AB's involvement?

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DNA Solves

Where do you stand on AB's involvement?

  • AB was completely clueless until the afternoon Zhra was reported missing

    Votes: 9 2.4%
  • AB was oblivous until the morning of the fire

    Votes: 5 1.3%
  • Ab was not involved with Zahra's death but completely involved in disposal

    Votes: 19 5.1%
  • AB was soley responsible for what happened to Zahra and her disposal

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • AB killed Zahra

    Votes: 2 0.5%
  • AB was involved in the death and cover up of Zahra.

    Votes: 71 18.9%
  • Adam and Elisa were both equally complicit

    Votes: 94 25.1%
  • AB contributed to death by negligence; Involved in cover-up *except* for disposal

    Votes: 14 3.7%
  • AB contributed to Zahra's death through negligence and was involved in the cover up and disposal

    Votes: 138 36.8%
  • Leaning towards AB was in denial- but all depends on what was found in the house.

    Votes: 15 4.0%
  • Other: Not sure how AB is involved. Can't condemn him for Zahra's demise, as yet...I need more infor

    Votes: 35 9.3%
  • I think AB was involved and so was EB...

    Votes: 12 3.2%

  • Total voters
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But you've got a positive outlook. Things are going to work you, do you believe?
"I just hope that the police get all the evidence they need to get the right result and justice for Zahra."

What is the right result?
"That whoever they find guilty of this ..."

above snipped from posted transcription

get all the evidence they need to get the right result. Say what? And what "right result" would that be?

Funny he (nor KB) ever said anything about finding ALL of Zahra - wanting to lay her rest rest - fully. Yet he still hopes LE gets ALL the evidence.

Strange, very strange answer right there that is.

The result that doesn't include him..duh..:)
Adam Baker: Yeah. I would have liked to have gone, but I didn't want everybody to, uh, take their focus off Zahra, which, everybody needs to get some kind of closure.

That stuck out to me too. Don't know why exactly but it did.
Ok - but what he said before that - "get the right result". Man, how many greiving, hurting mothers and father have we seen on here that always say "we'll get YOU for this" or "this monster has to be caught" or "whoever is responsible for taking my daughter will pay". But never have I ever heard - "hope the police get all the evidence they need to get the right result". Its like he's talking about a science experiment.

Just a very "unusual" answer to a question we have all seen many others answer differently.

I think I heard ED make similar comments.... just that they want the right person convicted for their part.
I don't think AB is an overly emotional kinda person. As I posted earlier I HIGHLY suspect he has some social issues (perhaps aspergers or high functioning autism) by seeing the interviews and hearing comments from those that know him (ie; the elevator doesn't go all the way to the top). If that's the case his reactions, comments, and comments that aren't made are typical of someone with that disorder.
Very often I have found it's not what someone says..it's what they fail to say..
What I felt wasn't appropriate AT ALL was the way his mother beamed at him when the reporter said "he's your baby boy" or whatever the exact words were. This is not the time to be proud of him.............

It was almost an "isn't he marvelous!" kind of look.

I think any diagnosing of any "mental impairment' should be left to qualified professionals who have spent a great amount of time with AB. He had absolutely no problems functioning in the world before this.
I think I heard ED make similar comments.... just that they want the right person convicted for their part.
I don't think AB is an overly emotional kinda person. As I posted earlier I HIGHLY suspect he has some social issues (perhaps aspergers or high functioning autism) by seeing the interviews and hearing comments from those that know him (ie; the elevator doesn't go all the way to the top). If that's the case his reactions, comments, and comments that aren't made are typical of someone with that disorder.

There is no factual information that exists to support the theory that he has Asperger's syndrome or autism.

In my opinion he is a man guilty of something and doing his best to avert suspicion. All he is doing is speaking in a slow, careful, measured way, he is considering his answers before he speaks. He is not speaking from the heart.

It looks like his ploy has worked as there seems to be a few people who are buying his latest performance. This was a contrived affair by the Bakers and his lawyer in an attempt to sway some of the jury pool down the line. On a personal note, I'm happy he gave the interview and I hope he gives many more - because they will come back to bite him when he is arrested and stands trial.

If the police can prove that Zahra died before the 8th of October then Mr Baker will have a lot of explaining to do.
I think any diagnosing of any "mental impairment' should be left to qualified professionals who have spent a great amount of time with AB. He had absolutely no problems functioning in the world before this.

I said that *I* suspect. I wasn't diagnosing anyone.
There have been plenty here that aren't qualified professionals that have speculated Munchausen's (EB), BBP (EB) , psychopath (AB / EB) and sociopath (AB/EB) with various others thrown in. So I see nothing wrong in speculating that he could be Aspergers or is a high functioning autistic. I feel strongly that he comes across as such in his interviews and other interactions. Of course it's MOO and you don't have to agree, but it's completely within TOS I believe to speculate that it could be the case.

And I don't think we know for sure that he had "no problems" functioning in the world before this. As far as I know we know very little about his life and history outside of what has happened recently with Zahra.
There is no factual information that exists to support the theory that he has Asperger's syndrome or autism.

It looks like his ploy has worked as there seems to be a few people who are buying his latest performance. .

I'm not sure why I am getting jumped on for speculating that he could have one of these social disorders based on this and prior interviews and comments from those that knew him. Had I said I thought he was a sociopath no one would have questioned it (it's been said 100's of times in these threads).

And further, I'm not "buying" a new performance. I've pretty much always been on the side that we have no evidence that AB committed any crimes against Zahra.
I'm not sure why I am getting jumped on for speculating that he could have one of these social disorders based on this and prior interviews and comments from those that knew him. Had I said I thought he was a sociopath no one would have questioned it (it's been said 100's of times in these threads).

And further, I'm not "buying" a new performance. I've pretty much always been on the side that we have no evidence that AB committed any crimes against Zahra.

Belly, I'm not jumping, just putting my two cents in too. I'm allowed to do that also. I just have never, on ANY case, thought we needed arm chair Dr.'s. There is to much that goes into the correct diagnosis and there is no way any one can do it from snippets. I say that about the talking heads on the tee vee too.
Everyone step away from their keyboards for a second and take a breath. Try not to see people disagreeing with you as an attack. At the same time, don't be rude if you disagree.

Personally (JMHO), I don't care for armchair psych evaluations (for any player), but speculation is fine (as long as it is clearly labelled as speculation).

Carry on, and try not to get one each others' nerves, please.
I'm not sure why I am getting jumped on for speculating that he could have one of these social disorders based on this and prior interviews and comments from those that knew him. Had I said I thought he was a sociopath no one would have questioned it (it's been said 100's of times in these threads).

And further, I'm not "buying" a new performance. I've pretty much always been on the side that we have no evidence that AB committed any crimes against Zahra.

Did it seem like I am jumping on you? Sorry, I didn't mean it that way. I guess I see your comments as an attempt to abrogate him of any wrong doing, based on some quasi mental defect, when I believe the reality is far simpler.
I get your point completely bellyup and you are right. You posted that you suspect. Clearly speculation, which is allowed.

You are also right that many times posters toss around sociopath and psycopath and all those unflattering diagnosis so I can see why you are feeling singled out for having suggested a social disorder is responsible for AB's er interesting affect.

The folks who prefer we not diagnose AB with mental health or social disorders tend to be the type of poster who disagree with ANY diagnosis (even the easy to reach for when angry with the topic of discussion diagnosis of psycho and socio, etc.)

hugs kids.

Soup anyone?

NOTE: soup today is ferre roche chocolates.
Sorry teh and darnudes. It's just I am pretty firmly in the "we can't convict AB camp in the court of WS opinion" with what little we already know. There is NO evidence at all right now that we know of that indicates he hurt Zahra aside from EB's accusations (which... yeah....I'm not going there).

Every time I (or anyone else) posts anything that shows slight support of him it seems as if we get jumped on (not just by you ... there are only a few of us who are still thinking he COULD be innocent). It gets frustrating that he's already been tried and convicted here ... and the only comments that seem acceptable are if they point to his guilt.
{{belly}} I have been on a fence before. It is not a comfortable place to be when the majority of members feel differently. Just remember, if you are going to take up an unpopular cause or position here, it really pays to develop thick skin and just hang in.

I am speaking from experience. Being on the fence is no easy place to be and not for teh faint at heart.
{{belly}} I have been on a fence before. It is not a comfortable place to be when the majority of members feel differently. Just remember, if you are going to take up an unpopular cause or position here, it really pays to develop thick skin and just hang in.

I am speaking from experience. Being on the fence is no easy place to be and not for teh faint at heart.

so in the end .... were you right ? LOL :crazy::crazy:
Sorry teh and darnudes. It's just I am pretty firmly in the "we can't convict AB camp in the court of WS opinion" with what little we already know. There is NO evidence at all right now that we know of that indicates he hurt Zahra aside from EB's accusations (which... yeah....I'm not going there).

Every time I (or anyone else) posts anything that shows slight support of him it seems as if we get jumped on (not just by you ... there are only a few of us who are still thinking he COULD be innocent). It gets frustrating that he's already been tried and convicted here ... and the only comments that seem acceptable are if they point to his guilt.

I can see that and see things from your point of view. You've chosen to take an unpopular stance and I guess it is quite worthy that you have decided to wait till there are more facts available. You think he may be innocent, I don't. Just don't take disagreement as people jumping on you, as that is not the case from me at all.
I think I heard ED make similar comments.... just that they want the right person convicted for their part.
I don't think AB is an overly emotional kinda person. As I posted earlier I HIGHLY suspect he has some social issues (perhaps aspergers or high functioning autism) by seeing the interviews and hearing comments from those that know him (ie; the elevator doesn't go all the way to the top). If that's the case his reactions, comments, and comments that aren't made are typical of someone with that disorder.

Not jumping on you, but most people with Asperger's and Austism don't murder or dismember anyone. I know a child with Asperger's. I think we're just a little sensitive because we know people with these disorders and no way in heck would we ever want to put AB in the same category. I know I cannot do it myself.
I beg to differ...soup today is bourbon and coke.

Which we can use to wash down our chocolates, right? =)

In all seriousness, whether AB is innocent or guilty, I do think any form of social disorder / autism spectrum / mental disability would weigh in. I agree than armchair diagnoses can get out of hand, and I see how throwing around clinical terms can get dangerous. However, if AB does have some affliction barring him from social judgment to some degree, this could be important on either side (and NOT as an excuse, get out of jail free card, etc).

If he's innocent - maybe it would help explain some of his odd behavior, or how he purportedly "didn't notice" EB abusing Zahra.

If guilty - maybe its another case of two alleged sociopaths finding each other. OR, perhaps it helped blur the line between fantasy and reality for AB... if he never really had a clear distinction to being with?

JMO. And you ALL have extremely valid, points, IMO. =)
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