A Letter From Rev. Richard

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My response......FWIW.....Dear Sir....I am sincerely sorry by no actions of yours you have been pulled into this mess. Most of us can't even begin to comprehend what you are going through. I am praying for you, on my knees literally, for your son, your family, ALL INVOLVED.

I wish you could understand our motives are pure. Our focus is on Caylee....finding Caylee. There is no 'too far' when a 2/3 yr old is missing.

We want to help.

Just my opinion.

My response is this:

This case is about a missing little girl and those surronding her.

Complaining that your feelings are hurt because someone is talking bad about you is silly and petty and taking time away from those on WS who are working hard, digging up facts and questioning those facts that do not fit the many stories Casey, Grandma and others have told.

Stop trying to take the attention away from Caylee. Stop injecting yourself in the story and having "poor me" feelings when a child is missing and in danger. I understand you are upset but this whole case is upsetting. I have not seen anyone bashing you or your wife on here. I think people question your religion because they do not understand it. They respect your right to practice it but they are curious about what you do. I do not think anyone here is judging you or your wife or your son as guilty in anyway. I think people are just trying to figure out where the pieces fit.

Concentrate your hurt feelings and anger towards finding the child you love.

If a child I loved went missing I would not be sitting behind a computer getting upset because someone called me a "mobster". I would be out there hunting and searching.

People on WS are (for the most part) normal everyday people. I seriously doubt they hacked into myspace just to read what your wife is saying. It could have been anyone in the vast world wide web or it even could have been a mistake made by your wife to set her profile public. WHO KNOWS?

This story is about Caylee the rest is garbage and attention getting.
I sit here with me 2 yr old, watching videos of skinks inbetween checking here to see if Caylee is found.

Pixies.....spot on.

Turn your palms up, show me the soles of your feet....whatever it takes to find this baby. Do you all get it.....WHERE IS THIS CHILD????

If people would turn there palms up, show the soles of their feet....spread yer arse if you have to....the lies, the don't expose me, only hurts our search for her.

Nothing should matter..if people are doing and acting right then they should not worry about us picking them apart.

Just my opinion.

My 2 boys and I are going to get ready for bed....we will all agree in prayer that Caylee will be found safe and quick...please join us in prayer....everyone that reads this...even if you don't believe.....send strength and love to Caylee, Casey, all involved.
First off I would like to say that I am new here, but from what I have seen and read most of the posters here are good people with good souls. You can feel that they are really and truly concerned and want to help the victims as much as possible. I truly believe that these people are passionate about wanting to help others.

I would like to apologize to anyone that I might have offended in my posts. It was not my intention to do so. Since this case has been on the news, I have not been able to sleep. I have a two year old daughter myself and I can't even FATHOM the idea of her being away from me for a whole day let alone 31 DAYS! This little girl haunts my dreams. I don't even know her, but everytime something comes on the news and her picture is flashed across the screen, I cry. I feel sorry for everyone involved in this case. I have been PRAYING everyday and every free moment I have for the safe return for this little girl! I want her home with all the people that truly care about her and love her.

That being said, I had no idea that anyone hacked into anyones myspace account or any other website. That is wrong and I feel whoever did that should be reprimanded. That is going entirely too far, in my opinion.
Again I would like to say that I am sorry for all of the people and family members in this case. Nothing matters but getting this beautiful little girl home, safe and sound. Let's all pray that she comes home as soon as possible.
With all due respect: If Caylee has been in Cindy and George Anthony's care "24/7" for the past 3 years, and "raised by them" as you state, Rev Richard...why wasn't she reported missing immediately?
hey rev. i'm glad you wrote in a letter to a mod for her to post. i posted your reply to my e-mail from myspace [abra] and most people seemed to genuinely believe everything you told me and felt better for anything they might have thought or said after the fact. hope you are feeling a little better about this situation.
Rev. Grund,

I respect that you have contacted the forum with your side of the story and I regret taking part in any conversation that may have hurt you or your loved ones.

I do not know any of you, but I want this little girl brought home. As do we all.

I stated in a previous thread that we should open a new thread titled "Tools to Find Caylee" where we can post all the information we have collected about the Caylee sightings to aid all the lurkers and visitors we get here in locating her (there are plenty!). One of our sleuthers took the time to photoshop Caylee's picture with blonde hair to reflect Cindy's statement that her hair may have been dyed. Other sleuthers have spent plenty of time constructing maps of areas pertinent to the case. I'd like all these helpful tools located somewhere central and organized on Websleuths. We have a lot of great people here taking hours out of their day to help find this precious child.

I hope that gives you comfort.

I know you would be welcomed graciously by the good people here if you would like to join us in our effort. I know you stated you are doing what you can to bring Caylee home. I'd like to point out that Websleuths is not your enemy, Rev. Grund- you can use this forum as a tool to help find Caylee. More people in the general public find us through google than find your myspace site, or the family's myspace site. If you are spending time on your computer, what better way to use it than to use the tools available to you to help? We already know the media and law enforcement check these boards, as well as the public. The best part? Websleuths is 100% anonymous. No one would even know it is you.

This is a sincere invitation.
My response is this:

This case is about a missing little girl and those surronding her.

Complaining that your feelings are hurt because someone is talking bad about you is silly and petty and taking time away from those on WS who are working hard, digging up facts and questioning those facts that do not fit the many stories Casey, Grandma and others have told.

Stop trying to take the attention away from Caylee. Stop injecting yourself in the story and having "poor me" feelings when a child is missing and in danger. I understand you are upset but this whole case is upsetting. I have not seen anyone bashing you or your wife on here. I think people question your religion because they do not understand it. They respect your right to practice it but they are curious about what you do. I do not think anyone here is judging you or your wife or your son as guilty in anyway. I think people are just trying to figure out where the pieces fit.

**just wanted to add that i hope nobody from here hacked into the mrs.'s myspace. it seems the people here are really nice and would never do that, could be a news agency or who knows who else. i really don't believe anyone here did it for our benefit.

Concentrate your hurt feelings and anger towards finding the child you love.

If a child I loved went missing I would not be sitting behind a computer getting upset because someone called me a "mobster". I would be out there hunting and searching.

People on WS are (for the most part) normal everyday people. I seriously doubt they hacked into myspace just to read what your wife is saying. It could have been anyone in the vast world wide web or it even could have been a mistake made by your wife to set her profile public. WHO KNOWS?

This story is about Caylee the rest is garbage and attention getting.

i agree totally. there are i think 15 threads about this poor little girl and a handful of posts about these other people - people make observations then move on. i don't even remember what was said about who about what if it doesn't involve caylee directly.

in a few months time we won't even remember these other people. focus on the child, not yourself.

**edited to add i hope a websleuth did not hack the mrs's myspace. i really don't think anyone who is on here did it for our benefit. there are lots of other people out there who have the means and smarts to do something like that. i really don't think we did it. i hope you find out who did though, that's really nasty.
Mr. Grund,

Thank you for taking the time send this letter, instead of letting all of this fester into something worse. There are a lot of passionate people on Websleuths and sometimes things get said that maybe shouldn't... but its not done out of malice... we just want to find answers and we look in every corner we can find, to look. I understand that your feelings are hurt by what was implied about you and if I was in your shoes, I would probably feel the same way. I hope from here on out that we all can keep moving forward in a positive manner and work towards figuring out where Caylee is at and to see her brought home, in what ever manner it will be.

Peace be with you and your family...
I agree with Mr. Gund that people are deserving of compassion and respect.

Even when a criminal is being sentenced, judges remain respectful in their choice of words. The very legal system that we depend on has shown us that there is no reason to be disrespectful. Can you think of a more respectful way of calling someone a liar than to say "Miss Anthony and the truth are strangers."?

It is easy to fall into the informal language that comes across as flippant, and perhaps better word choices would have avoided the sense of violation that Mr. Gund describes. His son is in the unenviable position of being discussed without being able to respond, and no one wants to have their appearance or life's work mocked. I do not see how it is possible to argue with a man who asks only that his family be treated with dignity.
Mr. Grund--

I have been reading posts here for well over a year. I have found that 99.9% of these posters really do care about these cases. I also think that these posters are some of the very brightest and most intelligent that I have found on these types of forums. They try to investigate every area, person, theory, etc to find some common thread.

I honestly believe that if you could understand that they are looking at every person, and look past what may hurt your feelings, you might begin to pick up on some theories that may bring a conversation you had with the mother to mind, or these theories may trigger something in your memory that is pertinent to the investigation.

I did respond to a couple of posts because I felt that you came down quite hard on the posters. It should be expected that your son would be mentioned because he was questioned and provided a huge clue that discredited the timeline. Nothing said was meant to actually accuse him or tie him to this crime. It was another avenue that needed to be explored. We are coming down on your friends because they have turned this case into a three ring circus and Casey is acting like a 3 year old throwing a temper tantrum.

I don't agree with your personal beliefs and I am glad to see that you are open minded about that. Most of us looked at the myspace page and were a little frightened by the image. It is not everyday that we see a reverend holding what looks to be a weapon. I think most ppl were just commenting because we have never seen such a thing. It scared a few of us.

If I offended you, I am sorry. But you have to understand that there are thousands of us that can not understand why, why, why NO one seems to be pounding the pavement looking for this child. I have three nieces, and although we are not close, I would be hopping on plans to chase down tips, banging on doors and demanding answers. That is why we all are so frustrated with this case. We figured if your son was the daddy, your side of the family should be doing that too.

This really should be about the child and finding her, one way or the other. This really is not the time nor place for petty arguing and hurt feelings. I hope you see that this is just what happens in these cases and we all want Caylee to be found.

Please, tell Cindy to go shake her daughter until the truth comes out so they can end this three ring circus they have going.


i agree totally. there are i think 15 threads about this poor little girl and a handful of posts about these other people - people make observations then move on. i don't even remember what was said about who about what if it doesn't involve caylee directly.

in a few months time we won't even remember these other people. focus on the child, not yourself.

**edited to add i hope a websleuth did not hack the mrs's myspace. i really don't think anyone who is on here did it for our benefit. there are lots of other people out there who have the means and smarts to do something like that. i really don't think we did it. i hope you find out who did though, that's really nasty.

Websleuths had NOTHING to do with this. If I find out who did I would be the first one to help with any prosecution.
When you put anything on the Internet it is there for millions to see. For all we know Law Enforcement was behind it. I just don't know but certainly not Websleuths.
Just a thought about the hacking--

Those new "apps" on myspace are BAD. They can steal your personal info and, if you use paypal, they can steal banking info too. She got a major virus and had to buy a new laptop! There are alot of really smart hackers out there now. Could have been anyone that hacked the myspace acct.
Just a thought about the hacking--

Those new "apps" on myspace are BAD. They can steal your personal info and, if you use paypal, they can steal banking info too. She got a major virus and had to buy a new laptop! There are alot of really smart hackers out there now. Could have been anyone that hacked the myspace acct.

who is She? that had to buy a new laptop? Mrs. Grund?
Oh Lord, sorry! I'm tired and didn't read it before i posted. I meant to say my friend told me the apps were bad, she had to buy a new laptop. I need to go to bed!
Oh Lord, sorry! I'm tired and didn't read it before i posted. I meant to say my friend told me the apps were bad, she had to buy a new laptop. I need to go to bed!

lol I understand. Caylee has been on my mind a lot and can't sleep. I don't even know her in RL but she has touched my heart.
Websleuths had NOTHING to do with this. If I find out who did I would be the first one to help with any prosecution.
When you put anything on the Internet it is there for millions to see. For all we know Law Enforcement was behind it. I just don't know but certainly not Websleuths.

After reading pretty much every thread there is on this case, I can't think of one person posting that would ever do that. There are so many 'fake' sites out there that want your myspace login information and password, i've come across some that will set up a personalized page for you then ask for all that information. it's easy to get duped. They even have warnings on the site now to make sure you are going to a genuine myspace page when you log in.
I'm not sure what I can add, but I feel the need to share how I feel and a little of why I've participated in this thread...

I've been reading here for a long time but posting only recently. Little Caylee seemed to jump into my heart when the first picture was shown: perhaps because she reminds me of my niece, but more likely because her shining personality comes through so clearly in her pictures. She captured my heart and from what I've read here, she's done the same with each and every poster. And people here have been worried, frustrated, sickened, sad and angry. I'm sure those that know and love little Caylee have been feeling the same things multiplied by a million. Our hearts go out to the loved ones who are trying to help find her - I think that is a generalization that is safe to make, or at least I hope it is.

Being outside the family circle, we know only what the media releases: just a glimpse into Caylee's life and the lives of those closest to her. We're trying to put the puzzle together based on what the press has released- realizing that everyone involved is real and suffering a very real loss. We're trying to looking at everything; trying to find the one piece of information or connection that might solve the puzzle. Trying to stay positive about the outcome and hoping against hope that precious Caylee will be found safe and reunited with her loved ones.

I've said "we" a lot, something that's not a good thing to do, but something I've felt ok doing based on what I've read here. If not, I apologize. Perhaps I should only speak for myself... and doing so, I want to say to the Rev and Mrs Grund and Jesse that my thoughts and prayers are with you - just as they are with the others who love little Caylee and are trying to bring her home...
My response is this:

This case is about a missing little girl and those surronding her.

Complaining that your feelings are hurt because someone is talking bad about you is silly and petty and taking time away from those on WS who are working hard, digging up facts and questioning those facts that do not fit the many stories Casey, Grandma and others have told.

Stop trying to take the attention away from Caylee. Stop injecting yourself in the story and having "poor me" feelings when a child is missing and in danger. I understand you are upset but this whole case is upsetting. I have not seen anyone bashing you or your wife on here. I think people question your religion because they do not understand it. They respect your right to practice it but they are curious about what you do. I do not think anyone here is judging you or your wife or your son as guilty in anyway. I think people are just trying to figure out where the pieces fit.

Concentrate your hurt feelings and anger towards finding the child you love.

If a child I loved went missing I would not be sitting behind a computer getting upset because someone called me a "mobster". I would be out there hunting and searching.

People on WS are (for the most part) normal everyday people. I seriously doubt they hacked into myspace just to read what your wife is saying. It could have been anyone in the vast world wide web or it even could have been a mistake made by your wife to set her profile public. WHO KNOWS?

This story is about Caylee the rest is garbage and attention getting.

You said most everything I was thinking.
My 2 cents:

It is very easy to criticize others behavior in a situation like this. We KNOW we would NEVER behave like this...but do we really know it for certain???.

Think about this. You are living your life and then it is turned upside down, inside out, and taken apart in the media.

No matter how tough your skin words can hurt. This family doesn't know about WS that I can see. All of a sudden WS is picking apart everything about them. This is a new and surreal experience I am sure.

Don't get me wrong. I am the biggest offender of this on the cases I follow. I like having a reality check like this though.

It does depend on the case. When Scott Peterson came into our lives most of us were correct in predicting his guilt. We really gave it to him and his family. Was that wrong? I don't think so. Because of his actions and the behavior of his family in the case we had a lot to talk about.

In this case, in my opinion only, the only one to look at is Casey. She holds the key.

Yes, we certainly can discuss others surrounding the suspect. That will never stop. Until their is a trial and a conviction we don't know for sure who is guilty.

After reading this letter it will give me pause the next time I bring up someones family member who was thrown into the spotlight by no fault of their own.
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