A pregnant man ?

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Think of the money he,d be worth:crazy:
It is not a pregnant man. It is a woman that had her breasts removed and had started testosterone treatment at one time. It is a female that got pregnant on purpose and she just does not have breast. She sold her/ his story to the media and is trying to profit.
And yes I do have a problem with this couple. The pregnant man so to speak is pretty darn deceptive.
I agree with you BeckyLynn. If he wanted to truly be a man why didn't he have his female organs removed? He had his breasts removed.
It is not a pregnant man. It is a woman that had her breasts removed and had started testosterone treatment at one time. It is a female that got pregnant on purpose and she just does not have breast. She sold her/ his story to the media and is trying to profit.
And yes I do have a problem with this couple. The pregnant man so to speak is pretty darn deceptive.
It is not a pregnant man. It is a woman that had her breasts removed and had started testosterone treatment at one time. It is a female that got pregnant on purpose and she just does not have breast. She sold her/ his story to the media and is trying to profit.
And yes I do have a problem with this couple. The pregnant man so to speak is pretty darn deceptive.

I don't understand why the media insists on calling him a man. He didn't have the full surgery and I don't care what he's legally referred to, saying he's a man doesn't mean he's actually a man. I think this person is highly confused as to what she really is.

And I have no problem with transgendered people, it's just this particular person that wants to have it both ways. If I were a transgendered person, a REAL transgender, I wouldn't appreciate people like Thomas confusing the issue and making the difficult struggle even harder.
How will they explain this to the kid? Or will they not? If HE is SHE, then technically, isn't it illegal for them to be married? Unless they are in California now....
I do agree that he/she is just trying to profit.I would think that for the sake of the child..they need to show a little respect for him or her and keep their private life private.And I don't have anything against TG'd ppl,it's just the way this couple is going about it,I agree.
I went to "his" website a while back but I can't find it now with all of the news stories when you search pregnant man. It may have been linked from a site that is all about rumors of pregnant men. I can't find it now...
I am surprised to say this, but I think they are a cute family. I am also surprised to see "he" has a bit of a beard. I didn't think he would be able to continue testostrone treatments while pregnant. I guess it could be old growth that he never shaved off.
Am I the only one that has a very hard time stomaching this story? I remember watching a few minutes on Oprah and she was so 'delighted' to have them. I couldn't stand it, I'm sorry, this is gross, against nature (I realize he used to be a woman) but he's choosing life as a man now. Just icky.


And personally, I think they're doing this for money. Because he's not a 'real' man and all the attention they knew it would bring, I think this is for money and not about their children.:mad:
The fact that his wife could no longer conceive a child and he still could and they wanted to experienc it together is great. But, the pictures are very strange to me. A part of me thinks they are doing it out of love, but yes another part is screaming attention and money, which I hope is not the case.
IMO this is not a truthful story. If my husband got pregnant......(yuck.....than double yuck as he's old).....he would be a pregnant man. A feat we've yet to see accomplished in a male born man.

This is story about a female who legally....and to some degree physically.... became a man. To quote Beatie:
"Sterilization is not a requirement for sex reassignment, so I decided to have chest reconstruction and testosterone therapy but kept my reproductive rights.........because I wanted to have a child one day".

Female hormones are a necessity for conception. And it was a normal delivery via the birth canal right down to the head crowning. Brings "I am woman hear me roar......" to mind.

IMO Love has little to do with exploitation. These babies, pre & post natally, are being exploited by their parents. Is there ever any acceptable reason for exploiting children?

This story is not one where publicity can be an opportunity to empower others with the strength to reach for their dream. It does not offer hope to any male born man who's emotionally distraught by his desire to bear a child.

IMO Whether it be male or female feet in the stirrups...the only logical reason for giving up what are some of the most precious, loving, private moments a family will experience......is a selfish quest for money and fame.
Ya'll know what is really disturbing to me about this man/woman/it? The other night my 11 year old son was watching t.v. and the previews came on about an upcoming show about this "couple"..there she/he was in hard labor..legs up and all...and my son looks at me with this "deer caught in the headlight look"..and said "MOM! How is that baby going to come out of that man?????" We have told him about the birds and the bees, but this defies all logic. I tried explaining it to him and he just said "GROSS!" and left the room. Now don't get me wrong I truly believe the couple loves each other and probably make great parents...more power to them...but good grief!
Wow. That is bizarre. Also, in one of the pictures on the link up above, The wife of Thomas appears to be breastfeeding the baby. How did she do that when she isn't that one that gave birth? I'm so confused.
Wow. That is bizarre. Also, in one of the pictures on the link up above, The wife of Thomas appears to be breastfeeding the baby. How did she do that when she isn't that one that gave birth? I'm so confused.

IIRC she took hormones to bring on lactation. You do not need to have a uterus or ovaries to lactate.

The whole thing is freaking bizzare IMO.

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