A rather "personal" question about female part

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It's possible JB knew of tampons, douches, and menstruation

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WHOA! Okay, everybody just calm down. We're all friends here. We're just talking, right?

Would you mind answering my question then? How often could an adult insert his or her finger into a 5 y/o girl and NOT rupture her hymen?

I'm afraid that it's quite common in these cases. Don't take my word for it, either. Many books have been written on this subject, and a lot of them state specifically that not only is it common, but digital manipulation is often used to "prepare" a victim for insertion of a larger object.

Tell me, voynich: what are you driving at, anyway? I'm not trying to start anything. I just want to know where this is going.

Discussing whether JBR masturbated or played with tampons will never in a billion years solve this crime and is essentially just an IDI excuse to try to downplay the prior vaginal injury.

IDI is welcome to prove that wrong.
Hi voynich,

voynich, all assumptions aside, maybe a discussion of this topic would be better served if you could site case histories rather than to attempt to speculate.
Hi voynich,

voynich, all assumptions aside, maybe a discussion of this topic would be better served if you could site case histories rather than to attempt to speculate.


A Young Woman's Guide to Masturbation

What is masturbation?

Masturbation is stimulation of the genitals for the purpose of advancing sexual arousal. Most people masturbate until they have an orgasm.

How do females masturbate?

Most females rub the area around the clitoris, the clitoris itself, or the inner labia. Some females insert fingers or objects into the vagina.

How many girls masturbate?

Half of teenage girls masturbate regularly, and 75 percent will do so before their 18th birthdays.

What about my hymen? Does masturbation hurt the hymen?

The hymen is a thin piece of skin that covers the vaginal opening in young women. It breaks and tears with sexual activity (and occasionally by non-sexual activity), generally over a long period of time. Masturbating with objects will tend to destroy your hymen. Most women have small pieces of hymen left until they give birth for the first time. The hymen has little to do with virginity. You can be a virgin and have almost no hymen left, or you can have a nearly intact hymen and not be a virgin.
Hi voynich,

voynich, all assumptions aside, maybe a discussion of this topic would be better served if you could site case histories rather than to attempt to speculate.


hen a parent catches a boy playing with his ears, questions may arise about ear infections. When a parent catches a boy playing with his stiff penis, subterranean concerns, anxieties, guilts, shames, questions and regrets often rumble and stir within -- even if we believe that it's normal behavior. Why do we have these complex and powerful feelings?

Most children begin to explore their genitals at about the same time they begin to look more like little boys and girls than like babies. Just when we are beginning to adjust to their not being babies anymore, we are confronted with the sight of our little boy fondling his erection or our little girl moving her hips up and down on top of her pillow with a glazed look in her eyes. How jarring!

A glimpse, a foreshadowing, of our little ones as sexually mature adolescents is superimposed on our image of them as innocent babies -- and all of this resonates with our complicated feelings about our own sexuality and innocence. No wonder this can elicit such concern!

If we take a step back, though, we can see that it makes sense that kids would want to explore their own bodies. When toilet learning becomes a focus of interest, we might anticipate that kids would also be curious about those parts of the body that have in the past been largely hidden under the diapers. Boys will play with their penises. Girls will finger their vaginas, and even insert objects. Many kids will reach down every chance they get. This exploration produces pleasurable feelings, as we are well aware.

Most, if not all, two year olds will engage in some degree of this behavior. Although many parenting books refer to this as childhood masturbation, I believe the term is misleading and unfortunate. Save the term masturbation for genital stimulation accompanied by sexual fantasy -- another challenge to face years down the road. Toddlers just do it because it feels good. Unselfconscious delight!

Babies will often tug on the genitals in much the same way they tug on the ears or toes. Toddlers, though, begin to recognize that the genitals are special. They are far more interesting and more fun than toes. For some children, playing with the genitals becomes a self-comforting behavior not unlike thumbsucking. For a few, this settles into a time-consuming habit that takes them away from other important play and development.

What is the wisest way for parents to approach genital play in their toddlers?

First, let the jarring foretaste of your child's future sexuality help you to cherish the moments of this brief first adolescence. Many people call this period the terrible twos, and wish for these days to soon end. While these months are difficult, they are also a brief, unrepeatable, precious time.

Next, let the foretaste remind you that one of our important responsibilities as parents is to teach our children about healthy sexuality. Of course, the many parents reading this will have wildly different ideas as to what constitutes healthy sexuality. They may even have very different ideas than they themselves did fifteen years ago. Whatever your values, you will want to communicate them to your children as the years go by. You will want to teach them that healthy sexuality is not dirty, nor is it cheap.

The key to passing on your values effectively is keeping the lines of respect and communication open.

I recently received a letter from a concerned couple who had spoken to their pastor about their son's habit of playing with himself. They said that their pastor "has not been able to find anyone who has ever even heard of a child this young, exhibiting this kind of behavior." They wanted me to tell them how to "properly assert the correct behavior." (The letter was semi-anonymous.)

My advice is not to try to stop this normal part of development.

If the genital play becomes and remains a consuming passion, I would look for and address underlying reasons, rather than trying to stop the behavior. Is the child tense and in extra need of self-comforting? Are people overreacting and thus reinforcing the habit? Is there a chronic, low-grade urinary tract infection or yeast infection? Is the child overstimulated and needing to soothe himself to withdraw? Is she understimulated and bored? Dealing with the cause will bring the behavior back to a level of enthusiasm that doesn't take away from other interests.

If you feel that the genital play should be reigned in a bit, then I recommend that when you see it happening you pretend to ignore what he is doing. Try to distract him with some new, engaging activity. Be as nonchalant as you can manage to be. (Rushing over out of breath is not subtle!) You want to communicate by your actions that he and his body are okay, but that there is also a whole world out there to discover and enjoy.

Directly trying to get toddlers to stop touching themselves is a battle you cannot win. You can't just put the objects of their attention up on a high shelf out of reach. If you actively discourage kids from self-exploration, or if you punish them for "masturbating," then genital play becomes a forbidden fruit.

Two things happen when something becomes a forbidden fruit. The fruit will be tasted when the opportunity arises, and people will hide what it is they have done. They will feel the need to be "semi-anonymous." This shameful hiding is the one outcome you don't want to produce.

All too quickly, our little ones will launch out on the turbulent seas of true adolescence. Only if we have maintained open communication and mutual respect can we offer any effective guidance during those critical years.

Alan Greene MD FAAP

Reviewed by: Khanh-Van Le-Bucklin MD & Rebecca Hicks M.D.
Originally published: March 02, 1998
Last reviewed and updated: May 2008
WHOA! Okay, everybody just calm down. We're all friends here. We're just talking, right?

I'm afraid that it's quite common in these cases. Don't take my word for it, either. Many books have been written on this subject, and a lot of them state specifically that not only is it common, but digital manipulation is often used to "prepare" a victim for insertion of a larger object.

Tell me, voynich: what are you driving at, anyway? I'm not trying to start anything. I just want to know where this is going.

Before I had children, I remember a comedian saying, "As the father of 3 girls, I underestimated the number of times I would have to say, 'don't put that in your vagina'"

I now have two little girls (3 and 7.5). I have one child who loves to stick things in her vagina. Suckers, fingers, etc. I don't know if it enough to actually cause damage to her hymen, but it is possible.

My other daughter has many of the same isses JB had, including bedwetting, not liking to bathe, and poor wiping skills. Coincidentally, she has also participated in pageants. The combination of these factors often makes her itchy "down there". I could see her itching herself vigorously enough to cause some damage.'' In addition, Patsy may have had to touch her to apply creme (like vagasil or similar product).

So to me, the hymen erosion does not offer evidence of IDI or RDI.

And for the record, if someone said one of my daughters were sexually abused, I would be extremely defensive also.

see underline
Hi voynich,

I meant,
.... more so, an individual case study, report in a Journal of Pediatrics perhaps, or in a book re sexual dimorphism in children,
something outlining sexual development in children and the frequency of self penetration or self penetration with an object would occur in JBR's age group.

IMO At that age girls are not that aware,
that an object could be inserted into that area.
Children of that age are more focused on the idea that their genetalia are used in the process of digestion to remove waste?
Hi voynich,

I meant,
.... more so, an individual case study, report in a Journal of Pediatrics perhaps, or in a book re sexual dimorphism in children,
something outlining sexual development in children and the frequency of self penetration or self penetration with an object would occur in JBR's age group.

IMO At that age girls are not that aware,
that an object could be inserted into that area.
Children of that age are more focused on the idea that their genetalia are used in the process of digestion to remove waste?

Most children begin to explore their genitals at about the same time they begin to look more like little boys and girls than like babies. Just when we are beginning to adjust to their not being babies anymore, we are confronted with the sight of our little boy fondling his erection or our little girl moving her hips up and down on top of her pillow with a glazed look in her eyes. How jarring!

A glimpse, a foreshadowing, of our little ones as sexually mature adolescents is superimposed on our image of them as innocent babies -- and all of this resonates with our complicated feelings about our own sexuality and innocence. No wonder this can elicit such concern!

If we take a step back, though, we can see that it makes sense that kids would want to explore their own bodies. When toilet learning becomes a focus of interest, we might anticipate that kids would also be curious about those parts of the body that have in the past been largely hidden under the diapers. Boys will play with their penises. Girls will finger their vaginas, and even insert objects. Many kids will reach down every chance they get. This exploration produces pleasurable feelings, as we are well aware.

Most, if not all, two year olds will engage in some degree of this behavior. Although many parenting books refer to this as childhood masturbation, I believe the term is misleading and unfortunate. Save the term masturbation for genital stimulation accompanied by sexual fantasy -- another challenge to face years down the road. Toddlers just do it because it feels good. Unselfconscious delight!"

You can email him for case studies as I do not know how to search pediatric journals.
Hi voynich.

ty for the links on child development.

Something to consider, atleast an exception that falls within normal child development, although not excactly the declaration that masturbation would produce identical pattern of deterioration in the hymen or that masturbation would result in similar changes in elasticity.
Hi voynich.

ty for the links on child development.

Something to consider, atleast an exception that falls within normal child development, although not excactly the declaration that masturbation would produce identical pattern of deterioration in the hymen or that masturbation would result in similar changes in elasticity.

I made a suggestion that Sophie found "offensive" which is to create a model and see what it would take to do this.

And, I found Sophie's remark particularly offensive and vile in that she took it out of context, as I also suggested we use models or animals to test whether the strangulation came first or head blow. A true Sith Lord. Not at all like that pretender SD :)

As I pointed out in that other thread that Sophie found vile, the MYTHBUSTERS do this routinely as do WHO IS THE GREATEST WARRIOR.
I made a suggestion that Sophie found "offensive" which is to create a model and see what it would take to do this.

And, I found Sophie's remark particularly offensive and vile in that she took it out of context, as I also suggested we use models or animals to test whether the strangulation came first or head blow. A true Sith Lord. Not at all like that pretender SD :)

As I pointed out in that other thread that Sophie found vile, the MYTHBUSTERS do this routinely as do WHO IS THE GREATEST WARRIOR.

Other than models or animals...Think about this if you was being strangled would you not fight for your life or would you just stand there and let this happen....And if JonBenet struggled wouldn't there be more evidence of this..

And if an intruder why would you clean her up...Why would you care and take the time cause she is dead...Why wrap her up in her favorite blanket and above all how would an intruder know it was her favorite...How would the intruder get this off the bed without showing the signs did they take the time to make up the bed....And if so why?

Any living and breathing creature that is able to fight is going to fight for their right to live....And if the ropes was on JonBenet's wrist show me the evidence where she struggled and left no marks....
Other than models or animals...Think about this if you was being strangled would you not fight for your life or would you just stand there and let this happen....And if JonBenet struggled wouldn't there be more evidence of this..

And if an intruder why would you clean her up...Why would you care and take the time cause she is dead...Why wrap her up in her favorite blanket and above all how would an intruder know it was her favorite...How would the intruder get this off the bed without showing the signs did they take the time to make up the bed....And if so why?

Any living and breathing creature that is able to fight is going to fight for their right to live....And if the ropes was on JonBenet's wrist show me the evidence where she struggled and left no marks....

She was strangled from behind as is customary and then got walloped on the head. Clean her up due to concerns about fiber transfer. There are brown fibers unaccounted and unsourced. He didn't necessarily know it was her favorite blanket.
After she was stunned and strangled he put ropes on her wrist.

Why kind of struggle do you expect a 50lb 6 y/o girl being strangled from behind by a strong adult male?

Adult woman sure.
Look, it really doesn't warrant all the giddiness. It's just another difference of opinion on the JBR case. There have been thousands before and there will be thousands again.

Voynich, you are entitled to do what you think best and I presumably am entitled to worry about whether we are doing JBR a disservice by discussing her intimate habits when the first point of investigation has to be looking at the probable link between the acute and chronic vaginal injuries sustained by a murdered child.

If you think that JBR knowing about menstruation and masturbation will help solve the crime, then you must carry on with the discussion. I disagree and will beg out of the thread. On this point, you won't change my mind and I won't change yours. END OF.

What evidence do you have that she sustained chronic vaginal injuries that could not be explained innocently, or what happened that night?

Before I had children, I remember a comedian saying, "As the father of 3 girls, I underestimated the number of times I would have to say, 'don't put that in your vagina'"

I now have two little girls (3 and 7.5). I have one child who loves to stick things in her vagina. Suckers, fingers, etc. I don't know if it enough to actually cause damage to her hymen, but it is possible.

My other daughter has many of the same isses JB had, including bedwetting, not liking to bathe, and poor wiping skills. Coincidentally, she has also participated in pageants. The combination of these factors often makes her itchy "down there". I could see her itching herself vigorously enough to cause some damage.'' In addition, Patsy may have had to touch her to apply creme (like vagasil or similar product).

So to me, the hymen erosion does not offer evidence of IDI or RDI.

And for the record, if someone said one of my daughters were sexually abused, I would be extremely defensive also.

Most children begin to explore their genitals at about the same time they begin to look more like little boys and girls than like babies. Just when we are beginning to adjust to their not being babies anymore, we are confronted with the sight of our little boy fondling his erection or our little girl moving her hips up and down on top of her pillow with a glazed look in her eyes. How jarring!

A glimpse, a foreshadowing, of our little ones as sexually mature adolescents is superimposed on our image of them as innocent babies -- and all of this resonates with our complicated feelings about our own sexuality and innocence. No wonder this can elicit such concern!

If we take a step back, though, we can see that it makes sense that kids would want to explore their own bodies. When toilet learning becomes a focus of interest, we might anticipate that kids would also be curious about those parts of the body that have in the past been largely hidden under the diapers. Boys will play with their penises. Girls will finger their vaginas, and even insert objects. Many kids will reach down every chance they get. This exploration produces pleasurable feelings, as we are well aware.

Most, if not all, two year olds will engage in some degree of this behavior. Although many parenting books refer to this as childhood masturbation, I believe the term is misleading and unfortunate. Save the term masturbation for genital stimulation accompanied by sexual fantasy -- another challenge to face years down the road. Toddlers just do it because it feels good. Unselfconscious delight!"


A Young Woman's Guide to Masturbation

What is masturbation?

Masturbation is stimulation of the genitals for the purpose of advancing sexual arousal. Most people masturbate until they have an orgasm.

How do females masturbate?

Most females rub the area around the clitoris, the clitoris itself, or the inner labia. Some females insert fingers or objects into the vagina.

How many girls masturbate?

Half of teenage girls masturbate regularly, and 75 percent will do so before their 18th birthdays.

What about my hymen? Does masturbation hurt the hymen?

The hymen is a thin piece of skin that covers the vaginal opening in young women. It breaks and tears with sexual activity (and occasionally by non-sexual activity), generally over a long period of time. Masturbating with objects will tend to destroy your hymen. Most women have small pieces of hymen left until they give birth for the first time. The hymen has little to do with virginity. You can be a virgin and have almost no hymen left, or you can have a nearly intact hymen and not be a virgin.

You can email him for case studies as I do not know how to search pediatric journals.
She was strangled from behind as is customary and then got walloped on the head. Clean her up due to concerns about fiber transfer. There are brown fibers unaccounted and unsourced. He didn't necessarily know it was her favorite blanket.
After she was stunned and strangled he put ropes on her wrist.

Why kind of struggle do you expect a 50lb 6 y/o girl being strangled from behind by a strong adult male?

Adult woman sure.

Ok, then the intruder got rid of their fiber evidence and left the Ramsey's instead...So you don't believe that there is scratches on her neck from struggling...So why don't you believe she could have put up a struggle...This was her life that was being taken away,and check history on the signs of children fighting for their lives and see what physical marks they left even from behind...Even a 2 year old fight for the life and leave marks from this and this is from being pick up off the floor and held in the air trust me on this see the marks myself when it happen to my 2 year old granddaughter...
Hi voynich.

ty for the links on child development.

Something to consider, atleast an exception that falls within normal child development, although not excactly the declaration that masturbation would produce identical pattern of deterioration in the hymen or that masturbation would result in similar changes in elasticity.

If you're asking for photos, no I don't have photos. I posted medical drawings with labels from an illustration, of unknown age, and Sophie went ape**** over "photos".


IT's a drawing and adult women can have intact hymens so we can't even infer it is that of a child, and it was Deedee's specific SPIN that the hymen is not near the entrance, it's close to the cervix.

Before I had children, I remember a comedian saying, "As the father of 3 girls, I underestimated the number of times I would have to say, 'don't put that in your vagina'"

I now have two little girls (3 and 7.5). I have one child who loves to stick things in her vagina. Suckers, fingers, etc. I don't know if it enough to actually cause damage to her hymen, but it is possible.

My other daughter has many of the same isses JB had, including bedwetting, not liking to bathe, and poor wiping skills. Coincidentally, she has also participated in pageants. The combination of these factors often makes her itchy "down there". I could see her itching herself vigorously enough to cause some damage.'' In addition, Patsy may have had to touch her to apply creme (like vagasil or similar product).

So to me, the hymen erosion does not offer evidence of IDI or RDI.

And for the record, if someone said one of my daughters were sexually abused, I would be extremely defensive also.


A Young Woman's Guide to Masturbation

What about my hymen? Does masturbation hurt the hymen?

The hymen is a thin piece of skin that covers the vaginal opening in young women. It breaks and tears with sexual activity (and occasionally by non-sexual activity), generally over a long period of time. Masturbating with objects will tend to destroy your hymen. Most women have small pieces of hymen left until they give birth for the first time.

If we take a step back, though, we can see that it makes sense that kids would want to explore their own bodies. When toilet learning becomes a focus of interest, we might anticipate that kids would also be curious about those parts of the body that have in the past been largely hidden under the diapers. Boys will play with their penises. Girls will finger their vaginas, and even insert objects. Many kids will reach down every chance they get. This exploration produces pleasurable feelings, as we are well aware.

Most, if not all, two year olds will engage in some degree of this behavior. Although many parenting books refer to this as childhood masturbation, I believe the term is misleading and unfortunate. Save the term masturbation for genital stimulation accompanied by sexual fantasy -- another challenge to face years down the road. Toddlers just do it because it feels good. Unselfconscious delight!

Babies will often tug on the genitals in much the same way they tug on the ears or toes. Toddlers, though, begin to recognize that the genitals are special. They are far more interesting and more fun than toes. For some children, playing with the genitals becomes a self-comforting behavior not unlike thumbsucking. For a few, this settles into a time-consuming habit that takes them away from other important play and development.

These claims destroy the RDI Spin that JB wouldn't masturbate, masturbation implies sexual abuse, only JR could have sexually abused JB, and other such myths. These alternative explanations are far more likely than DNA secondary transfer spin.
Ok, then the intruder got rid of their fiber evidence and left the Ramsey's instead...So you don't believe that there is scratches on her neck from struggling...So why don't you believe she could have put up a struggle...This was her life that was being taken away,and check history on the signs of children fighting for their lives and see what physical marks they left even from behind...Even a 2 year old fight for the life and leave marks from this and this is from being pick up off the floor and held in the air trust me on this see the marks myself when it happen to my 2 year old granddaughter...

To be completely honest I have no idea what a 6 y/o girl is capable of, in terms of fighting an adult male.

I do believe JB was strangled from behind, and so the intruder had the element of surprise. He either strangled her then stunned her with a wack or wacked her then started strangling her.

A Young Woman's Guide to Masturbation

What about my hymen? Does masturbation hurt the hymen?

The hymen is a thin piece of skin that covers the vaginal opening in young women. It breaks and tears with sexual activity (and occasionally by non-sexual activity), generally over a long period of time. Masturbating with objects will tend to destroy your hymen. Most women have small pieces of hymen left until they give birth for the first time.

If we take a step back, though, we can see that it makes sense that kids would want to explore their own bodies. When toilet learning becomes a focus of interest, we might anticipate that kids would also be curious about those parts of the body that have in the past been largely hidden under the diapers. Boys will play with their penises. Girls will finger their vaginas, and even insert objects. Many kids will reach down every chance they get. This exploration produces pleasurable feelings, as we are well aware.

Most, if not all, two year olds will engage in some degree of this behavior. Although many parenting books refer to this as childhood masturbation, I believe the term is misleading and unfortunate. Save the term masturbation for genital stimulation accompanied by sexual fantasy -- another challenge to face years down the road. Toddlers just do it because it feels good. Unselfconscious delight!

Babies will often tug on the genitals in much the same way they tug on the ears or toes. Toddlers, though, begin to recognize that the genitals are special. They are far more interesting and more fun than toes. For some children, playing with the genitals becomes a self-comforting behavior not unlike thumbsucking. For a few, this settles into a time-consuming habit that takes them away from other important play and development.

But we don't know this for sure about JonBenet do we? But what you saying all the damage to JonBenet could had been done by herself and the intruder guilt fall on the broken paintbrush even which Lou Smit says was used on JonBenet...So the erosion at 7:00 postion was done by JonBenet...No signs of prior abuse from anyone except Jonbenet...This is what you getting at just wondering here....Why? go this route in this case best way to prove the innocence of the parents...
Hi voynich,

I meant,
.... more so, an individual case study, report in a Journal of Pediatrics perhaps, or in a book re sexual dimorphism in children,
something outlining sexual development in children and the frequency of self penetration or self penetration with an object would occur in JBR's age group.

IMO At that age girls are not that aware,
that an object could be inserted into that area.
Children of that age are more focused on the idea that their genetalia are used in the process of digestion to remove waste?

How about this?

I still have doubts about Burke. I can't help but feel he might have been the one sexually assaulting her. But, it may have been mutual in the sense that JonBenet went along with it. It's a taboo - but, I know of at least two siblings when I was young who 'experimented' with each other. Nothing overt, etc. - more like the playing 'doctor' thing - children are very curious. And I think Burke was coming to an age of being curious and he's got this sister...so - he explores this with her. I don't mean to offend or gross people out - but, it is a fact that many siblings have something like this happen. I lived for a time in a very bad neighborhood - that is where I learned of stuff between a brother & sister....gross & I won't go into it. there was a six year old (I was six to seven) who would steal playboys out of her step-fathers bathroom - she climbed up through the window to get these things. I still remember being traumatized from one particular image! I was almost 'raped' by a boy in this neighborhood a few years older - I write rape in quotes because I'm not sure what he'd be capable of....another gal when I was around nine was always trying to pressure me into taking baths or otherwise getting naked with her...and at the same time some boy my age too! This boy is the other sibling pair I know that some 'exploring' went on. I'm writing all this to back those who think 'no way' or it isn't possible - considering all we know of Burke - his whittling at wood with a knife, his yellling at people to get out of his room & having the door closed with JonBenet in there, his asperger like qualities, his wanting to just 'forget' and 'get on' with life after her death, etc. And that she would go to his bed. I think it is quite possible.

I apologize if any of this disturbs anyone. I've though about posting something about Burke & sexually assaulting JonBenet but felt I'd have to back up my concerns with my own experience....yuck...but I did it finally.
The 'yuck' and 'ick' or responses from another thread - not anyone's remarks on this one!
But we don't know this for sure about JonBenet do we? But what you saying all the damage to JonBenet could had been done by herself and the intruder guilt fall on the broken paintbrush even which Lou Smit says was used on JonBenet...So the erosion at 7:00 postion was done by JonBenet...No signs of prior abuse from anyone except Jonbenet...This is what you getting at just wondering here....Why? go this route in this case best way to prove the innocence of the parents...

Do you think it's more likley the DNA in 3 locations was the result of secondary transfer, or more likely that JR specifically abused JB over a period of years, in some unknown and unspecified way which escalated into her strangulation in a sex game, followed by murder, with the primary evidence being autopsy results?

Has the RDIST produced photo graphs of JB in pageants or home photos with a ligature mark around JB of previous "sex games"?
Do you think it's more likley the DNA in 3 locations was the result of secondary transfer, or more likely that JR specifically abused JB over a period of years, in some unknown and unspecified way which escalated into her strangulation in a sex game, followed by murder, with the primary evidence being autopsy results?

And tell me why wasn't other key evidence ever tested like the garrote...Why just what JR touched....And can you really sit there and tell me that JR shaking people hands that day or touching someone couldn't leave any DNA...
Honestly with a sex game gone wrong I don't want to think this it is very possible but don't want to think that is what happen...But in this case there is alot of should have done but wasn't...Like taking the Ramsey's clothes that day other than an year later...

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