4937 Hopespring Dr Goes into Foreclosure

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I have just now read this entire thread and have to say that I am very surprised that the Anthony's home has gone into foreclosure. Of course they knew it would happen eventually if they didn't make the mortgage payments.

I just have no sympathy for them at all. My sympathy has always been for precious little Caylee.

I've been thinking about this all evening and I have to agree---that I think something is definitely "up".

The Anthonys (in particular CA and GA) obviously took a great deal of pride in their house/home. They are neatniks and worried incessantly about people standing in their yard, etc. They are totally territorial and it is clear that their home has been extremely important..paramount, actually. So, how is it...that they would "forget" to pay for it?

Even with all that has happened..the house has always been such a huge big deal to them. The reason CA didn't want to divorce GA was because he could wind up with half or more of "everything that CA had worked for" (ie: the house!) It seems so incongruent that suddenly they would simply give it up. There is something afoot, a scheme of some sort. UNLESS they have truly lost their marbles and stopped caring. (Which seems so doubtful..when you consider how much they clean things, get tattoos, have haircuts and wear jewelry).

These are people who have "pride" in spades. So how and why could they let their house "go"? It just does not add up.
Hmmm...I had just completed grueling treatment for Stage 4 (as bad as it gets) cancer and my husband had just gone thru quadruple heart bypass surgery with serious complications. We truly could not work. It took Bank of America 3 months to file foreclosure papers on us. In that last 4th month, I worked, not 1, but 2 jobs (my hair still hadn't grown back from the chemo) and my husband worked overtime and we got to keep our house. We did not go on cruises or wallow in self-pity. We worked our tail feathers off. I have no sympathy for these people at all.


this post just goes to show you that no matter how dire your circumstances are or how low your level in life is....there are always others that are worse off than you..................God bless you Sayd :blowkiss:
I just read through todays news thread and it all came crystal clear to me...This is just another publicity stunt by " the poor grieving Anthonys". According to their attorney this PROVES that they have not profitted from their granddaughters death and do not have a big money book or media deal!

Uh Uh Brad...it only PROVES they did not pay the mortgage with the funds, not that they did not RECEIVE them...

Just another ploy in a long line of ploys by a truly manipulative set of individuals...

Sure Brad, this proves it all doesn't it? NOT!!!:banghead:

Bingo magic-cat!

Sayd, sending best wishes your way. You and your husband are an inspiration to us all.
I haven't posted in a while or looked in on here but I've kept up with the Casey Anthony case and I'm surprised that the George and Cindy's house is in foreclosure. I assume that Cindy is still getting disability. The did get some money from 48 hours as she admitted in her deposition. I wonder if GA and CA are secretly paying for their daughter's defense because something just doesn't add up here. Where is their income going? It doesn't make sense for Cindy to ruin whatever credit rating she has by going through a foreclosure(isn't George's already damaged by a previous bankruptcy filing?)

Perhaps a divorce is in the works as other posters have speculated on. If that's the case does it make sense to go into foreclosure?
Sounds like they did this purposely hoping for donations to come to the rescue and pay off their house. 3 people cant come up with enough money per month for a mortgage that equals a 1 bedroom apartment? come on
Sounds like they did this purposely hoping for donations to come to the rescue and pay off their house. 3 people cant come up with enough money per month for a mortgage that equals a 1 bedroom apartment? come on

I am not surprised that their financial woes continue, whether or not they were paid by any outlet for media, they have issues with handling money-kinda like those people who hit the lotto and lose it all, they most likely were not very good with money when they had a little and weren't good with it when they had a lot...I sucked with money for a long time and had to get educated, so I am not speaking out of turn on this-
Anyway, seems the biggest revelation here is that the cost of living in Florida is still so good-or that the property value was still so low in 2005, the height of the housing bubble. There were dumbdumbs running around up here spending half a million on townhouses in areas that aren't half as nice as (most of) Orlando. The A house might actually be a good flip....
Thanks for the welcome I have been reading since this case started but so nervous to post.

Why does this NOT surprise me.:crazy:

Padilla Considers Helping Anthonys.

Home Of George, Cindy Anthony In Foreclosure
A day after it was learned that the home where Caylee Anthony once lived with her mother and grandparents was being foreclosed upon, celebrity bounty hunter Leonard Padilla said he's considering helping the family save their home.

I agree that I doubt I`d be able to work or at least be very functional at work. I also don`t really begrudge them a bit of a get-away. However, they`ve been in financial distress before and it`s been EIGHT months. At some point, no matter what tragedy befalls us, we have to do something to survive, even if it means selling our house and hunkering down with relatives for awhile. Even if it means working at some crap job while our heart is broken and we can hardly get up in the morning. JMO

Or get rid of one of the cars they have- I don't suppose those are paid for either.. they have spent their lives living beyond their means, so nothing about this foreclosure surprises me.
Why does this NOT surprise me.:crazy:

Padilla Considers Helping Anthonys.

Home Of George, Cindy Anthony In Foreclosure
A day after it was learned that the home where Caylee Anthony once lived with her mother and grandparents was being foreclosed upon, celebrity bounty hunter Leonard Padilla said he's considering helping the family save their home.


The article also says that according to BC, C & G are not interested in his help.
Why does this NOT surprise me.:crazy:

Padilla Considers Helping Anthonys.

Home Of George, Cindy Anthony In Foreclosure
A day after it was learned that the home where Caylee Anthony once lived with her mother and grandparents was being foreclosed upon, celebrity bounty hunter Leonard Padilla said he's considering helping the family save their home.


Well, if that don't take the cake..

If the Anthonys accept this proposal, I would say how much it shows the hipocrit in them. Their distain for LP was made perfectly clear. They are users, manipulaters and blame their woes on everyone but where the true blame lies. Had they not mismanaged their money from the interviews, they'd have roof over their heads. Instead of that cruise, which they claim, earned it and thanks to the media there were able to. Instead of those diamond earrings, they should have paid a few months rent up front. No, no sympathy since they have no sympathy for anyone else. Did they care that ZFG's life was turned upside down and inside out? NO! Did they care that ZFG lost her home? NO! What comes around goes around, I just didn't think it would happen this soon. Karma's a kicker..when all else fails. You reap what you sow and these parents are in it neck deep!

I happen to feel this is an agenda. Will they file for bankruptcy? Will it be a chapter 13 repayment plan? I do not believe they will let this home go. This is where they lived for over 20 years, Casey's childhood home and where Caylee lived for 2.10 years...time will tell...
The article also says that according to BC, C & G are not interested in his help.

Yes, I read that, but considering the bad blood between them, I can't believe he would even consider this. .:innocent:
I wonder if G even knew the mortgage wasn't being paid. Historically it seems C was the decision maker, money maker, control person and kept G out of the loop of a lot of things.
Well, if that don't take the cake..

If the Anthonys accept this proposal, I would say how much it shows the hipocrit in them. Their distain for LP was made perfectly clear. They are users, manipulaters and blame their woes on everyone but where the true blame lies. Had they not mismanaged their money from the interviews, they'd have roof over their heads. Instead of that cruise, which they claim, earned it and thanks to the media there were able to. Instead of those diamond earrings, they should have paid a few months rent up front. No, no sympathy since they have no sympathy for anyone else. Did they care that ZFG's life was turned upside down and inside out? NO! Did they care that ZFG lost her home? NO! What comes around goes around, I just didn't think it would happen this soon. Karma's a kicker..when all else fails. You reap what you sow and these parents are in it neck deep!

I happen to feel this is an agenda. Will they file for bankruptcy? Will it be a chapter 13 repayment plan? I do not believe they will let this home go. This is where they lived for over 20 years, Casey's childhood home and where Caylee lived for 2.10 years...time will tell...

They had already claimed bankruptcy around the time Caylee was born. Not sure how long you have to wait, 7 years, before you can claim again.
Yes, I read that, but considering the bad blood between them, I can't believe he would even consider this. .:innocent:

Well, it gets him back into the news. I don't doubt that LP is big hearted but really, he is a self proclaimed media - , ah-hem, attention seeker.
What I want to know is did LA know anything about this. Didn't he move back in last Jan for the very reason of helping his parents? Did he not say this in his deposition with LE?
I just read through todays news thread and it all came crystal clear to me...This is just another publicity stunt by " the poor grieving Anthonys". According to their attorney this PROVES that they have not profitted from their granddaughters death and do not have a big money book or media deal!

Uh Uh Brad...it only PROVES they did not pay the mortgage with the funds, not that they did not RECEIVE them...

Just another ploy in a long line of ploys by a truly manipulative set of individuals...

Sure Brad, this proves it all doesn't it? NOT!!!:banghead:

Exactly, Magic-cat
IMO They had a choice(s) to make with the funds received

And one of those choices was not to pay the mortgage

I also believe they put money into Casey's Defense Fund
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