A Websleuths Apology

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Manager Websleuths.com
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Sep 13, 2003
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After looking into the situation concerning the release of the arrest affidavit in connection with the murder of Gannon Stauch this is how I believe the events unfolded.

It has come to my attention that the arrest affidavit for Letecia Stauch, in the murder case of Gannon Stauch, was given to a member of Websleuths, "Massguy", via his personal email on April 2nd and he posted it here that same day.

MassGuy admitted to me he was aware the documents were not meant to be made public immediately, but he posted them to Websleuths anyway, he felt it was a big scoop for us. He assumed he was just getting them early and they would be posted within hours or the next day.

After speaking to MassGuy, I believe him when he says he honestly did not realize posting these documents would cause pain to Gannon's family. He was only in possession of the affidavit and not the Judge's previous order referred to in an April 3rd filing which stated the family was to receive and view them first. I believe Massguy when he says he personally feels terrible if his posting caused pain to Gannon's parents. It was not his intent.

I was certainly not informed that the parents may have been upset over Massguy's post until a week or so ago.

On behalf of Websleuths, I sincerely and deeply apologize if the premature action by our member caused any pain to Gannon Stauch's parents, Al and Landan.

I hope they know Websleuths, as we have demonstrated since the day Gannon went missing, has always been an advocate for Gannon. We were all devastated by the news he was found murdered by a monster. We will continue to be his advocates until the day that monster is put away for good.

What happened on Websleuths with this post is against everything we stand for. Our volunteer moderators work night and day checking alerts on posts (from the over 160 thousand members) that may violate our rules. No one alerted on Massguy's post to say it was being released before it was allowed. Then the documents were released publicly the next day, so it wouldn't have been alerted on past that point.

As the owner of Websleuths, I accept full responsibility. The buck stops with me!
We have always prided ourselves in being victim's advocates and will continue to make sure I, as well as our members and moderators, continue to do so in the future.

Tricia Griffith
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