8 Die in Crash on Taconic State Parkway

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Urinalysis for detecting marijuana use shows the presence of byproducts of THC. This can be detected for days to weeks after last use.

Blood tests for marijuana use show the presence of active THC rather than THC byproducts. In the first hour after using marijuana, the level of THC in one's bloodstream is very high. After one hour, the level drops dramatically and can remain for hours to a couple of days. A very high level of active THC in the blood is indicative of use within the hour and impairment in driving since this level drops to a very small amount after one hour.

I think it was a level of THC high enough to determine use within the hour that allowed them to make the determination that she was under the influence of marijuana at the time of the accident. It's not the presence of THC in the blood, but the level of THC that determines recent (within the hour) use and impairment.

Thank you very much for explaining that so clearly, Marina! That makes a lot of sense.
Its a show on HLN, Issues, with Jane Velez-Mitchell (JVM), her show is on right before Nancy Grace in my area, and follows a similiar format as Nancy's show - current events with guest speakers commenting, along with callers. IMO, she is Nancy Grace "light".

ps. Jane admits freely that she is a recovering alcoholic, and has a new book out about her recovery.

She has been covering this case almost nightly....

Three sisters Emma, Kate, and Alyson were killed by a drunk driver…their aunt. Also, killed (not pictured) was the drunk driver’s daughter and the drunk driver’s son was critically injured.

What a beautiful family picture...My heart aches, I can not fathom the grief this couple is enduring over the lose of their beautiful daughters. May God bless them.
From NG:

Ethyl alcohol from vodka (liquor) and the benzyl alcohol in Anbesol are not the same. The Anbesol could cause a false test on a breathalyzer, but never in a blood test since they are not the same.

This is really pathetic of them.
This is what drives me crazy in this Country it is always someone else's fault. She drank, she dove, she wrecked and killed people. Now some how it's her husband's fault and he has to avoid prosecution. I really doubt that he knowingly allowed her to drive off drunk with a car load of children.JMO

MCDRAW...that pretty much sums it up for me.
Alcoholic or not, who knew what or not.. LE's investigation will uncover that...
I cry, I ache, I am bewildered..WHY? On this one fateful day Diane S decided to put 5 young children in her van, she also decided to drink alcohol, smoke pot and drive with those 5 children.
She had stopped/pulled over, spoke with her brother, told him she was "not well" was instructed to stay put...but she decided to continue driving..we know the end result to that decision.
My heart aches for the lose of life, the children and the men.
What a beautiful family picture...My heart aches, I can not fathom the grief this couple is enduring over the lose of their beautiful daughters. May God bless them.

Years ago one of my friends lost her three grandsons in a mobile explosion caused by faulty wiring. In the mobile were also three little girls who were the nieces of the boys mother. The parents of the boys have never recovered from the loss of their boys. The dad works and drinks. The mother works for CPS and takes all of the over time she can get. She doesn't drink but is a work-a-holic. The dad works..owns his own concrete laying business and when he isn't working he numbs out with alcohol. It is just really a sad situation. I know that both parents wish they had been in the mobile when it exploded but mom had ran dad about 1 mile down the road to his job. It happened in the matter of minutes after the parents left. The kids were asleep as it was around 6 am and the oldest boy was old enough to watch the others if they had woke up.

I just wonder how this couple is going to cope with the loss of their whole family. I just can't imagine losing all of my children at one time. It's hard enough to lose one much less three. What an empty home it would be. They are used to the sound of children and now all they will hear is silence. Reminders all over the house and community. It has to be such a nightmare. My heart breaks for them. And then to top it off...it should never have happened. They died at the hand of their aunt...their dad's sister...and because of alcohol. Just horrible.
I'm a bit confused but I thought the mini van that she was driving belonged to her brother. If so, I would think the insurance company would represent the owner of the van ( brother) rather than the husband.
Years ago one of my friends lost her three grandsons in a mobile explosion caused by faulty wiring. In the mobile were also three little girls who were the nieces of the boys mother. The parents of the boys have never recovered from the loss of their boys. The dad works and drinks. The mother works for CPS and takes all of the over time she can get. She doesn't drink but is a work-a-holic. The dad works..owns his own concrete laying business and when he isn't working he numbs out with alcohol. It is just really a sad situation. I know that both parents wish they had been in the mobile when it exploded but mom had ran dad about 1 mile down the road to his job. It happened in the matter of minutes after the parents left. The kids were asleep as it was around 6 am and the oldest boy was old enough to watch the others if they had woke up.

I just wonder how this couple is going to cope with the loss of their whole family. I just can't imagine losing all of my children at one time. It's hard enough to lose one much less three. What an empty home it would be. They are used to the sound of children and now all they will hear is silence. Reminders all over the house and community. It has to be such a nightmare. My heart breaks for them. And then to top it off...it should never have happened. They died at the hand of their aunt...their dad's sister...and because of alcohol. Just horrible.

I can't even imagine the pain, the emptiness, or the silence. the son who made it how horrible for him also. He will wonder all his life why me why was I spared. He will also come to know the pain and hurt he feels was caused by his own mother. The grandparents who have lost 4 grandchildren and a daughter.
Then there is the other innocent victims who where fathers, sons, brothers, uncles, husbands. there families also know this pain, emptiness, and silence.

There is nothing the husband or lawyer can say that will make this better. She drove drunk! There is no explanation, no medicine, nothing that will absolve the fact that she had vodka in her stomach and in her blood. NOTHING!! The only thing this husband and lawyer should be saying is that they are truly sorry for the loss all of the families have suffered. that's it period!

There is nothing in this world so bad that could give this woman the right to drink and drive. There is no way to rationalize what she did. It was just plain selfish, and wrong!!
Years ago one of my friends lost her three grandsons in a mobile explosion caused by faulty wiring. In the mobile were also three little girls who were the nieces of the boys mother. The parents of the boys have never recovered from the loss of their boys. The dad works and drinks. The mother works for CPS and takes all of the over time she can get. She doesn't drink but is a work-a-holic. The dad works..owns his own concrete laying business and when he isn't working he numbs out with alcohol. It is just really a sad situation. I know that both parents wish they had been in the mobile when it exploded but mom had ran dad about 1 mile down the road to his job. It happened in the matter of minutes after the parents left. The kids were asleep as it was around 6 am and the oldest boy was old enough to watch the others if they had woke up.

I just wonder how this couple is going to cope with the loss of their whole family. I just can't imagine losing all of my children at one time. It's hard enough to lose one much less three. What an empty home it would be. They are used to the sound of children and now all they will hear is silence. Reminders all over the house and community. It has to be such a nightmare. My heart breaks for them. And then to top it off...it should never have happened. They died at the hand of their aunt...their dad's sister...and because of alcohol. Just horrible.
which reminds me of the couple that lost all three of their children when mom was rear ended by a big rig here in my local area.
Well she had triplets about a year later and it has been a tremendous help to them.
I don't know how you survive when your family is wiped out.

Coble Kids Foundation
From NG:

Ethyl alcohol from vodka (liquor) and the benzyl alcohol in Anbesol are not the same. The Anbesol could cause a false test on a breathalyzer, but never in a blood test since they are not the same.

This is really pathetic of them.

By NO means is this is a case to laugh about, but the Anbesol theory is so out there, that I couldn't help it. Then when I heard that the mother was so "caring" she carried the vodka bottle back n' forth in case her husband wanted a drink -- is beyond me. A - you can't drive with an open bottle in your car, and I don't know how many folks on this MB would even think of doing such a thing. Sure, I bring a bottle of wine if we're invited to a dinner, but I sure as heck don't bring it back with me (we're not vodka drinkers in this house).

I guess this could mean the husband had a drinking problem if he needed a bottle of vodka in the car?

I just wish the husband would look at reality and realize his wife was a drinker, and try not to cover for her. The BAC was way too high to say otherwise. What excuse is he going to come up with next. Oh, I have diabetes too, and I don't travel the wrong way on the road. That's quite an insult to the millions of diabetics out in the world. Worse case scenario is she'd go into a coma -- but there are catching symptoms before that happens.

This is such a terrible terrible horror.


ETA: I wonder what her sugar levels were and if she had diabetic medication in her car. I never leave without my insulin pen in my purse. I know when my sugars are getting too high or low (shaking, dizziness, confusion). I'd believe the diabetes theory before the anbesol. If she was a diabetic for years, she should be fairly educated. It's not a disease to take lightly.
Mel, I think the point is that she *wasn't* diabetic -she just had gestational diabetes with one pregnancy, which resolves after birth. I really feel for the husband who must be grasping at straws, but seriously none of what he (or his lawyer) is saying makes sense.
A - you can't drive with an open bottle in your car, and I don't know how many folks on this MB would even think of doing such a thing. Sure, I bring a bottle of wine if we're invited to a dinner, but I sure as heck don't bring it back with me (we're not vodka drinkers in this house).

I guess this could mean the husband had a drinking problem if he needed a bottle of vodka in the car?

i could not agree more! i actually commented on this earlier in the thread and was accused of living in a "glass house" for criticizing such an illegal act. i honestly was dumbfounded...
Mel, I think the point is that she *wasn't* diabetic -she just had gestational diabetes with one pregnancy, which resolves after birth. I really feel for the husband who must be grasping at straws, but seriously none of what he (or his lawyer) is saying makes sense.

Thanks, I was just watching that yapping attorney say "she had or has diabetes" (that's where I got that from). If it was gest, then I apologize -- completely difference scenario (as it goes away at birth). Too bad, because high or low blood sugar would make SO much sense in this case. There are days that I have to pull over (not anymore) because I have it controlled. But one time my sugars went up to 400, and literally I couldn't walk (thank goodness I was at home) and felt as drunk as a skunk (but sober).

I wish I could understand, but have to chalk it up that she was drunk - plain n' simple :(

i could not agree more! i actually commented on this earlier in the thread and was accused of living in a "glass house" for criticizing such an illegal act. i honestly was dumbfounded...

Well here in California ya can't. The vehicle was a mini-van, which means it didn't have a sealed trunk. Here in CA, you are allowed to keep an open bottle locked in a trunk. However, according to the DMV:

If the vehicle is not equipped with a trunk and is an off-highway motor vehicle subject to identification, as defined in subdivision (a) of Section 38012, the bottle, can, or other receptacle described in paragraph (1) shall be kept in a locked container. As used in this paragraph, "locked container" means a secure container that is fully enclosed and locked by a padlock, key lock, combination lock, or similar locking device.

Seems like a heck of a lot of trouble to transport vodka back n' forth. We also know the vodka was not locked up (or we would have heard it was in a locked container). Do we know if the vodka was open? I wonder if we'll ever know :(

Anywhoo - it's NOT worth it folks to get arrested or ticketed for driving with an open container. And it's certainly not a good example to do in front of children.


Its a show on HLN, Issues, with Jane Velez-Mitchell (JVM), her show is on right before Nancy Grace in my area, and follows a similiar format as Nancy's show - current events with guest speakers commenting, along with callers. IMO, she is Nancy Grace "light".

ps. Jane admits freely that she is a recovering alcoholic, and has a new book out about her recovery.

She has been covering this case almost nightly....

Is she the one who said, "I don't care if she had bubonic plague, she was drunk"? That pretty much sums it up, in my opinion. Maybe I'll start watching her.
Is she the one who said, "I don't care if she had bubonic plague, she was drunk"? That pretty much sums it up, in my opinion. Maybe I'll start watching her.

No, that was Wendy Murphy, a guest on the show. JVM is the moderator of the show.
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