4-26-07 News Raven not ruled out as suspect!

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All Posts JMO - May Godspeed Justice for Janet and
Apr 26, 2005
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04/26/07 -- DURHAM) - Durham police are not labeling anyone as a suspect, but they have clearly focused on the victim's husband. He has since moved out of state, and detectives have visited him twice. But neighbors are still wondering if the case will ever be solved. The murder initially rattled people in the Durham neighborhood where 25-year-old, pregnant Janet Abaroa was stabbed to death in her home. Her infant son was found near her body.

Abaroa's surviving family is no longer in the area.

Her husband, Raven Abaroa, found Janet's body. He was later convicted of embezzling money from an employer. He and his son are now living in Utah.

Durham police do not call Raven a suspect, but they initially seized his clothing, e-mail records and recently went to Utah. They say they have not ruled him out as a suspect.

One year ago, Janet's sister held a vigil in Durham. District Attorney Mike Nifong promised the case would not be forgotten. "I wish that I could give you more," he said. "But by my presence here, I commit to you that we will do everything we can to bring her killer to justice."

The family could not be reached for comment and neighbor continue to ask questions.

"Why isn't this getting national attention like other murder cases of similar background," asked one neighbor. "The husband they believe killed the wife. Scott Peterson and Laci Peterson. It got national media attention. Anna Nicole Smith. There are some silly things that got national media attention. Why didn't this?"

They had a teaser on their 6:00 pm news that there is a story on Janet's case at 10:00 Eastern and again at 11:00 pm. There will probably be a video. Click the news video on the right.

To the neighbor that went on camera.......bless you.

You brought tears to my eyes and I am not a very emotional person.

Why isn't this case getting National attention?

This guys is stone cold guilty, and he lived in that home, there's not going to be an overwhelming amount of evidence, but he did it.

I can't wait to see more news stories, I have been very busy lately, but glued to WS for the past few days.
OMG! Trix thank you for posting these. The video sent chills now my spine. What an awesome video! What a very articulate neighbor, she said it all!

Why do I doubt that Nifong even remembered speaking that night until this report came out today? As much as I would like to see this story go hot in MSM I fear they whole world would be focusing on the bumbling (I'm being very nice here) DA and not on Janet.

Praying for justice..... Justice for Janet and her angel baby!!

Trix, check your pm's please my dear.
I suggest everyone see the video that is attached to the story.

The video points ever more so towards Raven.

I was going to transcribe it word for word and then if anyone wants a copy they can feel free to pm me.

It's not so much what is said in the video, it's what isn't said.....that, my friends points ever much towards my humble opinion that one day Raven will be prosecuted for the Murder of Janet Marie Christiansen and her unborn baby.
Durham Police Keep Husband on Suspect List in Slaying


Posted: 28 minutes ago
Durham — For the first time, Durham police are saying that Janet Abaroa's husband, Raven Abaroa, has not been eliminated as a suspect in her slaying two years ago.

And even though the killing on April 26, 2005, is otherwise considered a cold case, detectives say it's still very active.

“It's a very active open investigation. We are pursuing things. Our investigators are still spending hours and hours on it, and we're working with the FBI in Utah on it,” said Durham police spokeswoman Kammie Michael.

Janet Abaroa, 25, was stabbed to death in her Durham home. Raven Abaroa told police he found her in an upstairs bedroom. Their 6-month-old son, Caiden, was unharmed nearby.

Detectives have said they've continued to follow leads in the case, but this is the first time, they admit they have not ruled out Raven Abaroa as a suspect.

Since the killing, he and Caiden have moved to Utah.

Janet Abaroa’s family says the wait has been almost unbearable.

“It's up and down. Some days are good and some days are not good. Some days are very bad,” said Dana Kendall, Janet Abaroa’s sister.

WRAL spoke with Kendall by phone, and she said the past two years have been frustrating.

“Although two years passed and you try to move on and move on with your life, it's hard to do it when nothing's been reconciled,” Kendall said.

Durham police maintain there will be closure eventually, and there will be an arrest.

Durham Police Maintain there will be closure eventually.....this is what I want to hear!
What great articles to read. See Raven, LE hasn't forgotten about you.

And to all of those that believed that Raven was ruled out long ago, you finally see that all of his explanations and excuses haven't been enough to throw the experts off of his trail. He's still on the list of suspects. I bet that list is very short. Probably just one or ... one.
Exactly. It is hard for Raven to hide behind his lies about the investigation now!
I don't understand what is taking so long with this? They know he did it, what is taking two years to prove???
My guess is that being a sociopath, Raven took great care to meticulously plan the murder of his wife without leaving much "smoking gun" type evidence behind. Over the past two years, I've come to believe that Raven had probably considered this act on at least several occasions during the course of his marriage (probably in conjunction with his get-rich-quick mentality; I'd bet my life that there was an insurance policy on Janet) and took the time to consider all options. We know how much he seemed to like that Franklin Covey organization system. He's such a typical sociopath that I'd venture to bet that he even had a checklist to make sure that he was covering all of his bases before actually going through with this. Most people mean nothing to people like him; they're nothing more than a list of pros and cons in regards to fulfilling his own life's purposes and goals. If they're helpful in that manner, he keeps them close by. But the minute they start to hinder it, the sociopath finds a way to eliminate the obstacle that stands between him and what he wants at that point in time.

Sickening that he's still out enjoying his life. Probably planning another bike outing as we speak.
Jersey, thank you for your explanation, I agree.

In many respects I understand why he has not been named as of yet, and why an arrest has not been made at this time.

Circumstantial Evidence cases, and this is what this is, because there is no witness, no smoking gun.

Even cases with a smoking gun, can still be construed a circumstantial evidence case, unless they can place the weapon in the hand of the murderer at the time of the crime. No witness, it's very easy to explain away.

Raven's fingerprints would obviously be on his knife collection, they were his to begin with, a defense attorney would have no problem stating, the "real murderer" wore gloves at the time of the crime, and of course Raven's fingersprints would be on there.

Giving the political termoil in Durham, which goes back to the DAY Janet was murdered (Jim Harden left office) and the day after DA Nifong was sworn into office, Freda Black being booted from Office, the campaigning, Duke case, etc. a case such as this needs everything possible to get the perpetrator behind bars.

Two years is a horrendous amount of time to wait for Justice, but getting someone behind bars and getting this person through a trial and getting conviction, is the ultimate goal.

We may know in our heart of hearts that he did it, but presenting it to a jury, that will be pooled from Durham, with all the issues going on in Durham, isn't going to be an easy task.

There are no witnesses, no smoking gun, a man that left so soon after the crime, a sociopath, that in my opinion will NEVER admit to anyone or confess that he did it, it ends up being a circumstantial evidence case.

Take all that, mix it with the discovery process, and sometimes prior acts are not admitted into evidence, all Raven's affairs, all Raven's past doings, may not be allowed into evidence. WE lose CE evidence that way.

Just because we know about the prior affairs, the fact he signed up for myspace as single, the lies on his resume, the fact he went to a soccer game, and there's time he was away from the house, the fact that Kaiden was not hurt.

One such point that we have discussed in the past. Janet being pregnant. We have a man that worked that out in advance, he is proficient at the Franklin Covey process. Raven told police, the kneeling position was a position she took when she had cramps......he did his homework. Raven trying to put it in people's head that he didn't know she was pregnant, when I believe 100% that he knew she was pregnant.

The laptop missing, he did his homework again, he knew that the laptop would be confiscated after the murder. His laptop was confiscated during his last arrest, he made sure there was no laptop to go through.

I believe he worked out every single detail that he could. For those of you that know Raven personally. Admit one thing.....he's good. He is a master manipulator. He can cry those fake crocodile tears, and he can play the greaving husband, he can play the loving, caring soul, he can start spouting words of faith and use Faith in our heavenly father when it suits his needs. He can act pained, depressed, etc. It's an act.

North Carolina televises trials. It is up to the particular judge to decide. I guess having this case not be a "high-profile" case actually goes in the favor of us that are seeking justice for janet.

Can you only imagine the taint of this case if it was a high-profile case?

As that one song goes, thank god for unanswered prayers. It could have been a disaster if this was a high-profile case during the Duke scandal. Any defense attorney could have used Duke case to cause issues with a trial.

LE needs to keep connecting the dots, crossing those t's dotting those i's.

There will be justice for Janet and her family, I believe. But it needs to be done perfectly, I don't want any issues on Appeal, I do not want this monster to get 12 - 20 years. I've seen it happen time and time again.

I really truly believe that the man that killed Janet can and will kill again if given the right circumstances and there can be no doubt of this in the jurors mind when it comes to sentencing.
That would be so typically Raven... getting fired from a job, and rather than looking for a new one to provide for his son, he would be out biking. I think you nailed that one on the head.

I am so glad to finally hear what I've suspected all along... Raven hasn't been ruled out... and the police have been looking at him all along. How ya gonna explain that one away, Rave? You're such a :loser: .
... a sociopath, that in my opinion will NEVER admit to anyone or confess that he did it...
This, IMO, is key. Since he certainly does seem to be a sociopath, he will never feel that guilt that most of us would feel and therefore will never feel the need to clear his conscience.
One such point that we have discussed in the past. Janet being pregnant. We have a man that worked that out in advance, he is proficient at the Franklin Covey process. Raven told police, the kneeling position was a position she took when she had cramps......he did his homework. Raven trying to put it in people's head that he didn't know she was pregnant, when I believe 100% that he knew she was pregnant.
I do too. I believed this all along - that the reason he mentioned her kneeling was because it would make it seem that he just assumed that she had her period thereby making it reasonable to assume that he had no knowledge of the pregnancy. To me, this makes it obvious that he DID know about the pregnancy because he made it a point to bring up the kneeling position. I wonder if the forensics can either bolster or refute that claim.
... thank god for unanswered prayers. It could have been a disaster if this was a high-profile case during the Duke scandal. Any defense attorney could have used Duke case to cause issues with a trial...
I totally agree with this. A blessing in disguise, as it turns out, that this case hasn't progressed faster.
I do too. I believed this all along - that the reason he mentioned her kneeling was because it would make it seem that he just assumed that she had her period thereby making it reasonable to assume that he had no knowledge of the pregnancy. To me, this makes it obvious that he DID know about the pregnancy because he made it a point to bring up the kneeling position. I wonder if the forensics can either bolster or refute that claim.

I don't know if forensics could bolster or refute this claim. The only way I could see forensics working in this case would be a search warrant at the time of the trash cans in the home, the local dump to find a pregnancy test, and have Raven's fingerprints on the pregnancy kit.

It does not appear to be known by LE that Janet was pregnant until after the autopsy. There would have been no reason for LE to get a search warrant for the dumps to look for a pregancy kit.

This could have been quite helpful in hindsight.

Raven's interview was that evening into the morning hours. The autopsy was 36 hours after the 911 call. LE would not know to ask of Raven if he knew she was pregnant during the initial interview as they didn't have that information at that time.

Since LE wouldn't know to ask Raven about Janet's pregnancy during the initial interview, we all know he already indicated "kneeling position and cramps" go together, the power of persuasion, leading away from the truth is something a master manipulator could pull off. Here's a grieving husband that comes home to find his wife murdered, yet of all things he comes up with is her in the kneeling position and bringing up her period???????

There were no other interviews until recently with the FBI.

Pregnancy is nothing to be embarrassed about, but given the money situation, the embezzlement, and she recently had a baby that was only 6 months old at the time, who knows if she told anyone that she was pregnant besides Raven? I would not be surprised if she didn't tell anyone but Raven, I hope she did, but this would not surprise me if she did not.

I'm sure Raven thought this through, and probably thought Janet would be too embarrassed to announce that she was pregnant to her family & friends, with the money problems they were having at the time.

If Janet told someone that she was pregnant and that she discussed it with Raven and Raven was happy, sad, upset, it would be considered hearsay, as to what the person was told and may or not make it into evidence.

They had a 6-month old child. They had no money, Raven was under indictment for embezzlement. They had to get help with their rent, another child is not what this family needed at the time.

Janet was under an extreme amount of pressure at the time, but from all indications Janet was a quiet person, that did not talk to a lot of people about her personal problems, which were plentiful. Her husband was under indictment for embezzlement. She left a company, that had a family atmosphere and she worked with friends that loved her dearly, because of complete and utter embarrassment because of what her husband did.

She also knew of Raven's past cheating and who knows if that brought back horrible memories of the time she she pregnant with Kaiden and his cheating ways back then and who knows if she verbalized this to anyone. Who knows if she suspected as cheating again? Again, that would be hearsay in a court of law that may or may not make it into evidence.

Who knows if she was contemplating leaving Raven? If she did, did she verbalize it? This again can be construed as hearsay and may not be admitted into evidence, if she did.

My opinion is that this was planned well in advance. This was not a case of him losing control, and going off, this was, IMO a very well planned out, staged murder, from a master manipulator, who believes that he can get away with anything.
I don't know if forensics could bolster or refute this claim. The only way I could see forensics working in this case would be a search warrant at the time of the trash cans in the home, the local dump to find a pregnancy test, and have Raven's fingerprints on the pregnancy kit.
I mean the claim of kneeling. If someone were kneeling forward as opposed to lying on their back, the blood patterns would be very different. I would imagine that forensics could help determine a person's position.
Yikes, sorry I misunderstood, my mind is racing, and I'm starting to think that you can get the flu through the internet (LL&S, I hope you are feeling better)

I hope forensics could determine this, but I am not sure.

There is no EMT report that is available to pour over, so I really don't know.

We heard rumors that Raven told people he turned her over, rumors of her giving her a blessing.

Forensics is something I do not know a lot about, though I have done limited research on it.

I am proficient in prosecution/defense with the amount of time I have worked as a paralegal, and I have a vast knowledge of psychology.

Now, I wish I knew more about forensics.

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