone find out anything?" instead of just wanting Tony's number.
Except she didn't come up with the script story until later did she? I thought the script story was also part of the Zaneida and Sam and three little kids kidnapped Caylee from her at the park and that came later on.

You mean after they all got out of the clown car, Zanny knocked KC down, and the SippyCupGang made off with little Caylee?

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