A & E - Anthony Parents Speak 5.28.18

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My mom and I lived in Florida when this happened. We followed the case from day one to the very end. After reading everything again, it finally dawned on me what day this whole thing began.. July 15th. My mom.. she passed away on July 15th. It’ll be 5 years next month. I believe she’s up there with her arms around Caylee.
I heard Cindy say that about Baez too, it was more like an admission of Casey's guilt than anything else - to me at least. She seemed disgusted with Baez's actions, the ones that got her daughter set free rather than face prison. Well, well, well, seems she uttered her real feelings - disgust that her daughter got away with murder.

She was just fine having her husband thrown under the bus to save the demon child. It is more than motherly love, it is a pathology.
Cindy acted as though there was NEVER a bad situation with Casey -ever, despite all the stories that came out about her.

Chaney Mason said that Casey's mind flipped when she saw Caylee dead from drowning in the pool and that is why all of her actions post-death were so bizarre. I guess he forgot that the whole world knows that Casey lied about going to work everyday for nearly 3 years, to the point of getting dressed in the morning and leaving the house, having a name tag around her neck for her employment ID, and telling the parents she had hired a nanny when in reality she had no income with which to pay said nanny. Her pathology didn't start after Caylee died, it was always there and is why Caylee is dead.

So they took down the memorial because it was not where Caylee was buried, it was a horrible place they didn't want to remember but Cindy leaves her bracelet in the tree which is later seen back on her wrist. They are sick and were sick long before this baby was murdered by their psycho daughter whom has moved on with her life and refuses to speak to her mother because . . . yeah, exactly.

If ANYONE drowned in my pool, it would be taken down and thrown away and if it were an in-ground pool it would get filled in with mud. The fact that the pool remains tells me that even Cindy doesn't believe the pool story. Her actions give her away.

What Casey has in inherited - from her mother.

Cindy said that Casey got her lying ways from George, but it was she that denied that Casey was pregnant, telling GA that it was just hormonal weight gain and even brushing it off at the family wedding. They both insist that they never asked who the father of the baby was. BS! All parents ask. ALL parents.

George is the enabler. He just can not stand up against either of them because they have destroyed his self-esteem and made him doubt himself with their manipulation and lies. Gaslighting is what it is called.
I saw it and it stuck out to me. I honestly feel like Cindy had SOMETHING to do with it all. I don’t think she harmed Caylee, but I think Casey confided in her about what did happen and Cindy had some sort of role. Look how hard she’s tried to “clear” Casey’s name over the years.. she knows something.

I used to have a theory that Casey told them Caylee died in an accident when she was out on bail and that's why they started covering for her.

But it doesn't quite add up for me, mainly because George bought a gun right around that time with some sort of notion of somehow making Casey's friends (who he seemed to believe at the time were involved in Caylee's disappearance) talk and he also angrily confronted Casey a couple of times trying to figure out Caylee's whereabouts. But I guess Cindy could have kept it a secret from George as well, although I don't see her doing that. Her MO seems to involve telling George what's going on and then demanding they handle it her way.

Cindy has a pattern of defending Casey against all logic. Pam Pleasea talked about a time when they were all on vacation together and Shirley Plesea was making breakfast for everyone. Casey waltzed in and demanded French toast. Shirley told her no (IIRC because she was cooking for about a dozen people) and Cindy rushed to Casey's defense like a marauding bull and told them that if Casey didn't get French toast then they were leaving.

If she ever did any sort of parenting, she would have told Casey that her mother was not a short order cook and to make her own stupid French toast if she wanted it so badly.
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My fantasy is George frees himself from Cindy and writes his version of How To Grow a Sociopath - behind the scenes look at the Anthony family. Those 2 chicks are toxic.

Interesting how Cindy began right where she left off 10 years ago. Agree with all who are shocked those two are still together, living in the same house they turned into a Shrine/Tomb. Cmon George, sneak off to the local library and start writing.

Heard on news yesterday that Casey may be brought back to court thanks to Roy Kronk. Apparently, he has been waiting for the right time to may her (Baez) pay for slandering him.
I used to have a theory that Casey told them Caylee died in an accident when she was out on bail and that's why they started covering for her.

But it doesn't quite add up for me, mainly because George bought a gun right around that time with some sort of notion of somehow making Casey's friends (who he seemed to believe at the time were involved in Caylee's disappearance) talk and he also angrily confronted Casey a couple of times trying to figure out Caylee's whereabouts. But I guess Cindy could have kept it a secret from George as well, although I don't see her doing that. Her MO seems to involve telling George what's going on and then demanding they handle it her way.

Cindy has a pattern of defending Casey against all logic. Pam Pleasea talked about a time when they were all on vacation together and Shirley Plesea was making breakfast for everyone. Casey waltzed in and demanded French toast. Shirley told her no (IIRC because she was cooking for about a dozen people) and Cindy rushed to Casey's defense like a marauding bull and told them that if Casey didn't get French toast then they were leaving.

If she ever did any sort of parenting, she would have told Casey that her mother was not a short order cook and to make her own stupid French toast if she wanted it so badly.

Yes I think that neither C or C expressed to George what happened, but I think still that Cindy knows SOMETHING. She has always defended Casey, and it’s always been cindy’s way or no way. And Cindy will never face the truth.. that she’s a murderer’s mother.
Keep thinking about Lee. I found it disturbing that they haven't mentioned him in this documentary/interview at all, basically, it is all about Casey. I would assume that in some context you, as a parent, would talk like this 'our kids, our children '. Why putting one child over the other? So far I see, in the present time, Lee turned out just fine, considering the circumstances, growing up in that family. My strong opinion is that KC being a sociopath, a state [personality disorder] you are born with, paired up with Cindy's unhealthy and toxic, narcissistic personality created the monster she is. Lee on the other hand, does not have any personality disorder [after my observation only]. GA is someone with a very low self-esteem, a weak person, the roots probably can be found in his childhood BUT he was not a bad person per se. He 'just' went with the flow and still keeping on that track. All three know the truth. I really do hope that one day, George or Lee will talk, those two are our only hope. My heart breaks for that tiny child, remember the video of her last day in the nursing home chatting, singing and great-grandpa singing to her... what a precious smart little girl she was!
Yes, I also keep thinking about this bc having a child that is a sociopath can happen to anyone but the question is still, without the kind of parenting, would Caylee still be alive? The eraser killer type of a sociopath is a ticking timebomb but I have seen socios, who never hurt a fly, although they had someone who enabled their parasitic lifestyle. Reminds me of Burke Ramsey. You just don't know when and who gets in their way.
I couldn't agree with you more. It's the whole 'nature vs. nurture' discussion. It should be a basic thing, is it nature or nurture? However, it's far from basic, black and white. I really believe that it has to be a perfect storm of both. A child can be born with all kinds of personality disorders, but they thrive, grow, and mature to be productive, caring adults. However, in a family like the Anthony's would be toxic for that kind of person. But nobody but Casey is responsible for that sweet baby's death. Casey knew right from wrong or she wouldn't have hidden Sweet Caylee.

The Ramsey's are a different story. They KNEW that Burke had a problem with anger toward Jonbenet, IMO. They chose to "downplay" it in their own minds. They put her directly in the path of him. Why they even left Jonbenet and Burke alone (their bedrooms) on the 2nd floor, while they kept their third floor bedroom when they knew there was a problem is COMPLETELY out of my comprehension. I could go on about that all night long!
Are George and Cindy really living together? It seemed to me if they are they just don't communicate at all. I got the feeling this was like a reunion. In 10 years time they haven't talked about things? Very strange. They of course had to show new pics for the $$$. It is always about the $$$ and lies. Never takes the bracelet off since they got them, wears them everyday BUT takes it off to leave at memorial that they don't want to remember where Caylee was found.
Yea, and those bracelets were VERY clean! Have you ever had one of those types of bracelets? In white, no less! They get REALLY dirty! My kids used to leave them on and after a few weeks I'd make them take them off so I could at LEAST disinfect them. No way have they worn them since her disappearance!
Keep thinking about Lee. I found it disturbing that they haven't mentioned him in this documentary/interview at all, basically, it is all about Casey. I would assume that in some context you, as a parent, would talk like this 'our kids, our children '. Why putting one child over the other? So far I see, in the present time, Lee turned out just fine, considering the circumstances, growing up in that family. My strong opinion is that KC being a sociopath, a state [personality disorder] you are born with, paired up with Cindy's unhealthy and toxic, narcissistic personality created the monster she is. Lee on the other hand, does not have any personality disorder [after my observation only]. GA is someone with a very low self-esteem, a weak person, the roots probably can be found in his childhood BUT he was not a bad person per se. He 'just' went with the flow and still keeping on that track. All three know the truth. I really do hope that one day, George or Lee will talk, those two are our only hope. My heart breaks for that tiny child, remember the video of her last day in the nursing home chatting, singing and great-grandpa singing to her... what a precious smart little girl she was!

Remember that awkward, strange, reaction of Lee's during the trial when talking about how nobody told him about the pregnancy? There have been a lot of weird, uncomfortable things he has said... Like his memorial "CMA" speech. So awkward. He spoke as if all three of them were one. Honestly, I think Lee lost the spotlight the day Casey was born. She was the princess. As they got older, it seems to me that he was always pushed aside and left out of everything. To be honest, I think George was too, but as a sibling Lee was really affected by it. The girls definitely ruled that house, men were second rate. My hope for Lee is that he married a woman NOTHING like the women he grew up with. I hope she values him, his thoughts, ideas, and input.

George....Yes, I'm so angry that he didn't save Caylee, but I'm not sure he could've. He reminds me of a sad child who has been beaten down for years. He seems so intimidated by Cindy. Her crazy fits just make him cower down and apologize when he has nothing to apologize for. He's been honest about his mistakes. He's not evasive. He's smart. I feel for George.

It really appears that the men in that family had no value.
I'm a bit different in views. I think Lee KNOWS what happened to Caylee. I think there was a much closer Lee Relationship than was let out. Thats why he's so distant now. His GF/wife defended Casey on the stand.......100%. I also think Cindy knows..... some of it at least. I still believe Casey lied and continues to lie about anything and everything... for no reason whatsoever. So no one will ever know the entire truth.
I'm a bit different in views. I think Lee KNOWS what happened to Caylee. I think there was a much closer Lee Relationship than was let out. Thats why he's so distant now. His GF/wife defended Casey on the stand.......100%. I also think Cindy knows..... some of it at least. I still believe Casey lied and continues to lie about anything and everything... for no reason whatsoever. So no one will ever know the entire truth.

Lee certainly knows something about SOMETHING...I always remember his "Was it like the last time?" exchange with Casey. Something had happened previously that perhaps only he and she knew about... Maybe she had drugged or hurt Caylee before, panicked, and Lee had helped her in some way... Idk ...I just know something had happened before, and Lee thought it might have occurred again..So, I hope he can live with that knowledge, even if it makes him miserable...Hope it does!!
Didn't the Anthony's say in the interview that Lee wants nothing to do with Casey? That he's done with her? That he and his wife don't speak about her? I thought I heard them say that. Cindy looked disappointed. More so in Lee imo.
Remember that awkward, strange, reaction of Lee's during the trial when talking about how nobody told him about the pregnancy? There have been a lot of weird, uncomfortable things he has said... Like his memorial "CMA" speech. So awkward. He spoke as if all three of them were one. Honestly, I think Lee lost the spotlight the day Casey was born. She was the princess. As they got older, it seems to me that he was always pushed aside and left out of everything. To be honest, I think George was too, but as a sibling Lee was really affected by it. The girls definitely ruled that house, men were second rate. My hope for Lee is that he married a woman NOTHING like the women he grew up with. I hope she values him, his thoughts, ideas, and input.

George....Yes, I'm so angry that he didn't save Caylee, but I'm not sure he could've. He reminds me of a sad child who has been beaten down for years. He seems so intimidated by Cindy. Her crazy fits just make him cower down and apologize when he has nothing to apologize for. He's been honest about his mistakes. He's not evasive. He's smart. I feel for George.

It really appears that the men in that family had no value.

Sorry, I clicked on the wrong buttons, tryin again:

I always thought that that scenario occured because Lee was expected to confess the sexual molestation but he could not bring himself to do it. He was supposed to lie on the stand as they surely agreed on he would but when the time came he broke down and just ended up naming the pregnancy as a reason, a filler. Remember how JB repeatedly asked him is there something else? It was clearly to see, at least to me that his thoughts were someplace else, he could not go with a major lie that is and probably he was in the state of a breakdown, too.

Also, I am fairly sure that they all know what happened, Cindy, George and Lee, they know.
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I know it’s off topic but I don’t use websleuths much outside of tapatalk and since that’s not working.. lol. Is there a thread for the missing newborn baby out of Florida? They just named her baby June..
Didn't the Anthony's say in the interview that Lee wants nothing to do with Casey? That he's done with her? That he and his wife don't speak about her? I thought I heard them say that. Cindy looked disappointed. More so in Lee imo.

They did say that. I think Lee went a long way to distance himself from his family, as surely upon growing up realizing the dysfunctionality, he was still young in 2008. Such as children who grow up in an abusive environment, long thinking that it is normal, but once they are out and more mature, later in life, some sooner, some later but they will look back and see things as they are, they were. Like breathing fresh air for the first time. At the time KC killed Caylee, he was the family' people-pleaser, same as George. Probably he did not even see any other option than to help his sister and mother. A typical background-child, withdrawn affection & love all his life. This is such an incredibly sad and also, infuriating story, where we got a glimpse into through a brutal murder of a little child, meanwhile the family is all well, keeping the secret.
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