Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #184

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There was every indication, didn't Sheriff Tobe say he couldn't keep him safe?
I believe he could have called for a little extra help until his attys came on board. I find it hard to believe that Westville Correctional is the only facility in Indiana where he would be safe.

They had him in the ISP post
They had him in Carroll Co. jail
They had him in White Co. jail
They had him in Reception Diagnostic, Hendricks Co.
He survived all of them.

As always MOO
The answers to some of our questions are in this filing. Below are excerpts from the document.
04/11/2024Memorandum/Brief Filed
Memorandum of Law in Support of Defendant Allen's Motion to Suppress
Filed By: Allen, Richard M.
Prison records reflect that Allen was placed on "suicide watch" during the majority of his stay at the WCU, including upon his initial detention in November of 2022. (see attached Adult Mental Health Order of 11/3/22). This occurred despite the fact there were no underlying findings to suggest he was suicidal.
Allen had also battled depression throughout most of his adult life. He was medicated
over the course of his life and in fact, had sought out therapeutic resources to treat and manage
his depression. (see pp. 45 of INE).5 The IDOC gave very little consideration to Allen's
condition at the time of his intake and initial incarceration in the WCU, especially given the
unusual circumstances in which he was detained. It is also believed that Allen's medications were administered in less than consistent fashion while he was on the unit, all of which would
have contributed to his inability to endure his living environment during his pre-trial detention at
the WCU.
5. Independent Neuropsychological Evaluation dated 3/31/24 offered up to the court in appendix form.

Allen's attorneys have conducted depositions, watched video from Allen's cell and other
video from within the prison, reviewed prison records regarding Allen's detention, reviewed
Allen's medical and psychiatric records, and listened to audio interviews of prison inmates and
guards conducted by law enforcement 'officials. Through this process, Allen's attorneys have
learned that Allen has been accused of making incriminating statements to both inmates and
guards. Nearly all of these statements appear to have occurred between mid-March of 2023 and
June of 2023.
During this time frame, there also exists medical/psychiatric records suggesting
that Allen was in state of psychosis. (See attached Report of Treatment Review Committee
RC) Hearing).
All of this occurred while Allen's medications were being adjusted by the prison medical
the combination of which factors reduced him to nothing more than human experiment.
Allen's free will was overcome.
Isn't it coincidental that that even the Defense states RA's 'psychosis' happened from March - June 2023, after his April 3rd tapped confessions to his wife and mother? Before that time Rick was adjusting as well as can be expected in Westville.

If RA had been treated for depression off/on during his life, I would think that the Mental Health Experts at Westville would have known his patient history and what type of antidepressants he had been on at these points in his life. When he began his 'psychosis phase' not eating, sleeping, bathing or participating in rec time during this period, March - June, in addition to his extreme actions with the poo incidents, they may have believed he needed something stronger. A person cannot survive without food, water and sleep the IDOC were liable for RA's health and safety.

I find it convenient that RA was able to calm right back down and begin eating, sleeping, etc. for his hearing on June 15th. Maybe he knew <had been told by the D> that he had to present more 'normally' for a shot at the Transfer Motion and Let to Bail Motion?

So Sheriff Tobe is in with the Odinists and purposely had RA transfered to Westville where he knew Odinist guards would be watching over him and abuse and threatened him until he confessed to two brutal child murders because all the Odinists in Carroll County...oh and in Rush County 100 miles away, are all in it together to frame little ole CVS worker RA from Delphi?

I'm sorry but respectfully, that sounds too fantastical for me.

As far as RA looking emancipated, I surely didn't think so. He was quite portly for his frame going into custody. MO, he was an overeater when he was arrested and lost some weight on a more healthy diet of three squares a day. He looks now to have gained some weight but not to where he's as portly as he was so maybe he's eating more buying more from the commissary? AJMO
Hold everything! I never said the Sheriff "is in with the Odinists" He absolutely knows the guards at Westville are Odinists though. Also, I have never claimed that RA is being framed so that is a sad mistaken belief. I don't understand why it's necessary to twist my words unless it's meant to be insulting, demeaning and intentionally misleading.

I don't know who murdered Abby and Libby. I'm not convinced it is Richard Allen but I am not "on his side." I stand with the constitution. None of us should be thankful if one of our family members were to be treated in this manner without a conviction.

It's my strong opinion that the incarceration at Westville was intentional that he be guarded by Odins when Sheriff Tobe, who ordered the transfer, knew that Odin's had been investigated for responsibility for the murders of Abby and Libby.
For that reason, I believe it was an intention to break the prisoner by torture of threats, tasers, name calling and so forth. LEOs task force may not have thought RA could withstand the pressure and die as a result. I think his lawyers saved his life through revelations of the situation by making it known publicly. Not everyone in Indiana is aware how RA appeared emaciated in court chained into a chair with drool running out of his mouth.


Hold everything! I never said the Sheriff "is in with the Odinists" He absolutely knows the guards at Westville are Odinists though. Also, I have never claimed that RA is being framed so that is a sad mistaken belief. I don't understand why it's necessary to twist my words unless it's meant to be insulting, demeaning and intentionally misleading.

I don't know who murdered Abby and Libby. I'm not convinced it is Richard Allen but I am not "on his side." I stand with the constitution. None of us should be thankful if one of our family members were to be treated in this manner without a conviction.

Ok, I must have misunderstood your initial post as well then. It sounded as though you were saying that the sheriff purposely sent him to that prison because of the Odinist guards in order to pressure him and get him to fold.

You said:
"For that reason, I believe it was an intention to break the prisoner by torture of threats, tasers, name calling and so forth. LEOs task force may not have thought RA could withstand the pressure and die as a result "

To be fair, I don't think anyone was trying to twist your words. It seemed pretty clear that you felt the Sheriff purposely sent him to a place where the Odinist guards would be there to threaten him and pressure him and that the Sheriff knew the Odinists had been suspected of the crimes. IMO JMO
Sadly, that certainly happens in county jails.

However there is no indication that there were death threats against him or by him. I'm not convinced he was suicidal prior to being placed in solitary confinement in Westville. Had Diener done this right, RA and his D could have made that decision. It's been hard for me to believe that Diener couldn't get a couple of extra LE to keep an eye on things until he had an atty.

I think moving him to Cass Co. jail is a safe alternative to where he is now.
I don’t know, but I think he may have been in danger locally.

Lisa Delaney, 53, has lived in Delphi her whole life and has owned Stone House for 20 years. She created a new cookie called the Angel Crisp to honor the girls’ memory. Both her husband, a fireman, and her daughter were part of the community effort to find the girls, who were initially believed to be missing.

“When the girls were found gone, dead, everybody in the community — all of our hearts broke at the exact same time,” Delaney said when we spoke later that day. “It was too personal. They took our kids.”

“We all owe him a serious *advertiser censored*-whooping, you know what I mean,” she said. “This person should be put up on some sort of a cross on the courthouse lawn.”

Sometimes one treatment doesn't work so they try another and another...
It can feel like it's one big experiment.
That’s the nature of mental health treatment. If one med stops working, they will need to try another.

It can feel experimental and frustrating to the individual experiencing the setback. But it is a disservice to mental health professionals - and the people that need them - to chalk up RA’s actions to their course of treatment.

Ok, I must have misunderstood your initial post as well then. It sounded as though you were saying that the sheriff purposely sent him to that prison because of the Odinist guards in order to pressure him and get him to fold.

You said:
"For that reason, I believe it was an intention to break the prisoner by torture of threats, tasers, name calling and so forth. LEOs task force may not have thought RA could withstand the pressure and die as a result "

To be fair, I don't think anyone was trying to twist your words. It seemed pretty clear that you felt the Sheriff purposely sent him to a place where the Odinist guards would be there to threaten him and pressure him and that the Sheriff knew the Odinists had been suspected of the crimes. IMO JMO
You did not misunderstand my post. Yes, I do believe it was an intentional and purposeful incarceration at Westville.

So, for years some guards in Indiana prisons have been Odinists. They did their jobs like other guards with little fanfare, feeding their families, living their lives. Nobody heard of them.
Then some underground Odinist alarm was initiated for them to lock arms with Tobe Leazenby to conspire to torture and beat down some CVS clerk and railroad him as a double child murderer.
Continuance has been filed formally. Is this number 2? They can do this total of 3 times right?

View attachment 504205

The day before an important hearing the defense claims they’re not ready and need a continuance.
I have never heard of such a thing…oh wait…yea, I heard that about a week ago from the same defense team.
I agree. I do hope though that they can maybe choose a few reporters and put them in a room with their phones/tablets with the trial piped in on audio. At least that way the public can get real time reporting and more content of the testimony and exhibits. I don't know if that's even done?

I was thinking about what the OP up thread said about Youtubers reporting on the trial. IMO, the idea of audio would be a solution. At this point I have zero trust in many of those creators. Is RS still banned from the court house? Anyone know? Many people have firm opinions, biased reporting will only contribute to mistrust of a verdict. I hope there is conversation between all parties involved regarding transparency.
I don’t know, but I think he may have been in danger locally.

Lisa Delaney, 53, has lived in Delphi her whole life and has owned Stone House for 20 years. She created a new cookie called the Angel Crisp to honor the girls’ memory. Both her husband, a fireman, and her daughter were part of the community effort to find the girls, who were initially believed to be missing.

“When the girls were found gone, dead, everybody in the community — all of our hearts broke at the exact same time,” Delaney said when we spoke later that day. “It was too personal. They took our kids.”

“We all owe him a serious *advertiser censored*-whooping, you know what I mean,” she said. “This person should be put up on some sort of a cross on the courthouse lawn.”

A lot of people say a lot of things but that doesn't mean they are going to act on them. OTOH, there might be some crazy willing to do harm but we all take that chance anywhere we go.

We aren't hearing from the media any reports about crowds outside the courthouse yelling threats at him. (In June, 2023) Galipeau says there have been no known threats to Allen or the facility since he arrived back in November.
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