Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #188

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One, you're conflating the gag order and protective order relating to discovery. See attached for the actual gag order. I made reference to material covered under both of these.

The main issue with 1 and 2 combined is that in order for CW to draft the motion, she had to have been made aware of materials that were bound by the protective order. She specifically makes reference to discovery materials, and the substance of those discovery materials. So, either she is actually on the defense team and violated the gag order when she posted on Twitter about it, or the defense team violated the protective order when she drafted the motion for parity. There's not a lot of gray area there.

The element you did not address was regarding MH, a member of the defense team as of at least March 2024 (as referenced in the motion for parity). He was allegedly revealing the substance of discovery materials to random people unrelated to the defense team in order to have these "influencers" skew public opinion of RA. That is, 100%, a violation of the protective order if true. And I'd say warrants further investigation.

People are probably not liking to feel they've been duped by these seemingly pillars of the legal world involved with the defending of Richard Allen? Too bad that, IMO, because it can only make the court system better if there's illumination on all. Whistleblowing on unethical and possibly even illegal activities is the honorable thing to do. There IS a price to pay for bad actions. AJMO
I really wish the MS youtubers would just go on a live with the people they are accusing (who have offered to talk like adults about it) and get it all out in the open.

And I think we ALL would be embarrassed to have our private conversations made public the way youtubers Aine and Kevin did to CW so I really do not blame her for being mad. It was a crappy thing to do and not at all professional.

They got a headline out of it though, so mission accomplished. Future juors may see it and be influenced. Clap clap clap.

It was a crappy thing what CW and company did.

I would NOT be clapping that future jurors would see it.

IMO, CW has her own issues and yes, it would have been cool to have CW and company on the podcast but they declined to answer them so that's on CM & company as that was their choice. JMO
Regarding this: in keeping with ToS I won’t sleuth her. I actually don’t care who she is or what her line of work is. If she’s from out of state, does she even know the family personally? How many of the content creators actually do? They’re all entitled to their opinions even if we don’t agree or wish we hadn’t heard them. Unless she engaged in slander or libel or some other unlawful act…. Then so be it. Can’t really stop her. I wonder if she would have a case for wrongful dismissal if she were fired for this since it has nothing to do with whatever work she does? She could be a policy maker social worker vs directly case managing or advocacy for anyone. Who knows? She is entitled to her opinions.

You asked.
I responded.

Why then, did you ask for her credentials?
Surely you were not baiting someone into going outside TOS?
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It was a crappy thing what CW and company did.

I would NOT be clapping that future jurors would see it.

IMO, CW has her own issues and yes, it would have been cool to have CW and company on the podcast but they declined to answer them so that's on CM & company as that was their choice. JMO

I was talking about Bob Motta's invitation to Aine and Kevin. He gave them more than 24 hours notice and they ignored him. Not surprising.

I was talking about Bob Motta's invitation to Aine and Kevin. He gave them more than 24 hours notice and they ignored him. Not surprising.

Oh, well in the post from you that I quoted, Mottas name was not there and sounded like you were discussing the other clowns .

sorry for the confusion.
I was talking about Bob Motta's invitation to Aine and Kevin. He gave them more than 24 hours notice and they ignored him. Not surprising.

Not at all surprising to me that they didn't want to attend a podcast hosted by the very people they find reprehensible in their words and actions. What was surprising to me was that CW didn't chose to attend. Just my thoughts
Beautiful public post from Becky Patty.

BP is classy and full of grace.
I wish that everyone would take just a moment and think about what it must be like to stand in her shoes!
Not at all surprising to me that they didn't want to attend a podcast hosted by the very people they find reprehensible in their words and actions. What was surprising to me was that CW didn't chose to attend. Just my thoughts

Not to mention Motta was a named, active contributor in the messages and said that Murder Sheet is in his “Zone of Pain.”

Whatever that means.


I’ll report and ask whether Defense Diaries is an allowed source here since posters are referencing as though it were despite the principals’ demonstrated hypocrisy and lack of credibility.

Not at all surprising to me that they didn't want to attend a podcast hosted by the very people they find reprehensible in their words and actions. What was surprising to me was that CW didn't chose to attend. Just my thoughts

I agree....I wish she had.
I’ll report and ask whether Defense Diaries is an allowed source here since posters are referencing as though it were despite the principals’ demonstrated hypocrisy and lack of credibility.


Thank you!

Since they are being disparaged by the Murder Sheets, an approved source, it seems only fair that we can at least mention their names and discuss them. It would be hard to talk about the Murder Sheets complaints without saying their names.

BP is classy and full of grace.
I wish that everyone would take just a moment and think about what it must be like to stand in her shoes!

She's always so on top of things. Doesn't miss a thing. Libby looks so adorable in that pic of her frowning. What a cute baby she was and beautiful girl.

She's always so on top of things. Doesn't miss a thing. Libby looks so adorable in that pic of her frowning. What a cute baby she was and beautiful girl.


LG has a radiance in her smile that most people can only wish to have.
She was SO full of life!

How sad that it was stolen!
LG has a radiance in her smile that most people can only wish to have.
She was SO full of life!

How sad that it was stolen!

Yes. My favorite video of her is the one where she's behind Kelsi (who is fake frowning) and she slides up toward her. You can really see her personality and why everyone loved her.
Thank you!

Since they are being disparaged by the Murder Sheets, an approved source, it seems only fair that we can at least mention their names and discuss them. It would be hard to talk about the Murder Sheets complaints without saying their names.


There’s a difference between saying their names and citing unlinked YouTube content.

I’d like to clarify a one-time use allowance for whatever episode you keep referring to. Certainly, though, one is not compelled to listen to it before critiquing it.

I’m certain he followed my predicted playbook:

1) Normalize
2) Minimize
3) Cheer on the amazing professionalism of his sorry band of unethical morons

Did he deny it? My guess is no, he can’t deny it because there are receipts. So instead they’ll spin it using a playbook older than dirt — something an old warhorse might remember.

Is there a standardized license required to do this sort of work? I can't seem to find info that says X is required, and X is the oversight body??
I don't know if Indiana has a legal requirement or not. But it seems like common sense is required.

B and R have already had bad outcomes with leaks coming from their organisation. I'd think they'd want to lock down those kinds of situations in the future. Having 4 of their closest inner circle hanging out in a Discord group chat, discussing the case strategy and 'making' future plan ideas to take to the defense team seems risky and problematic.

Just the fact that there are defense team members, like CW, openly discussing the release of the jurors info, to anyone who volunteers, is a bad look. It is unprofessional, if not technically illegal. IMO
Why should we take HIS word for it? Why can't we see it for ourselves? In entirity?
So now you want them to release all the screenshotted messages publicly? Do you think CW really wants that?

I suppose they will if CW and MH etc, call for that. But I doubt they will.

But if they keep accusing MS of being misleading they might release all of the messages. That is probably not in CW's best interest. IMO

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