Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #188

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DNA Solves
We already heard that the two main investigators testified in their depositions that there is no direct evidence linking RA to the crime or the victims. No fingerprints, DNA, cell phone, digital data. I’m not sure what else there could be?

Based on the discussion of experts and information in court filings, the prosecutions case appears to be tool mark ballistics on a bullet with IMO no chain of custody and “confessions” after a year in solitary confinement. I’m not sure how they’ll be handling the eyewitnesses since IMO their recorded statements apparently don’t match what the PCA says?

IMO I reaaaallyyy don’t think that Nick would have some juicy piece of evidence that just nails RA and not have it come out in filings somehow. We all know about the confessions because of court filings.

My interest in the SODDI is more about the overwhelming amount of loose ends and puzzling decisions by the UC that I can’t be confident in any of the work they did. I want the right person to be convicted of this crime and pay for what they did. Not just any person.

I would guess, considering the D has filed 4 FMs, that there just might be some very good evidence against RA from the search of his property and vehicle.

I would also think the multitude of confessions, not under LE interrogation but given freely in audio, writing and probably video (mental health doctor), are also not going to work in RA's favor.

In light of the discussions, between some defense lawyers and others, revealed by MS recently, the defense was not even near ready for that May trial. Funny that, since they told the SCOIN in January they were ready to go to trial right away. I just hope JG sticks to her guns, when the D files something right before the scheduled pretrial hearing, and doesn't grant another continuance. We can only hope. AJMO

I believe, IIRC, that the prosecution said it was not exculpatory? There are many, many dead ends in an investigation that go nowhere. It amazes that even though Click has said nobody in LE (I would think that means him too) believe the girls were murdered by ritual (Odinists) sacrifice and that RA's defense "twists facts for sensationalism" he is somehow considered the end all with "his" un-factual report. I still wonder where's ISP Murphy, actually one of the people on that FBI Joint Task Force, opinion in that report's validity now in 2024, after RA's arrest. He's under a gag order and honoring it it seems? JMO
The prosecution doesn’t get to arbitrarily decide what is exculpatory and what evidence have to give to the defense. They’re supposed to give everything over, so it’s a completely fair trial and everyone has the same facts.

Click corrected the statement MS released twisting his words. He confirmed he believes in his investigation.

Murphy was deposed by defense and his deposition is cited and quoted in the first franks motion.

Are there transcripts of these podcast episodes and, if so, would someone please drop a link?

I am not gullible. I am not a conspiracy fantacist. I have never been blindly 100% convinced of RA's innocence.

And I have NEVER forgotten about the two beautiful girls who lost their lives in violence and terror, nor their families' heartbreak. It. Is. Unfathomable.

The insinuation that I am any of those things has been hurtful, maddening, and triggering.

I've felt (and still do) that the evidence we know of is very weak. Ambiguous blurry figure wearing the clothes of 99% of his demographic, statements that there is no linked DNA or other "hard" linking evidence, misquoted witness statements being used in the charging documents.. I work in mental health, I've done extensive reading on the ramifications of isolation, and I can see how RA's false confessions would be an absolutely predictable result of his current situation; so as of right now, those confessions are a non-factor in my opinion of guilt vs innocence. Then we have the unprecedented fact that he is being held before trial in a state prison and on top of that has been subjected to certain hardships which according to sworn statements from professionals OTHER than AB & RZ are highly unusual of course creates further questions in my mind.

I've felt that some Delphi officials are either incompetent at best and corrupt at worst, historically in this region there exists a Midwestern small town type of good ole boy mentality, with lots of overgrown & self-important egos. Big fish in small pond: No official would ever publicly admit to being wrong and collectively they will - without question- support their own. *IMOO* Look it up for yourselves.

AB is flamboyant and unconventional. I like unconventional. I admire unconventional. It's not always a bad thing! And if everything I feel above is true, unconventional might be the only way to win a case that's already been stacked against your client.

But as I first said, I am not blind. I really hope there are transcripts-- I can read a heck of a lot faster than those folk can talk. If not uggghhhh please send me the podcast links.
I know of no transcripts. Here's the link, it's a three-part thing. Scroll down for #1

The prosecution doesn’t get to arbitrarily decide what is exculpatory and what evidence have to give to the defense. They’re supposed to give everything over, so it’s a completely fair trial and everyone has the same facts.

Click corrected the statement MS released twisting his words. He confirmed he believes in his investigation.

Murphy was deposed by defense and his deposition is cited and quoted in the first franks motion.

The investigation by LE is where the information comes from. They're suppose to give everything exculpatory over. The Defense couldn't even get through that stuff. They were saying they didn't have things that were in the files turned over to them. And they weren't very forthcoming with their own discovery for the prosecution. The State had to file to make them turn over discovery, they missed the a lot. Who are the ones playing games? MO
The ejected bullet places him at the murder site. He said in his own words he had never loaned his gun to anybody and never been to that spot before. He also can’t explain how it got there either (funny that).

So he can be placed at both crime scenes the Bridge and then the murder scene.
The ejected bullet places him at the murder site. He said in his own words he had never loaned his gun to anybody and never been to that spot before. He also can’t explain how it got there either (funny that).

So he can be placed at both crime scenes the Bridge and then the murder scene.
He placed him self on the bridge and there's a witness to him standing RIGHT where he said he was. His own words put him right there, remarkable.
I'm way more concerned that ALL of them were lost.
But truth be told, those kinds of IT glitches/snafus do happen sometimes. Especially in a bureaucratic environment.

I worked for a large school district years ago, and we had similar issues occasionally. We once had a glitch with the statewide student test scores where hundreds were accidentally deleted, inexplicably. I don't think they ever really figured out how or why---it just happened.

Not everything is malicious or nefarious. And I don't think it's that surprising that no one replayed any of the interviews in the 6 months before they discovered the problem. Detectives take notes and there are often other officers, or coworkers ,watching from the adjacent room. So whatever they needed to hear in the interview has already been noted and so they quickly move on.
I think this fiasco illustrates the ethical line between trying to find reasonable doubt for your client amongst the facts of the case, versus creating conspiracies that you know are not true.

The Odinist theory isn't even the most insane theory these people are trying to astroturf. I am really not surprised to learn BM was pushing the drug gang / family connection after his behaviour over the Messer 'abduction'. They knew that was bogus and outrageous.

The reason why i criticise the 'Karen Read Template" is not to do with guilt or innocence in this case or that one. The point is guilt/innocence is determined by Jurors in the court room. The efforts to activate a supporter movement outside the courtroom in order to contaminate or hang the jury is simply bonkers.

It's especially shocking to me that multiple counsel would be involved in seeding conspiracies via court motions and cutouts.

I'll die on this hill!

A few thoughts of mine that I toss around. Odinism, almost similar to the 'satanic panic' that many people feared in the 1980s. It got a lot of attention, people took notice to accusations of human sacrifice. It took focus away from Richard Allen, and that theory was looked at by some in LE at one time. The defense would not need to prove this theory, simply supply reasonable doubt to a jury. Fear, evil pagans vs helpful CVS worker.

As for KAK, I totally believe the defense wants to stay far, far away from him. Should this end up being a CSAM crime that would make a connection between Richard Allen and KAK/TK/AS. For me, it's very interesting the defense is not pointing the finger at A.S account.

RL, don't think RL would have caught the attention and or interest as evil pagans.

Just my honest opinion.
THIS is indeed interesting. IMO
I wouldn’t expect the state to, as the state has revealed very little of their theory in court documents. There’s basically no reason.

The defense, on the other hand, seems to be going with the SODDI defense and I’m pretty sure we all know there’s massive conjecture that it was actually a group of pedophiles engaging in behavior that ultimately led to the murder. It is somewhat interesting that instead of going with this theory, of which I feel there’s way more evidence than a weird odinism sacrifice, they went with the weird odinism sacrifice.

For all we know, the reason the defense isn’t touching any of that with a 10 foot pole is because KAK or related individuals actually do show up in discovery and they want to stay away from introducing the idea that RA may somehow be related to the “ring” or whatever.

That is also my belief, the D is keeping KAK and RA as far apart from each other as possible.

The prosecution doesn’t get to arbitrarily decide what is exculpatory and what evidence have to give to the defense. They’re supposed to give everything over, so it’s a completely fair trial and everyone has the same facts.

You keep saying this, but that's not what Brady says. Maybe that's how you think it should be, but the defense is only guaranteed materially exculpatory information. If it was "everything", and a case could be dismissed because the defense didn't get "everything", then no case would ever get prosecuted because it's an unreasonable burden. That napkin the detective scrawled a phone number on five years ago was thrown away after the fact? DISMISSED!

RA is the one on trial, not anyone else. There are limits to the SODDI defense, and the defense is not guaranteed the right to effectively try a different person at RA"s trial. They would do a lot of good to develop things like a basic alibi, but instead they're throwing all of their weight behind trying to find procedural errors. I can almost guarantee you that they have zero actual interest in the BH interview, they're just hoping they can get a Brady violation out of it and get the case dismissed.

I have a hunch that quite a few folks will be feeling pretty foolish when this does eventually get to trial, everything is laid out, and the defense's ridiculous antics are undeniable. The way they have twisted truth and reality will be laid bare.

No....the gag order prevents the people under it from talking to the media. Circumventing it by sneaking through the content creator back door to get your message out is probably not illegal (?) since YouTubers are not media.

The Defense has proven this to be the case since the filing of their first Franks Memo.


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