Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #186

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This person could have been manipulated into participating in the crime as well. What is the harm in being thorough in the investigation.

An alibi would make it unnecessary and DNA testing isn’t cheap.
I’ll also say we don’t have any idea what else he said to LE in his interview. We only know this one snippet that was given to us by the defense.
He may have told them he rode to Delphi on the back of winged elephants and had lunch with the Mad Hatter. An hour or so of that PLUS an ALIBI….
I believe they did test him. If so, that'd explain why he was ultimately cleared. And it will hinder the DT's mission to get his backstory admitted as evidence in the upcoming trial. IMO
I haven’t heard he was tested or cleared, if you have any idea when that occurred? In the Mar18/24 hearing transcript, TC says that they requested a search warrant through unified command due these statements (and the subsequent interviews with this person and their family members) and TC said that the UC just never got back to them.

An alibi would make it unnecessary and DNA testing isn’t cheap.
I’ll also say we don’t have any idea what else he said to LE in his interview. We only know this one snippet that was given to us by the defense.
He may have told them he rode to Delphi on the back of winged elephants and had lunch with the Mad Hatter. An hour or so of that PLUS an ALIBI….
The abili that he was at his house and didn’t touch his phone for 9 hours straight while his friends claimed that he was with them at a hospital in another town.
I haven’t heard he was tested or cleared, if you have any idea when that occurred? In the Mar18/24 hearing transcript, TC says that they requested a search warrant through unified command due these statements (and the subsequent interviews with this person and their family members) and TC said that the UC just never got back to them.

As for the question of testing, it was stated that he did give them a swab. If they tested 300 people, as you stated, I'd think that his swab was one of those 300? If not, then they'd have solid reasons not to, since they already had it.

As for getting back to Click, was he actually involved in the case anymore at that time? I'm unclear about his role.Other than being a Rushville police officer.

If Click thought they really needed a search warrant and requested one, why just give up if no one replied? If Click was in a responsible or important position that would not have played out that way, IMO.

In a statement released to Court TV, retired Rushville, Indiana officer Todd Click writes: “No one in law enforcement believes Abby and Libby were killed in a ritual sacrifice. That is the defense twisting facts for sensationalism.” Click did not agree to an interview, citing the gag-order in effect on witnesses and investigators in the case.

Interesting that they are resting their hat on Click proving that ER is one of the Odinist killers---sounds like he doesn't even believe that himself.
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In this article, scroll to “Kathy posted a video on Facebook in 2016 that showed Ricky sitting in a car.” Video is a few paragraphs below that.

Thank you!
I'd say that the gait, when he walks backwards from the fire pit, is quite similar to that of BG.

The voice? As many people had posted, "your basic Midwestern man", so, nothing definite.

I would say, the most characteristic trait of RA are his eyes. I always wondered if he had a thyroid problem. But sadly, on the video he seems to be looking down, at the beams, probably, so impossible to say, of course.

However, the BG met by a young female witness near the bridge was having his lower face covered and glared at her. I wonder if the impression one could get if RA, with his lower part of the face covered, looks at someone.
Obviously from my post I was speaking of the mentality of the perp and RA fits.

They were not clueless they were also spot on in their thoughts of it being a man who lives in Delphi and/or works there in addition that he would be concerned about what those closest would think of him.

"We also believe this person is from Delphi — currently or has previously lived here, visits Delphi on a regular basis or works here," Carter said.

Delphi murders: Is Abby and Libby’s killer one of Delphi’s own? ISP says, yes

all imo

True, this statement was always the same. A local, living within a 30-mile radius. Tobe L used to say, "he knows the lay of the land." How did I use to explain it to myself, and probably, posted here: there must be some shortcuts that me, having never been there, would not know about, but the locals should definitely be aware of. The bridge itself is an oddity, maybe some areas around it are odd, too.

I still am of the opinion that Tobe L. meant some shortcuts. At the same time, such knowledge doesn't fully exclude the nonlocals. RL used to remember the times when his son and the son's friends would come to visit him years ago, as kids, and run around the property. Kids, actually, would know more. First, they are closer to the ground and may see more around the ground. Second, kids always tend to find old abandoned forts in the forests and such things.

So while I assumed Tobe L knew what he was talking about, I personally would always include "former" kids who used to come visit their relatives and now may be living somewhere far.


ETA: I forgot about the excavations conducted for several summers by that unfortunate professor of archeology. As I understand, people could join the excavations, and he'd also bring his students, so certain "non-locals" could be aware about "the lay of the land" as well.
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If Click thought they really needed a search warrant and requested one, why just give up if
In a statement released to Court TV, retired Rushville, Indiana officer Todd Click writes: “No one in law enforcement believes Abby and Libby were killed in a ritual sacrifice. That is the defense twisting facts for sensationalism.” Click did not agree to an interview, citing the gag-order in effect on witnesses and investigators in the case.

Interesting that they are resting their hat on Click proving that ER is one of the Odinist killers---sounds like he doesn't even believe that himself


I sure hope no one in Delphi was visited by the idea of ritual sacrifices. I have been to Iceland and know that women were not sacrificed in Iceland. A trivia: in Iceland, they had a few witch processes, too, only all of the accused were men! (And they didn't burn them, only flogged.) In these sparsely populated fishermen's villages, with inhospitable climate and the sea where all fishermen could perish in one night, women were valuable. Not only did they have to raise the kids, but sometimes, they'd take over mens' fishing jobs. There was never a surplus of women. So, no femicides in the land of Norse sagas.

Also, I don't even know how to break it to everyone unaware, including some Odinites, but Norse myths are based on the writings of Icelandic authors living in XII - XIII centuries. One of them was a member of Icelandic parliament.

In general, I would abstain from blaming someone's personal meth-induced choices on Odin and Norse pantheon.
Thank you!
I'd say that the gait, when he walks backwards from the fire pit, is quite similar to that of BG.

The voice? As many people had posted, "your basic Midwestern man", so, nothing definite.

I would say, the most characteristic trait of RA are his eyes. I always wondered if he had a thyroid problem. But sadly, on the video he seems to be looking down, at the beams, probably, so impossible to say, of course.

However, the BG met by a young female witness near the bridge was having his lower face covered and glared at her. I wonder if the impression one could get if RA, with his lower part of the face covered, looks at someone.
Heavy is wrong, that’s not RA setting off fireworks. Looks to me like KA’s brother. That is RA in the video where KA sneaks up on him in the car.

True, this statement was always the same. A local, living within a 30-mile radius. Tobe L used to say, "he knows the lay of the land." How did I use to explain it to myself, and probably, posted here: there must be some shortcuts that me, having never been there, would not know about, but the locals should definitely be aware of. The bridge itself is an oddity, maybe some areas around it are odd, too.

I still am of the opinion that Tobe L. meant some shortcuts. At the same time, such knowledge doesn't fully exclude the nonlocals. RL used to remember the times when his son and the son's friends would come to visit him years ago, as kids, and run around the property. Kids, actually, would know more. First, they are closer to the ground and may see more around the ground. Second, kids always tend to find old abandoned forts in the forests and such things.

So while I assumed Tobe L knew what he was talking about, I personally would always include "former" kids who used to come visit their relatives and now may be living somewhere far.


ETA: I forgot about the excavations conducted for several summers by that unfortunate professor of archeology. As I understand, people could join the excavations, and he'd also bring his students, so certain "non-locals" could be aware about "the lay of the land" as well.

It seems to me that they are indicating evidence of someone who has regular unrestrained access such as Richard Allen who lives and works within minutes of the park that would accommodate preplanning, scouting, run throughs, etc.

That it isn’t a odd location a person would have been before to know the path to but that it’s the suitable locations for both kidnapping then conveyance to the private location nearby.

Many others may have walked the very spot but I’m betting only one person thought what a fab location close to the bridge where I can easily scare two little girls, march them here and have complete privacy to be a pervert.

It implies to me there was some evidence, perhaps, of prior preparation of the site by a local.

Interesting that they say work in Delphi. To me it sounds like some meticulousness that indicates a working person who is living and functioning in the community not a disorganized transient or a sloppy child predator who does his deed and slimes off uncaring as to aftermath for himself or his victims.

I agree with your points as I’ve thought the same when it is said in other cases but this time it seems there are intricacies implied of a local that frequents the area without raising suspicions.

The abili that he was at his house and didn’t touch his phone for 9 hours straight while his friends claimed that he was with them at a hospital in another town.
I've always been curious as to who Click, the D and the ex-D really think murdered the girls.
The P, too:

Nov. 22, 2022
Prosecutors investigating the slayings of two teenage girls in Delphi, Indiana, have said that they have "good reason to believe" more than one person is connected to the killings.

I sure hope no one in Delphi was visited by the idea of ritual sacrifices. I have been to Iceland and know that women were not sacrificed in Iceland. A trivia: in Iceland, they had a few witch processes, too, only all of the accused were men! (And they didn't burn them, only flogged.) In these sparsely populated fishermen's villages, with inhospitable climate and the sea where all fishermen could perish in one night, women were valuable. Not only did they have to raise the kids, but sometimes, they'd take over mens' fishing jobs. There was never a surplus of women. So, no femicides in the land of Norse sagas.

Also, I don't even know how to break it to everyone unaware, including some Odinites, but Norse myths are based on the writings of Icelandic authors living in XII - XIII centuries. One of them was a member of Icelandic parliament.
So agree.
In general, I would abstain from blaming someone's personal meth-induced choices on Odin and Norse pantheon.
Where was the meth-induced statement coming from please? I haven't seen anything in MSM claiming that this was a drug related killing.

I think it was sly, hiding in plain sight, local CVS good ole' boy RA involved in some type of CSAM, or catfishing acting out a perverse fantasy.

In this article, scroll to “Kathy posted a video on Facebook in 2016 that showed Ricky sitting in a car.” Video is a few paragraphs below that.

Interesting comment from Kathy Allen:
then I ‘stalked’ him out in the parking lot waiting in our car.

Aren’t single quote marks to indIcate a quote of another person that one doesn’t agree with such as he said he was ‘working’ but it looks like he was sleeping.

Many have the opinion the girls were stalked.

Richard Allen’s home was a 1/2 miles from the girls school according to that article.

All imo
I think it was sly, hiding in plain sight, local CVS good ole' boy RA involved in some type of CSAM, or catfishing acting out a perverse fantasy.



I'd add: with some connection to someone involved in heathenism/pagan religions, to stage the scene and (attempt to) make it look like some kind of pagan ritual. RA may have not even known that was going to be part of it, but someone(s) did.

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Probably. (Hopefully we’ll be more privy during the trial. I have no doubt as LE collected DNA from 300 people as I think?) I can’t say that LE did nothing, I think this case was over their head, and quite possibly, the local police (Tobe L) was totally ineffective on the night of the search, and everything went askew from there. We may have not been privy to the information in 2019, but logic shows that the portrait and the description of the suspect in 2019 and had nothing to do with RA. The first sketch? I think it is the image of that guy in CO, forgot his name, the one whose wife had US and it was his alibi. That was their suspect then. In 2019, they were chasing someone else. Could happen. This is how I (being far from Delphi and not following the case since I realized their coroner in 2017 was totally ineffective) can explain the situation. And, no offense to LE. I am not against ISP and I don’t think they are corrupt. I honestly think it was a difficult case and they worked hard. But, two things:
- justice to girls
- protect us, the society from that brute

Neither of these points is valid if they arrested a wrong man.
Local LE was smart enough to realize they needed assistance ASAP. ISP and FBI joined immediately with all of the power and resources the FBI carries.

They have spent years and investigated over 70,000 tips. They didn't just pick some random, local nobody to pin it on. It makes no sense to me. They had better suspects 'on paper' over the years.

RL is not BG, too tall and thin and was cleared. RA is the short (as described by witnesses) guy with the unusual gait and matching clothing on the bridge that day. There has been a lot of rumor and speculation about the witnesses and them changing their stories, that will be cleared up at trial I have no doubt. Right now most of that is suggested from the D's Franks and their depos of the witnesses.


I’m thinking RA didn’t say a word to anyone about being at the Park that day beyond his pre-splaining to DD.

The bar owner says they would talk about the girls and everything but noticeably doesn’t seem to know Richard Allen was on the trails that day and time and had come forward on record in an effort to help the investigation.

Mr. Matlock says they were social friends as well as at work so it’s interesting that there’s no mention of we knew Richard Allen was there that day and time and that it was an upset for him.

Matlock explains that he didn’t think BG looked like RA but that his patrons had said its looks like everyone.

“He would come in and we would always talk about the girls and everything,” Matlock, 75, told The Daily Beast on Monday. “We would carry on conversations about it, he would say, you know, it’s such a tragedy, and we’d say we felt sorry for the families and all that, but we tried not to talk about it too much because we all knew the families, and were friends with the families.”
He and all of the JC’s regulars were keenly aware of developments in the case as they happened, since everyone in Delphi was waiting for answers.
… “It could be anybody”
Becky Patty and Libby’s grandfather Mike told reporters on Monday that Allen didn’t charge them to print funeral photos of the two girls when they brought them into CVS for processing.
Stunned Bar Owner Recalls Delphi Murder Suspect Sitting Inches Away From ‘Wanted’ Sketch

I’m curious if he told the Patty’s at the time or his employer ever that he had been there that day and time and had made a report of such to authorities.

Knowing someone who worked at a CVS they are pretty strict about sales and stock I have a question as to who took in the photos for print originally?

Did RA take their order then they waited for there for them?

Or did they drop off the order and then RA took it upon himself to go to that counter to check out the Patty’s?

I wonder did Richard Allen who personally gave away the flyers say to his supervisor you know why and how upset I am about this crime so when I was ringing up the Patty’s photo order for the funeral I thought we wouldn’t charge them can you ok this receipt.

Or did RA go ahead and pay it out of pocket take his receipt and toss it saying nothing further?

Or did he just steal the photos from CVS give them away and say nothing to anyone after any associated paperwork was eliminated.

If that’s the case then Richard Allen had unfettered access to various means and methods of developing and distributing material with no oversight.

All imo
I'm not positive but was under the impression the photos were dropped off and picked up by KG.

Do we have a photo from social media of what RA looked like right before the murders?

I'd love to see it. I know the goatee was added later but wanted to see what he looked like before the crime was committed?
I have one from KA's FB of RA in Nov 2016 approx 3 months before the murders, Thanksgiving time. I saved it before the account was wiped. I don't know if I can post it here or not.

His head hair was not skin shaved and gray (had some reddish brown), and he had a very short trimmed goatee that was not all gray either. He was much slimmer than when he arrested in 2022, at least by 40 pounds I'd guess.

I'll report my post and see if the Mods will allow me to link it.

This person could have been manipulated into participating in the crime as well. What is the harm in being thorough in the investigation.
How do know that LE wasn't thorough in investigating any POI's? We know that they did interview EF, and cleared him by a solid alibi. Just because EF told his sisters the story of him spitting on one of the girls doesn't mean it was true. He might have been trying to portray himself as ITK or important.

LE said there were some leaks early on based on the searchers finding the bodies. Something like that would have traveled like wildfire, especially through Delphi. Bits and pieces of the whole picture by searchers, ambulance workers or anyone at the CS would not be unreasonable in my mind. People are going to talk, it's human nature.

I'm surprised and appreciate that LE did as well as they did keeping the information quiet for as long as they did.

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