4 years later, what do we think of the case / verdict now?

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I want to make everyone aware that there was a poster over at the Orlando Sentinel sight who thrived on defending FCA. This poster hated WS and bashed this site every chance he got because we deal in facts here, and not in fantasy, and also because he was banned here at one point. He will post the same things over and over and will come back with different user names to agree with himself. He is obsessed with FCA, and has made it his mission to defend her. His writings are easy to recognize because he blames everything on George (and Cindy to a certain extent). Replying to him with the actual facts of the case is a huge waste of time because he will just regurgitate the same old nonsense. I think he thrives on the attention. Often times, he won't answer a question, but will just repeat the same rhetoric or will point the finger at someone else. That is all I will say, because I don't want to violate any TOS here, which is why I'm saying that he is someone I've dealt with on other sites. Anywhere there are articles about FCA, you will find him there. We all learned to just skip over the nonsensical ramblings, and save ourselves the headache of presenting facts to someone who isn't willing to hear them.
Funny how it's always TMZ that publishes these little "accidental" glimpses of the felon. No doubt she got paid for this one too.

I wonder if any of her neighbors have invited her over for cocktails? Or to have her babysit?

Yes it is odd- I expect she just takes the photographs with the help of her 'private eye' and sends them in.
I've also thought it odd that none of the people who just happen to photograph her out jogging,walking, whatever, confront her or even speak to her. Now that is hard to believe...
Yes it is odd- I expect she just takes the photographs with the help of her 'private eye' and sends them in.
I've also thought it odd that none of the people who just happen to photograph her out jogging,walking, whatever, confront her or even speak to her. Now that is hard to believe..

She is not a celebrity, although some idiot tabloids might be willing to treat her as such. There's a difference between being "famous" and "infamous." Casey Marie Anthony is a social pariah. At worst she's a baby murderer, at best she's a parasitic, selfish failure of a mother. That's why she hasn't been able to score an interview and that's why she hasn't been able to get a book deal. Aside from an outspoken few who most likely have ulterior motives, she's toxic and people hate her.

If she's bringing attention on herself, that's awfully dumb of her. Especially if she's putting out pictures that might help random strangers figure out where she lives.

It's really a shame that last story about her turned out to be a hoax. I wish her the absolute worst.
Yes it is odd- I expect she just takes the photographs with the help of her 'private eye' and sends them in.
I've also thought it odd that none of the people who just happen to photograph her out jogging,walking, whatever, confront her or even speak to her. Now that is hard to believe...

Well, she's never jogged past me. But if she ever does, there's a pretty good chance you all will be reading about me in the paper the next day...

Disclaimer: not condoning violence, just daydreaming...

All jmo.
Well, she's never jogged past me. But if she ever does, there's a pretty good chance you all will be reading about me in the paper the next day...

All jmo.

Don't do that! She's not worth it! I enjoy your posts too much.

Maybe that's what most people do now - just ignore her and don't give her the time of day. Treat her like she's a nobody, trash, a scum of the earth. Not to have any friends or neighbors to depend on.
I think it is just another bit of maneuvering to keep money out of the reach of Kronk and his lawsuit. She has no skills, certainly not as a photographer. We know where she's living now!
She has no skills, certainly not as a photographer. We know where she's living now!

Wow, she's even dumber than I thought...

She's still smarter than the combined IQs of the jury who let her walk though.

The jurors who actually went on the news to share their reasoning collectively put them in the negative.

IMO only of course.
Wow, she's even dumber than I thought...

She's still smarter than the combined IQs of the jury who let her walk though.

The jurors who actually went on the news to share their reasoning collectively put them in the negative.

IMO only of course.

The document lists her email and phone # too! Apparently she had a Facebook page for her 'business' until today, now it has been taken down...
I think it is just another bit of maneuvering to keep money out of the reach of Kronk and his lawsuit. She has no skills, certainly not as a photographer. We know where she's living now!
She's a photographer like Jodi Arias was a photographer. :rolleyes:
Just tonight I came across the Only Casey Knows episode of 48 hours. I'm so disgusted with this spawn from hell KC. I hope she never finds peace, she never has a happy day. That wherever she goes someone recognizes her and reminds her that the world is not as stupid as her parents and her jury. The world knows she killed that little girl.
Just tonight I came across the Only Casey Knows episode of 48 hours. I'm so disgusted with this spawn from hell KC. I hope she never finds peace, she never has a happy day. That wherever she goes someone recognizes her and reminds her that the world is not as stupid as her parents and her jury. The world knows she killed that little girl.

I think she was celebrating her freedom and her new life as soon as Caylee was dead and she's never stopped. As we saw during the trial she finds it very difficult to summon up any emotion for what Caylee or her parents lost. Cold as ice...
Who cares if fca had a dead body in her trunk, who cares that an army of trained, and untrained, witnesses testified to smelling death in her trunk (including cadaver dogs), who cares that it was fca who ditched her smelly car after becoming overwhelmed by it and after blaming dead squirrels for the horrific odor, who cares that she borrowed a shovel to remove bamboo that Caylee could trip on after she was already dead, who cares that Caylee was thrown in the swamp, who cares that fca was elated to be dancing in a hot body contest FOUR whole days after her baby "drowned", who cares that she was skipping through blockbuster on a date with her new beau only HOURS after her baby "drowned", who cares that she originally says la molested her and she wasn't sure about her dad, but at trial she switches it around and recalls very specific details of horrific abuse by her dad, who cares that fca's activity on June 16th doesn't support their accidental drowning theory, who cares that the jailhouse videos/calls go against everything in their opening statements, who cares that the U.S. Supreme Court has stated that "circumstantial evidence is intrinsically no different from testimonial [direct] evidence", and should be treated as such in a criminal trial, etc, etc, etc, etc.... But, george seemed suspicious on the stand and everything's "just" circumstantial, so she deserves to be set free!!!! .... I guess some just know better than the Supreme Court...

All jmo.

At least she didn't have any incriminating internet searches........ oh wait, yes she DID!! :gaah:
In this case I think the jury did the right work. They did their job. There was just enough to convict her on MURDER. And that is where the prosecution screwed up..

I think you will find the vast majority of people would completely and totally disagree with your post, including judges. Note my signature.
BBM ~ Well, it's not obvious to me. The evidence I saw was all circumstantial and George behaved as if he was hiding something.

George's behavior makes him suspicious but FCA's outrageous behavior is excused. geez :banghead:
George's behavior makes him suspicious but FCA's outrageous behavior is excused. geez :banghead:

What I saw was two grandparents who were grieving, heartbroken, and desperate to find their precious grandchild.... and you can't fake genuine grief. Casey on the other hand- well we all saw how she acted.
At least she didn't have any incriminating internet searches........ oh wait, yes she DID!! :gaah:

Oh come on, we know George did those. He logged into Casey o'marie's AIM account and what he saw there made him google how to suffocate himself.

The worst part is that I know some people read this post and are nodding their head in agreement because that makes perfect sense to them. I wouldn't be surprised if Baez is quoted saying that in his next interview.

He crapped all over himself trying to claim that Casey didn't have an AIM account, so it had to be George. That's until he was proven flat out wrong and had to admit that she did.

Then he went on to contradict himself by saying that "it's really difficult to put anyone behind a computer." Uh, Baez, you were the only person doing that. It's easy to claim it's George, but when the pendulum swings back your way, suddenly it's "hard to put someone behind a computer"? In fact, if you'd kept your big, fat mouth shut, no one would have known about the "fool-proof suffication" search. Although I do appreciate anything he does to further ruin his former client's chances of an interview or a book deal.

He shoots himself in the foot so often I think most people don't say anything out of pure pity for him and his delusions The only downside to that is unless his idiocy is pointed out to him, he thinks he got away with it and he's hot stuff. I dislike him so much.
I think you will find the vast majority of people would completely and totally disagree with your post, including judges. Note my signature.

Well that judge is wrong too. There was no evidence about what actually killed Caylee. There was no bullet wound or flesh to prove toxins..

The fact is she could have accidentally drowned. Emotionally I get the wanting to get her.. I feel that she should have been charged with the very least neglect.. but there was nothing to prove how she died. and without that you can not prove murder.. Especially first degree.

The jury was right.
I disagree. There was an exceptionally large amount of information that showed me she had means, opportunity and motive. There was NOTHING to support her defense laid out in the opening statement.

Show me proof she murdered caylee. Really.. We can surmise and assume but there is no proof. None. IF there was I would be on that train but there isn't. She could have climbed into the pool and drowned, She could have slipped and got hurt and died. Without a cause of death, it makes it dang hard to prove murder. I think if the jury had 2nd degree negligent homicide, She would be in prison now.
Oh come on, we know George did those. He logged into Casey o'marie's AIM account and what he saw there made him google how to suffocate himself.

The worst part is that I know some people read this post and are nodding their head in agreement because that makes perfect sense to them. I wouldn't be surprised if Baez is quoted saying that in his next interview.

He crapped all over himself trying to claim that Casey didn't have an AIM account, so it had to be George. That's until he was proven flat out wrong and had to admit that she did.

Then he went on to contradict himself by saying that "it's really difficult to put anyone behind a computer." Uh, Baez, you were the only person doing that. In fact, if you'd kept your big, fat mouth shut, no one would have known about the "fool-proof suffication" search.

He shoots himself in the foot so often I think most people don't say anything out of pure pity for him and his delusions. I dislike him so much.

There is one thing George is guilty of, and that's spreading lye on the lawn to hide the scent of Caylee's decomposing body when Casey set her body down there. Other than that, it's a bunch of hogwash (nicest term I can use). Even if you believed the accidental drowning theory, for which there is zero proof, (A picture of Caylee posing pretending to open the handle is no proof!) how does one explain the duct tape found over her nose and mouth??? There is no explanation for that besides murder!!! Caylee didn't duct tape herself!

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