Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #180

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Here's what Carter said during a Road Show in 2020 as to how many were thought to be involved. The way he says it, it sounds to me like he was not looking at just one person at that time.
11 mm
Other LE: ... but gosh it wouldn't be great for it to just close that that last piece that they're missing and put somebody in jail for this?

Carter: I'm not sure how that would feel but I can't wait and if, uhh....we know we've said this before, uh.. either one of these individuals ......uh.. or a group.. whatever that might be that were involved in this, there's multiple ways to resolve this in your mind, in your heart, in your soul. I hope you'll do the right thing one day

My opinion and opinions of other more experienced professionals in the field is it’s better to state there could be more in involved than paint yourself in the corner by stating on man acted alone. It allows the investigation to remain open and other POI to be interviewed. It does not limit the investigation. It’s pretty common. JMO
If you declare there is only one perpetrator and then later discover there could be more you have a problem. Again just my opinion and the opinions of other attorneys that have added their opinion on this strategy.
There you go. I believe they don't give a fig about their client. Wonder why that would be?
It's just my opinion, but I think the D believes that RA is guilty and the State has the evidence to prove it, so they have to cause as much mayhem and, show antics and outrage about the P, the Judge; everything and anything else including gimme money to keep this story in the headlines. Especially to the dregs of SM. Even bad press is better than no press for poor, innocent Rick (their words).

I think they see a future of interviews, books deals, movie or primetime specials for themselves. Fame and notoriety, but at what cost? RA deserves a vigorous and competent defense and Abby, Libby and their families deserve justice. The town of Delphi deserves answers as well.

I hope I'm wrong here, I truly do. I have had this feeling from the day the D was appointed and they sent their 1st PR out after specifically telling the Judge there was no need for a gag order because they had no intentions to try this case in the media.

Hah, come on now. That is exactly what they have done and have even doubled down at this point.

Just another example of them attempting to keep media focus on this case. They've filed 3 motions for FH. They've been denied. Move on and prepare for the trial that you asked for a Speedy Motion on.

What is soooo very important that they want to have the SW tossed if Defendant Allen is truly innocent? Who cares what they found? If he is reeks of desperation. Seasoned case watchers can see this even if the average person does not. The D is worried and not ready.

My opinion and opinions of other more experienced professionals in the field is it’s better to state there could be more in involved than paint yourself in the corner by stating on man acted alone. It allows the investigation to remain open and other POI to be interviewed. It does not limit the investigation. It’s pretty common. JMO
I don't doubt that it's common in general. Just not common for Carter. IMO
I can't recall ever seeing him putting himself into a corner during interviews.
The other(s) involved don't have to have been there, on scene in the woods, at the time of the murders to have culpability as accessories to the murders. MO
Correct. They could be involved in distribution of the photos/videos, destroying evidence, or attempting to create a fake alibi for RA. They didn’t necessarily have to be on that bridge or on Ron Logan’s property to be participant.
Rest assured that I do understand the fluidity of a case; however, this one seemed pretty stagnant for a number of years.

IMO, what Carter had to say in 2020 about the number of people possibly involved in the crime is quite important. People like to hand-wave that part of the investigation away but I don't think Carter did. Just because they didn't follow through with it does not mean they shouldn't have.

For one thing, I can't recall Carter ever going out on the limb regarding the number of people who may have been involved. I haven't listened to every interview so I could have missed it. If you have, please share.
For another thing, in 2020, Click, Ferency and Murphy were well into their investigation of multiple suspects (the often-named ones.) Det. Murphy was an Indiana State Police detective, who was also a FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force member. So I'm guessing Carter was kept abreast of what was going on with their case, hence his comment in the video.
This was almost 3 years before RA's arrest. With all the stops and starts in this case I'm surprised LE spoke to the media at all. They were in a no win situation, zip it would have been my recommendation.

I believe the case was stagnant until someone tipped RA in, or they ran across the tip from DD on their own. I think someone tipped RA in and they did some checking and found DD's original tip sheet. It will be interesting to see how they became focused on RA in Oct of 2022. Wonder if we'll ever know the status of the reward money?

I don't doubt that it's common in general. Just not common for Carter. IMO
I can't recall ever seeing him putting himself into a corner during interviews.
The media attention was crazy in this case so I do wonder if it just was the easiest thing to say so that the media didn't run with it was RA and he acted alone angle from the start. Easier to say we haven't ruled anyone out and then later say we have ruled everyone else out than to say it was only RA and later find out it RA didn't act alone.
The prosecutor's actions are arguably more serious than the defense's. The defense had their work product robbed from their office by a person they trusted. The actions of the prosecutor were more deliberate. All attorneys know not to look through ex parte communications.
I have to disagree. AB was in communication and discussions with MW about the case as he has even admitted. So the original story of them being 'snookered' and completely unaware by a trusted friend is not true.

The document for funding request was sent to N McN not correctly marked Ex Parte or Confidential communication. I have found that the Defense likes to fall back on the 'oops, I didn't know I sent that incorrectly' or I wasn't aware of how that process worked, sorry". It's been a common theme of theirs, especially going around the gag order by filing their infamous FM at 2:04 am (knowing it would be hours before the clerk could pull it back) not properly marked.

In my option, those are blatant ways of circumventing the process to their benefit.

RSBM BBM. Nobody in LE, nor any attorney/prosecutor has stated this, ever. I have never heard one person involved in this case say, "we believe he acted alone." Have you?

Alternatively, I haven't seen anyone say definitively that RA did NOT act alone. They left that door open in case something further developed IMO.
I'm beginning to think she would like to throw them in jail if she has enough to back the decision up.

Hearings are good for a case, IMO; except for when the only reason behind it is to embarrass the defense.
We really need them now so the attorneys and prosecution can see where their at, get ready for trial.

As for Nick and the ex parte incidents, I'm hard pressed to believe he doesn't know case law.
Here's an excerpt from the judge's order on sealing documents:

Pg 42
RBBM - I don't think its fair to say "Hearings are good for a case, IMO; except for when the only reason behind it is to embarrass the defense."

How can you or anyone possibly know that is the only reason JG hasn't held hearings on her rulings? As a standard, hearing are not required or heard on every Motion put forth in a case. This Defense has cranked out so many, if she held a hearing on them all, which she is not required to do, this case would never move forward.

Perhaps that is why this D is Motion Bombing the Court, as a stall tactic. IDK

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RBBM - I don't think its fair to say "Hearings are good for a case, IMO; except for when the only reason behind it is to embarrass the defense."

How can you or anyone possibly know that is the only reason JG hasn't held hearings on her rulings? As a standard, hearing are not required or heard on every Motion put forth in a trial. This Defense has cranked out so many, if she held a hearing on them all, which she is not required to do, this case would never move forward.

Perhaps that is why this D is Motion Bombing the Court, as a stall tactic. IDK


Are they "motion bombing?" Or is this a typical amount of motions leading up to a double murder trial?

Those two things are not mutually exclusive. MW could have been someone they consulted with regarding the case, trusting he wouldn't compromise discovery and he could have stabbed them in the back by appropriating the discovery dishonestly. As you like to remind us, not everything is a grand conspiracy.
I wonder if MW has a signed NDA if he is indeed a consultant on this case? If not, AB's discussion is not appropriate per the gag order. And I have to ask, why would AB not have admitted that MW was a consultant when this all became public knowledge at the very beginning?

I appreciate your response even if I disagree. :) I don't believe I remind anyone of anything any more or less than all of us on the board. If so, could you point those out to me? I would really like to read them for myself to see if I've misspoken. If you have the time or inclination, if not, I understand. Thanks.


Those two things are not mutually exclusive. MW could have been someone they consulted with regarding the case, trusting he wouldn't compromise discovery and he could have stabbed them in the back by appropriating the discovery dishonestly. As you like to remind us, not everything is a grand conspiracy.

I agree this could be what happened, but it is curious that Baldwin decided not to testify that this is actually what happened. (I am aware he gave a statement to police which we haven't seen).
Are they "motion bombing?" Or is this a typical amount of motions leading up to a double murder trial?
3 FM dismissal Motions seems a bit of motion bombing to me, as are the many motions to dismiss their own contempt charges. I'm waiting on the other standard motions to be filed as I would expect to see in a double murder trial only a little over a month out.

Do you have the exact wording of the gag order? I would like to see it if you do. Attorneys talk to office staff often about their cases. We talk to secretaries, legal assistants, receptionists. No one in the office normally signs a disclosure agreement.
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