Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #188

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The account “the unraveling” was 3 people- 1 man and 2 women. They all used the same password to access their “unraveling” accounts, Twitter YouTube etc. one of the women primarily used the Twitter account.

The man became angry with the women for some reason and went into all of the accounts and changed the password, Locking the 2 women out.

Then, I’m assuming as some sort of revenge, he gave the password to murder sheet to scour all of the private conversations for their little expose. Then he deactivated the accounts which somehow deleted the group chats etc. I’m not familiar enough to explain that part.

The man, the owner of said accounts, became disgusted and shocked by the others. He wanted no part of it. It was not revenge, it was whistleblowing. All just my interpretation but talked about by the man himself in part three of the three-part MS podcast series.

And here we are on Websleuths talking about it. Gobsmacked, I tell ya.

True enough, but only because some 'professionals' who've worked with the Defence Team (so subject to same legal restrictions/gag order), and on behalf of it, decided to violate the gag orders in place and discuss the deets outside of their professional and secure workplace in a very unprofessional and unethical manner. And, with some uninvolved members of the public having access/participation/non-unauthorized legal access too.

Lucky us. Indeed - I am gobsmacked.
The man, the owner of said accounts, became disgusted and shocked by the others. He wanted no part of it. It was not revenge, it was whistleblowing. All just my interpretation but talked about by the man himself in part three of the three-part MS podcast series.

I agree, I see it as whistleblowing as well. Posting on internet is not like the old days when letters could be burned, nothing is private when a group is involved. I’m shocked that none of this group is more cautious - especially if becoming involved in a professional capacity - of this old but true adage -

*Never Write Down What You Don't Want Others to Know*​

IMO it serves them right that they were outed. They ought to be ashamed of their foolish, thoughtless and arrogant behaviour. Hopefully they might learn something from this and realize how over the line they acted and back away from their power trip to nowhere.

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