4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered, Bryan Kohberger Arrested, Moscow, Nov 2022 #93

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det Lawrence Mowry to the stand:

5 years as Tech Investigative Detective
Q What was your role? Did u do cell phone analysis?


Q:Did you inventory what you found?

I labeled the folders with each one. Not an inventory

[Sounds as though AT is trying to take this guy apart----questioning him about his level of training, and about his investigative process on scene]

She puts up his training certifications and questions him about how much training in CAST he has, ETC...How many hours per certificate, what was the actual training etc


if he wasn’t a person of interest in a quadruple murder, with his cellular location around the area of the crime on numerous occasions, his phone off on the night of, his DNA inside of the house AKA at the scene, on a murder knife sheath, and he didn’t drive the almost the same exact car as the murderer……


Pretending, at this very moment, that those things aren’t true… I’ll concede that the trash thing and the gloves thing in the middle of the night could be innocuous. Christmas.


You know, back in 1985 or before, if there had been cell phones...and records of a car similar to the car seen on the surveillance video that was then traced to a criminology student, who was also a recent arrival to the region, it's likely that LE would have put BK on a short list of POI's. You're absolutely right - he's seen near the house, is driving around the house, matches DM's description - it's enough.

Today, though, folks want to see DNA before an arrest is even made. And even then, it's apparently not enough. (Scratching my head). I guess I just don't get it.

The phone turning off for the window of the murders (once that data was obtained) would have been enough for a PCA. His returning to the scene of the crime the next morning, even without turning the phone off, would probably be enough.

Sometimes I think BK had, as his intention, setting the legal bar for prosecuting serial killers and mass murderers ever higher.

If there was an alibi/exonerating evidence, BK's attorneys would have produced that at an early hearing (back in those days). He might have been, for example, allowed out on bail (if the evidence was weak).

It's not weak evidence now though. The sheath DNA is quite damning. I believe the GPS data will be even more problematic for the defense (and note they haven't challenged that).

Maybe I'm too anti-crime/anti-murder, but I think due process has been followed intensely and with some new pro-defendant twists in this case. In a DP, that's as it should be.

Discussion of two warrants for BK's cellphone return. One, 48 hours. And later, another for a longer period of time.

AT seems to be ferreting out files Mowery received previously and discovered yesterday.

AT is inquiring if these files and emails are available to her now.
Maybe that was rules from their HOA
In which case, the HOA (an elected body charged with knowing local law about such things) had a requirement that is illegal in nearly all jurisdictions (and often governed by local laws about trash).

NO one is ever required to avoid using their own trash can and to use someone else's! You cannot convert other people's propert (even the trash company's) to your own use via HOA fiat.

If you can show me any HOA that requires each resident to use someone else's trash cans for their own trash I would love to see it. Do the rules then require that the trash-thrower wait until trash day? Because trespassing to use someone else's trash can must surely be illegal or else PA has very odd notions of property ownership.

Here where I live, it's illegal to use someone else's trash can OR to take things out of the trash unless you are LE.

I do realize there are some whack-a-doo HOA's, but causing people to avoid the use of their own trash cans in favor of someone else's is, to me, quite a stretch.

(It is really funny to think about in any case - the over reach of HOA's is a national meme).

He gave records to prosecutor yesterday. AT&T warrant returns covered a 48-hour period, and a longer period of time. She's asking about specific files. Taylor asks if she can have those 3 files and emails. Detective says yes. Data file had references to locations.

5:57 PM · May 23, 2024

Taylor is asking when he was asked to review reports. Program was used in spring 2023 to access call detail records, related to Kohberger's phone number, detective says. Screenshots were taken. I wasn't main person looking at call detail records, he says. Info used for grand jury

6:03 PM · May 23, 2024

He prepared data for the Grand Jury but he is not the investigators who analyzed the records.

Shaking my head at AT.

IMO there's no new data, no new analysis. This is IMO a total koh nothing berger.

AT is talking tough, acting like he did something nefarious, but in reality, she doesn't really have anything incriminating---she is just fishing. IMO

She is looking hard for a Perry Mason moment. But I am not sure it will happen for her...

Mowery created visual records for grand jury. Taylor is asking why a session log was never created. She appears to be questioning his forensic process and is now asking about videos of main roads in and out of Moscow. "Did you do a preservation for anything?" Taylor asks.

6:10 PM · May 23, 2024

Did I fall asleep during the Kohberger hearing and wake up in the Barry Morphew preliminary hearing from years ago?

Defense Playbook 101. She's artfully questioning the wrong person. This detective was merely a compiler for the Grand Jury, and isn't the State's witness on cellular data and CAST analysis.

AT, show how they'd one iota of NEW discovery here?

Fancy footwork, no dance.

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