Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #176

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Yes but they couldn’t know that Kelsi wouldn’t put her little sister first and think I’ll just hang with the girls for a few hours. So the assumption is both Libby and Abby were happy for Kelsi to take along on their walk.

True, but I have 3 sisters and at 16 yo, if one had asked me to go walk on a bridge with them and their friend or I could go and see my boyfriend, I would definitely go see my boyfriend. I don't think it was a conscious matter of K putting Libby first or not. It was just the way it worked out IMO and I'm sure she has real grief over it even today. :(

That is just how I see it, not saying you're response is not possible.

Yes but they couldn’t know that Kelsi wouldn’t put her little sister first and think I’ll just hang with the girls for a few hours. So the assumption is both Libby and Abby were happy for Kelsi to take along on their walk.

Kids get dropped off and picked up all the time without their rides participating with them at the destination. It's a fair assumption the girls would be alone in that sense but it's also a fair assumption the girls were maybe meeting up with more kids there. A bold daytime abduction and murders. Just remarkable to me that nobody heard screams or raised voices/crying </3
Delphi, IN had a population of a bit less than 3000 in 2016.
Carroll County sits around 30,000 citizens.
Purdue University, a 30 min drive from Delphi, has appx 52,000 students.

According to MrJitty's work regarding # of murders at about 5 in 100,000 in USA in 2017. "Murder is rare."

Perhaps the biggest clue is that we know the killer was familiar with this particular area and knew it was available for their purposes. Does that mean the killer knew what time to be there in order to grab these two girls?

BG looked to me, in those 2 seconds of video, like he was crossing that bridge at a fairly good clip. Showing no fear. Probably took him 4.5 minutes once he started across until he reached them and spoke those infamous words. How is that possible? Who practices walking across that scary bridge? Someone who lived on or near Deer Creek?

It was Abby's very first time to cross the MHB over Deer Creek. There was some reason for them to go there that was important to one or both of them. They were young and innocent in the ways of the world.

How do two young girls out for a stroll on a nice Monday afternoon suddenly find themselves kidnapped and forced down a hill to their deaths? 3000 local people and one of them finds two girls that fit his evil insatiable desires in the middle of the day on a walking trail? For the time being, I'm leaning towards they were set-up to be there. I do not understand BG knowing witnesses saw him and did it anyway. That's brassy.
I agree with much of this thinking.

For what it's worth ... with respect to the voice recording, (and because LE has intimated that RA is not their only suspect), I've never assumed that the disembodied voice from the BG video belongs to the BG figure captured in the video. That being said, if there's been confirmation from LE that the disembodied voice(s) saying "guys", and saying "down the hill" ... are from the BG figure or are from the same person - I missed that confirmation. JMHO
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Yes but they couldn’t know that Kelsi wouldn’t put her little sister first and think I’ll just hang with the girls for a few hours. So the assumption is both Libby and Abby were happy for Kelsi to take along on their walk.


Maybe Libby had a little bit of apprehension thinking that AS could actually show up to meet them that day? Kind of the same thing as choosing to record the killer, like having a sixth sense about the situation.


Maybe there were no plans at all to meet up, but maybe Libby told her catfisher that she was headed to the bridge to take some photos. It could have been mentioned innocently.

Also, remember that she needed a ride to the bridge and asking KG to come along could have been a way to initiate that very thing. Teens find ways to make things happen.

I think in either situation, she likely knew that Kelsi would not stay with them because she had other commitments.

Of course, Just a couple of possibilities.
On the phone data discussion from the previous thread, the alleged killer is "forensically aware" enough to turn his phone off or to leave it at home, but in six years doesn't destroy clothes or toss weapons/bullets that possibly link him? Doesn't seem to be aware enough that his victim is recording him from her phone. Also leaves at least one of the victim's phones at the crime scene. If RA is the killer I don't think he's this forensic mastermind at all.
The same holds true for BG, whoever he might be. He may have turned a phone off or on, or left it at home. It is also possible that the cell towers may not have picked up data from deep into the trails, depending on the cell carrier.
The same holds true for BG, whoever he might be. He may have turned a phone off or on, or left it at home. It is also possible that the cell towers may not have picked up data from deep into the trails, depending on the cell carrier.
Well, in the book, "Down the Hill: My Descent Into The Double Murder In Delphi" by Susan Hendricks, she notes that:

“...although his exact location cannot be confirmed, the tower data shows that Logan’s cell phone was in the Delphi area in the area of the Monon High Bridge Trail.” Later that evening, Logan’s cell phone received separate texts at 7:56 p.m. and 10:16 p.m., and at both times, the data showed that Logan’s phone was “likely outside of his residence and in the proximity of where [Libby’s] and [Abby]’s bodies were located.”

So it seems that whatever service provider RL was using was able to connect to the tower in the general area of where the kids were found. I do acknowledge though that some service providers have weaker signals than others and some work in areas where others simply do not.
Looks like McLeland in the States Motion to Defense for Discovery Cutoff Date for March Hearing is showing that he is more prepared than a lot of people give him credit for. It's good that he's already provided all info to the D and I hope the Judge Orders the D to turn over their list as well.

Let's make this a level playing field shall we? Let the truth of the matter good, or bad be uncovered. That is the only way this case is going to make it going forward. Accountability on all sides.

With respect to what information investigators were able to get about cell phones in the area at the time of the crime, an excerpt from this interview with Robert Ives conducted with the producers of Down the Hill was revealing:

ANDREW: You mentioned that, especially in the early days, you were involved with drafting a lot of affidavits for search warrants. Can you put some sort of number in how many you were involved in?
ROBERT IVES: Dozens. I mean, a lot. There were a few search warrants. There weren’t so many search warrants, but there were lots of subpoenas. In this case, we were trying to get cell phone locations or numbers of cell phones, or identities of cell phone numbers, things like that, and similar things during that period of time. We cranked out a lot of that, but it didn’t lead to anything significant.
NARRATOR: Let’s talk cell phones. For a lot of people who follow this case, the locations of cell phones– specifically the ones near The Monon High Bridge at the time of the murders– is a meaty topic of discussion. Whose phone is pinging where, and why? That was a major point of interest for investigators, too. And how that all works? There’s more to it than you might think.
ROBERT IVES: A frustrating thing… this is probably difficult to explain in the course of podcast… but the law on searches with relation to cell phones and cell phone locations was evolving right at the time this was going on, and I think some of the people discussing it didn’t always understand. Like, they would say “Well if you want to know a cell phone location, why don’t you get a search warrant?” And the problem with that is, let’s take this case, it’s a perfect example: There’s a tower near the crime scene and cell phones pinged off that tower around the time of the crime. We would like to know who they pinged off. Say, “well why don’t you get a search warrant?”. Because there is no probable cause to believe that any particular phone is going to tell us anything about the crime. There is no probable cause. People act like a search warrant is easy to get. No! Because we don’t think any particular phone is a criminal, but if we want to get a pool of 25 people who were in the area and therefore could possibly have committed the crime, you have to find out. And this is the difficulty of the modern electronic world. Of course, to look in your phone? I think clearly that’s a search warrant situation, that’s your private property. That’s like opening your house or going in your car in your person. But the location of your phone? I certainly understand people’s concerns about their privacy. ‘Why can the government figure out where I am?’ Then on the other hand, when your two little girls are dead and you want to find out who was nearby in the last 2 hours, it’s terrible not to be able to get that information. And the idea is, well, I’ll just get a search warrant. That’s not logically or legally practical. And so, this is something society has to think about more. Because cell phone location data for a case like this, which is a lot of what I was doing at that time, could potentially be really valuable. Because, you know, Carroll County: 380 square miles, 20,000 people. Very few people were out near that crime scene at the time. It’s not like…
BARBARA: –it’s a Monday afternoon.
ROBERT IVES: You aren’t going to ping on 500 phones at that period of time.

The bolding was done by the site that transcribed this interview: Delphi Murders 3 Signatures: Robert Ives Interview Transcript from 'Down the Hill' Podcast - CrimeLights
We are on the 176th thread and there is no trial in sight.

Sad for the families this nightmare just drags out for them.
The nightmare will never end. Even post trial - even after all the appeals and everything is finally done. They’ll still be in the nightmare. Replaying their movements prior to that day and missing their loved ones. That’s for life. That’s not ever going to end. They may make peace with it but the nightmare will never end.
I agree with much of this thinking.

For what it's worth ... with respect to the voice recording, (and because LE has intimated that RA is not their only suspect), I've never assumed that the disembodied voice from the BG video belongs to the BG figure captured in the video. That being said, if there's been confirmation from LE that the disembodied voice(s) saying "guys", and saying "down the hill" ... are from the BG figure or are from the same person - I missed that confirmation. JMHO

Not sure if this would be confirmation for you, but at the April 19th press conference (the one where the new sketch and the additional audio "guys" was released) Doug Carter said this:

"We’re releasing additional portions of the audio recording from that day. Please keep in mind the person talking is one person and is the person on the bridge with the girls. This is NOT two different people speaking- please listen to it very, very carefully."

IMO this covers that "down the hill" and "guys" are said by one person speaking and it is the person on the bridge but I know others vary in their thoughts.
Jumping in as someone who grew up in this area & still lives nearby. It is pretty common for folks around here to not take their cell phones everywhere with them, especially the Boomer generation & older. Heck my childhood home didn’t have reliable cell service until about 6 years ago. It still has no high speed internet access.

All of that is just to say that it wouldn’t be odd to me if someone around here left their phone at home when out & about.
Has it been said if RA and his family helped search for the girls that night?

I am assuming in such a small community everybody came out to help when it got out they were missing.
I do not believe it has been disclosed either way yet. Why would it matter if RA had or had not been out looking for them?
Not sure if this would be confirmation for you, but at the April 19th press conference (the one where the new sketch and the additional audio "guys" was released) Doug Carter said this:

"We’re releasing additional portions of the audio recording from that day. Please keep in mind the person talking is one person and is the person on the bridge with the girls. This is NOT two different people speaking- please listen to it very, very carefully."

IMO this covers that "down the hill" and "guys" are said by one person speaking and it is the person on the bridge but I know others vary in their thoughts.
I'd like to know who the voice was directing when he said "down the hill"? Is it possible "guys" was spoken to more than just the kids (eg: if someone else was there, someone else was included in that word?).
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