a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #6

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Yes I was. I was busy taking notes looking down. I heard the laughter but I didn't see much from where I was sitting.

More than once there were snickers from the gallery when ALV said something stupid. MOO on the stupid part. :) No one was laughing at Juan, they are laughing at ALV.

The two ladies that burst out laughing exited the courtroom arm in arm with ALV. There are pictures on the other thread.
I thought the TH's were pretty unfair to Martinez yesterday. He did not come out blazing. He started out very calm with her asking reasonable questions about her credentials. She got very testy right away and that's when the gloves came off. Her condescending nature was a huge turn off. And the Snow White makes perfect sense. I thought it was brilliant. The only reason it dragged is because she wouldn't answer honestly. Of course, the cross has just begun and they need to see where it goes. I don't know why no one ever criticizes the DT though. They spend days and days and days questioning their witness to basically say the same thing over and over again. Martinez' questioning is not linear and it usually goes somewhere. We all wondered where he was going with the gas can stuff and then BOOM! She lied on the stand. To your faces jury.

I understand why Eiglarsh is so critical, though. He's a law professor. He teaches law 101 and probably has a simple style. Also, I think he really wants Martinez to win and is appalled at the nature of the crime and the antics of the DT and doesn't want to see him lose because of his demeanor. I laughed yesterday when his attitude was kind of like, "really? What am I doing here? We're going to talk about Jodi's hair?" And when Drew's replacement only asked Katie one question, what she thought of Jodi's hair, he just got this seriously? look on his face and said, "that's it?" I still love him. I love that he's the co-host this week.

It appeared to me that it was planned by the defense and ALV to behave in that manner towards JM. The same as JW snarky remarks prior to that asking ALV if she had memory problems or if she had feeling toward Jodi.
Just as JM would needle JA by calling her "Ma'am" (inferring that she is no longer youthful and girlish), he should refer to ALV as "Miss". It has nothing to do with marital status, just that she is obviously past the "miss" stage, so it would be akin to referring to her as being girlish, which she would probably HATE, being the strong, mature woman that she is. Of course, she would probably correct him, telling him to refer to her as Ms. LaViolette. If she did, I wonder if he would point out that it is a perfectly valid prefix to her name.
It'd be funny if he called her Alyce! She seemed to think it was ok to call the victim Travis when she started testifying.
I'm confused. Do you mean the Mitigation Specialist (term used loosely), or D (don't want to type out name for her to find on google) who sits in the front row with ja's family? Both make faces. She is team ja and her "friend" was a cellmate, or maybe pod-mate of ja's when she was in the county jail.

I saw D shaking her head (from the back) yesterday during testimony. That's why I wondered if you meant her.

No, I have not seen these women before. They were the two ladies sitting in the second row behind Donovan. One lady had dark hair and a black and white top. The other lady was blondish. Older women. When ALV got off the stand they greeted her and the lady with the darker hair put her arm around ALV's shoulder. So I take it they were either friends of ALV, or they were women who have attended her classes.

They caught my eye originally because they seemed to be talking back and forth and giggling during sidebars, very animated. When ALV was questioned by JW about Travis' text with all the name calling the one with the darker hair was acting as if she were shocked and could not believe what she was hearing??? But they were the one's plus the mitigation spec. that laughed out loud. No one else seemed to think it was funny, just this group. After the judge left the bench at 4:30 you can see these two ladies talking to the mitigation spec. while ALV is speaking with Nurmi. So they were definitely there for ALV.

I did watch part of the YouTube with ALV. ALV gives her presentation in the form and same style as Ellen DeGeneres might do during one of her programs. Lots of jokes. I'm not sure why she would be delivering a DV presentation in this manner but maybe I just don't get it. But you have to watch the YouTube video to really get the gist of what I'm trying to say. I stopped watching when ALV asked why we never questioned about God being male. That did it for me.
Can't wait until Monday to see more ALYCE IN JUANDERLAND!


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It appeared to me that it was planned by the defense and ALV to behave in that manner towards JM. The same as JW snarky remarks prior to that asking ALV if she had memory problems or if she had feeling toward Jodi.

Oh, if that was the case that is so horrible... Look at how the DT has gotten the attention off of the murderer and her victim....

In reality, this witness wasn't even necessary since the subject she was brought in for is based on JA's lies about the victim... What a waste of time...

(They are more afraid of JM, when they should be terrified by the person they are defending...JA!)
At this point it's Murder 1. LWOP or DP. As heinous as this crime is I don't think it will go to 2nd degree.
If she gets out she will kill again. MOO

Sure hope that you are right cause I certainly think she would not hesitate to take another life if she ever hit the streets again. The next time she would be better at it and better at covering up. She has learned a lot in the last few years....none of it good! :(
Oh, if that was the case that is so horrible... Look at how the DT has gotten the attention off of the murderer and her victim....

In reality, this witness wasn't even necessary since the subject she was brought in for is based on JA's lies about the victim... What a waste of time...

(They are more afraid of JM, when they should be terrified by the person they are defending...JA!)

I am not kidding when I say she has the making of a serial killer..She has no soul.
Curious if its on any videos. NOT doubting it at all just would love to see it. Tried to find it but didn't see it.

I wish/hope there is something can be done about it! Just so disrespectful!:banghead:
I have a fantasy of JM showing her the autopsy photo where TA's head is flexed back so the ME could measure the depth of the neck wound and him asking where that would fit into her precious continuum that places choking on the high end of DV. I want him to make her physically ill, rating the wounds and explaining where each would fall on her invented scale. When she starts to cry on the stand I want him to remind her that each tear is costing the AZ taxpayer about 10 bucks, so pull it together Ms. Expert- you already re-assasinated his character for your Snow White sitting at the defense table now study hard her handy work and tell the jury all about your snow white to wicked witch conversion theory. Is this what it looks like?

BRAVO. Needs to be reposted.

Thank you, kaRN.:furious:
ALV asking for a break shortly before the regularly scheduled break is a mark of a narcissist.

In her mind, she showed everyone in the court she has power - power to halt courtroom proceedings on her command. She was 'subtly' re-defining the rules. IMO, this was what Nurmi would call a stunt.

Asking for a break just a few minutes shy of a known, scheduled break time is appropriate in only a few instances: imminent peeing or pooping of one's pants, the unmistakable feeling one gets right before vomiting, sudden onset of extreme chest pain. In any of those examples, one would NOT stop to dilly-dally and chit-chat in the courtroom with a member of the murdered victim's family. She didn't sprint out of the courtroom; she took her time to stand near and speak to Samantha.

She obviously had no pressing need to ask for a break early when one was coming in just a few minutes. She did it solely because she feels entitled to run things as she wants and wanted everyone to know it. Narcissists have little use for rules and standard decorum, especially when they see no personal benefit.

I'm SO looking forward to next week. :)

Really appreciate all of our court watchers; y'all are the next best thing to being there myself. :grouphug:
Alyce in Juanderland - love it! - also made sure to repeat Jodi's line about how hard it is to focus on the questions when being confronted in such an aggressive way. I really feel the jury will recognize the entire defense as being contrived, rehearsed & choreographed.
Lol bet nurmi gets wind of this and spends all weekend pacing!
What can he do? Nada right?
Over the years, one of the biggest fights in the domestic violence arena has centered around the credibility of its victims who are very often - but are by no means exclusively - women. Over the years thoughtful, credible and experienced experts have fought hard to bring legitimacy to the voices of the victims of domestic abuse. In just a few days, Alyce LaViolette - in her spirited, phoney and money-grubbing defense of a liar and a murderer - destroyed so much of the progress made on behalf of vulnerable women (and men) everywhere. There is nothing, NOTHING she can ever do or say that will redeem her shameful performance on behalf of Jodi Arias and her own financial bottom line. My sincere hope is that she is never again given the opportunity to exploit vulnerable women and men for her own financial gain.
Agreed. Given her propensity toward "extreme" positions, I will posit the notion that she feels justified and redeemed for her actions in light of being staunchly against the DP. I cannot for the light of me, understand any other possible motivation for her betrayal of real DV victims and their plight.

ALV asking for a break shortly before the regularly scheduled break is a mark of a narcissist.

In her mind, she showed everyone in the court she has power - power to halt courtroom proceedings on her command. She was 'subtly' re-defining the rules. IMO, this was what Nurmi would call a stunt.

Asking for a break just a few minutes shy of a known, scheduled break time is appropriate in only a few instances: imminent peeing or pooping of one's pants, the unmistakable feeling one gets right before vomiting, sudden onset of extreme chest pain. In any of those examples, one would NOT stop to dilly-dally and chit-chat in the courtroom with a member of the murdered victim's family. She didn't sprint out of the courtroom; she took her time to stand near and speak to Samantha.

She obviously had no pressing need to ask for a break early when one was coming in just a few minutes. She did it solely because she feels entitled to run things as she wants and wanted everyone to know it. Narcissists have little use for rules and standard decorum, especially when they see no personal benefit.

I'm SO looking forward to next week. :)

Really appreciate all of our court watchers; y'all are the next best thing to being there myself. :grouphug:

Thank you Brooke! These were my exact thoughts yesterday. She derailed the court last week by being so "ill" she couldn't even attempt taking the scheduled 90 min break to compose herself in whatever way she needed to (after looking completely composed on the stand before she requested that break).

Then this week, she requests a break a mere 5 min. before the scheduled break and instead of attending to whatever urgent matter demanded this, she decides instead to make a beeline straight for Samantha who is sitting alone as all of the rest of the family had already left for the Victims Room and lean down , get in her face and talk to her about God knows what, stand up and make a gesture circling her hands and shrugging. If I put a cloud over that gesture it would say something like "well, what can ya do with all of this?".

Then she may have even stopped to visit with her courtroom supporters before attending to her "immediate need".

I think she's all about control.

And I think her approaching Samantha was nothing but manipulative.

She disgusts me.

How it went down was this:

1. She requested the break.

2. The Judge dismissed the jury telling them to come back at 3:10.

3. She stood (as we all did) while the jury filed out. (I suspect the camera went to the seal at this point as it always does, thus no cameras filming the courtroom).

4. She exits the stand, walks toward the gallery yet walks straight up to Samantha, leans down and close talks to her in her face. To my recollection, Samantha's face was down either reading or looking at something when she was ambushed.

5. She speaks to Samantha and Sam looks up, maybe replies a short word or two and she stands up and does that circling motion with her arms while still talking.

6. Sam stands up and quickly exits toward the victim room.

I stood right there watching the whole thing. ALL of the media were fixated on Juror 5 across the aisle as this was their first potential opportunity to interact with her (or not). She was definitely the focus of most of the courtroom , but not me as I was standing literally right behind Samantha.

I exited the courtroom and went right up to a member of the media and reported this. I actually should have gone to the Victim Advocate but Nicole was out of the courtroom in the afternoon and had a stand in.

I will report my observations to Nicole on Monday though.

I did tell Aunt Heather and Sam and Tanisha when they returned to the courtroom that what occured violated their rights and they had the RIGHT to not be approached. I was told "Juan is taking care of it".

I don't pry with them ever. I'm more of a silent support person and wait for contact to be made with me usually.This time I asserted myself because I was so appalled this had happened. In my Victim Impact Statement I outline briefly what occured to me similarly and because of it, I got an attorney and we changed laws in AZ to disallow one loophole that was allowing these kinds of unconscienable acts of revictimization to befall victims.

My VIS is here in case anyone hasn't read it. It speaks to the continued abuses by the system to victims and with the DP it gets worse:


I'm obviously very bothered by this hypocritical and beyond disrespectful behavior by this "expert". Maybe I"m more bothered than Samantha actually. But this should not be tolerated anywhere with any victim, ever.

Sorry for the rant...I'm still quite upset over this.
Ok I just taped this off my tv with my iphone and let's see if it works here. ;)

Katiecoolady abc15 - YouTube


Thank you for all you do... you rock!!!! You are the epitomy of what more people should be, kind and caring, giving yet expecting nothing in return. This is for you, and I post it as a small token of what you mean to all of us on Websleuths.

Although you are a friend of ours,
and opinions we exchange,
We wouldn't know you on the street,
and doesn't that seem strange?

You hold a place within our lives,
unusual and unique;
We share ideas and special dreams,
and still, we do not speak.

We picture what we think you are,
and perhaps you picture me.
An intriguing game for all of us,
for someone we can't see.

So for this friendship we possess,
we owe this one small debt,
Perhaps the charm lies in the fact
that we have never met.

Take care of yourself, and never lose hope.
ALV asking for a break shortly before the regularly scheduled break is a mark of a narcissist.

In her mind, she showed everyone in the court she has power - power to halt courtroom proceedings on her command. She was 'subtly' re-defining the rules. IMO, this was what Nurmi would call a stunt.

Asking for a break just a few minutes shy of a known, scheduled break time is appropriate in only a few instances: imminent peeing or pooping of one's pants, the unmistakable feeling one gets right before vomiting, sudden onset of extreme chest pain. In any of those examples, one would NOT stop to dilly-dally and chit-chat in the courtroom with a member of the murdered victim's family. She didn't sprint out of the courtroom; she took her time to stand near and speak to Samantha.

She obviously had no pressing need to ask for a break early when one was coming in just a few minutes. She did it solely because she feels entitled to run things as she wants and wanted everyone to know it. Narcissists have little use for rules and standard decorum, especially when they see no personal benefit.

I'm SO looking forward to next week. :)

Really appreciate all of our court watchers; y'all are the next best thing to being there myself. :grouphug:
I totally agree. It's exactly that. By asking to be excused to go the bathroom, having everyone EVERYONE forced to wait, she assumes the "power" position in the court. LOL. One of the narcissists I've encountered just LOVED ordering up the "special" food menu on plane trips. He had no special needs. No allergies or dietary constraints. He just loved the notion of his own importance.

I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if she continues to ask for pee breaks throughout next week. It's a ploy, a ridiculous and blatantly obvious manipulative maneuver to be the ALPHA chick...

If she really had any cahones, she'd pull up her big girl DEPENDS and be a real "expert" witness.

She'd also ask her "laughing on cue" buddies to tone it down a bit.


Curious if its on any videos. NOT doubting it at all just would love to see it. Tried to find it but didn't see it.

I wish/hope there is something can be done about it! Just so disrespectful!:banghead:

I'd be curious if there is a video of it captured. It seems like its possible since so many cameras in courtroom.
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