8 Die in Crash on Taconic State Parkway #2

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It's mind-boggling that this case is still so unresolved and it seems impossible to find any real answers as to what happened.
My best guess is that she was feeling stressed for some reason, she was in pain (I think the tooth absess may be a clue here, or maybe she was feeling the symptoms of an oncoming stroke- caused by the absess + stress?- but was too scared and proud to say anything).. and because the 'perfect mom in control of everything' facade had to be kept up, she wasn't showing the strain or telling anyone.. kept everything inside.. (which compounded the stress level, in itself).. so she popped a pill that morning, thinking it was a pain med but it was an ambien. And she thought, 'OK, I'm good to go.'
Then (after they left) she was feeling even more weird and desperate and started swigging vodka.. (this suggests a mental breaking point as it was not something a responsible mom driving with kids would do).. and perhaps a stroke or something LIKE a stroke happened, at the same time... (but the autopsy reports did not pick that up..? Well- living people have strokes or stroke-like events that are not detected by tests, all the time! How do you explain that? Also there are things such as an ocular migraine- that can come on suddenly & affect your vision but they eventually go away and are undetectable).
So perhaps it was a perfect storm of events, the wrong pill which turned out to be ambien, which hit her suddenly w/o warning, just AFTER the stops at McD and the convenience store (since she appeared normal at that point).. and at that point she started drinking more because by then her judgement was way off, and to stop the pain... and that was the slippery slope she couldn't recover from. For some people, once they start drinking, something happens and they fall into a rabbit hole. They can't stop. And all that on top of a serious medical emergency.
So my theory that more than ONE thing happened at the same time.. and it all happened very quickly.

The only real clues here we have to go on are the fact that she said her head hurt & she couldn't see. I think those are important.
The fact that she seemed to be driving in a straight line on 'autopilot' with a determined look on her face, not swerving like a drunk person, points to the ambien 'zombie' effect. Or at least, a sudden alcohol blackout. (Plus she probably really believed she was simply driving in the right hand lane and therefore driving straight and was in a hurry to get home).

I just don't believe she decided all of a sudden to start binge drinking, out of the blue, for no reason. Something was causing her pain, something mentally &/or physically was wrong with her head. Something affected her judgement that made her take a few swigs to self-medicate and it got out of control. I think several things hit her at once.. a sudden medical issue, a pill that was too strong, the booze, and then panic & disorientation.
And I think her reaction (or what little we know) points to the fact that she was NOT a seasoned drinker who'd been hiding it. I think, on the contrary.. she was NOT used to large amounts of booze, and that's exactly why it all hit her so fast and hard, so suddenly.
I realize the autopsy showed nothing but booze & pot in her system and the 2nd one confirmed that.. but sometimes tests are wrong or can't detect things. There must be some explanation but when you look at all the facts (as few & perplexing as they are).. everything points to the fact that, unfortunately, the autopsy results MUST be missing something. Either a pain-causing medical event, the pills, or both.

The other other plausible explanation is that she was just stressed from being 'perfect mom', and having to get home on time, started to crack, and started to drink & it quickly spiraled out of control (as she wasn't the type of seasoned 'functional alcoholic').. ending in a full-blown blackout.

That one's simpler, and much more disappointing. But it just seems more unlikely she would crack so fast without warning, without an underlying medical issue.

Reb--- I forgot about the Ambien----do you remember how long she was taking it? Did she have a current scrip? I wonder if she was a bit of a doctor shopper????

I think with her "perfect mom" facade there is also alot of "F&^% You!" in her personality. She had alot of anger issues (would love to see her employee file from Cablevision) probably stemming from her mother abandoning her and her brothers.

I am reading your good wording of "perfect storm of events"---I just thought-what if the weekend had been totally "normal" for them?--He goes up to the campsite earlier (I should put that in quotes due to EZPass discrepancy) and leaves the lions' share of work to Diane to bring gear and kids and food. Both Diane and Danny over-drink, smoke alot of pot over the weekend (probably fight). And hungover on Sunday they start back home again with Diane having a to-do list and Danny sitting on his *advertiser censored*.
Typical for them to over indulge and come home a little impaired.
HI HC, not sure of the details about the Ambien.. just reading bits & pieces from other forums, & it was mentioned several times. I also haven't seen the film, not sure if I want to...(??)
It's mind-boggling that this case is still so unresolved and it seems impossible to find any real answers as to what happened.

snipped, respectfully

Actually, I think this case has been resolved in every significant way. It's a closed case, reasonably, from every relevant perspective.
The other other plausible explanation is that she was just stressed from being 'perfect mom', and having to get home on time, started to crack, and started to drink & it quickly spiraled out of control (as she wasn't the type of seasoned 'functional alcoholic').. ending in a full-blown blackout.

That one's simpler, and much more disappointing. But it just seems more unlikely she would crack so fast without warning, without an underlying medical issue.

You're going to whole lot of trouble to look for a convoluted explanation of these events, because it's "disappointing" to think that the "simpler" one is the actual one.

As far as strokes, "mini-strokes" (TIA) do not show up on tests because they are so short lived, they resolve, and do no permanent damage. Actual strokes always leave a trail, so the autopsy did NOT miss a stroke.

There is no mystery here.
montjoy- sorry, I didn't realize this was a closed case. Thanks for letting me know.

nrdsb4- what you just said about the mini-strokes was my point exactly- that a mini-stroke may not be detected by a test/autopsy, and that may be what set off this chain of events.
Is the ambien usage known to be a fact? (I'm not objecting to it as theory, just curious as to whether we know she took it.)

I've never had a problem with it, but people report all sorts of strange behaviors while on it.


And whether or not the police have closed the file, there are still plenty of things that aren't known about the events of that morning.

Informing people that "there is no mystery here" is sort of obnoxious, if you ask me.

To take but one example and while I don't believe Diane deliberately chose to commit suicide with all those children in the van, there is no proof that she did not.
montjoy- sorry, I didn't realize this was a closed case. Thanks for letting me know.

nrdsb4- what you just said about the mini-strokes was my point exactly- that a mini-stroke may not be detected by a test/autopsy, and that may be what set off this chain of events.

Having had a ministroke it is not the same as a stroke. There are small things that happen. It is not a true event. It is more like something is just off. If it was a stroke of any magnitude that was the cause they would have found it.

This looks like what it was a drinking woman who got behind the wheel sadly.
I have dealt with alcoholics that specifically drink vodka because they BELIEVE it has no odour and others cannot detect it on their breath.

They are wrong, of course.

I heard if you drink vodka to excess, it actually seeps from your pours and people can smell it. I never smelled it on my MIL though (she only had 1 or 2 a night).

My mom turned out to be a closet drinker. I had NO idea. After she passed, we found dozens of whiskey bottles in various places all over the house. We knew she liked to have 1 or 2 - but I never saw her drinking. We now believe it went far beyond that (really - do you need 10 bottles hidden all over - even in the basement)? I never smelled alcohol on her either.

Maybe you have to be looking for it to acknowledge it...


HI HC, not sure of the details about the Ambien.. just reading bits & pieces from other forums, & it was mentioned several times. I also haven't seen the film, not sure if I want to...(??)

reb---I saw the doc. a few times---it was great---be prepared to cry a little.
I found it very telling how her old gfs spoke of her and how they no longer saw her at all despite being close as teens. Danny's parents are quite interesting--as is the current best friend whose name escapes me.
sil Jay said of being made godmother to Erin--I guess she likes me!
As though DS was a bit of a tyrant--which I can see. I wish her co-workers had spoken out---
I think this case feels unresolved b/c of lingering questions---was it suicide?
--was it a DUI???
--was it due to medical emergency/trauma??? Also the "perfect mother" facade juxtaposed with the *advertiser censored*&^hole husband and the Hance's loss of 3 little girls
Nova---in the doc sil Jay had a list of meds etc that DS had/was taking ---Ambien was on the list and I think pre-natal vites
Hi Nova, Well since it's so difficult to tell fact from fiction with this case, I'm not sure about the Ambien. I've read in some articles that she had a prescription for it, (however, is there proof- who knows? And the husband being all dodgy about everything doesn't help). But there were no traces of that in the toxicology report.. assuming it was accurate. But I still think the fact that she said her 'head hurt' and she 'couldn't see' are important clues. I guess if you're blacked out from booze you have trouble seeing. There is no doubt that she binged, the question is why, and what triggered it (if anything?).. what altered her judgement so quickly to make all this happen?
I just think there may be something more than, 'she was stressed and just felt like drinking that day'. Maybe not, and I guess since there are no more new clues, it's all just pointless speculation...
..and let's keep in mind, even if a person might not have an official prescription for a certain pill, doesn't mean they don't have access to it.
I guess the other explanation is a total mental breakdown.. sometimes hardcore perfectionists, when they finally crack, they crack hard. It's all or nothing. The moment they realize they can't keep up the in-total-control perfectionist act, everything just crumbles in a big way.. & often leads to suicide if the circumstances are right. But it seems like a big jump in this situation, if there were no previous signs of depression or distress.
Is the ambien usage known to be a fact? (I'm not objecting to it as theory, just curious as to whether we know she took it.)

I've never had a problem with it, but people report all sorts of strange behaviors while on it.


And whether or not the police have closed the file, there are still plenty of things that aren't known about the events of that morning.

Informing people that "there is no mystery here" is sort of obnoxious, if you ask me.

To take but one example and while I don't believe Diane deliberately chose to commit suicide with all those children in the van, there is no proof that she did not.

Obnoxious, yes. Regardless of the outcome that has already come to pass, there will be questions. Answers? Probably never. But I do believe there is still plenty of room for questions, speculation and personal insights from the WS posters here.
I probably should have used a softer word. But that is what we do here, we discuss and think aloud about crimes--whether or not the cases are officially "closed".
IMO, there are boatloads of "seemingly normal" people who have committed horrific acts against defenseless children - many their own.

I am curious as to what it is about DS that makes her worthy of seeking another cause for her criminal actions that day? If its that she never gave any past reason to indicate that she was capable of doing this, couldn't we say that about most criminals? I get that we discuss crimes and why they happened - I am interested in what it is about DS and her horrific crime that has some seeking a medical, and thereby IMO an excusable, reason for her actions that day?
There will always be questions, I guess, if DS did this intentionally or not. We'll probably never know, but there's room for speculation there. However, I think it's pretty apparent that she was extremely drunk at the time of the crash. IMO it's over the top to try to find some way that the autopsy was a mistake and she was an innocent victim of a toothache or stroke that there is little or no evidence for.
zippity- it's not that she's any more 'worthy' than anyone else- it's just that it's a really weird case with a lot of things that don't add up. I for one don't believe if she had a medical reason, it would make what she did 'excusable'... it would just help people understand the chain of events that transpired- and therefore it could possibly help others recognize potential signs of such an event beforehand, and possibly prevent such an thing from happening in the future. Just a possibility.
Buzzie- I agree and she certainly isn't an innocent victim of anything. As I keep saying I think it could be a perfect storm/ chain of events that was triggered by something, still unknown, that led to the unthinkable decisions she made. It just seems there are still some missing pieces, that I guess we'll never know the answers to.
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