Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #184

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Did RA wonder if two of the girls he saw that day on the trails might have been the victims? He's out on the trails that day where two young girls are abducted/missing/murdered. And he saw young girls on the trail. And he saw more than two, yes, but people split up on trails, so just wondering if he was concerned these girls he saw might have been involved. He said he couldn't give much of a description of the girls he saw, think he said one had brown hair.

I doubt the public knew much at that point, they probably had no idea of the est time of death. Wasn't he worried two of these girls could actually have been themselves the victims? Really, really wish we knew more about that interview w/DD. And when I look for the date, I can't find it anywhere, best is "Feb 2017." If RA couldn't "get much of a description," and they probably didn't know the est time of death yet/maybe hadn't even discovered the victims yet, I would think RA would fear two of those girls were perhaps themselves the missing victims. But there's nothing with RA mentioning that in DD's notes.

This is why you should never talk to law enforcement. If he is guilty, I suspect he mentions them because they clearly saw him, and also because from his perspective at that time, they reinforce an innocent version for him. I've found this on a few cases where the killer has incriminated himself by placing himself at a 'safe place' because he didn't think through the implications.

DD follow up question: "Who were the three girls walking in the area of Freedom Bridge?" This sounds like Dulin knows the girls RA saw were not the actual victims, but Dulin has more info than RA at that point. Didn't RA voice any concern on this issue if the interview was on the 14th? If he had voiced concern, would this be the kind of thing that would make it to DD's notes? And if the interview was later than the 14th, shouldn't it have been earlier, since RA, supposedly not knowing the situation yet, should have been concerned? They have the date for that interview, I'm sure. There's some reason why it's nowhere to be seen. The tip line wasn't set up until Feb 16. If he waited to call the tip line, he must have been pretty certain two of the girls he saw weren't the missing/victims. He didn't get a good look at the girls he saw, which makes me wonder how he knew. Interactive Timeline | The Delphi Murders

I think Dulin is just posing question that for corroboration. If they can match the two groups, then they can align two groups on the trails for the timeline

The issue of confessions and psych issues were known to all parties prior to the first FM.


IMO the prosecution did not know of the alleged admissions to the psychologist until recently this year when they were given the records.

I am not sure the defence knew the full scope of things last year. e.g. when did they first get the defendants mental health records?

I don't know the answers to these questions. One observation I think is interesting - why did the defence not raise the psychosis issue properly last year? Especially why did they not get an independent assessment when it was all going south in Wesville? That focus seems more a 2024 thing than a 2023 thing. Now that may be precisely because they didn't want to put the mental health records in play - but on any view, it seems a change in direction?

I can't think of one reason why pleading guilty would be a benefit to RA. He'll only get more of the same.

Articles promoting solitary confinement for mental health issues are hard to find. All the ones I've found say it's very detrimental. I tend to believe them. By all accounts, RA was functioning well before he was sent to prison. As for medical treatment, I think it's possible that whatever they were giving him brought on the state of mind he was in. Some drugs promoted to make you better have really, really bad side effects. Some last for quite a while.

So we can agree RA was functioning well before prison. Has it been shared anywhere that RA was given meds that he'd never had before, or even any meds at all? I've only read that he was evaluated by Doctors upon his arrival at Westville, nothing about whether he was prescribed medication or what it was.

We know that according to the Defense themselves, RA was adjusting to DOC as well as can be expected and was polite, cooperative and engaged in his own defense up until April. On April 4th, the day after the phone calls of his confessions to Wife and Mom, the Defense filed an emergency motion for Transfer to the Court. I find that too coincidental.

Though an easy assumption to make based on the P’s crafty wording of the PCA, IMO it is inaccurate to say “the girls and RA agree they saw each other.”

Per the PCA, 3 of a group of 4 girls (not 3 girls only as earlier presumed) represent they passed “a man” near Freedom Bridge. One of the girls, after having already seen L’s video, notes similarity with the man in L’s video - assumedly BG. But no solid proof yet that RA = BG.

RA says in the PCA that he “saw” (not passed) a group of 3 girls (not 4, or not 3-4) “at” (not near) Freedom Bridge. He doesn’t state how close he was to these girls, only that he didn’t stop nor did he speak with them. He does opine that one was taller (IMO vague as in taller than what or who?) and had a dark hair color.

It’s important IMO to note that, while the group of 4 girls can be roughly timestamped due to BB’s sighting of them on the overpass as she drove under (probably about 1:42 or 1:43), the info on the other timestamp of the bench photo (at 1:26) did not present until 3 years later in 2020 (per the Search Warrant Affadavit) when LE re-interviewed BW who was the 1 of 4 girls who took the pics. She is the only person IIRC of the group who remembers 3 yrs later that they took the bench photo then shortly thereafter encountered the man.

Admittedly if we wholeheartedly go with the P’s full timeline which requires this encounter to have occurred later than 1:26 but prior to 1:42, and we’re 100% sure that DD’s notation of 1330-1530 means 1:30 arrival and 3:30 departure vs just on trails sometime btween 1:30-3:30…then MOO yes we’d conclude the group of girls & RA are describing the same encounter. However if anyone is open to consider that RA could’ve come through earlier or that the group of girls could’ve come through later, there’s enough variance in both parties’ descriptors to leave doubt that these parties saw each other. RA could’ve seen different girls and the group of 4 surely passed some man, possibly even BG, but not necessarily RA. I’m thinking specifically about RA states seeing 3 not 4 people, and the girls describing someone who was no more than 5’10 as opposed to very short, with varying color clothing and no one noticing the unique waist item, him being on the phone, the heavy layering of clothing, a gun, or the noteworthy hat?? ***Has RA’s version ever been confirmed that indeed one of this group of girls truly was taller and had dark hair?

I don't find it inaccurate. The girls place RA on the Freedom Trail and RA places himself on Freedom Trail moving on to the MHB. There weren't crowds swarming the area that day. It was supposed to have been a school day and in the middle of the afternoon. Work days for most I would guess.

It states in the PCA that RA admitted to being on the trails between 1:30-3:30 in the Oct 2022 interview with wife KA there, so it's not just DD's 2017 notation of what time RA was there.

I think the local, helpful pharmacy manager, Rick, called the tip line himself (he knew he'd been seen) and LE arranged for DD to meet him for a statement which ended up being at the local grocery store near his work JMO. I can imagine a scenario of "I'm really busy working full shifts for the next couple of days, but I'd be happy to meet you close by". That would have kept RA from actually having to go into LE offices where someone might have connected the vid of BG to RA.

They would have spoken to those girls right away, or perhaps the girls told their parents and they took them to talk to LE and explain what they saw. It was a HUGE deal, they were begging for anyone there to come forward. LE would have been protecting the identity of these minor children in a big way, I'm sure they were terrified. A killer of 2 young girls was still on the loose. Another reason the PCA was sealed for so long IMO.

My point being, we don't know exactly how or when RA came forward to LE and identified himself being on the Bridge. That is something that will come out at trial IMO.

As far as clothing, RA himself admitted what he was wearing in the Oct 13th 2022 interview, pretty identical to BG btw, including a face covering. The witnesses all described almost identical clothing as well. Blue vs Black aside.

When are too many coincidences too coincidental??? BG=RA=Killer IMO


So we can agree RA was functioning well before prison. Has it been shared anywhere that RA was given meds that he'd never had before, or even any meds at all? I've only read that he was evaluated by Doctors upon his arrival at Westville, nothing about whether he was prescribed medication or what it was.

We know that according to the Defense themselves, RA was adjusting to DOC as well as can be expected and was polite, cooperative and engaged in his own defense up until April. On April 4th, the day after the phone calls of his confessions to Wife and Mom, the Defense filed an emergency motion for Transfer to the Court. I find that too coincidental.

It's been my experience that doctors often prescribe meds for depression. We don't know if he took any before incarceration. His attys presumed that he was medicated and IMO, his actions reflect that. He appeared to be deteriorating physically but still mentally ok; then he wasn't. If he wasn't on drugs, and went off the deep end in such a dramatic way, then I'm looking at solitary confinement to be the cause.

I can't find my other safe keeping links atm.

12. To further complicate matters, Mr. Allen has suffered from depression dating back to his early years. Upon his incarceration, Mr. Allen was presumably evaluated and medicated by prison medical staff. Up until a visit with Mr. Allen on April 4, 2023, counsel for Mr. Allen found him to be polite, communicative with great eye contact, generally responsive to our questions and exhibiting a good sense of humor on occasion in spite of his false arrest and circumstances. However, Mr. Allen's deteriorating physical condition has been observed by Counsel dating back to the beginning of the new year. As recently as Friday, April 24th, 2023, Attorney Andrew Baldwin met with Mr. Allen with optimistic news about the direction of the case, and Mr. Allen was inquisitive about the information, was thankful about the information and optimistic about the information. Only ten days later (April 3, 2023), Attorneys for Mr. Allen observed a steep decline in Mr. Allen's demeanor, ability to communicate, ability to comprehend and ability to assist in his defense. Simply put, this version of Richard Allen was a very different version than counsel for Mr. Allen had interacted with over the past five months. Mr. Allen appeared to be suffering from various psychotic symptoms which counsel would describe as schizophrenic and delusional. Counsel further believes that in our April 4, 2023 interaction, Mr. Allen seems to be suffering from memory loss and is demonstrating an overall inability to communicate rationally with counsel and family members. Counsel experienced, these symptoms, firsthand, upon visiting Mr. Allen on Monday, April 4th, 2023;
It's been my experience that doctors often prescribe meds for depression. We don't know if he took any before incarceration. His attys presumed that he was medicated and IMO, his actions reflect that. He appeared to be deteriorating physically but still mentally ok; then he wasn't. If he wasn't on drugs, and went off the deep end in such a dramatic way, then I'm looking at solitary confinement to be the cause.

I can't find my other safe keeping links atm.

12. To further complicate matters, Mr. Allen has suffered from depression dating back to his early years. Upon his incarceration, Mr. Allen was presumably evaluated and medicated by prison medical staff. Up until a visit with Mr. Allen on April 4, 2023, counsel for Mr. Allen found him to be polite, communicative with great eye contact, generally responsive to our questions and exhibiting a good sense of humor on occasion in spite of his false arrest and circumstances. However, Mr. Allen's deteriorating physical condition has been observed by Counsel dating back to the beginning of the new year. As recently as Friday, April 24th, 2023, Attorney Andrew Baldwin met with Mr. Allen with optimistic news about the direction of the case, and Mr. Allen was inquisitive about the information, was thankful about the information and optimistic about the information. Only ten days later (April 3, 2023), Attorneys for Mr. Allen observed a steep decline in Mr. Allen's demeanor, ability to communicate, ability to comprehend and ability to assist in his defense. Simply put, this version of Richard Allen was a very different version than counsel for Mr. Allen had interacted with over the past five months. Mr. Allen appeared to be suffering from various psychotic symptoms which counsel would describe as schizophrenic and delusional. Counsel further believes that in our April 4, 2023 interaction, Mr. Allen seems to be suffering from memory loss and is demonstrating an overall inability to communicate rationally with counsel and family members. Counsel experienced, these symptoms, firsthand, upon visiting Mr. Allen on Monday, April 4th, 2023;

Counsel further believes that in our April 4, 2023 interaction, Mr. Allen seems to be suffering from memory loss and is demonstrating an overall inability to communicate rationally with counsel and family members. Counsel experienced, these symptoms, firsthand, upon visiting Mr. Allen on Monday, April 4th, 2023;

The very next day after RA's confessions to his wife and mother he appeared to be suffering from psychotic symptoms, when AB had seen him a week earlier in person and described RA was inquisitive, thankful and optimistic about the information and direction of his case.

If I was RA and had just confessed to my wife and mother I'd be acting very differently too, especially memory loss.


So we can agree RA was functioning well before prison. Has it been shared anywhere that RA was given meds that he'd never had before, or even any meds at all? I've only read that he was evaluated by Doctors upon his arrival at Westville, nothing about whether he was prescribed medication or what it was.

We know that according to the Defense themselves, RA was adjusting to DOC as well as can be expected and was polite, cooperative and engaged in his own defense up until April. On April 4th, the day after the phone calls of his confessions to Wife and Mom, the Defense filed an emergency motion for Transfer to the Court. I find that too coincidental.


Clashing characterizations of Allen’s mental and physical health

Allen’s defense did not dispute that Allen had made incriminating statements, but attributed them to his deteriorating physical and mental health, noting in requests to move him from the state prison, where he is being housed as he awaits trial, to a jail near Delphi, Indiana, that he had displayed symptoms of schizophrenia. Prosecutors said that they had considered “involuntary medication” to treat Allen’s symptoms, but two psychiatrists and a psychologist had allegedly deemed it unnecessary, and they also felt it wasn’t necessary to move him to another facility with a psychiatric unit.

Shocking Details Of Delphi Murders And Suspect’s Health Revealed In Documents


Clashing characterizations of Allen’s mental and physical health

Allen’s defense did not dispute that Allen had made incriminating statements, but attributed them to his deteriorating physical and mental health, noting in requests to move him from the state prison, where he is being housed as he awaits trial, to a jail near Delphi, Indiana, that he had displayed symptoms of schizophrenia. Prosecutors said that they had considered “involuntary medication” to treat Allen’s symptoms, but two psychiatrists and a psychologist had allegedly deemed it unnecessary, and they also felt it wasn’t necessary to move him to another facility with a psychiatric unit.

Shocking Details Of Delphi Murders And Suspect’s Health Revealed In Documents

Yes, but the key word:
"Prosecutors said that they had considered “involuntary medication to treat Allen’s symptoms"
I’m fairly confident that RA is BG on the evidence we have seen. But I want to try to understand the alternative. For those of us who are more leaning towards the Odinist theory, is the below a reasonable summary?

Odinist theory
D Allegations - EF was on the bridge with the two girls. EF spat on the girls and put antlers above Libby’s head. More than one person was involved in the murders and likely more than two. The crime scene showed evidence of Odinist sacrifice and the parties allegedly involved published images on social media that reflected the crime scene in various ways (the setting, runes made from sticks, two females lying on ground in woods). Odinist party have shaky Alibis and were not investigated properly.

Odinist timeline
RA is returning from High Bridge and sees 3 girls at Freedom Bridge at around 1:30pm. He continues to his car and leaves. MOO we don’t actually know which direction RA was going when passing girls, but hope that this can be clarified. Also if this is the timeline where was RA after 1:30pm? Alibi would be good.

BB arrives, walks to bridge and sees a man on the bridge - she describes him as younger man with pouffy brown hair - think we mainly agree that BG is the person on the bridge. For the Odinist theory to fit this must be EF? MOO possible if EF alibi provided for that day is unverified. Does EF appearance align with BG?

BB turns around and walks away from bridge. Passes Abby and Libby.

BG gets off the bridge and A & L go onto bridge. BG follows and orders them down the hill likely at gunpoint. BG controls both girls and forces them to cross the creek. MOO from what we know of EF this seems unlikely, perhaps a second person was down the hill.

Other Odinists had parked at the cemetery and walked down to the crime scene to wait for BG and the girls. They are going to sacrifice A&L because Abby’s mum had a relationship with a man of colour. They know Abby and Libby will be there because?? MOO this is where there are problems with this version. Motive doesn’t make sense to me, and how did they know A &L would be there? I’ve now got a reasonable idea of the crime scene and not convinced it was more than one person or that it was necessarily Odinism symbolism, although also not ruling it out. Alleged Odinists have reasonable alibis, but there are questions around EF alibi. Also not sure that there is evidence BH and EF hung out?
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Yes, and his refusal to accept medication to address obvious symptoms indicates (to me) that he was capable of making choices.

I didn't interpret that as saying he refused medication; I read it as saying they didn't need to force it on him.
Just because one agrees to take a medication does not guarantee no side effects.
This is why you should never talk to law enforcement. If he is guilty, I suspect he mentions them because they clearly saw him, and also because from his perspective at that time, they reinforce an innocent version for him. I've found this on a few cases where the killer has incriminated himself by placing himself at a 'safe place' because he didn't think through the implications.

I think Dulin is just posing question that for corroboration. If they can match the two groups, then they can align two groups on the trails for the timeline

Well, this is why if you killed two kids you should never talk to law enforcement... (MOO)
It's been my experience that doctors often prescribe meds for depression. We don't know if he took any before incarceration. His attys presumed that he was medicated and IMO, his actions reflect that. He appeared to be deteriorating physically but still mentally ok; then he wasn't. If he wasn't on drugs, and went off the deep end in such a dramatic way, then I'm looking at solitary confinement to be the cause.

I can't find my other safe keeping links atm.

12. To further complicate matters, Mr. Allen has suffered from depression dating back to his early years. Upon his incarceration, Mr. Allen was presumably evaluated and medicated by prison medical staff. Up until a visit with Mr. Allen on April 4, 2023, counsel for Mr. Allen found him to be polite, communicative with great eye contact, generally responsive to our questions and exhibiting a good sense of humor on occasion in spite of his false arrest and circumstances. However, Mr. Allen's deteriorating physical condition has been observed by Counsel dating back to the beginning of the new year. As recently as Friday, April 24th, 2023, Attorney Andrew Baldwin met with Mr. Allen with optimistic news about the direction of the case, and Mr. Allen was inquisitive about the information, was thankful about the information and optimistic about the information. Only ten days later (April 3, 2023), Attorneys for Mr. Allen observed a steep decline in Mr. Allen's demeanor, ability to communicate, ability to comprehend and ability to assist in his defense. Simply put, this version of Richard Allen was a very different version than counsel for Mr. Allen had interacted with over the past five months. Mr. Allen appeared to be suffering from various psychotic symptoms which counsel would describe as schizophrenic and delusional. Counsel further believes that in our April 4, 2023 interaction, Mr. Allen seems to be suffering from memory loss and is demonstrating an overall inability to communicate rationally with counsel and family members. Counsel experienced, these symptoms, firsthand, upon visiting Mr. Allen on Monday, April 4th, 2023;
Can you please link tbis document. Tbe dates don’t align what I have in my notes. March 24th,2023 not April ( same day discovery was dropped off).

Thank you.
Yes, but the key word:
"Prosecutors said that they had considered “involuntary medication to treat Allen’s symptoms"
Do prosecutors get to determine the mental health treatment of individuals in custody at a state prison? Seems that would not be in their power but the authority of IDOC. Is defense laying blame to the wrong party here? JMO
Can you please link tbis document. Tbe dates don’t align what I have in my notes. March 24th,2023 not April ( same day discovery was dropped off).

Thank you.

Do prosecutors get to determine the mental health treatment of individuals in custody at a state prison? Seems that would not be in their power but the authority of IDOC. Is defense laying blame to the wrong party here? JMO
Not the OP but I believe it was just another error made by the Defense in their documents. I believe they meant to say March 24th.

Can you please link tbis document. Tbe dates don’t align what I have in my notes. March 24th,2023 not April ( same day discovery was dropped off).

Thank you.

Do prosecutors get to determine the mental health treatment of individuals in custody at a state prison? Seems that would not be in their power but the authority of IDOC. Is defense laying blame to the wrong party here? JMO
The link is in my post. I assumed they meant Mar. 24.

I don't have an official source for that comment; only HufPo (I didn't post the article). If Nick said "they", he likely meant the medical staff at Westville. Surely he would not have any say over RA's medical treatment.
Prosecutors said that they had considered “involuntary medication” to treat Allen’s symptoms, but two psychiatrists and a psychologist had allegedly deemed it unnecessary,
Odinist timeline
RA is returning from High Bridge and sees 3 girls at Freedom Bridge at around 1:30pm. He continues to his car and leaves. MOO we don’t actually know which direction RA was going when passing girls, but hope that this can be clarified. Also if this is the timeline where was RA after 1:30pm? Alibi would be good.
Except we do know which direction RA was walking according to witnesses. He was heading southeast just after crossing Freedom Bridge ( heading towards MHB) and the 4 girls were traveling northwest. The 4 girls were then spotted crossing Freedom Bridge by BB ( while driving her car) having already passed RA as he headed toward MHB. RA was not seen by BB at this time as he has already crossed Freedom Bridge and had passed rhe 4 girls and was well on his way to MHB. IMO
Also a car (presumably his by his own statements) spotted backed oddly against the CPS building by BB as she drove toward the trails and also by another individual at 2:10pm. So RA did not leave by car at 1:30pm. He had arrived before BB and had already crossed Freedom Bridge.
She saw RA on the bridge and turned around and immediately saw the victims halfway between the bridge and her car on the trail. She did not pass any other men or see men parking ir being dropped off at Meers trailhead.
So if EF did arrive and was dropped off at Meers farm trailhead entrance he most likely would have been seen by BB as she left or RA if he had started his trek back to Freedom Bridge. But he did not make statements to this. Other people entered and walked the trails soon after the girls were abducted and did not see RA or EF.
So IMO for the EF/Odinist theory to work then RA had to have been abducted by aliens somewhere between 2:00 and 2:13 and not returned until roughly before 3:49pm on the north side of CR300 looking a mess.
Or he was involved in the abduction/murder. Because he disappeared the same time the girls did.
Of course that pesky video of a man resembling RA pulling a gun on the girls at 2:13pm makes it hard to believe the alien abduction theory. Oh and RA’s bullet found at the scene and his multiple confessions.
I think for me it's the terrible thought that RA's attorneys may be disregarding a client's wishes to plead guilty. The sheer number of times RA has reportedly confessed makes me think that. I cannot fathom that RA's lawyers haven't had numerous conversations with their client to stay silent, yet it seems RA has continued to confess. If it were a true mental health issue at the heart of the matter I'd also think his attorneys would be vigorously addressing that, such as filing to move him to a more appropriate facility to address that. Instead they filed to downgrade his mental health care by moving him to a county jail system. I don't trust the D has RA's best interests at heart nor Lady Justice.I think it's wins/losses and notoriety that is utmost in their plans. AJMO

Well said.
RA’s mental health in the eyes of the defense team varies greatly depending on how they need to use it at that moment.
RA’s mental health is being managed by the DOC. I don’t recall the defense ever requesting RA be seen by another mental health professional, except the psychologist they hoped would testify to their liking at trial. They must be satisfied with the care he’s getting.
I can't think of one reason why pleading guilty would be a benefit to RA. He'll only get more of the same.

Articles promoting solitary confinement for mental health issues are hard to find. All the ones I've found say it's very detrimental. I tend to believe them. By all accounts, RA was functioning well before he was sent to prison. As for medical treatment, I think it's possible that whatever they were giving him brought on the state of mind he was in. Some drugs promoted to make you better have really, really bad side effects. Some last for quite a while.

His attys have tried multiple times to get him out of those hell holes with no luck.
Maybe this time will be successful.

Maybe his attys should have just accepted the judge's decision and walked away.
Think about how that whole scenario would have played out.
Are there not special facilities in Indiana for the criminally insane? Or would it be impossible for RA to be declared that?
The link is in my post. I assumed they meant Mar. 24.

I don't have an official source for that comment; only HufPo (I didn't post the article). If Nick said "they", he likely meant the medical staff at Westville. Surely he would not have any say over RA's medical treatment.
So does this mean prosecution was advocating for RA’a mental health while his defense was more focused on moving him to a facility with less facilities to treat mental health?
This is so confusing to me. If he was suffering a mental break as they are implying why not try to push for more mental intervention. Not less?

Well said.
RA’s mental health in the eyes of the defense team varies greatly depending on how they need to use it at that moment.
RA’s mental health is being managed by the DOC. I don’t recall the defense ever requesting RA be seen by another mental health professional, except the psychologist they hoped would testify to their liking at trial. They must be satisfied with the care he’s getting.
Yes the real question would be, was RA mentally impaired before the murders or as a cause of the murders in the years following up until his arrest? If all his mental troubles are subsequent to his incarceration then that's a different story and set of facts. Being incarcerated is a life changing situation. I would suppose every person's reaction and mental health would be uniquely affected.

I agree and can't see how moving a mentally unstable person to a smaller, less secure and unequipped place care wise is in his best interests. I understand the logistics they face with transportation but they don't want to end up with a dead defendant, by an act of himself or others. AJMO
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