4-26-07 News Raven not ruled out as suspect!

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My guess is that being a sociopath, Raven took great care to meticulously plan the murder of his wife without leaving much "smoking gun" type evidence behind. Over the past two years, I've come to believe that Raven had probably considered this act on at least several occasions during the course of his marriage (probably in conjunction with his get-rich-quick mentality; I'd bet my life that there was an insurance policy on Janet) and took the time to consider all options. We know how much he seemed to like that Franklin Covey organization system. He's such a typical sociopath that I'd venture to bet that he even had a checklist to make sure that he was covering all of his bases before actually going through with this. Most people mean nothing to people like him; they're nothing more than a list of pros and cons in regards to fulfilling his own life's purposes and goals. If they're helpful in that manner, he keeps them close by. But the minute they start to hinder it, the sociopath finds a way to eliminate the obstacle that stands between him and what he wants at that point in time.

Sickening that he's still out enjoying his life. Probably planning another bike outing as we speak.

Jersey Girl, I think you are absolutely right.

I am so grateful that Durham LE finally stated what we have all suspected for the last two years - that Raven Abaroa has not been ruled out as a suspect in the brutal murder of his pregnant wife, Janet Marie Christiansen.
I am so grateful that Durham LE finally stated what we have all suspected for the last two years - that Raven Abaroa has not been ruled out as a suspect in the brutal murder of his pregnant wife, Janet Marie Christiansen.
And you know what they say ... start from the inside and work your way out. Until they can eliminate those closest to the victim, they won't look elsewhere.

What that means is that they've never looked further than you, Raven. For all of this time that you've been telling people that LE told you that you've been cleared, etc., you were lying once again. You've been the focus all along. In two full years of investigating, they still haven't been able to move past you.

Seems that your plan wasn't quite perfect after all. Pretty close maybe but if it were perfect, you'd have had them off of your trail by now.

Maybe all of you were right that said that it's only a matter of time. Here's hoping so.
I agree, I think he's been the main focus all along, I know he's been mine, but all my comments are my opinions, and I'm allowed to state my opinions publicly.

In cases such as this, LE needs to takes care of business of clearing other family members, friends, neighbors, coworkers, x's, etc.

I bet they have investigated and ruled out a ton of people, and still they keep going back to the one person that had, motive, opportunity etc.

There needs to be a process of elimination, her immediate family members, friends, coworkers, people that she came in contact with.

LE doesn't have to name a suspect or state who has and has not been cleared, to the public, while investigating the case. Though that would be nice to have heard his name as the prime suspect.

While it's a pending investigation, there's also no discovery process, which allows more time to investigate and tie up some lose ends, as they will end up being accountable for making sure there won't be red-herrings during trial. (ie scott peterson case.....men in brown vans, cults, homeless men, laci's ex-boyfriends, asian mafia, Girlfriends of Scott)

In a CE case such as this, they would have to have detailed legwork done clearing any other avenues, even if they have suspicions on who the murderer is so the defense attorney can't claim rush to judgment and that the sole focus was on the husband.

JG - it's a matter of time, not my timeline, because I would have liked to see the murderer arrested on April 26, 2005. As long as the end result is a conviction, time is on our side.

That aside, I would like to state that in my opinion, Nifong needs to step aside and get this case prosecuted. We all know who did it and it's time to get the job done. Nifong promised to get this case solved A YEAR AGO, and had yet to done squat! Nifong, step aside and let someone who can do the job, do it!
We all know the guilty party. Get the friggin job done, already!!!!!
I'm the guy who started this discussion, made that first post:


And man, does that post seem like it was made ages ago.

I had to return to the discussion after a long absence because of the article referenced at the start of this thread. I believe it was quite deliberate, and not necessarily done just for the 2nd anniversary of Janet's murder.

I don't know whether or not something is afoot, but I am wondering. I wish I could say more, wish I knew more.

But all of you who have kept this discussion alive while I was blogging about and discussing everything else -- you all are incredible. I never forgot anything, and I kept track of developments, though I did not always write a blog entry. Some of you who may not do your own blogging would be formidable and welcome crime bloggers, too, I can say that.

When this discussion began, my blogs were not viewed by some as "news sources." (And don't worry -- I have no illusions that some people will ever change their minds). Now CrimeBlog.US, the blog I created and edit for multiple authors, is frequently a highly-ranked hit in Google News, depending on the crime story. CrimeBlog.US is not yet a year old, and we've passed 2,000,000 pageviews as of about a month ago. We're starting to beat out Crime Library on occasion in page rankings via web and news searches -- though CL is too comprehensive for us to actually surpass their overall rankings anytime soon.

A quote about a different crime, from a post I made 2 years ago at another crime sleuthing forum, takes up the better part of a chapter in Paul LaRosa's new NIGHTMARE IN NAPA -- look around page 260 or so. And when Ann Rule's new book about the murders of Jenn Corbin and Dolly Hearn comes out in June, just check the acknowledgments.

I don't say any of this to brag (though I know it sounds that way), but to point out how much some things have changed. I didn't expect any of it. Few people on this forum knew me from Adam when I made that first post in this discussion, and in my mind, I was still just a rather obsessed hobbyist, for lack of a better word.

I was covering Janet's murder before any of that happened. Before I wrote for Crime Library for a while, before news networks and Dateline called me for anything. Her death was the first crime (but sadly not the last) that I wrote about that bothered me in a deep, lasting way. In part, it was the person we now know is still a suspect. To try and get into his mind was -- disturbing. It seems to be a shiny happy place, but sort of the same way a squeaky-clean bunch of animatronic figures like you see at Disney World might be shiny and happy -- until you look at the dead glassy eyes of the smiling androids around you. Those gleeful automatons may sing about the small, small world, but they are supremely lacking in soul, once you open your eyes.

But Janet's shy presence, as seen in photos and videos, as described by her family and friends -- she haunted me, too. Maybe it was that she reminded me a little of my own slender, shy, soft-spoken wife.

Then there was the fact that this murder has stood unsolved for so long. Everyone who has followed this thread has surely worried that it might remain that way. That was frustrating, even for a bunch of strangers -- imagining how frustrating it was for Janet's family has always been mind-boggling.

I DO NOT know, but I hope that there are changes afoot. That a break may come soon.

I'll try to pop up more often, and I will definitely be doing some writing at my weblogs.

I know I only started a ball rolling when I made that first post. Even a week after I made it, the response from other websleuths continued to astonish me. Now, when I look at everything you all have put into this forum set aside to discuss the case, I'm a little awed. Thank you, everyone, for the way you've driven this bus, day by day. I thank you because it has been inspiration to me to keep at it. I do sometimes need that. You bunch of websleuths have acted almost as muses that way.

I'll keep checking in.

Steve/Mr. A.
It's so great to see you, Steve! I indeed hope that you will be stopping by more frequently.

Thanks again for bringing Janet to our attention. Her "story" has changed many lives in one way or another. I hope justice is just around the bend for this grieving family.

It's great to see you. I love your writing and I check in with your blogs often.

You inspire me to keep up here. What you do is bring attention and focus on many cases, I don't have that ability. I can handle only one thing at a time, and I will be here until the sweet-bitter end.

I say sweet-bitter, because even when the murderer is behind bars, even when the case is closed, nothing will ever bring Janet and her unborn child back.

There will be appeals, there will be another Christmas, another Birthday that the family will not have Janet with them.

Justice will be served, but it never makes the pain of losing someone any easier.

I am looking forward to more stories from you and thank you for all that you do.

I am thankful you brought this case here, more than you can ever imagine.

Bless you for all you have done to help those that need Justice.
I believe that the article was deliberate also. They showed Raven's picture several times and mentioned Utah frequently. I wish this was played in Utah and somehow Utah picked up this story.

I believe several of us had tried a writing campaign awhile ago to see if Utah would pick up the story, but since no POI named nor Suspect Utah saw no reason to pick up the story of Janet, which is understandable.

Nancy Grace did a short blurb for Carole Sund on Janet's case and I believe we had a man from Herald-Sun (Owens??) I can't remember now, do a little segement on Greta.

My concern is for those that live in Utah, that's why some National media attention would be good. I don't necessarily think National Headlines and the media frenzy like in Laci's murder is what we need here, because of the issues that can happen within a trial, but some coverage would definitely have been nice.

Why some cases are National Newsworthy and other's aren't is something I have thought about. I do believe because of the Duke & DA situation in Durham, we have been better off without the National Spotlight.

I also hope that Duke/DA situation calms down in Durham soon, because I fear any sort of taint if there is an arrest.

In the end, I hope there are more articles of Spousal Murders and pregnancy. There almost seems to be an epedemic, this is just horrifying to me.

Again, Steve thanks for visiting again.
Dear Misterallgood,

It's a pleasure to see you again! Congratulations on your blog evolution. Sounds like you're loving it. Terrific. Thank you for the really kind things you said about us in your post.

Take a look around at what has grown out of that long ago post. All of the time spent getting to know Janet (and Raven) allowed us to get to know each other and form a level of trust and respect. Many of us have pledged to stay here and do what ever we can to support this wonderful family until they find out exactly what happened to their beautiful daughter and why, and then justice served.

I can't believe it's been two years. Boggles my mind. It has been mentioned on another thread that people here worry that the person/people Raven might be dating now don't know that he hasn't been ruled out of the murder of his wife. I'm wondering again, did any of the most recent news coverage hit the Utah area?

Can you imagine reading the morning paper and finding out the guy you went out with the night before is a suspect in his wife and baby's murder? I would probably head straight for my computer and set Google on fire! LOL.... no, I'd come here and get a bunch of people to start poking around, thats for sure!!

Anyway, I'm rambling again. Nice to see you Misterallgood!

Dear Misterallgood,

It's a pleasure to see you again! Congratulations on your blog evolution. Sounds like you're loving it. Terrific. Thank you for the really kind things you said about us in your post.

Take a look around at what has grown out of that long ago post. All of the time spent getting to know Janet (and Raven) allowed us to get to know each other and form a level of trust and respect. Many of us have pledged to stay here and do what ever we can to support this wonderful family until they find out exactly what happened to their beautiful daughter and why, and then justice served.

I can't believe it's been two years. Boggles my mind. It has been mentioned on another thread that people here worry that the person/people Raven might be dating now don't know that he hasn't been ruled out of the murder of his wife. I'm wondering again, did any of the most recent news coverage hit the Utah area?

Can you imagine reading the morning paper and finding out the guy you went out with the night before is a suspect in his wife and baby's murder? I would probably head straight for my computer and set Google on fire! LOL.... no, I'd come here and get a bunch of people to start poking around, thats for sure!!

Anyway, I'm rambling again. Nice to see you Misterallgood!

Thanks everyone for the responses.

I wanted to answer one question L L & S asked above -- given the nature of Raven's personality and e-mails I've received from people on background -- and even phone conversations -- yes, I can assure you that Raven himself has likely told the people he dated. Over a year ago a person who knew him casually e-mailed me and quoted Raven. Mr. Abaroa said something like, 'Google me, I'm famous.'

I'm certain he said "famous," the wording of the rest of it, not so certain.

I can also tell you too that the Salt Lake PD knows he is around. They're a pretty darned good law enforcement agency, on the whole.

And that's all I can say.

Thank you again. I have looked around, and it's rather amazing, and daunting, how much information you all have compiled and parsed.

Scott Peterson, Michael Peterson, Barton Corbin are famous too!:behindbar
LOL Jersey, you hit the nail on the head PRETEND...

He pretends he don't like the fame too actually. He pretends so many things....pretends to be grieving, pretends he is in contact with LE, pretends he was a good husband, pretends he loved Janet, pretends he is a good dad, pretends he is not a cold-blooded killer.

Clipped from a phone interview...

"The only thing I had there was my family, and my family was taken from me," he said.

"He knows who his mom is," he said. "He sees pictures of her and says, 'Ma,' " he added, sobbing.

"Raven and Janet Abaroa were private people, and now strangers speculate on the details of their lives and the killing on Web sites, he said."

"He recognizes that even strangers want to see justice for his wife, but he also worries that people personify Janet as weak, as being helplessly victimized. They should remember her as the strong woman she was, he said."

"She [was] the epitome of what a woman should be," he said.
"He recognizes that even strangers want to see justice for his wife, but he also worries that people personify Janet as weak, as being helplessly victimized. They should remember her as the strong woman she was, he said."
Yeah, all of these words sound good on the surface. Makes him seem like a caring husband to some. But the reality is that he was ticked off at all of us for what we'd been saying about him and he wanted to find a way to get that into his interview. He probably harped on that subject so much that the interviewer felt compelled to put it into the article. I still can't believe that he managed to find a way to mention WS in his interview about his feelings regarding his deceased wife. What's the priority, Raven? Talking about Janet or talking about how YOU feel about WS? Unbelieveable.

And I would say that being murdered qualifies as being "helplessly victimized". She obviously didn't stand a chance that night or this forum wouldn't exist.
I just saw the video...what a great neighbor and citizen. Kudos to her for talking. What did she say...something about Everyone at the gas stations and grocery store want to know what happened! The citizens of Durham haven't forgotten Janet, no wonder raven high tailed it out of there and left for Utah so quickly.

I didn't understand when they said the family wasn't able to be reached for comment? Did they not have their phone numbers? Did they try 5 minutes before press time and didn't receive a return phone call? Does the family not want to say anything to the media at all and therefore refused to comment? I wonder if they tried raven too??
They showed Raven's picture several times and mentioned Utah frequently in this segment. It was as though the article was aimed towards Utah. I believe the "family" they were referring to in this segment was "Raven Abaroa" as they flashed his picture when they said "family", if I am not mistaken in the video segement, the words on the beginning of the thread seemed condensed for internet, but if you watch the entire video, when they said the "family could not be reached" they flashed the Rave's picture.

Also that weekend Janet's family was out in Durham North Carolina for National Crime Victims' Rights Week and did several interviews. Dena did an interview via telephone, and the family joined in the March and I believe Consuela, a sister-in-law was interviewed.

I am pretty sure if LE and/or the Media wanted comments from Janet's side of the family they could have gotten it at any time, and I believe the media does have the ability to contact them. This seemed more like a police interview more than anything else.

I think the video had several underlying subliminal messages to it.

Raven, Utah and them letting people know.......he is NOT ruled our as a suspect.

It seems there is a theme with Janet case, not what is said but what is not said. With everything going on in the political system there, I think the things that aren't said is more important than what is said, except the words HE HAS NOT BEEN RULED OUT AS A SUSPECT.

Also, I believe what was found at the crime scene and not found at the crime scene are important aspects of this case.

I wonder why this was so important to get out there? It's as though a warning was going out to Utah, because Utah was mentioned so many times during this segment.

I believe he is the suspect and the POI and the perp, these are my constitutionally protected opinions. IMO I believe he coldly-planned and premeditated the murder of Janet and their unborn child. IMO I believe he knew Janet was pregnant and he plotted the murders.

I don't need to hear the words come out of LE mouth, or a map drawn, I just need all the dots to connect when an arrest is made and the case brought to trial.

Raven has probably convinced several people that if he was the suspect he'd be arrested by now, if he was the POI, LE would state that. I believe he is a sociopath and has a way of conning people and he does the crocodile tears extremely well. I believe that he is a master manipulator and he's good at shedding them when the need arises and I believe if you ever see the other side of Raven.....it would not be a good thing.

I don't know that Raven will ever be named a suspect or POI.....until he's got cuffs on his hands and heading back to NC.:behindbar
What great new coverage and news. I've been out of the loop for a little while and it's great to check in here and see that there's been a revival in the media. I sure to hope that it finds its way to Utah. Single women need to be warned about this guy.

Do you hear those sirens, Raven? They're coming for you....
It's good to see that the continuing investigation is taking place in "Utah," which is code word for "all eyes are on Raven." It's amazing how some cases can advance and people be charged with little to no physical evidence and yet this one continues to go unsolved with little to no attention on the local and national levels. If I were Janet's family I'd be contacting every news outlet possible, banging on their doors if necessary. Something's gotta shake loose.
Oh I agree with you. If my wife was murdered in my home and she was expecting my child, I would be contacting every single news agency out there.

I would be banging on doors, I would not be out biking, dating and out Mommy shopping, like rumors have it Raven has done since he got back home to Utah.

I wouldn't have high-tailed out of the town where my wife was murdered, lying on applications, and going job to job. I wouldn't be asking for handouts, or even filing bankruptcy on the 1 year anniversary of my wife's murder.

I wouldn't be doing any of the things that Raven has done if it was my spouse that was murdered.

I would have cooperated with police, I would have been in the media, I would have taken a lie detector test, I would have done everything and anything possible to make sure the murderer of my spouse was behind bars.

Unless......of course, I was the one that committed the brutal heinous calculated murder of my wife and unborn child, then I would do exactly as Raven has done.

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