Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #186

I thought it was TG who said she did it.

I believe TG spoke about it, but I thought it was KG that actually dropped them off? I could be wrong, that why I said I thought.

Either way, with my belief RA is guilty, it's still creepy to me that he would have access to those picture of Libby after the murders. o_O

I have one from KA's FB of RA in Nov 2016 approx 3 months before the murders, Thanksgiving time. I saved it before the account was wiped. I don't know if I can post it here or not.

His head hair was not skin shaved and gray (had some reddish brown), and he had a very short trimmed goatee that was not all gray either. He was much slimmer than when he arrested in 2022, at least by 40 pounds I'd guess.

I'll report my post and see if the Mods will allow me to link it.

Go ahead and link it but only for the photo. Please do not discuss what is on the FB page.
I think his "alibi" is the bridge when he talked to the CO - in my opinion, before the video. In his mind, without knowing about the video, the police wouldn't associate the bridge with the crime.
It is sort of strange because according to the news interviews, the following day after the girls' bodies were discovered, February 15th was when the police told the media they had found the girls near Deer Creek. The bridge is nearer to Deer Creek so I think it would have been smarter for Richard Allen to say he was somewhere else other than in the area of the Monon High Bridge.

I think by February 15th both the police and Richard Allen would have associated the area in and around the Monon High Bridge with the actual crime scene where the girls were found (if Richard Allen watched the news).
RSBM - I need Kathy’s videos.

She has unusual laughter.

Given that her daughter was posted on the bridge, and that many people in the area must be distant cousins… i suddenly thought that one thing we never heard was the girls’ laughter.

Could it be so that RA snipped accidentally, if the girls passing him on the bridge, laughed and it reminded him his wife’s laughter?

Just a thought…he passed by them and then turned back. Could he have snipped on hearing them laugh?

I always felt that RA and KA were very different people and KA has some distant resemblance to Libby. Can’t speak about the daughter as I don’t know much to explain that angle, but Libby was attacked more violently. Could it have been transferrence?
Here's one clean shaven before the murders, his hair is buzzed short here but is still reddish brown not gray. I switched from a Dell to my MacBook so I'll keep looking my files are all over the place. :(

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It is sort of strange because according to the news interviews, the following day after the girls' bodies were discovered, February 15th was when the police told the media they had found the girls near Deer Creek. The bridge is nearer to Deer Creek so I think it would have been smarter for Richard Allen to say he was somewhere else other than in the area of the Monon High Bridge.

I think by February 15th both the police and Richard Allen would have associated the area in and around the Monon High Bridge with the actual crime scene where the girls were found (if Richard Allen watched the news).
In his first interview with DD, RA said he was on the trails that day and he had seen some girls on the Freedom trails. I don't believe he mentioned he was on the MHB until his Oct 2022 interview with LE at the station.

RA was seen on the MHB by BB, as known to LE at that 2nd interview. It would have been worse for him to not admit he was there after a witness placed him on the first platform.

No matter what, he doesn't look like the YBG (eyes, chin and all). IMO
YBG may have been LE's way to try and bring in A_Shots account. All of those pictures, to varying degrees, easily look like RA to me, the nose, the shape of the face, the eyes.

His hair and goatee may change a quick glance at RA, but not the overall basic facial structure to me. I wish we could superimpose all of these photos together.

It’s end of nose, lips and eyebrow to me but of course the sketches are from the surprised memories of passerby.

There’s a man I see regularly who is short but slim with the active walk of a person without weight of height to haul and he has a youthful appearance due to his stature.

It seems a blurred memory of a fleeting partially hidden face who is older than he appears.

….suspect is believed to be to be between 18 and 40 years old, but may appear younger than his age, police said.

All imo
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