A case almost identical to Darlie's: Julie Rea & Joel Harper

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Something that also gets me is that there are people close to Julie that truly believe she killed Joel. They have theories of their own, and none of them point to Tommy Sells. Even Julie's family has said they think her ex did it. No one mentions Tommy Sells, very strange case.
On May 14th on WE channel they are having a replay of "20/20 on WE" which is a reworking of the original 20/20 with Darlie and on this particular episode they also have a segment on Julie Rea Harper. I saw it over the weekend and looked it up to see if it will be replayed. Not sure of the time in each time zone, but it can be found on their website.
They LOVE to try and wrap up Darlie's story with Julie's because Julie was innocent and Darlie is not.

Julie was found guilty in her first trial & then won a new trial on a technicality, at which time she was acquitted.

Don't want to get off topic here, Jeana, but I'll always believe the jurors got it right the first time. Her story was even more absurd than Darlie's :crazy:
Julie was found guilty in her first trial & then won a new trial on a technicality, at which time she was acquitted.

Don't want to get off topic here, Jeana, but I'll always believe the jurors got it right the first time. Her story was even more absurd than Darlie's :crazy:

I am on the fence here. But leaning more toward guilt too. I have to read more before I make my final decision as I did with Darlie's back in 06 when I became interested after reading a "10 year's later" article. I haven't been able to find as much info on Julie's crime.
I am on the fence here. But leaning more toward guilt too. I have to read more before I make my final decision as I did with Darlie's back in 06 when I became interested after reading a "10 year's later" article. I haven't been able to find as much info on Julie's crime.

I was on the fence for a very long, long time. But spent much time reading on the case, everything I could get my hands on. The blood evidence alone as well as other evidence really spoke for itself for me anyway.

Let me know if I can help you in any way! :)
I was on the fence for a very long, long time. But spent much time reading on the case, everything I could get my hands on.

Me too, Anais. I practically begged Julie's camp to post the trial transcript, but they said they didn't have it (yeah, right :rolleyes:) I even inquired about purchasing the transcript; Goody & I were going to split the cost, but it would have cost thousands of dollars! The Lawrenceville Public Library sent me copies of the original trial coverage, but you know how sketchy those articles are. You don't get the whole story.

The blood evidence alone as well as other evidence really spoke for itself for me anyway.

Julie's case is amazingly like Darlie's: the phantom intruder who kills a little boy (no rape, no robbery), leaves the mother - who can identify him - alive, and forgets to take the knife when he leaves. Ridiculous.

The Innocence Project managed to get SO much evidence suppressed in her second trial. If the jury had been allowed to hear the same evidence as before, the verdict would have been the same, imo.

I respect our judicial system, I really do, but when a perfectly sane mother gets away with murdering her own child, it makes me furious. I often wonder how Joel's father feels.
On May 14th on WE channel they are having a replay of "20/20 on WE" which is a reworking of the original 20/20 with Darlie and on this particular episode they also have a segment on Julie Rea Harper. I saw it over the weekend and looked it up to see if it will be replayed. Not sure of the time in each time zone, but it can be found on their website.

Hey I happened to catch this episode yesterday on We. It's interesting to see how various supporters can twist things around to suit their purpose. In the end I found it to be quite biased. For example the juror who stated he hadn't seen the photos of Darlie's injuries. Well they were all available.

I also find Darlie's tears and emotions faker than fake! There's just no way given the story that the evidence tells that I will believe that she did not do it.

Anyways that's just my humble opinion on this segment!
Hey I happened to catch this episode yesterday on We. It's interesting to see how various supporters can twist things around to suit their purpose. In the end I found it to be quite biased. For example the juror who stated he hadn't seen the photos of Darlie's injuries. Well they were all available.

I also find Darlie's tears and emotions faker than fake! There's just no way given the story that the evidence tells that I will believe that she did not do it.

Anyways that's just my humble opinion on this segment!

They were not only "available," they were admitted during the trial. Her own attorneys have said on numerous occasions that they jury was shown the photos and they were available to be seen in the jury room during deliberations.

The only tears we've ever seen from Darlie were for Darlie and Darlie alone.
The only tears we've ever seen from Darlie were for Darlie and Darlie alone.

You are so right Jeana, Darlie did not think that she would ever be disbelieved, let alone put on trial, convicted and put to death.

Darlie just thought she could murder the boys, tell a fabricates story, have everyone believe her, feel sorry for her and she moves on in her life as if nothing ever happened.

Funny, how some people just don't believe a "fabricated" story when it comes to the murder of two boys.
Figured I'd throw this up here, most of this stuff we've seen before but what the hay :angel:

Well, Darlie's a good actress isnt she? LOL Why do these programs only show evidence that appears to be favourable to Darlie? Why don't they show the evidence used to convict her, i.e. the bread knife with the polyglass fibre and the rubber dust, the cast-off blood of both boys on the back of her nightshirt, the clean-up at the kitchen sink and on the couch in the family room, the lack of blood where there should be blood and blood where there shouldn't be.

The jury was polled at the end of the verdict, that was the time for Charlie to speak up if he felt he was browbeaten by the others but he didn't he agreed that was his verdict.

Yes, I know it's for ratings.
Well, Darlie's a good actress isnt she? LOL Why do these programs only show evidence that appears to be favourable to Darlie? Why don't they show the evidence used to convict her, i.e. the bread knife with the polyglass fibre and the rubber dust, the cast-off blood of both boys on the back of her nightshirt, the clean-up at the kitchen sink and on the couch in the family room, the lack of blood where there should be blood and blood where there shouldn't be.

The jury was polled at the end of the verdict, that was the time for Charlie to speak up if he felt he was browbeaten by the others but he didn't he agreed that was his verdict.

Yes, I know it's for ratings.

you are exactly right about ratings-oriented as far as these shows go...it makes for high drama if a mother is wrongfully convicted of killing her own children in such a brutal way...more exciting than another parent going to jail for murdering her children...imo
you are exactly right about ratings-oriented as far as these shows go...it makes for high drama if a mother is wrongfully convicted of killing her own children in such a brutal way...more exciting than another parent going to jail for murdering her children...imo

20/20 should be ashamed to present such a show, full of errors about the evidence and trial. That's how prosecutors get a bad name. It only took them 30 seconds to hone in on Julie...what nonsense. It would take at least a minute to get up the steps and in the door, LOL.

Of course its just entertainment to them.
since the first verdict was overturned, officially it never happened.

Oh I didn't know that. She got a new trial on a technical error and since she was found not guilty..that wipes out the first trial as if it never happened?

Interesting case, I don't much believe the story she told but I haven't an opinion on her guilt or innocence.

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