Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #179

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I just find it disheartening that a man who is dead who can’t defend himself still gets dragged into this mess. I know he wasn’t an angel and had a past but he was investigated and nothing came from it :) .
It is disheartening. I'm troubled by the idea that all the killer would have had to do was toss one of the girl's socks into RL's barn while he was fish shopping and everyone would have lined up to hang RL.
Well, almost everyone.
Change in direction?
Defense turns over mental evaluation done only 5 days ago on RA.
Is RA now incompetent to stand trial?

View attachment 495232
It will be interesting to see what this is for. Would they have to do a psych evaluation to allow RA to be unrestrained in the courtroom during trial? Genuine question.
States Response to the Defense's 3rd Request for Franks:


That is all.


Very behind here on my catching up. However that was powerful!! Noticed the state even took the time to explain how geofencing works. Hope the D takes the time to read the states response. Starting to wonder if this will go to trial. Seriously.
It will be interesting to see what this is for. Would they have to do a psych evaluation to allow RA to be unrestrained in the courtroom during trial? Genuine question.
IMO, this tells us the D hired a psych expert who conducted a pysch eval (to counter the P's phone admission claims). Eval is done, D is confident in results, D shares the eval with the Court.

(This is why the D did not object to the P getting the mental health records. They're fine with it. Note the same date here as Gull releases mental health info to the P (yesterday) - cause/effect hit docket out of consecutive order.)
My theory was speculation playing amateur profiler. Hands, feet, tree branches, using tree branches to go past the body form, are all extremities. How do we protect our extremities?

Maybe that profile is Richard Allen because of his stature being a smaller man, but in order to take the time to do that for a first crime seems strange, in my opinion. It seems like it would take a patient person to do this. It takes time to place tree branches(or sticks) on a person's body.

I thought maybe the person who murdered Abigail Williams and Liberty German has something wrong with either their hands or feet.
He had a fire pit in his yard. I don’t think stacking sticks is that difficult for a reasonably fit National Guardsman. iMO
Photos and videos taken after the crime scene was cleared showed sticks and twigs everywhere in the vicinity. That could have easily been picked up and carried around by my 75 pound Labrador. JMO
This was not some complicated feat. As the franks would have us believe.
It had always been my theory that he used a chemical to clear the DNA and planned on setting destroying all evidence by fire.

Sorry I just reread your post. I didn’t mean to seem argumentative. I think he does have a problem with his hands and feet. They do evil things IMO.
It’s tit for tat!

one side throws mud and then the other team responds with more mud. I guess the truth will come out at trial on who’s misinterpreting information. Moooooooooo

It’s not tit for tat. There is nothing in this motion that addresses their geofencing claims that were shot down by the prosecution or their misrepresentation of Turco’s analysis which Turco himself pointed out.
This is nothing but a rehashing of all the fantasy and fiction from Franks 1, which I believe has already been ruled on and denied.
Very kind of them to go ahead and write for the judge a ruling granting them everything they want. I’m sure that will go over well.
If anyone is interested, Murdersheet has a deep dive in the whole crowd funding and expert controversy. I would recommend even those who do not like MS, listen to it. (maybe at 2x speed)

  • Detailed interview with 2 subject matter attorney experts about the ethics of crowdfunding - very interesting backgrounder.
  • Analysis of what Gull has/hasn't approved. It's their view that Gull wants the defence to follow an invoice process for expert expenses. This may have been misrepresented in the fundraiser as to Gull not approving experts.
  • The fundraiser is not very specific at all what you are giving money for, or how it will be administered - see the interview with the ethics experts above, about how detailed this can/should be.
  • Their personal disgust with the fundraiser being promoted by defence surrogates on the Abby&Libby hashtag - which the family has reacted to.
What I am wondering about, is a month from trial, it seems quite late in the day to be at the engagement phase with critical experts? Perhaps those with trial experience can kick in here?

I finally listen to this Murder Sheet episode. and some of the comments in it I had already mentionied earlier.

First thing is the last thing they talked about. Because of this crime scene photos leak, because the defense was snookered, those photos went global and an evil-spirited person overseas has now emailed the crime scene photos to the families and briefly (I don't know the exact hours or mins) had them on display on their YouTube channel. Sickening and was avoidable but for the snookering and non-existent security of discovery by RA's defense team. MO

The rest is more in the same vein, that the defense's actions are highly questionable for a plethora of reasons already addressed many times over. Tricky spinning and unprincipled actions continue. Here's just the latest concerns

Is DH AB & BR's lawyer or has he now joined RA's defense team, since he himself opened the crowdsourcing account, not AB, not BR? Since he opened the account, is he now in charge of the funds that are legally 100% the property of Richard Allen, the client. Has RA given his permission to DH to open and run the fund? Will it then be DH going to RA and asking his permission to disburse the funds to pay for this and that, which by law he has to do?

If DH is now a lawyer for RA, has he signed the non-disclosure of discovery? If so, why is he sharing details of the case with a third party youtuber who used to be a defense attorney? Is this youtuber now also a consulting attorney for the defense (like he's eluded to) and signed non-disclosure of discovery OR is it more leaking of discovery from the defense?

The defense asked JG for and recieved another attorney for their team, her name escapes me at the moment but it wasn't DH, it wasn't the youtuber.

Like I posted earlier in this thread, JG granted a motion by the defense to kept all the motions concerning requests for money for this or that expert witness, investigator etc...secret and not on the court log (unless noted by the defense without ex parte). She cannot say to the public why she approved this and not that. She's basically forbidden to do so. I believe that has embolden the defense to state as fact, things not factually true. JG has not denied all the witness's fees or investigators the defense has asked for. There's also the issue of simply submitting invoices, which it seems has not been done, with the defense not following procedure?

Everyone should take a listen to that MS Crowdsourcing podcast if they can. The two ethics lawyers take about the pros and cons were very interesting. It can be a very slippery slope, if lawyers aren't very careful.
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No one was denying them their 100bucks an hour pay check. The issue seems to be how many experts they will be able to be compensated for.
Yes and Allen County decided that Judge Gull shall make those decisions and RA's defense team decided she could not talked about any of it, by asking for that in a motion, which JG then granted them. Just a perfect storm for all sorts of fibs to be told, IMO. And then there's the issue of invoices for requests...was the paperwork not the defense?
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Agreed. I'm still mulling over what looks like a lack of DNA. I mean, look at BG. Where's the DNA? You're telling me that this rolling, broken-down looking sack of haphazard evil that I've come to know as BG left a pristine CS?? How is that possible? He had to have known there was activity on that phone, JMO, and he left the phone. So the murderer that left a phone behind did not leave behind DNA?? Multiple perps involved might explain that, but not much else would. Unless phone left there to taunt LE, I don't know. I know a lot of people think he just missed the phone, I don't see how he could have.
If the murders had happened inside a bedroom or a vehicle, I'd expect to find some DNA left behind. But with the crime scene being outside in a vast forest, I think it is harder to find forensics in the aftermath. JMO

Compared to an outdoor scene, evidence at an indoor scene is generally less susceptible to loss, contamination and deleterious change.
Destruction or deterioration of evidence due to environmental conditions such as heat, cold, rain, snow and wind are problems associated with outdoor scenes.

Archived | Crime Scene and DNA Basics for Forensic Analysts | Outdoor

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