Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #189

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February 13--girls go missing
February 14--girls found
February 15--autopsies performed from morning til past noon, preliminary results at 3 pm news conference, announced that they weren't disclosing method of death
Autopsies confirm bodies are those of 2 missing Indiana girls
February 17--BH interviewed by by FBI at Delphi police
March 1--"Tony Liggett stated in a report that there were no leads required concerning Brad Holder, meaning that it was not necessary for law enforcement to continue to look for leads related to Brad Holder."
March 16--"By March 16, 2023, Unified Command member Kevin Hammond wrote that “Brad Holder has been cleared.”
(quotes bout 3/1 and 3/16 from the memorandum in support of a Frank's motion Adobe Acrobat)

Given that the bodies were found less than 24 hours after they went missing and the autopsy on Wed happened less than 48 hours after going missing, by Fri Feb 17 they would have a pretty good picture already of TOD--definitely enough to tell at the least whether they had been killed Monday afternoon vs middle of the night Tue.
Thank you for putting this timeline together. Much appreciated!
I was just looking for news about the 3 day Hearing....Day One (recaps).

It was my first time seeing that judge and Richard Allen (full body) being marched to the court room between two guards or officers. I've seen his face, but never really him.

I didn't realise he was so short!

It was actually the first thing that went through my head and came out of my mouth - he is really short.

If I was a witness I would have mentioned it as it isn't something you'd miss - not if that person stands out between two tall men like he just did when I was watching it.

Is he that short or are those men escorting him (Day 1) just tall?

Anyone know.

Per IDOC, height is 55. which we’ve discussed is likely 5’5”


But common sense should still hold true. There is video time stamped evidence which show what time the girls were forced off the bridge. Their bodies were found nearby, and forensics and blood splatter evidence shows they were killed at the place they were found.

We also know they stopped responding to their cell phone around 3:30 pm. ...So ,all together, that is pretty important evidence that shows what time they were kidnapped and were last known to be alive and well.

The speculation that they were taken from the area and then returned and dumped in the area that was actively being searched is just that---pure speculation. I see no evidence of that and it seems very far fetched. IMO

The theory that a group of Odinists could have returned to the search area and committed a ritual killing, while family, friends and first responders were still searching throughout the night seems unlikely. Why would they take such a risk when they had already safely gotten away with the kidnapped girls?

Why not go to another remote area to do the ritual instead of one where people were already on the lookout?
I don’t recall reading anything about forensics and blood spatter evidence at a crime scene that indicated that the girls were killed at that location? Everything that I’ve read said that the crime scene was remarkably clean? Do you know what document that was in so I can look it up? I don’t need a link I can find it myself if you know the name of it.
I was just looking for news about the 3 day Hearing....Day One (recaps).

It was my first time seeing that judge and Richard Allen (full body) being marched to the court room between two guards or officers. I've seen his face, but never really him.

I didn't realise he was so short!

It was actually the first thing that went through my head and came out of my mouth - he is really short.

If I was a witness I would have mentioned it as it isn't something you'd miss - not if that person stands out between two tall men like he just did when I was watching it.

Is he that short or are those men escorting him (Day 1) just tall?

Anyone know.
He’s 5’4”, and I believe one of the PCA witnesses said that she came up to BGs shoulder, so she must have been like 4’4” MOO
Wait...what? I missed this. Do you have a source? I have read/watched so much today it is all starting to blur together!
It’s just been from notes of people who attended the hearing so far so we will have to see if the “approved source” picks up this very important moment where Holeman screams at Murphy after his deposition asking “what the F was that and how the F did they get it!!” about the odin report. MOO IMO
I don’t recall reading anything about forensics and blood spatter evidence at a crime scene that indicated that the girls were killed at that location? Everything that I’ve read said that the crime scene was remarkably clean? Do you know what document that was in so I can look it up? I don’t need a link I can find it myself if you know the name of it.
The investigators involved in the case believe the girls were killed near to where they were recovered. Abby had likely been washed off, but the blood spatter at the base of the F tree probably indicates Libby was killed there. A bullet was found between the two bodies, and you don’t cycle an unspent round to intimidate dead people.

IMO, the speculation was that the murderer washed the bodies, not that they were killed far away. Maybe they were even stabbed in the water and bled out there?

The last photo of them is on the bridge. The video of BG is on the bridge. Some of their clothing was found in the creek. A witness saw a man walking away from the crime scene covered in mud or blood, which means the crime had to have happened in the woods and he was walking away from the crime after it was committed.IMO
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As an aside i do wonder if it’s time for a new jusdicial/criminal IT infrastructure for discovery which the D is eventually given access rights to rather than trying to transfer files in bulk.

i was imagining personally i have 30TB or more of data and if i had to transfer it to someone, of course what they would end up with is a vast amount of files with no real sense to them.

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