AB's involvement?

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves

Where do you stand on AB's involvement?

  • AB was completely clueless until the afternoon Zhra was reported missing

    Votes: 9 2.4%
  • AB was oblivous until the morning of the fire

    Votes: 5 1.3%
  • Ab was not involved with Zahra's death but completely involved in disposal

    Votes: 19 5.1%
  • AB was soley responsible for what happened to Zahra and her disposal

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • AB killed Zahra

    Votes: 2 0.5%
  • AB was involved in the death and cover up of Zahra.

    Votes: 71 18.9%
  • Adam and Elisa were both equally complicit

    Votes: 94 25.1%
  • AB contributed to death by negligence; Involved in cover-up *except* for disposal

    Votes: 14 3.7%
  • AB contributed to Zahra's death through negligence and was involved in the cover up and disposal

    Votes: 138 36.8%
  • Leaning towards AB was in denial- but all depends on what was found in the house.

    Votes: 15 4.0%
  • Other: Not sure how AB is involved. Can't condemn him for Zahra's demise, as yet...I need more infor

    Votes: 35 9.3%
  • I think AB was involved and so was EB...

    Votes: 12 3.2%

  • Total voters
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Well I watched it. I really want to believe him, but I can't.
Not saying that he's not involved, but damn, he done good!
Well I watched it. I really want to believe him, but I can't.
I can't. I don't. I see contempt, disgust, a little fear (especially when he talks about "Tom" - Tom Adkins Hickory Police Chief). Funny how he worded his response when talking about "finding who's responsible".

He didn't want to do this interview. He was annoyed by it. Notice when he's asked about EB and her involvement he looks over - to his left - probably at his attorney for clues, assistance of what to say.

This is simply his attorney's attempt at posturing. Whether AB has told his attorney everything or what happened doesn't matter. BTW MOST defense attorneys don't want to know if you did it and will tell you not to tell them anything. But, his attorney knows AB is going to go down for SOMETHING - even if it is just simply "child neglect" - like they first charged ICA with.

When oh when are they going to get those lab results back?
Noted that he looked over to his lawyer when asked about EB's involvement. Sort of a "can I answer this one" glance?
I see a father that loved his daughter, and I see guilt and remorse. But I also see it being more for what may happen to him. I've never doubted AB loved Zahra, I just think it was an after thought. Maybe so much of his life had been dedicated to taking care of her, that he found freedom from that when he got here with EB. Maybe none of this would have ever happened had it not been for the two of them meeting, but it did. And whatever "it" was it spiraled out of control and Zahra died and the two of them chopped her up and disposed of her. He may honestly regret that now...but it's too late.
Noted that he looked over to his lawyer when asked about EB's involvement. Sort of a "can I answer this one" glance?

Yes I picked up on that too. My guess is that guilty or innocent he's pretty PO'ed at her right now. The interviewer also backtracks a little so the lawyer must have signaled that he didn't want that line of questioning.
If anyone finds or makes a transcript of the additional material, I would be happy to copy it over to the interview thread.
Noted that he looked over to his lawyer when asked about EB's involvement. Sort of a "can I answer this one" glance?

Yep.. but then I would expect that....his atty is there for that reason I'd think...to advise him on answering questions of that sort. He hedged the question a bit....which again I would expect, given the situation...
I disagree teh. He (probably) always had his freedom. In Oz you can bet that KB took full charge of Zahra. From the basics of feeding, clothing and housing - down to the "kiss the boo-boos" and time schedules for meds and dr. appts. = EVERYTHING. AB went to work, came home and was "doting father", got to do some of the "fun stuff" - the playing, maybe reading bedtime stories, watching/playing TV and video games. But he was only a peripheral player in the caring for her - especially the medical. I'll bet he never attended a physicians/hospital consultation about Zahra and her cancer and care without KB sitting right there next to him. And she probably asked more questions.

When he came here, he just unconciously expected for EB to pick up where KB left off. What he didn't see (or bank on) was that EB had absolutely no emotional attachment to Zahra - nor did she want one. Zahra to EB was a burden and it pi$$ed her off. So much so that she beat her to death.

AB loved her - in his own unique way. But once she was gone - his survival instincts kicked in and he did what HE THOUGHT he had to do to keep his said freedom.
The video stopping and starting is maddening....hard to gauge anything watching it that way.IMO:furious:
I think he's lying through his teeth. But, that's just me.

Maybe I'm just really gullible :-(

OK. Telling myself do not forget the 911 call... or the disposal of the mattress...or the fact that painting/covering up in the house would have taken days...or that Z was not in school this year....
When it comes down to brass tacks, I just find it impossible to believe that someone could be that completely and utterly stupid as to not notice all these things going on around him. It just defies common sense. I don't think he took part in the physical abuse, but I believe with my whole heart that he knew about it, watched it and did nothing to stop it. I also believe he was completely involved in the disposal of her body.
I see a man full of regret and fear who likely wishes he could go back in time and put the welfare of his daughter on his list of priorities. Too little, too late again for me.
Maybe I'm just really gullible :-(

OK. Telling myself do not forget the 911 call... or the disposal of the mattress...or the fact that painting/covering up in the house would have taken days...or that Z was not in school this year....

You're not gullible, Mommy2. I think ALOT of us have to remind ourselves of ALOT of things in this case. I know I sure do.
What did you think of everything that they did tonight?
"I thought it was really ...very nice. Very appropriate."
Now, you wanted to be there?
"Yeah.... I would have liked to have gone but I didn't want everybody to take their focus off of Zahra. Which, everyone needs to get some kind of closure."
Have you experienced where people have yelled at you and
Said things...What have you heard? What have people said?
"That I'm a child abuser ... murderer."
People have called you a murderer?
What do you say to them?
"Everybody has their own opinion. There is no way in the world I would hurt my daughter."
So people need to know you didn't do this ?
"No (chokes up) There is no way I could do that to my baby."
You didn't dismember her?
"No...... NO."
(shows video of vigil)
What did it mean to you? The fact that they did this?
"It meant the world to me. Especially Tom speaking. I've had a lot of time with Tom and he's very down to earth, speaks from the heart. He pretty much summed up Zahra."
Where do you think it goes from here? I mean, there's alot ... what do you guys ..do you want to at some point go back to Australia? or do yo uwant to make your life here? Somewhere in the United States?
"Umm I think I'm gonna go back to Australia. I have a family here but most of my family and Zahra's family is in Australia."
Do you want to take Zahra back with you?
Do you think that's where she deserves to be or what to you think?
"I think that's where she would want to be. She has a lot of friends and family in Australia. They need her to be home."
Your over all thoughts? It's been a difficult day... but for the people that were out there today that were there to remember Zahra, what would you say to them ?
"I'd like to thank everybody for coming to the vigil. Thank the organizers, hickory police and all the other law enforcement agencies and the community for everything they have done for Zahra."
This has been a tough tough thing. You haven't really been able to say what you want to say, have you?
"No.It's been very hard to try and grieve for my daughter with everything that is going on. It's been very hard doing stuff without being looking at you. Yelling things."
Saying things to you?
Calling you murderer?
But you've got a positive outlook. Things are going to work you, do you believe?
"I just hope that the police get all the evidence they need to get the right result and justice for Zahra."
What is the right result?
"That whoever they find guilty of this ..."
Do you think Elisa was involved ?
(Looks to lawyer) "I haven't been given a whole lot of details of what's been going on"
Interviewer over speaking (Okay.... alright ...)
Overall thoughts ? We had the vigil tonight ... but this doesn't end .. I mean your still ... this doesn't end the grieving process...
"No. "
Your still hurting. Will the hurt ever go away do you think ?
"No .. there's uh... (phone ringing).... "
Will the hurt ever go away?
"No. There's no possible way to ever fill the hole left by my daughter. (choked up)"

Interviewer speaks with Karen Baker.
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