a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #9

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Oh Katiecoolady, listening to you tonight, my tears have finally come. You are so very correct about "normal", rational people can never understand what these people (like Jodi) are like. It's impossible to ever think like they do. Thank you for sharing your heart with us. You are a beautiful inspiration!
Deanna Reid... that day was the day I was put on a T/O- deservedly... admittedly. Sweet lady my heart broke to pieces that day for her.

Wow, this show is incredible.
Wonderful to read & brought me to tears once again. Bravo, Mike!

I had to catch up a client's bookkeeping for 4 months today (2 offices) and just finished at 9:00. When will the radio show be available to listen to?

Tomorrow I have to fill in for someone else at my full time job & the cell phone reception is very spotty where I'll be. So, even tho I signed up for the text RE: the verdict, I might not know about it in time. Grrrr - work! :banghead:! I sure do hope to come home to a GUILTY verdict. :praying:

Hi Itsy, I do believe something like this went on. Remember the Hawk on the windowsill everyday? Remember the lightning strike at Caylees tree? Things like that dont just happen. Even Judge Perry remarked about hawk!! :seeya:
Dearest KatieCoolady,

I'm so much in tears. The Tricia's Radio program isn't over yet but I just had to put this forward.

I send you the most warm and sincere HUGS for you and your tears. I just LOVE you and also Chris H to pieces. Maybe I should say with all my Heart. God Bless You with ALL my Heart !!!!! I'm still listening to the 'Radio' on my PC. Just couldn't wait until the end.

Love You 'Special Lady Kathy, Katie, KCL' (call yourself anything you want). I call you "ANGEL HERE ON EARTH'.

God Bless You always !
God Bless Travis' family, all of Travis' friends, Juan Martinez, Katiecoolady, all those who are supporting them in any way possible....:tears:

We demand Justice for Travis!
Excellent show Trisha!

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Huge hugs to you! You are an amazing human being!

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Wish Juan could see this!
I agree how beautiful that was. My eyes were watering. Oh, I've been lurking for awhile so this is my first post.

The fat lady will be singing soon:

Hi Ho Hi Ho
It's off to death row she goes

Hey, you're singing my Dwarf's Song...LOL...:Welcome1:
Katie, My one wish for you is that someday you will see yourself as others do --- A REAL LOVING ANGEL!
I tried to transcribe the stories as well as what Chris had to get off of his chest. Everything that man says is put so elegantly but so much information comes out of him. 2 and 1/2 hours and my fingers are froze, my transcription is a mess but my heart is melted.

Thank you Chris. You are an incredible person. Travis was a very lucky man to have you and Sky by his side.

I couldn't stand up afterward, I needed time to compose myself and get myself back together.
Websleuth's is all in Travis' blue tonight. I hope that is a good sign.
I am so in awe of the show tonite!!! We really got to know Travis through Chris... Thank you Tricia, Katie and Micheal!!!
While Chris was talking about forgiving Jodi, I couldn't help but think......no way! However, if you think about what he said, it makes perfect sense. She doesn't suffer from our hate. I was depressed for months over CA walking free, and "I" suffered because of it. Starting right now, I'm letting go of the hate, and I'm going to forgive before it eats me alive. Whatever happens with the jury, she will pay the ultimate price one day. I hope she gets the DP, because a wonderful man proved that she killed another wonderful man in cold blood. And for no other reason than that's what she wanted. I will not waste another minute of my time thinking about how evil she is. Now, I just want it over. I pray the Alexander family gets the justice they deserve.
KCL What a wonderful and informative show tonight. Please tell Chris Hughs what an amazing man he is. What a true friend he has been to TA and the Alexanders.
The last part of the show was very emotional for me as it probably was for many. It takes a special person to be able to forgive the person who commits a crime such as the one committed on Travis. Forgiveness can be very hard sometimes, but he has managed to do it. I am truly amazed by this mans character and I hope I only can follow his request to forgive the unforgivable,.
What an amazing show tonight....KCL..sending you hugs and love...bless the Hughes as I am just speechless...this did my heart so much good tonight.
No words just 'THANK YOU'S' and tears of release.
This touched me in a way that my Soul needed desperately.

Thank You! And God Bless You!!

I have to share here:

By Mike Widmer #JusticeForTravis #JodiArias

Please see that Juan gets this. As a retired Tucson Sergeant, I have not seen his equal in many many ways. Thanks, Mike

I think it may be so…..

After months of a grueling trial, testimony was finally over. It’s time for Juan Martinez to enter the court room to begin his closing remarks. As he walked into the court room, I believe Travis was walking with him. He paused as Juan went to his seat, and looked at his family. They sat diligently through the hours of horrifying attempts to take Travis’s accomplishments away from him and ruin the memory of a man who was trying to make his way through this cruel world. He smiled at them, went one by one and touched their cheeks. “Relax” Travis whispered. “This is almost over.” An eerie calm settled over the Alexander family and friends. Samantha and Tanisha both felt his presence watching over them.
Travis walked over to the Arias family. He smiled and acknowledged them without any hostility. As he made his way through the courtroom, he paused at the defense table. Jodi sat staring forward in her seat motionless, in stark contrast to the evening he agreed to take the Calvin Klein photos in the shower. He posed one last time and when he looked back she was already moving toward him with a knife. He began to get up and fight back, but she just kept striking him. He tried to grab her arms, but instead was hurt by the knife. She backed away and he went to the sink. If he could just get his breath. He looked into the mirror in front of him. He no longer felt pain, but he couldn’t understand why Jodi just kept stabbing him. The look in her eyes was like a shark, so cold, so lifeless. He pushed away from the sink. If he could get away he could get help. He staggered down the hall and fell before he could get into the bedroom. Then everything went dark. When he regained consciousness, he looked down and could see his lifeless body being dragged by Jodi back toward the shower. His throat was cut. As she got near the shower, one of his limbs moved slightly because of a muscle reaction. Jodi pulled a pistol from her waist band and shot his head. Travis looked around and felt warm and safe. There were other people walking, sitting and talking in this beautiful place. Everyone was smiling and loving. He knew his earth life was over, but he had to watch over his precious family.
Jodi took off her glasses. She felt something or someone looking at her. Travis paused and looked at the Jennifer and Kurt. He shook his head. He knew what was coming from them. He walked over and stood in front of Judge Stephens. He was impressed with her fairness. He walked over and looked at the jury. The all looked like good people. He felt their resolve.
Travis went over and sat on the table beside Juan and Flores. While Juan was giving his closing remarks, Travis listened intently. When Juan got loud, Travis went over and put his hand on his shoulder. Juan would then quiet his voice. And when the remarks were over, Travis stood with tears in his eyes because Juan’s heart and soul went into the story he told about him and how he was slaughtered.
The next day the defense began making their closing arguments. Travis watched from where his family was seated. He knew it was going to be emotional. What could he do to lighten up the courtroom? Everyone was so intense! Nurmi was fumbling with papers trying to find an exhibit and he looked so ridiculous. Travis walked over and knocked the stack of papers to the floor. Travis laughed and looked around. He got up and went to the rear of the courtroom where a man was seated. He went into his belongings that were behind the man’s seat and pulled out his cellphone. He got the number and put it back. He then went to the defense table. Kurt’s phone was lying on the table and was turned off. Travis picked it up, turned it on and dialed the man’s cell phone. Heads turned as “Dynamite” filled the court room. Jodi looked back with her hand over her mouth. Jennifer looked around. Everyone in the court room looked on as Nurmi stopped talking and looked at the judge. The judge looked toward the man who was struggling to get the phone to stop ringing. Travis laughed out loud but no one could hear him.
“Come on you guys, now that was funny!” Travis chuckled. “That was at least as funny as making that hired-gun psychologist spill his drinking water over and over!” He went back over and sat on the divider in front of his family.
The day ended in court with Juan rearranging the mess Nurmi made trying to confuse and distract the jury from the realities. When the jury was escorted out by the two bailiffs, Travis waited for him at the table where the projector sat. He watched as Juan picked up and stacked exhibits. How was it that he was so lucky as to have had such a man prosecuting his murderer? He could hear Juan hoping in his thoughts that he had done right by Travis and the Alexander family. The family and the attorneys stayed in the court room for a while after the jury left. Travis went over to his family and whispered to them all:
“No matter what the verdict I want all of you to move on. Thank you for all you have done. I am in a good place and not everyone gets to come here. Jodi will have another day of reckoning and it will make today look like a picnic. I have to go but I will always watch over you. And let Juan know how much you appreciate how hard he tried. And tell him that he may not be six foot two, but he’s one bad-*advertiser censored* prosecutor. That’s just the way he rolls, the way he does crap.”
Juan arranged a stack of papers and thought he heard Travis speaking those words at the rear of the court room. The same words he used when he rolled his snowmobile. He smiled and looked back at the family. They were all looking at him.
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