Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #188

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DNA Solves
I definitely agree with you. I think we’d all agree that we would want to protect the dignity of the victims and save the family from being re-traumatized but releasing some info is going to prompt the public to give tips and information to keep the investigation active.

We heard in the early years the original prosecutor Ives discussed the 3-4 “signatures” found at the scene. This seems like something helpful for the public to know more about in case it could trigger someone to call in and identify a group or persons. I wonder if these signatures were also what connected the crimescene of the murdered elderly couple in Kentucky. I believe that one had religious tones to it. I don’t think we have heard how LE is relating these signatures in RAs case.

all MOO
I am unfamiliar with a murdered couple from Kentucky - where may I find more info on this? Sounds worth learning more about!
Oh so they were inept and foolish on purpose so the judge they've been trashing and hounding for months and months, all the way to the SCOIN, could stay because that was really their intention? To what purpose did they maybe do this clever thing? To influence the public and therefor prospective jurors? And that kind of unethical skulduggery seems clever? Ya got my head spinning on this one...I just don't see it. I think is was probably just a lack of legal intelligence, plain and simple. I wonder who actual wrote those redundant briefs and who thought it was a good idea? Maybe the zealous pro bono people were the ones that messed up? But then again AB & BR, the buck stops with them doesn't it? Just some thoughts.
I think if it was intentional, their reasons are their own. I can’t begin to imagine why they may want to highlight her failure to rule on their motion. Similarity, if it was an oversight on their part, then so be it. Mistakes do happen. Doesn’t seem to have actually affected the trial that I can see so…. Here is hoping the trial happens in Oct as scheduled.
I suspect the odds are better the defense will file something to delay the hearings, like they've done ad nauseam. JMO
Possibly. Perhaps we will hear some more disclosure has not been included to the D, or that other interviews were recorded over or are unavailable or didn’t happen etc. Maybe they’ll spar with NM over some motion he may yet make to ban their use of certain words at trial… who knows. Should be an interesting pre trial and few months leading up to trial.

I wanted to add to this; although I participate in this discussion, I have not lost sight of the fact that two kids were killed and two families and many loved ones are forever altered. As interesting as I find the court proceedings, I would just as soon live in a world where these were not necessary as that would mean we live in a better world than we actually do. I wish peace and closure to the families and loved ones and hope that if RA is guilty that the state can prove their case.
I’m hoping they happen and that matters get resolution! A lot of times I feel like JG never really actually gets anything accomplished or settled at hearings. She just decides to hear it later or not hear it at all (eg: no hearing on her removal of B&R). Mooooo.
And I see it exactly the opposite, the defense have been the ones throwing up roadblocks to the case going to trial at every turn. Their track record speaks for itself and speaks volumes's deafening really, how unprepared and inept they've acted to date.
Of course AJMO
And I see it exactly the opposite, the defense have been the ones throwing up roadblocks to the case going to trial at every turn. Their track record speaks for itself and speaks volumes's deafening really, how unprepared and inept they've acted to date.
Of course AJMO
I imagine we will see if and when a trial actually happens how prepared either side was. In the end, all I really care about is that they get the right person(s) for the crime and get them put away. If that takes a long time, so be it. Make it as fair as possible to the accused so that if convicted it sticks.
I imagine we will see if and when a trial actually happens how prepared either side was. In the end, all I really care about is that they get the right person(s) for the crime and get them put away. If that takes a long time, so be it. Make it as fair as possible to the accused so that if convicted it sticks.
Yes the trial will tell. Hopefully this nonsense with trying to get the judge kicked off the case and SM personalities and the defense collusion can just stop and all can do their talking in court.
**fingers and toes crossed**

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