A search for caylee

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I hereby give you the :Crown: for your dedication! You are an amazing example of what WS is all about! Thank you and I wish I could travel to be there, too.
This is just a note to confirm the search plans that dsntslp has provided. It is on the up and up. I hope others join as well and perhaps we can help find closure. I am also trying to attend, with the help of dsntslp I might just make it :grouphug:

Are you bringing your DOGS?
I would like to take a moment and explain how this camping offer came about.
Yes. I am a TES member. When this camping idea first started there were a few of us who thought we might go camping (some TES members and some not) to save on hotel expenses and also to try and have a little fun at the same time. I thought I would rather be by a little fire roasting marshmallows at night than sitting in a hotel lobby or trying to socialize in someones hotel room. One of our campers also has a cadaver dog and she also thought this was a better idea than a hotel room. I asked the rest of our small group and they felt the same way.

In the beginning there were 7 of us. I called and asked Sandy at KOA for prices on tent sites. When I called back the second time she asked what it was we were trying to accomplish and how many campers we expected. I explained there were 7 of us confirmed but that I would like to be able to add a few more who were not certain yet.
Sandy explained to me that instead of renting single tent sites we might be better off in a group site. She explained the pricing guidelines and I was just amazed at the difference in price. OK, so now my brain is clicking. "Hey, I can get more people to help search this way!" I told Sandy I would reserve the group site.

In the beginning (yesterday) we were a group of seven. After I made the reservation I thought "Well, we will do good if we get 20". Now we are determined to try our hardest to fill all 50 slots. What started out as a searching/camping trip for seven has mushroomed and blossomed.
We have never done anything like this before (honestly) but it all just seemed to fall into place. We couldn't turn it down. We are willing to do whatever it takes to help TES!

We realize in todays economy not everyone can afford a hotel for the weekend plus the cost of eating out. We were afraid if we did not reserve the site then it might not be available when we needed it. Besides, Sandy at KOA made us an offer we just could not refuse.

I called TES this morning and explained the situation, that we were sending out posts and emails about our camping offer. I talked to Erin Bridwell and she thought it was a great idea!
Please realize that due to how quickly this all transpired none of us were prepared for this. There is no way TES can say this is a TES sanctioned event because there might be liability on their part. I would not want them to assume that laibility. The first notices we sent out yesterday actually avoided stating that some of us are TES members for precisely this reason. Then we started receiving emails that people were concerned we were going to search on our own and disturb evidence. That is when I decided I better talk to Erin and tell her how this was growing.

I hope this answers some of the questions. Feel free to ask as many more as you like.
Please feel free to copy and share the notice and help us spread the word!
We are looking forward to making this endeavor a success and to helping TES in any way we can.

That is a truly wonderful thing you have done:clap::woohoo:
WOW !! This sounds incredibly fun ! If I didn't have to do some other things during the search, I would be right there with you. I have to have internet connectivity at night to fulfill other responsibilities. However, I may just drop in on you guys one eve, if I get the time and you don't mind. I'll be working the command center, so if you get a chance, look for me.

What an awesome idea! You are wonderful for doing this, and I know how much it will mean to Tim.

Thanks all for the kudos.

I have started a blog at Fox so that I can shorten the message when I post it to sites.

I plan to contact newspapers tomorrow and radio stations to see if they can help get the message out.

You can all help a lot if you would like to repost the notice for us. Following is the notice to cut/paste. It is so much shorter now! Feel free to copy anything I write on the Fox blog to anywhere you like. Thanks in advance for your help.
Search for Caylee Anthony with TES and Camp at KOA!

We have reserved a group space for up to 50 searchers to camp at KOA the weekend of Nov. 8th. You do not need to be a TES member.

For more information please visit here:


or here:


We hope to see you there!


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