Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #185

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Legally, the judge is correct. The defense is not expected nor required to get equal time because the State has the burden to lay out and prove it's case. The defense does not have nearly as much information to deliver. Essentially they are replying to the most salient points, but are not laying out an entire case like the prosecution must do.

Most of the defends case comes with their cross examinations, which are included in the state's time allotment. So the judge was not being flippant---she is being realistic.

I don't think she said it was not her responsibility to work out the trial dates. I think she was holding the defense accountable for their misdirection and miscommunications. They asked for a speedy trial and THEY AGREED TO a certain time schedule. [see below]

The Court is not required to guarantee equal time for both the defendant and the State. The Court is required to guarantee sufficient time on the calendar and sufficient notice to jurors and the parties to present their case, however long it takes.

Had Counsel notified the Court within days of receiving the March 7, 2024, Court Order setting the case for speedy trial May 13-31, 2024, that the time allotted on the calendar was insufficient, the Court would have immediately rectified the situation and extended the trial to May 13 - June 14, 2024. Trial is now set for October 14 - November 15, 2024, as requested by the defendant.

That is not at all what she was saying.

When you watch a trial you can see how the judge works out the timing throughout each day. They negotiate the remaining time and make sure it is allotted efficiently and fairly. There is no way it would happen as you describe above.

The judge makes pivots and changes if there is a need to do so. They are very experienced and educated. If they have allowed a witness to be admitted into evidence then there will be time allotted for that witness testimony.

It's up to each attorney to manage their time. They should have a good idea of how many questions they will be asking so a witness should not go too much over allotted time.

She is a very experienced and well respected judge. One of the best, which is why she was given this high profile case.

Yes, I think so. I think you are taking what the defense is complaining about without looking at the reality of the situation.

No one is giving the prosecution unlimited, uncapped time.
All. Of. This.

The bulk of nearly every Defense I've ever watched occurs during the Prosecution's "time". Cross-examination.

When, at the 11th hour, the Defense made their surprise objection -- that they'd need not one, not two, but three weeks to put on their defense -- the Judge asked for an accounting. What experts, what witnesses, to what will they testify?

They had no answer.

IMO they weren't ready for trial and merely used this to force a delay.

All. Of. This.

The bulk of nearly every Defense I've ever watched occurs during the Prosecution's "time". Cross-examination.

When, at the 11th hour, the Defense made their surprise objection -- that they'd need not one, not two, but three weeks to put on their defense -- the Judge asked for an accounting. What experts, what witnesses, to what will they testify?

They had no answer.

IMO they weren't ready for trial and merely used this to force a delay.


That makes sense. It was an attempt at a trick to extend the trial date by falsifying how long their portion would take.

The more I read about it, the more it makes sense why the judge dumped them in them in the first place. Only to have the Indiana Supreme Court let them back in since the defendant wanted it.

If they are pulling this shenanigans on the court in full view like this, I can only imagine what falsities RA's legal team is telling him.

I think this was discussed before on here as to local practice. Wouldn't it be totally normal for them to conduct all business only the docket and via hearings?

I wasn't sure if doing this kind of admin over email was a thing

Administrative matters could be handled less informally, but substantive matters normally are handled through motions and hearings.
06/03/2024Order Issued
The Court has reviewed the Defense Second Verified Motion to Disqualify Judge And Request For Findings Of Fact And Conclusions Of Law Upon Denial Of This Request If This Court Denies This Request, filed May 17, 2024. As Trial Rule 52 is not applicable in criminal cases, the defendant's request for Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law is denied. Neely v. State, 297 N.E.2d 847 (Ind. App. 1973); Davis v. State, 642 N.E.2d 987 (Ind. App. 1994). The Court, however, will address each of defendant's allegations in this Order. Defendant claims the Court directed the Carroll County Sheriff to ignore a subpoena. The Court directed an e-mail to counsel on June 14, 2023, regarding the witness refusing to cooperate with the service of the subpoena and demonstrating a willingness to fight the Deputy attempting service. The Court requested a report of the witness' refusal to cooperate and be transported for the scheduled hearing and forwarded that report to counsel when it was received. The decision by the Deputy to leave without the witness was his and was not directed by the Court. Defendant claims the Court engaged in ex parte communication with the Carroll County Sheriff regarding defendant's housing, transportation, and safety during jury selection and trial May 13-31, 2024. These communications were administrative in nature and did not address any substantive issues. The communications were directed to where the defendant would be housed during the trial and who would be conducting transportation. The Court did notify counsel where defendant would be housed during the trial (as he is still under the safekeeping order) in an e-mail, but did not inform counsel of the communication, as nothing substantively was discussed. The Court has set the defendant's Motion to Vacate Safekeeping Order for hearing, but was required to cancel the hearing upon the filing of this pending Second Verified Motion to Disqualify. Counsel claim the Court invited the State to limit defendant's Sixth Amendment right to present a defense. The Court has always required counsel in all criminal cases to follow the law relating to third-party perpetrators. The Court reminded counsel of their obligation to follow the law in the Court's e-mail of April 28, 2024. Counsel claim the Court has disparaged them and ruled on defense pleadings without hearings. The Court's comments about counsels' performance were documented in the Court's Order of April 30, 2024, regarding their handling of discovery materials. If pleadings on their face are not supported by the law or admissible evidence, judicial economy does not require a hearing. Allegations the Court has treated the Prosecution more favorably than the defense are unsupported by any admissible evidence provided by the defense at the March 18, 2024, hearing. The Court was notified on May 20, 2024, of an inquiry by the Indiana State Police to the Court Reporter via e-mail on May 9, 2024, regarding ex parte communication received by the Court from Gary Beaudette (which was previously provided to all counsel). The Court is unaware of the extent of any Indiana State Police investigation. Defendant blames the Court for ex parte pleadings which were inadvertently directed to the Prosecutor. The defense staff filed pleadings and marked them as "confidential", apparently unaware that the "confidential" marking makes them available to the State, but not the public. Counsels' staff contacted this Court's staff and were advised that the Statewide Odyssey Case Management System (not DoxPop as alleged in the pleading) has a distinct process for filing pleadings "ex parte" as opposed to "confidential". The Court did e-mail defense counsel a tutorial paper authored by JTAC explaining the process. Since that communication, defense counsel have had no issues with their staff properly filing ex parte pleadings. Accusations of violating Rules on Access to Court Records have been completely explained and dealt with, including by the Indiana Supreme Court in the first Writ of Mandamus filed by defendant. Counsel claim their Motions are treated differently than those Motions filed by the State. The Court has set hearings on pending Motions which have now been continued due to the filing of this Motion to Disqualify. When defendant files pleadings, the State is entitled to file a response. The Court follows Trial Rule 6 regarding time and gives the State twenty (20) days to respond. Defendant is also given twenty (20) days to reply to the State's responses. Once the issues are closed, if a hearing is required, one will be set. Defendant asserts that the Court ignored his request to set aside two weeks for the defense case while refusing to set time limits on the Prosecution. On March 6, 2024, defendant filed a Motion for Speedy Trial. The Court granted that Motion on March 7, 2024, and set the case for speedy trial May 13-31, 2024. On April 30, 2024, defendant filed a Motion for a Pre-Trial Hearing, which the Court set for hearing on May 7, 2024. At no time prior to the May 7, 2024, hearing did defendant advise the Court that three (3) weeks for trial was inadequate. At no time prior to May 7, 2024, did defendant indicate a belief that three (3) additional weeks could be added to the trial without notice to the Court, witnesses, and more importantly, without notice to the potential jurors. While the Court agrees a continuance of the trial is harmful to the defendant and the State, it could have been avoided had counsel communicated prior to May 7, 2024. Counsel represent they notified the Court on or about October 4, 2023, that they would need two (2) weeks to present a defense, but the Court has no record of that communication, nor any recall of such communication. Counsels' assertion that "Between all defense counsel with a combined seventy (70) years of experience not one time have they been told that a trial would absolutely end on a certain day and not go any longer" is irrational and unreasonable. The Court is aware its colleagues across the state routinely give trial dates that begin on a set date and end on a set date. The Court is not required to guarantee equal time for both the defendant and the State. The Court is required to guarantee sufficient time on the calendar and sufficient notice to jurors and the parties to present their case, however long it takes. Had Counsel notified the Court within days of receiving the March 7, 2024, Court Order setting the case for speedy trial May 13-31, 2024, that the time allotted on the calendar was insufficient, the Court would have immediately rectified the situation and extended the trial to May 13 - June 14, 2024. Trial is now set for October 14 - November 15, 2024, as requested by the defendant. Counsel accuse the Court of engaging in extrajudicial activity. Counsel is correct that on July 9, 2023, the Court commented on a Facebook post about a softball tournament her granddaughter participated in in Delphi. The Court did not attend the tournament, but did say "Congratulations" to her former daughter-in-law's post about their team winning the tournament. If Counsels' allegations in this part of their Motion are well-founded (regarding a potential witness' alleged social media activities) and are presented to the Court for ruling, the Court will rule accordingly. Concerns about anticipatory rulings are not reasonable. Defendant asserts the Court has denied reasonable requests for funding. This is incorrect. Counsel is well aware of the amount of funds the Court has authorized for the defendant. The Court has requested the defendant to submit proper invoices and bills for Carroll County taxpayer funding. Invoices which have been submitted without appropriate documentation have been returned. The bill counsel refers to for $26,000 for investigative services from June 4, 2023, through October 16, 2023, was, in fact, returned to counsel as no documentation was provided for services. No documentation was submitted until quite recently. With that proper support and documentation, the Court authorized that invoice for payment on May 17, 2024. Defendant complains that public confidence in this case has eroded. As counsel should know, criminal cases are tried in a Court of law, not in the court of public opinion. An independent judiciary requires that judges decide cases according to the law and facts without regard to public clamor or fear of criticism. The Court continues to receive ex parte communications from the public criticizing the Court both personally and professionally, and threatening the Court with bodily harm and injury. The Court continues to provide these communications to the parties. The Court is not interested in "memes and other social media content that can be easily located on the internet" (Paragraph 129 of defendant's Second Verified Motion to Disqualify). The Court cannot be swayed by inappropriate and ridiculous outside influences. Defendant further claims the Court has refused to order the State to comply with discovery rules. The Court has set defendant's Motion to Compel and Motion for Sanctions for hearing, which has been continued due to the filing of this Motion to Disqualify. The previous defense Motion to Compel was denied without hearing as it was unsupported by evidence. Defense counsel allege bias by the Court only allowing cameras in the Courtroom on one occasion. The Court has not allowed cameras in the Carroll Circuit Court due to its limited size and layout. The Court did allow cameras in the Allen Superior Court at the hearing conducted on October 19, 2023. The hearing was not conducted, and the media outlet providing pool coverage did not comply with the Court's directives regarding coverage and broadcasting of the proceedings. The Court lost confidence in the ability of the media to cover hearings appropriately. The Court has issued adverse rulings against the defendant, as well as against the State of Indiana. Adverse rulings do not support a reasonable basis for questioning the Court's impartiality, nor are they grounds for disqualification, they are just adverse rulings. Defendant's Second Verified Motion to Disqualify Judge And Request For Findings Of Fact And Conclusions Of Law Upon Denial Of This Request, If This Court Denies This Request is denied.
Judicial Officer:
Gull, Frances -SJ
McLeland, Nicholas Charles
Baldwin, Andrew Joseph
Rozzi, Bradley Anthony
Luttrull, James David JR
Diener, Stacey Lynn
Auger, Jennifer Jones
Order Signed:

6/03/2024Order Issued
The Court has reviewed defense counsels' counsel's Petition to Strike Gratuitous and Demeaning Commentary and/or "Findings" from Contempt Order, filed May 8, 2024. As the Court granted counsel Hennessy's "Motion for Specific Findings of Fact and Conclusions Thereon" filed on March 12, 2024, this Motion is denied.
Judicial Officer:
Gull, Frances -SJ
McLeland, Nicholas Charles
Baldwin, Andrew Joseph
Rozzi, Bradley Anthony
Luttrull, James David JR
Diener, Stacey Lynn
Auger, Jennifer Jones
Order Signed:

Ah see? I like this. She wrote out her decision explanation and it made perfect sense! Well done!

CARROLL COUNTY, Ind. – Special Judge Fran Gull will not disqualify herself from the case surrounding Delphi murders suspect Richard Allen.

Allen, charged with four counts of murder in the February 2017 deaths of Abby Williams and Libby German near the Monon High Bridge in Delphi, is set to go on trial in October.

Indiana State Police announced Allen’s arrest in October 2022, more than five years after the teens were killed. Since his arrest, the case has been bogged down in legal maneuvering.


Judge rejects latest motion seeking her removal from Delphi murders case

Updated: Jun 4, 2024 / 08:32 AM EDT
Agreed on this. I have enough. That doesn't mean like empirically, that there's enough. There's probably not enough for someone else out there somewhere. The lack of DNA for me has always been a huge problem. However, the CO interview and RA's "suddenly" changed timeframe is a worry. The phone with the stock ticker that now may not actually have been there that day, that's a problem if it in fact wasn't there. The girls who saw him at Freedom Bridge in accordance with his original timeframe, that's a big problem because one of those girls said he had something covering his mouth, prompting me to wonder if this revelation (which is significant) isn't part of the reason his memory weirdly improved later as to the timeframe for his day on the trails. All his own confessions to crimes he's now pleading not guilty to, another problem. The "keepsake bullet" in his dresser in the master bedroom, he's not an avid hunter, another problem. The bullet on the trail, another problem, and a much bigger one if it in some significant way matches to the "keepsake bullet." And the timing of the CO interview may be a critical problem, and that date/time is being withheld for some reason. RA saw young girls on a trail the same day young girls vanished on the trail. He didn't get a good look at the girls he saw. He'd have no way to know these girls he saw weren't victims. He should have been chop chop out the door or on the phone talking to LE. I hope it was the case, but I doubt it based on what I've seen. And also, the FM doesn't really explain how a spear tattoo on a guard's face suddenly translated in RA's brain into "Odinism," "Odinite plot," and "Odinite murderers on the trail that day, they did it!!" It's a big leap and 136 pages with footnotes seems like it should have been enough time to explain it.
I want to know if RA said he was on his stock ticker walking the Delphi trails that day, at that time...does his phone show up as being there and doing that? If not...BIG deal for me.
All. Of. This.

The bulk of nearly every Defense I've ever watched occurs during the Prosecution's "time". Cross-examination.

When, at the 11th hour, the Defense made their surprise objection -- that they'd need not one, not two, but three weeks to put on their defense -- the Judge asked for an accounting. What experts, what witnesses, to what will they testify?

They had no answer.

IMO they weren't ready for trial and merely used this to force a delay.

Yeah and we told you back in Oct, didn't you get the email!?
I thought RA reported he was on the trails from 12 noon to around 1:30 pm. Iirc?

The way I understood it was:

That was his second interview with LE, the interview days after the murder of Abby and Libby he stated a different time. When it was fresh in his mind, Richard Allen put himself on the bridge in the window of time to commit the murders of two innocent girls.
The jury hears all of the evidence about why they believe the person is guilty and the defense doesn’t get any opportunity to refute or disprove any of it. That’s completely unfair.

Katydid23 has a post a page back that described a trial. The defense will also be able to cross exam the prosecution witnesses, this cross exam will take place during the prosecution's time. The defense does not have to prove their case, simply create reasonable doubt. The defense does not sit quietly during the prosecution presentation.

To suggest the defense doesn't get any opportunity to refute or disprove is wrong in so many ways, IMO. I also feel comfortable stating the prosecution would not want that to happen, the prosecution knows it would be handing the defense a mistrial.
Katydid23 has a post a page back that described a trial. The defense will also be able to cross exam the prosecution witnesses, this cross exam will take place during the prosecution's time. The defense does not have to prove their case, simply create reasonable doubt. The defense does not sit quietly during the prosecution presentation.

To suggest the defense doesn't get any opportunity to refute or disprove is wrong in so many ways, IMO. I also feel comfortable stating the prosecution would not want that to happen, the prosecution knows it would be handing the defense a mistrial.
I was sharing my opinion of the wording used in the judges order re: a definitive end date of trial and how that could unfairly affect the defense. My original posts explains this. Im not asking general questions about how court works. My career was spent in maintence enforcement, witnessing the judicial process first hand. <modsnip: personalizing>
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I want to know if RA said he was on his stock ticker walking the Delphi trails that day, at that time...does his phone show up as being there and doing that? If not...BIG deal for me.
And if not his phone, was there a phone bouncing off towers, one which remained unidentified?

Was he lying about being on a phone?

Was he using someone else's phone? Stock ticker. The "stock" he was watching, was it the two girls and their approach?

Where was RA's phone between 1 and 4 pm that day?

Cellular will do him in. If everything else doesn't already.

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And if not his phone, was there a phone bouncing off ttowerswhich remained unidentified?

Was he lying about being on a phone?

Was he using someone else's phone? Stock ticker. The "stock" he was watching, was it the two girls and their approach?

Where was RA's phone between 1 and 4 pm that day?

Cellular will do him in. If everything doesn't already.

If the requirement is that you must file a motion with the court to advise the judge of the length of trial you need, I would expect the judge to mention this missing motion or this requirement in their order. In the order, the judge states they do not have a copy of the communication nor do they recall such communication. This doesn’t tell me that a motion is required to be filed. This tells me an email or phone call could happen aka “communication”


This screenshot also includes the wording surrounding the issue re:no cap on prosecutions time and a definitive end date for trial. Just to provide more context to my previous posts that have been misunderstood.
If the requirement is that you must file a motion with the court to advise the judge of the length of trial you need, I would expect the judge to mention this missing motion or this requirement in their order. In the order, the judge states they do not have a copy of the communication nor do they recall such communication. This doesn’t tell me that a motion is required to be filed. This tells me an email or phone call could happen aka “communication”

View attachment 507887

This screenshot also includes the wording surrounding the issue re:no cap on prosecutions time and a definitive end date for trial. Just to provide more context to my previous posts that have been misunderstood.

I think what you're looking for is in the transcript from this hearing. I think I have it but finding it is another story. I'll be looking for it.

Session: 06/15/2023 10:00 AM, Judicial Officer: Gull, Frances -SJ
Session: 06/16/2023 8:30 AM, Rescheduled
And if not his phone, was there a phone bouncing off towers, one which remained unidentified?

Was he lying about being on a phone?

Was he using someone else's phone? Stock ticker. The "stock" he was watching, was it the two girls and their approach?

Where was RA's phone between 1 and 4 pm that day?

Cellular will do him in. If everything else doesn't already.


Do they even have his phone since the one he had then was 7 years ago?
Do they even have his phone since the one he had then was 7 years ago?
They might not have his physical phone. They might not have historicsl records from his carrier if the carrier hasn't maintained them.

What they will have IMO are the results of the tower dump.

I don't recall how wide a radius they pulled from, I don't know how close his home or his vehicle were to that radius, so I don't know whether his phone would have been incidentally marked, but they may be successfully in pairing him to A phone by process of elimination.

I just don't know how much of his normal phone usage they'll be able to pull, years after the fact. Always a risk with the passage of time.

If the requirement is that you must file a motion with the court to advise the judge of the length of trial you need, I would expect the judge to mention this missing motion or this requirement in their order. In the order, the judge states they do not have a copy of the communication nor do they recall such communication. This doesn’t tell me that a motion is required to be filed. This tells me an email or phone call could happen aka “communication”

View attachment 507887

This screenshot also includes the wording surrounding the issue re:no cap on prosecutions time and a definitive end date for trial. Just to provide more context to my previous posts that have been misunderstood.
That's because the defense didn't file it in a motion. They emailed it...supposedly...but to date haven't shown documentation. Maybe they'll have proof?
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