a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #5

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All that we need to put on our postcards from around the world is:

One of the 1,000 places you will never see before you die

This topic came up a while back and I even looked at the FAQ on the PRISON website to find out what details needed to be included on postcards. I can't find the FAQ now but there were some details needed. Btw I wasn't planning on sending any yet - nothing to sabotage this trial getting finished.
TotallyObsessed I love your photo! I thought we were going to have a CA moment today and ALV was going to blame it on JA's Dad, thank goodness that didn't come to fruition, but did you see the look on the Aunts Face?.......still don't forgive them for their smugness when the email was brought up tho.

I did not get to see it. I was working and I listen on my phone and peek at the video every now and then. This case sucks as much as that other one. I will always have the backne photo for all to remember. Much to FCA's dismay!
What must have happened is that KDDJ's photo with JM got posted here on WS first, then one or more posters copied the picture over to Facebook trial thread(s) and those sites are seen by various trial insiders and media.

This is what many people don't realize about the Internet--there is no real privacy. If you (the general you) post something on Facebook or here or any site that can be seen by the public, that's like broadcasting yourself or your friends/associates and showing what you or your friends/associates are up to, whether you intended to broadcast that information or not. And defense teams use the Internet just like everyone else and will find things to use to further their case or causes (hey, just like everyone else), and the media will use and exploit something if they can because it generates ratings and advertising $$$.

And because the context is totally lost the finder of said item will create a story to go along with whatever they find to turn it into something bigger or more salacious than it might otherwise be.

I kept information I learned in one murder trial (meaning things about the family, the victim or just things I learned along the way) off the Internet altogether and to myself to maintain privacy, boundaries, and stay far under the radar. It was important for the case to proceed without any further 'junk' getting in to muddy the waters. It was bad enough when one WS poster published info she gleaned from a relative who worked at a site where police showed up and the info she posted was fundamentally wrong, which everyone learned 2 years later when the case went to trial. Those nuggets posted on WS got immediately picked up by the media and spread far and wide and the rumors created issues (in this particular situation, affecting the defendant).
Who says an Arias "meltdown" in court would cause a mistrial? If that were true, defendants would be having meltdowns in every court, every day.

I am not a lawyer but worked in felony Court as a bailiff for almost 16 years and work now for the Court of Appeals and we had an incident in a capital murder case where a defendant stood up and started melting down and screaming at the witness and the Jury had to be voir dired separately to see if it would prejudice their being able to reach a verdict without bias.

Sure enough. It did and there was a mistrial and we started from scratch.

So yes, I am the one who said her having a meltdown in front of the Jury could cause a mistrial and I stand by my statement. I lived through trying to get a second Jury that had not heard any media reports about the incident. Nightmare!!!!
What must have happened is that KDDJ's photo with JM got posted here on WS first, then one or more posters copied the picture over to Facebook trial thread(s) and those sites are seen by various trial insiders and media.

This is what many people don't realize about the Internet--there is no real privacy. If you (the general you) post something on Facebook or here or any site that can be seen by the public, that's like broadcasting yourself or your friends/associates and showing what you or your friends/associates are up to, whether you intended to broadcast that information or not. And defense teams use the Internet just like everyone else and will find things to use to further their case or causes (hey, just like everyone else), and the media will use and exploit something if they can because it generates ratings and advertising $$$.

And because the context is totally lost the finder of said item will create a story to go along with whatever they find to turn it into something bigger or more salacious than it might otherwise be.

Katie posted the photo herself on her Twitter before it was posted here.
I did not get to see it. I was working and I listen on my phone and peek at the video every now and then. This case sucks as much as that other one. I will always have the backne photo for all to remember. Much to FCA's dismay!

OMG that backne photo still turns my tummy, but it is what I visualize when I think KC.

Now for today - ummmmmmmm, the only attorney negligence I have seen so far in this case was the day that Mr. nurmi did his adjustment! Feb 28th??? Something like that. If I had the video, I would post it - but I think most of us were equally disgusted by the on camera 'adjustment' and don't need the visual!
I read on twitter that the ribbons #1Aunt & #1Mom are wearing represent domestic violence victims. Just think how this confuses the jury. DV victims are outraged that the JA supporters are wearing the ribbons.

BUT!! Keep in my mind, she only started wearing it the day after JM got the good Doc to admit that JA had abused her!! At least, that's where my lil' ole brain went! (I'm often alone there!) At any rate, I'm so anxious to get our insiders views on her mom/aunt's demeanor outside of the court room! Anything...?
So Sky Hughes should be called on rebuttal now, I'm assuming? Like Lisa, I am sure she regrets ever sending the email.
Katie posted the photo herself on her Twitter before it was posted here.

It had to have been picked up and put on the trial threads at Facebook at some point though. I know I saw it here on WS (first), though I don't use Twitter anymore so I wouldn't have seen it there. It's just something to keep in mind because these things happen and it can turn into a sideshow.
It had to have been picked up and put on the trial threads at Facebook at some point though. I know I saw it here on WS (first), though I don't use Twitter anymore so I wouldn't have seen it there. It's just something to keep in mind because these things happen and it can turn into a sideshow.

Yes, it was put on Twitter by Katie then picked up here.

I knew something not good would come of all that. I just knew it. I wish those people hadn't done what they did. Juan is a prosecutor trying to do his job. He's not a rock star. I know Katie just kind jumped in so I don't blame her. But the people who started the hoopla and were asking for autographs shouldn't have done it.
I wish people wouldn't ask for photos, etc, with Juan near the courthouse. It puts him in an awkward position, as we saw this morning :(

Supporting Juan and the family is wonderful, but the jury is not sequestered. I've been afraid that the media or one of the strange folks who show up at court (the nuthouse crowd, I mean) might compromise the integrity of the jury somehow with selfish antics.

The most supportive thing that could be done regarding this subject, imho, is to be incredibly discreet and respect Juan's professionalism and help to make sure that the prosecution is seen as being completely beyond reproach, imho.

Juan does not need pompom girls making a scene in the name of support. I hope random (or hypothetical) folks out there cut it back a bit and treat the trial with full respect; football game team behavior is not appropriate and could hurt the prosecution, imho.

I'm definitely Team Juan myself, btw. I'll shake a pompom from far away for him :D Y'all just be smart as can be, OK? For the family.
I repeat Katie DDj did nothing wrong nor did Juan Martinez. Nor do I feel incorrect about posting here about my courtroom observations. I hold many things private as well.

I'm not changing over this. And I do feel like my "boundaries" are appropriate here.
After much internal turmoil and afterthought I am personally taking back what I said about Jodi's mother the other night. I do not feel that they are victims in this. After their completely disrespectful display (nauseating ) today, I am sorry KCL I know longer share your sympathy, as well as them displaying their victims of violence ribbons. I call BS. there is one VICTIM of violence here and it is Travis.

It's ok I understand
I repeat Katie DDj did nothing wrong nor did Juan Martinez. Nor do I feel incorrect about posting here about my courtroom observations. I hold many things private as well.

I'm not changing over this. And I do feel like my "boundaries" are appropriate here.

I do think it ended up being a mistake, because it's taken off, but it's a mistake I totally would have made, too. Totally.

Drilling down into it, it comes down to just having an unimportant picture with him when it could hurt the appearance of professionalism of the prosecution. The defense is trying to spin it that way to the court. It's not worth it. I do hope people stop.

But it's a completely natural thing to do and was an innocent mistake, imho!
With Katie she's fine....she's laughing and relaxing now and telling me the whole story

I am glad she is laughing about it now. Jealousy is a very bad trait to have in ones life, and because Katie is a very pretty girl, you just know Jodi envies her. Katie is a strong person I'm sure, so tell her to suck it up, have a drink on me, and keep doing the great job she does. Oh, and tell her HLN would be doing themselves a HUGE favor if they would employ her. :rocker: Big hugs to all of you, especially Katie tonight. Does that defense EVER get it right? :great:
I am wondering if we should maybe move some of these threads downstairs. I don't like the way the fans on the pro-Jodi site always read here.
My apologies if someone else dreamed this up and posed it here already (I came up with it myself), but did anyone at the courthouse say they wondered if maybe the DT had Jodi play sick yesterday so they could plant this in the jurors' minds for the four-day weekend?

I realize that would be a highly unethical thing to do ... which makes me think it is as likely to be the case as not.
I don't know... postcards are really cheap to send. I'm going go Cancun in May. Should I or shouldn't I? The brat in me wants to... :fence:

Funny you say that. I am also going to Mexico in May and was thinking the same thing! LOL I am not going to Cancun but will be in Cozumel.
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