Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #191

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In the confessions, Harshman said Allen spoke “very specifically” about some of the details of the crime including his alleged motivations.”
SBM for focus: I really want to know what RA is alleged to have said about his motivations for the crime and which details he spoke "very specifically" about. And as so many members who are favorable to the defense's position have said repeatedly about this most recent hearing and testimony,

I want to read it in the transcript, not hear MS or anyone else's interpretation of what was said. JMO
From your post

"Not to mention, if the photo was submitted to evidence for this case, it certainly shouldn’t have been destroyed. I don’t see any excuse that would make it acceptable for law enforcement to destroy evidence."
True. It shouldn’t be destroyed and I don’t see an excuse to destroy it. None of that is stating or claiming as fact that anyone destroyed anything. Please don’t twist my words to claim that I said things that I did not say.
True. It shouldn’t be destroyed and I don’t see an excuse to destroy it. None of that is stating or claiming as fact that anyone destroyed anything. Please don’t twist my words to claim that I said things that I did not say.
I apologize if you disagree.
I honestly don't think that I twisted your words.
Maybe I am misunderstanding.
Sure. I guess i just find all of the scrutiny of these types of documents irrelevant.

What matters is the exhibits at trial, and related testimony.

We'll get the answers to all that in due course.

If LE had something tested, are they obligated to provide the results of the test(s) to the Defense regardless of whether the findings support their case or not?
AKA, the Murdaugh trial. Where the Defense refused to agree to stipulations in advance, so there was hours of the aforementioned kind of testimony.
I can totally see that happening in this case. You know they would then say the state took so long to present their case they didn't have enough time to present theirs. There is always a way to spin things so they are somehow receiving the short end of the stick and it's never ever their own fault for their actions or inactions.
I cannot imagine even one reason why an innocent person would confess 61 times to murdering two teens - under any circumstances. Just by voicing it, each time he had to have personal awareness that he was capable of committing such an act. And 61 times? It can’t be written of as no big deal. It’s an open window to inside of RA’s head.

I hope the entire set of confessions are eventually released to the public for study - regardless of outcome of the trial. I hope we also learn about the things going on in those moments for him - what preceeded each one? Did making statements garner him any extra privileges or attention? Did it lead to some amount of freedom (eg: a trip out of his cell to the infirmary or a mental hospital?)…. Going to be super interesting to pick them all apart after! If he is in fact guilty, then knowing so much more might really help future cases imo!
I apologize if you disagree.
I honestly don't think that I twisted your words.
Maybe I am misunderstanding.
I can only be responsible for the actual words that I said. I did not make any direct accusations. I cannot be responsible for the way that my words are being twisted and interpreted by the reader.
I understand that the state’s guy is considered an expert and will have way more experience than I do, however, I do not see that as being from LG’s hand as she clutched the tree. I cannot imagine one being mortally wounded and removing their hand from the wound except maybe to defend against another incoming blow.

The scenario the blood spatter expert was describing had Libby reaching back behind her with her hand (would have to be left hand). I was not clear on how high up the tree the blood was, so I wasn't sure if he was meaning that she grabbed at it after stumbling backward after the first injury to her neck or if she grabbed it once she had collapsed to sitting on the ground against/close to the tree (he determined the standing to sitting from the blood spatter on the ground).
He found religion and wanted to cleanse his soul. He wanted to be with his family in the afterlife and decided the best way to do that was by confessing.

It’s only after his family started to reject him he reverted back to the same selfish person he was before he found God.

ETA - people who find God wouldn’t lie about what they have done because they are trying to Atone for the evil they have committed. It’s about cleansing the souls after all. If he was innocent he would have nothing to Fear!!!

I wonder, if he subscribes to a faith that involves official confession (eg: Catholicism has the sacrament of Confession or reconciliation). If he does subscribe to such a faith, why confess to anyone other than a priest from his faith (or whatever the equivalent might be in any faith he may subscribe to)? I wonder if he has since met with an official from whatever faith he subscribes to?
SBM for focus: I really want to know what RA is alleged to have said about his motivations for the crime and which details he spoke "very specifically" about. And as so many members who are favorable to the defense's position have said repeatedly about this most recent hearing and testimony,

I want to read it in the transcript, not hear MS or anyone else's interpretation of what was said. JMO

I agree but considering it’s unusual not one reporter published exact quotes of any of RA’s confessions nor his motivation, it’s possible Harshman spoke only in generalities rather than revealing specific information as that will occur during RA’s trial. JMO
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Well that’s backwards. A 2012 photo cannot ‘fake’ a crime scene that doesn’t happen until in 2017.

Is the word supposed to be ‘replicate’? Regardless Odinism has already passed its day, regardless of how panicked or desperate the D get. IMO verging upon totally ridiculous. They’ve no other way to defend RA because they put all their eggs in one basket?

I think they just meant there were components of this older image that were similar in nature to the crime scene so they felt it could be related in some way and worth looking into.
I wonder, if he subscribes to a faith that involves official confession (eg: Catholicism has the sacrament of Confession or reconciliation). If he does subscribe to such a faith, why confess to anyone other than a priest from his faith (or whatever the equivalent might be in any faith he may subscribe to)? I wonder if he has since met with an official from whatever faith he subscribes to?

It said he found god so to me it doesn’t sound like he was religious before. Being alone with his thoughts maybe gave him some clarity.

Only in a utopian world could someone be arrested and either convicted or acquitted the very next day. The D refused the right of a speedy trial on RA’s behalf, that’s as quickly to trial as it can get.

What if while RA was free he was slaughtered by an angry friend or relative of the victims? He wouldn’t have the opportunity to defend his innocence period, is that fair? JMO
People are held in jail when they are awaiting their trials, not prison. No one is saying he should be out, just held in the right facility.
It’s as if RA has gotten stuck in a time loop. The prison issues were already in the forefront a year ago when the D asked that he be moved the first time. Now it’s used once again, this time to account for his confessions. It’s apparent the reason the D was frantic to get him moved was to shut him up.

Since then RA appears to have settled down so the move was approved but I don’t think the prison conditions are going to satisfactorily explain the confessions.


“The attorneys said Allen had been treated like a “prisoner of war,” afforded little recreation and was unable to visit family.

That eventually led to a July 19, 2023, hearing in which Special Judge Fran Gull ruled that Allen had been “treated more favorably” than others being held at Westville.”
If you were his lawyer, and you had concerns (or were just throwing concerns out to the public to see if they’d stick) about odinism as a part of this case, how content would you be with your client in prison, dealing with staff members who were wearing Odin patches etc? I dunno, I’m not a lawyer, but that would concern me as his lawyer. I’d be keen to get him out of there as well for that alone! MOOOO
I think they just meant there were components of this older image that were similar in nature to the crime scene so they felt it could be related in some way and worth looking into.

Surely there were not two dead bodies in the image? If it was simply an outdoor scene littered with branches, that can be found anywhere with trees. But each of the defense witnesses already testified the POIs could not be placed in Delphi during the time of the crime. LE use their judgement in what they think is worth looking into, and that no POI could be directly linked becomes an investigative avenue that turns into yet another dead end. If the D intend to use it as a defense for RA, that will depend on the Judge’s ruling and if that goes against them, hopefully that’s accepted and they’re able to move on. JMO
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