a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #6

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Thank you katiecoolady for all your notes. Your interview was great and you are beautiful and doing something amazing for this family. I stayed up as long as I could last night and finished reading this morning. Thank you.

I must admit Ido not watch the defense at all. I only watch when Juan is on cause I don't want to hear all the lies. Jodi makes me cringe - just looking at her.... I admire all of you who are able to watch the defense - I just can't stomach it.... Lots of hugs to all.

I too cannot watch the defense testify- it is way to painful. Can' wait to watch Juan cross this so called expert. i do have to say i am stunned at her snarky attitude; she reminds me of jodi on the stand. combative and rude. can't imagine the jury is impressed with her defiance when responding to "Mr. Martinez".
I'm here in my office blubbering this morning, after watching this. You are amazing KCL. For what you've been through, for what you are doing for TA's family, what you do for your brother, for what you do for us... you are amazing! And you do it all with such class. Thank you.

And you looked absolutely fabulous!

ditto that - Katiecoo you are amazing!

I'll repost this - everyone should watch this:

The nerve of her to say that. I cant believe that the Alexanders have to go through all of this. Then she had the nerve to say that she felt sorry for Jodi cause all of her naked pics are on the internet. How dare she..

This is a victim's site, so we react from that perspective.

More objectively speaking, JM was brilliant in posing this question so that he got the desired result. ALV was quick to recognize how her answer came off, understanding the implications and clarified it. Had she not, JM would have come back with a very strong question that made it clear Travis was the victim of a heinous crime, leaving a very strong impression on observers.

It was a variation of:

"Have you stopped beating your wife yet?" Yes or no.
IMHO, Juan needs to hold up an autopsy photo of Travis and ask "well did Snow White do THIS to an elf when she got mad at him?" that ought to shut her up. I think there's no way she's actually even seen the autopsy photos or she wouldn't be up there running her mouth with ridiculous analogies making herself a complete jackass. So, is this it for the defense's trotting out flakey "experts"? ..please no more! Where did they find people like Samuels and LaViolette?? DT Must have been busy turning over a lot of rocks.

Thank you so much KCL for your hard work, it's this thread that inspired me to join :). I love reading your notes (and literally laughed out loud when I saw those mm's, Juan must have loved them!) I'm so glad ALV and "Elle Woods" are done!! (for anyone who has seen Legally Blonde lol) I have no doubt those jurors were probably ready to run screaming by the end of ALV's endless drivel. Juan is going to DESTROY whatever, if any, credibility she has with the jury. I can't wait til Monday and to read your notes, should be interesting to say the least ;)
Thanks guys. I'm gonna go ahead and finish my notes now as my arms are a little more rested and I'd rather do them now and sleep in. :)

Notice when JM says Objection, JA pulls hands under the table (cameras off her?) like she's doing something shady.

Don't trust her when her hands are under the table.

Travis "verbal abuse" just ceo and HW taking notes.

This whole if you were abused you will become an abuser is insulting. Only note taking HW.

JA drawing over there....short strokes then erases, now fiddling with her pencil under the table. Sneaky.

Here we go with the buddybuddy girl talk BS, no one else smiles--WEIRD.

CPA swiveling,hand over mouth. Grandpa, HW taking notes.

ALV looks to the jury for some kind of connection/validation. Not one of them is looking at her back.

Paul R. scratches head.

CEO squints, rubs his face, hand over mouth, rocking fast in his chair.

CEO HW note taking re: trip itinerary.

OMG she walks her right up to 6/3/2008 then takes her back to 2007. Somebody make it stop!!!

Neil/Wrestler jovial during the sidebar.

"I get excited" Yes you do when you're in full manbash mode. INDEED.

blahblahblah--all females vulnerable, all men abusers..same refrain.

I need coffee--hash and rehash is on the pm menu.

This concerns me. She is always doing something sneaky over there. I hope whoever is suppose to be watching her, doesn't get too comfortable.

Does she have ankle shackles on, the entire time she is sitting in court? I know she wears a stun belt but if they are not paying enough attention, she could easily freak out and do something, before they have a chance to stop her.
OMG! I knew you had a good heart, but I had no idea you were beautiful inside and out! You are gorgeous! Thanks for all you do!

your amazing- i can see the tears in your eyes. an angel on earth is what you are ~ so pretty too
Katie, sorry for the extra post here, but I have to tell you your news interview was wonderful. I send money to the family through PayPal and, although it's not much, I sure hope it helps them.

I also want to thank everyone who attends the trial and posts here. Your input is invaluable.

PS: Loved the M&M story. At first, I thought you gave him a handful and was worried all afternoon that they would melt in his hands and not in his mouth. Hearing that you gave him the bag, I am now relieved of that possible scenario!
Wow...I am pretty sure this maybe Snow White's 15 mins of true fame here.

I for one love it.

I can see JM pouring over the Fable he was sort of disappointed that he couldn't rely on the original Brothers Grimm version. But, it may serve his purposes just as well as disney's is an adaptation further fantasy with which she has taken even more creative license with JA if you will.
she can adapt her continuum of abuse as needed. she admitted it herself.

JM is brilliant.

I think he will show that ...( catchy title and all) no snow white was not a battered woman.
She had a bad childhood and was waiting for a prince to wake/save her and live happily ever after.
and yes....ALV doesn't know anything else...the ages of the dwarfs ( this is my fav line) or the relationship with the prince/king...because " she doesn't she is sorry- she doesn't" she can't, and you know why? Because it is just a story...a fable- a myth. and the story that JA told everyone including ALV ( JA admitted she lied to everyone) is also a myth- a fable.

Her testimony-testiphony- her diagnoses is based on (44 hours) 1 hour with myth maker JA-and collateral evidence-diaries and txts Ims and emails, and secondary sources- summaries- even less detailed abstracts ( 200 words usually). She can't say anything about that either. ie...TA's side of the myth/fable.. as well as..all the other characters in the tale.

Thank you katiecoolady for all your notes. Your interview was great and you are beautiful and doing something amazing for this family. I stayed up as long as I could last night and finished reading this morning. Thank you.

I must admit Ido not watch the defense at all. I only watch when Juan is on cause I don't want to hear all the lies. Jodi makes me cringe - just looking at her.... I admire all of you who are able to watch the defense - I just can't stomach it.... Lots of hugs to all.

I don't blame you. I had to stop watching LaViolette yesterday. The hypocrisy was just too much. A supposed advocate for abused women, yet she is testifying for someone who committed the most heinous act on another human being. She doesn't consider what the defendant did abusive??? Unbelievable! :banghead:
In watching the interview tapes with JA's mom I was struck by the fact that she stated:

"When we heard the news that is the first thing I asked her. Did you go to AZ? and she said "no I didn't I went to Utah and I have the gas receipts to prove it".

I think that pretty much sums up her plan.. the whole premeditated, mileage calculated, weapon procuring, and alibi building plan to get away with murder.
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